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Aswin Benny aswinbennyofficial
Purchase WinRaR to see this bio 😂

Kerala, India

Karthik Krishnan iamkarthik2004
2nd year Computer Science & Engineering Student at St. Joseph's College of Engineering & Technology, Palai


Pa Mu Selvakumar vanangamudi
An aspiring AI & AGI Cognitive Architectures Interactive Art enthusiast, and an Anarcho-Transhumanist

@saamaresearch Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

archit archit-spec
aiml enthusiast


Kartik Arora KartikWatts
full stack developer; contributing to open source.

Hanumangarh, Bharat

Manoj Kiran ManojKiranA

Postiefs Technologies Private Limited Coimbatore

Manoj T M manoj-blr
PHP, Laravel, MySQL, API (RESTful mainly), Performance Web Apps

Bengaluru, India

Vachan S Panicker vachan-maker
എല്ലാത്തിനും അതിന്റേതായ സമയമുണ്ട് ദാസാ...
Vivek K J vivekkj123
A 21st century teen, who loves programming, Web development, Etc.

IBM India Software Labs, Kochi Kerala, India

Rajat Sandeep rajatsandeepsen
FOSS Lead'24 @nexussjcet | CTO'24 @IEDC-SJCET | AI Engineering - DevOps - GenAI - Full Stack Dev

@ADSJCET Kerala, India

Jeffrey Jacob paperboi
Hobbyist Developer | Visual Designer at Signzy

UI/UX Designer Bangalore, India

Anoop anoopmsivadas



1)Indian Institute of Technology Madras 2)Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata Kolkata, India

Joshua Raison JoshuaRaison
Programmer || Computer Science Student && Full Stack Developer

Kerala ,India

Sanjai Kumar sanjai0py
Software Engineer @usebruno

@usebruno milky way, orion arm, earth, asia, india, tamil nadu, coimbatore.

sambit soulsam480
engineering @revenuehero. js and ruby mostly. aspiring Farmer

@revenuehero Namma Bengaluru

Mahesh Vagicherla b4s36t4
NodeJS, Python and Rust. Open-source ❤️.


Rasheed Rasheed073
Self learned MERN developer capable of learning and adapting the latest technologies


Muhammed Fayis PV Fayis-PV
Web Developer


Software Engineer @Boeing | Maintainer of | DevSecOps | Go | Python | Getting into 🦀


Jesbin jesb1n
The more you know, the more you don't know. | Student

Kochi, Kerala

Bijoy Sijo bijoysijo
Self-Taught Software Engineer | Writes Ruby Mostly Kerala,India

PSR Charan charansairam

HiPER Automotive ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು | Beṅgaḷūru

junaid junaidmgithub
Python programmer.

Velimukku, Malappuram, Kerala, India

Nikhil Eashy P nikhileashy
Computer science student,Graphics designer, editor

N A C BOTS @NACBots Kerala

Avikalp Kumar Gupta avikalpg
Founder of Vibinex Code Review @Alokit-Innovations || Tech Generalist || ex-@microsoft || IIT Kanpur, CSE 2016

@Alokit-Innovations India