Replace the "Profile #" slider with a dropdown list
When changing the Pi's IP address, apache will need sudo power (or at least sudoers priviledge on
) -
On the web page, have a button "Settings" which takes you to a page with "Team Number", and IP addresses for "RPi IP", "AxisCam IP", and "RoboRio IP" (all defaulting to 10.TE.AM.___ but completely editable)
Have a "Downscale" dropdown menu on the web interface?
add fps on the interface
clean up code (open-source quality commenting, etc) and remove old or unused files.
update code to use the libyaml0.5 api, if they take libyaml0.3 off the ubuntu repos, we're in trouble.
Update all the opencv data structures and function calls to the c++ api. (currently it's a mashup of the c and c++ api's)
Optimize frame-rate by reducing image resolution?
hard-code the priority: 1) USB Cam, 2) Axis Cam, 3) Laptop Cam
Add (smoothed) fps to the particleReport
- test and update Java wrapper
- write & test c++ wrapper
- write & test LabView wrapper
Notes for Pi image setup: -needs permissions for cgi-bin scripts -default user needs permission to own services in dbus SystemBus -apache user needs permission to run methods over SystemBus