FOW is a rails based app. It serves as the homesite for Friends of We and facilitiates the collection of volunteer contact information. A few notes:
- Key runtime gems: authlogic, inherited_resources, formtastic
- Volunteering:
- New users can register and volunteer in one of three ways:
- In general, for no specific campaign or volunteer opportunity.
- For a specific campaign.
- Or a User can volunteer for a campaignspecific Opportunity – i.e. as a graphic designer, brand planner, or UI designer.
- The act of volunteering creates a polymorphic commitment record that can belong to either a campaign or a opportunity
- The commitment is not confirmed until the state is updated in the system. Presently, there is no UI for this.
- New users can register and volunteer in one of three ways:
- There is no roles system to identify who is an admin/campaign manager, etc.
- There are almost not tests. (sorry!)
These will need to be improved later and may be a little redundent right now.
- rake db:build – creates DB, runs migrations, sets up railmail and loads seed data
- rake db:rebuild – destroys DB, then runs build
- rake db:populate – loads fake data
- rake db:repopulate – runs rebuild then populates with fake data
To prevent secret information from appearing in the public repo. You will need create these files from the examples.
- config/database.yml
- config/initializers/session_store.rb
- config/environments/production.rb – if you want to run in production mode
Java is required to utilize YUI-compressor in the installed plugin yui_compressor_fu:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin