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Andrei Jiroh Halili ajhalili2006
Building OSS at @recaptime-dev and @lorebooks-wiki (mostly backend dev in Deno and Node.js and BDFL), Autistic Filipino, @hackclub community member

@recaptime-dev (fiscally sponsored by @hackclub) The Philippines

El HATIMI Zakaria Zack4DEV
Software Developer, enthusiast with DevOps ,CI and CD.

@Zeh4DEV Rabat ,Morocco

Neon NeonGamerBot-QK
My robot is @zeon-neon

@FNBD-Development USA

Alice spectralo
building stupid shit and sometimes helping at @hackclub
ultimate_hecker ultimatehecker
program until i fall asleep at my desk
Nitika Astr0star
Hello! :3

in this cosmos

Luke Oldenburg Luke-Oldenburg
ux is a lost art


Leo Wilkin leowilkin
Self-proclaimed geek & web developer. Working at hcb operations @hackclub & organising a hackathon with the folks @Scrapyard-London

@hackclub UK