copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-02-27 |
support ticket, IBM support ticket, questions |
vlans |
{:tsSymptoms: .tsSymptoms} {:tsCauses: .tsCauses} {:tsResolve: .tsResolve} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:DomainName: data-hd-keyref="DomainName"} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:generic: data-hd-programlang="generic"}
{: #gettinghelp-vlans}
If you have problems or questions when using VLANs, you can get help by searching for information or by asking questions through one of the forums listed below. You can also open a support ticket in the Customer Portal by opening the IBM Cloud console {: new_window} and log into your account.
- In the navigation menu, select Classic Infrastructure.
- Click Support in the navigation bar.
- In the Need more help? box, select Create a case.
- Choose the Technical radio button.
- Select VLAN Spanning from the Category dropdown menu.
- Fill out the remaining information and click Submit to create a case.
When using the forums to ask a question, tag your question so that it is seen by the {{}} development teams.
- If you have technical questions about VLANs, post your question on Stack Overflow
{:new_window} and tag your question with "vlans" and "ibm-cloud".
- For questions about the service and getting started instructions, use the IBM developerWorks dW Answers
{:new_window} forum. Include the "vlans" and "ibm-cloud" tags.
See Getting help for more details about using the forums.
For information about opening an IBM support ticket, or about support levels and ticket severities, see Contacting support.