diff --git a/crates/oxc/src/napi/parse.rs b/crates/oxc/src/napi/parse.rs
index 6ab5d3ce8e3df8..2406a04b417f0f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc/src/napi/parse.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc/src/napi/parse.rs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use napi_derive::napi;
 /// Babel Parser Options
-/// <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-parser/typings/babel-parser.d.ts>
+/// <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-parser/typings/babel-parser.d.ts>
 pub struct ParserOptions {
diff --git a/crates/oxc/src/napi/transform.rs b/crates/oxc/src/napi/transform.rs
index a4f29d2f985ded..d37ae5db6588ac 100644
--- a/crates/oxc/src/napi/transform.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc/src/napi/transform.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// NOTE: Types must be aligned with [@types/babel__core](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/babel__core/index.d.ts).
+// NOTE: Types must be aligned with [@types/babel__core](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/b5dc32740d9b45d11cff9b025896dd333c795b39/types/babel__core/index.d.ts).
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ pub struct JsxOptions {
     /// Enable React Fast Refresh .
-    /// Conforms to the implementation in {@link https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/main/packages/react-refresh}
+    /// Conforms to the implementation in {@link https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/v18.3.1/packages/react-refresh}
     /// @default false
     pub refresh: Option<Either<bool, ReactRefreshOptions>>,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_allocator/src/boxed.rs b/crates/oxc_allocator/src/boxed.rs
index 209e6011d76126..3271631cb1c121 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_allocator/src/boxed.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_allocator/src/boxed.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! Arena Box.
-//! Originally based on [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/master/crates/ast/src/arena.rs)
+//! Originally based on [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/24004745a8ed4939fc0dc7332bfd1268ac52285f/crates/ast/src/arena.rs)
 use std::{
diff --git a/crates/oxc_allocator/src/vec.rs b/crates/oxc_allocator/src/vec.rs
index 273120f69e66cc..471e47e47fc1c3 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_allocator/src/vec.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_allocator/src/vec.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! Arena Vec.
-//! Originally based on [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/master/crates/ast/src/arena.rs)
+//! Originally based on [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/24004745a8ed4939fc0dc7332bfd1268ac52285f/crates/ast/src/arena.rs)
 use std::{
diff --git a/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/js.rs b/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/js.rs
index fd207cf18a4508..4d6d7bf766f8ee 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/js.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/js.rs
@@ -1928,13 +1928,14 @@ pub struct PropertyDefinition<'a> {
     /// Initialized value in the declaration.
     /// ## Example
-    /// ```
+    /// ```ts
     /// class Foo {
-    ///   x = 5     // Some(NumericLiteral)
-    ///   y: string // None
+    ///   x = 5;     // Some(NumericLiteral)
+    ///   y;         // None
+    ///   z: string; // None
     ///   constructor() {
-    ///     this.y = "hello"
+    ///     this.z = "hello";
     ///   }
     /// }
     /// ```
@@ -1942,10 +1943,10 @@ pub struct PropertyDefinition<'a> {
     /// Property was declared with a computed key
     /// ## Example
-    /// ```ts
+    /// ```js
     /// class Foo {
-    ///   ["a"]: string // true
-    ///   b: number     // false
+    ///   ["a"]: 1; // true
+    ///   b: 2;     // false
     /// }
     /// ```
     pub computed: bool,
@@ -1956,12 +1957,12 @@ pub struct PropertyDefinition<'a> {
     /// ## Example
     /// ```ts
     /// class Foo {
-    ///   x: number         // false
-    ///   declare y: string // true
+    ///   x: number;         // false
+    ///   declare y: string; // true
     /// }
     /// declare class Bar {
-    ///   x: number         // false
+    ///   x: number;         // false
     /// }
     /// ```
@@ -1989,10 +1990,10 @@ pub struct PropertyDefinition<'a> {
     /// ```ts
     /// class Foo {
-    ///   public w: number     // Some(TSAccessibility::Public)
-    ///   private x: string    // Some(TSAccessibility::Private)
-    ///   protected y: boolean // Some(TSAccessibility::Protected)
-    ///   readonly z           // None
+    ///   public w: number;     // Some(TSAccessibility::Public)
+    ///   private x: string;    // Some(TSAccessibility::Private)
+    ///   protected y: boolean; // Some(TSAccessibility::Protected)
+    ///   readonly z;           // None
     /// }
     /// ```
@@ -2413,7 +2414,7 @@ pub enum ExportDefaultDeclarationKind<'a> {
 /// Supports:
 ///   * `import {"\0 any unicode" as foo} from ""`
 ///   * `export {foo as "\0 any unicode"}`
-/// * es2022: <https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/es2022.md#modules>
+/// * es2022: <https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/e6015c4c63118634749001b1cd1c3f7a0388f16e/es2022.md#modules>
 /// * <https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2154>
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
diff --git a/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/ts.rs b/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/ts.rs
index e96b3ad41996a4..81033cd8a49878 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/ts.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast/ts.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! TypeScript Definitions
