These are some of the ways you can contribute to OS.js:
- Open issues You can post any issues/bugs/requests to Github.
- Code Create a pull request to contribute to the codebase
- Translating Language support is a bit lacking, so any help is appreciated! Join the Translation team
- Testing Things are always changing, and automated tests are not enough to ensure everything is working 100%. Join the Testing team
- Documentation Found something in the homepage or documentation that does not seem right?
- Chat Join in our Gitter chat room for fun and tech talk!
- Community Join our community where you can post your ideas and questions etc (that does not fit into Github Issues)
- Anonymous tips Donate/tip anonymously with Gratipay
- Donate Donate via PayPal
- Support by becoming a Patreon
You can also submit patches and questions directly to me via email, but using GitHub is preferred.
You can find information about development here:
If you are a member of the official OS.js developer Team: