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Karolinska Institutet Sweden, Stockholm

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Brendan Reardon brendanreardon
Scientist in the @vanallenlab at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and doctoral student with the Culhane lab at the University of Limerick

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard, and University of Limerick Boston, MA

Mingkee Achom miachom
Research Fellow | Genomics & Computational Biology

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Harvard Medical School United States

Zestel Shen metaspine
MD candidate, major in bone tumor, especially spinal metastasis; pupil in bioinformatics
Alexander Jordan, MD acjordan333
Clinical Fellow, Hematology/Oncology Program, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/MGB Postdoctoral Researcher, Wolpin-Nowak Lab and Van Allen Lab

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Junyang Deng DamarisDeng
Computational Biology @ Harvard Bioinformatics @ CUHKSZ

@Harvard Boston, MA

BioDawg JoJoTsui


Charleshen shenwanxiang
A data scientist, interested in Bioinformatics & Chemoinformatics

@mims-harvard Harvard Medical School Boston

Yutaro Tanaka yutarohtanaka
computational biologist @ dana-farber

dana-farber cancer institute / broad institute boston / tokyo

Minh Nguyen ducminhnguyenle

Tam Anh Research Institute (TAMRI) HCM city- Vietnam

Ian Dryg iddryg
Computational Scientist studying spatial biology in immuno oncology.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Seattle, WA

xiucz xiucz
Fangyuan (Chelsea) Chen ChelseaCHENX
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Harvard Medical School. Bioinformatics in immuno-oncology in breast cancer and public health.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA

Carol amatoc

Colorado, USA

Matthew Galvin galvinma
Software Architect at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Konrad Stawiski MD PhD kstawiski
Radiation oncologist, data scientist, bioinformatician. @ Med Uni Lodz ➡️ DFCI (Mouw Lab)

Medical University of Lodz, Poland Łódź, Poland

Shreya Johri sjohri20
PhD student

Harvard University Boston

FengSu flywind2


Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Daniel Rabizadeh dannyrabiz
Prostate Cancer Genomics

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Cancer systems biology • Single-cell phenomics