A simple game engine based on MonoGame
- Mono.Extended>=4.0.0
- FontStashSharp.MonoGame
- Simple AABB collision detection, and a complete physics engine integretion by Aether.Physics2D
- Simple task system you can schedule async game logic on the fly, there's also TweenTask if you want to throw a tween animation
- In game debug console with interactive C# runner, component inspector, and custom command support
- Animated text using just markdown-like syntax
- Smooth fluid simulation
- Global shader effects like Bloom Filter, Pixelation, VHS
- Layers for ordered drawing, Containers for managing component updating
- Input action mapping
- Frame animation, Shaking, Spring and other useful 2D animations
- Simple GOAP for AI logic
- 2D lighting (WIP)
- Other utilities like Camera, Grid Map Generator, Color Palette and bunch of effects driven by shaders
public class Def
#region Core Config
// Screen related
public static class Screen
public static readonly ITheme Theme = new ApolloTheme();
public static Color BackgroundColor => Palette.Black;
public static readonly int TargetScreenWidth = 1440;
public static readonly int TargetScreenHeight = 768;
public static readonly int ScreenWidth = 480;
public static readonly int ScreenHeight = 256;
// Container for updating component group
public enum Container
Scene = 1,
World = 2,
UI = 3,
// Define the collision category masks
public enum Category
// Must have
All = int.MaxValue,
None = 0,
Default = 1,
// Your custom values
Human = 1 << 1,
Bird = 1 << 2,
// Layer for drawing components
public enum Layer
DevUI = 0,
Universe = 10,
Background = 100,
public static readonly Dictionary<Layer, Dictionary<string, object>> LayerConfig = new()
[Layer.DevUI] = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "IsCameraFixed", true }
// Fonts, the first font will be the default font
public static readonly List<(string, string)> Fonts = [
("fusion8", "Content/Fonts/fusion8.ttf"),
("fusion10", "Content/Fonts/fusion10.ttf")
// Input related
public static class Input
// Define input action for binding, which may be a specific operation
public enum Action
CursorPressed = 1,
Left = 2,
// Define the input separation layers
// It's useful if you have multiple layers like Battleground and Menu
// You can switch the input world to avoid triggering actions in both worlds
public enum World
Battleground = 1,
Menu = 2,
public static readonly Dictionary<Action, List<string>> Bindings = new()
{ Action.CursorPressed, ["MouseLeftPressed"] },
{ Action.Left, ["Left", "StickLeftX-"] },
#endregion Core Config