DO place actions in a reducer's directory.
Why?: actions are a core part of a reducer.
Why?: it's easier to maintain and manage actions in one place.
Note: look at actions for side effects here
DO name actions with a unique name and captial letters - VERB + NOUN.
DO name actions values with - Prefix + VERB + NOUN.
Why?: it's readable.
Why?: actions can be filtered and viewed in redux dev tool easily.
Why?: uniqueness is for making sure only one reducer handles the action.
const UPDATE_FILTER = '[PlayerSearch] UPDATE_FILTER';
const ADD_RESULTS = '[PlayerSearch] ADD_RESULTS';
DO name actions with suffix that indicate start or end of async operation.
DO name actions with suffixes which indicate start or end of async operation.
Why?: it's easier to maintain and understand.
DO use action creators for composing an action object.
DO place action creators in the reducerName.actions.ts file.
Why?: it's easier to reference to the actions.
DO use one of the following patterns for creating an action creator.
// a standalone function
export function updateFilter(payload: string): Action {
return { type: UPDATE_FILTER, payload }
/* as in ngrx-example-app */
export class UpdateFilterAction implements Action {
readonly type = UPDATE_FILTER;
constructor(public payload: string) { }
// as part of actions class
export const ActionTypes = {
export class PlayerSearchActions {
updateFilter = (payload: string) =>
({ type: ActionTypes.UPDATE_FILTER, payload });
// use ActionsCreatorFactory at:
// ~ npm i ngrx-action-creator-factory
// allows type check for the payload when used
export const updateFilter = ActionCreatorFactory.create<string>(ActionTypes.UPDATE_FILTER);