id | title |
morphir-testing-setup |
Morphir Testing Setup |
Elm's standard testing library is elm-test. You can install it by running the following command
in your project. It will ask questions, just say yes to everything:
elm install elm-explorations/test
The next thing you need to do is set up a test framework. We have Lobo available internally. This is how you install it for your project:
npm install lobo --save
Now make sure you have a tests
directory in the root of the project and that in your elm.json
it is listed in source-directories
Now you are ready to run the tests:
npx lobo --framework=elm-test
This will also ask a lot of questions, just say yes to everything (you only need to do this once). In the end it will show something like this:
==================================== Summary ===================================
Passed: 0
Failed: 0
runCount: 100
seed: 3473325025
This means we are ready to add tests. You can start by creating a tests/Tests.elm
with the following content:
module Tests exposing (..)
import Expect
import Test exposing (Test, test)
testExpectTrue : Test
testExpectTrue =
test "Expect.true test" <|
\() ->
|> Expect.true "Expected true"
testExpectNotEqual : Test
testExpectNotEqual =
test "Expect Not Equal" <|
\() ->
Expect.notEqual "foo" "foobar"
Now you are ready to run the tests:
npx lobo --framework=elm-test
This should report 2 passing tests. Now you are ready to add real tests. For that follow the inestructions here: elm-explorations/test