#Countly Drill
Countly Drill is available to Countly Cloud and Enterprise users. This is a bit of a game changer and we hope to clarify how to use Countly Drill in this quick reference. Before we start to get more into the magic, we need to make sure you understand all about Countly custom events (which has been around for more than a year) since Countly Drill is all about custom events.
In the custom event system Countly lets you keep track of your own metrics in a pretty simple way by sending event data like this;
"key": "Ride",
"count": 1,
"sum": 15.99,
"segmentation": {
"Car Type": "Luxury",
"Time of Day": "15:00",
"Coupon Used": "CLYROCKS",
"Duration": "13"
Here we are tracking Ride event for our made up app that has segmentation properties called Car Type, Time of Day, Coupon Used and Duration which lets us keep track of various occurrences of the same event. We use the sum
property to store the amount paid for the ride.
We normally get a report that looks like below for our Ride event. Which is a great way to see a high level overview of how things are going and performing single level segmentations on our data.
Using Countly Drill we will be able to;
- Perform advanced segmentations on our data by applying AND, OR and BY filters to our segmentation properties as well as user properties such as Device, App Version, Platform, Platform Version, Session Count, Session Duration, First Session, Last Session, Country, City and Carrier
- View data on a line, pie or bar chart, whichever makes more sense for the current data
- Change the time bucket displayed on the chart and table to hourly, daily, weekly or monthly
- View how many times the event occurred as well as how many users performed this event and an average (times/users)
Without further due we want to show you some of these highlights using real reports for our custom event Ride;
Show Ride events with
"Car Type": "Luxury"
Show Ride events with
"Car Type": "Luxury"
that has aDuration
higher than 20 and show the report segmented byCoupon
. And please show this on a pie chart -
Show Ride events with
"Car Type": "Luxury"
or"Car Type": "Basic"
that has a"Coupon Used": "CLYROCKS"
and show the report segmented byCountry
This is all great but will I define these filters every time I need to see a report? Nope, we have bookmarks
We could have added thousand more items to this list but we believe you are ready to see it for yourself at this point :) Go on and sign up for a free account on Countly Cloud and experience the magic!