25 min Practical reusable solutions to decoration using CSS.
- bio
- CSS use cases: layout, typography, decoration
- layout: Floats, Flexbox, Grids
- typography: Fonts, type scale, hierarchy
- decoration: colors, backgrounds, shadows, borders, filters, blending
- "X" done only in CSS
- caution: heavy use of empty, non-semantic HTML elements, pseudo-elements for layers (::before, ::after), CSS side effects (quirks, black magic).
- fragile, not very portable
- good as exercises
- not practical, should use SVG instead
- this talk:
- underused / overlooked CSS features (gradients, shadows, multi-background)
- examples of practical use cases
- NOT AN EXCUSE to avoid SVG
- multi-background decoration
- skeleton interfaces
- image & multi-color borders
- rulers, grids, range inputs
- blend modes (Spotify)
CSS Gradients
overlooked because of design trends (flat design), poor documentation online (bad example)
- [DEMO] linear-gradient(angle, , )
- [DEMO] radial-gradient()
KEY LEARNING: sudden-jump color-stops = hard lines
- [DEMO] solid rectangles, solid circles
- CSS gradients are images, not colors;
- background properties apply: size, position, repeat
[tentative] multi-color bottom border (Italian flag);
Angled background + animation;
Polygon mesh background (stack overflow);
- show examples gallery
- [DEMO] one example
Skeleton interfaces
- better alternative to loading spinners
- perceived improved performance (impression of progress)
- Facebook, Medium, Slack
- Luke Wroblewsky @Intel course
- effective now because of novelty; will become the next "loading spinner".
- [DEMO] Medium skeleton
- animation a la Facebook app
- "cheap", no asset downloads, no unnecessary JS cycles used
- better alternative to loading spinners
Borders: images, gradients
- KEY LEARNING: background-origin
- [ILLUSTRATION OF BOXES: border, padding, content]
- [DEMO] gradient border
- [DEMO] image border + background-size cover
Tool UI decoration
- Grid (blueprint)
- [DEMO] 2D grid
- Rulers
- [KEY LEARNING]: repeating-linear gradient
- [DEMO] ruler
- Range input
- caution: targeting non-standard pseudo-elements ::-webkit-, ::-moz-, ::-ms-
- [DEMO] simple range input
- [LINK] examples from Ana Tudor's sliders
- Grid (blueprint)
CSS Blend Modes + CSS Gradients
- intro to CSS Blend Modes (comparison to simple alpha)
- [DEMO] tshirt blend modes
- [DEMO] "target" + image + blend modes
- [DEMO] Spotify album covers
- Ana Tudor, @thebabydino
- CSS Secrets by Lea Verou
- Sara Soueidan's articles on SVG and CSS
- lots of power in CSS for decoration: CSS Gradients, multi-bg, CSS Blend Modes
- complexity is an issue; specialized tools are needed to achieve full potential
- for naysayers: complex SVG without vector editors like Illustrator or Sketch is also a pain
- good for simple use cases:
- portable, resilient (contained, not very fragile)
- performance++ (no assets downloaded, no needless HTML elements)
- DO restrict to decoration (do not create false expectations)
- when in doubt, always use SVG