-//! - [AST Spec](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/main/packages/ast-spec)
+//! - [AST Spec](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/v8.9.0/packages/ast-spec)
 //! - [Archived TypeScript spec](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/3c99d50da5a579d9fa92d02664b1b66d4ff55944/doc/spec-ARCHIVED.md)
 #![allow(missing_docs)] // FIXME
diff --git a/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast_impl/ts.rs b/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast_impl/ts.rs
index 4eff1693778d44..019a5d32cfa05b 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast_impl/ts.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_ast/src/ast_impl/ts.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! TypeScript Definitions
-//! [AST Spec](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/main/packages/ast-spec)
+//! [AST Spec](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/v8.9.0/packages/ast-spec)
 //! [Archived TypeScript spec](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/3c99d50da5a579d9fa92d02664b1b66d4ff55944/doc/spec-ARCHIVED.md)
diff --git a/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit.rs b/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit.rs
index 06d8fbcf2d0c64..a528d712d37378 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 //! See:
 //! * [visitor pattern](https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/patterns/behavioural/visitor.html)
-//! * [rustc visitor](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/compiler/rustc_ast/src/visit.rs)
+//! * [rustc visitor](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.82.0/compiler/rustc_ast/src/visit.rs)
diff --git a/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit_mut.rs b/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit_mut.rs
index f0072a152aecb4..47d62f6254762a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit_mut.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_ast/src/generated/visit_mut.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 //! See:
 //! * [visitor pattern](https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/patterns/behavioural/visitor.html)
-//! * [rustc visitor](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/compiler/rustc_ast/src/visit.rs)
+//! * [rustc visitor](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.82.0/compiler/rustc_ast/src/visit.rs)
diff --git a/crates/oxc_ast/src/lib.rs b/crates/oxc_ast/src/lib.rs
index 4968f7a40a3839..55532ec05f99f6 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_ast/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_ast/src/lib.rs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 //! [`oxc_parser`]: <https://docs.rs/oxc_parser>
 //! [`Parser`]: <https://docs.rs/oxc_parser/latest/oxc_parser/struct.Parser.html>
 //! [estree]: <https://github.com/estree/estree>
-//! [typescript-eslint]: <https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/main/packages/ast-spec>
+//! [typescript-eslint]: <https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/v8.9.0/packages/ast-spec>
 //! [ECMAScript spec]: <https://tc39.es/ecma262/>
 //! [tsc]: <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript>
 //! [`Traverse`]: <https://github.com/oxc-project/oxc/tree/main/crates/oxc_traverse>
diff --git a/crates/oxc_codegen/src/comment.rs b/crates/oxc_codegen/src/comment.rs
index 3365b2c11ecb96..cda260537f8e6f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_codegen/src/comment.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_codegen/src/comment.rs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ impl<'a> Codegen<'a> {
     /// `#__PURE__` Notation Specification
-    /// <https://github.com/javascript-compiler-hints/compiler-notations-spec/blob/main/pure-notation-spec.md>
+    /// <https://github.com/javascript-compiler-hints/compiler-notations-spec/blob/c14f7e197cb225c9eee877143536665ce3150712/pure-notation-spec.md>
     fn is_annotation_comment(&self, comment: &Comment) -> bool {
         let s = comment.content_span().source_text(self.source_text).trim_start();
         if let Some(s) = s.strip_prefix(['@', '#']) {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_codegen/src/gen.rs b/crates/oxc_codegen/src/gen.rs
index 41c95d908fd593..a7f1cc4d9b8d72 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_codegen/src/gen.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_codegen/src/gen.rs
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ impl<'a> Gen for Directive<'a> {
         // A Use Strict Directive may not contain an EscapeSequence or LineContinuation.
         // So here should print original `directive` value, the `expression` value is escaped str.
-        // See https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-generator/src/generators/base.ts#L64
+        // See https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-generator/src/generators/base.ts#L64
         p.wrap_quote(|p, _| {
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ impl<'a> Gen for Function<'a> {
 impl<'a> Gen for FunctionBody<'a> {
     fn gen(&self, p: &mut Codegen, ctx: Context) {
         let span_end = self.span.end;
-        let comments_at_end = if !p.options.minify && span_end != 0 {
+        let comments_at_end = if !p.options.minify && span_end > 0 {
             p.get_statement_comments(span_end - 1)
         } else {
@@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ impl<'a> GenExpr for ImportExpression<'a> {
             if has_comment {
                 // Handle `/* comment */);`
-                if !p.print_expr_comments(self.span.end - 1) {
+                if self.span.end > 0 && !p.print_expr_comments(self.span.end - 1) {
@@ -2067,13 +2067,13 @@ impl<'a> GenExpr for NewExpression<'a> {
             p.print_str("new ");
             self.callee.print_expr(p, Precedence::New, Context::FORBID_CALL);
-            let has_comment = p.has_comment(self.span.end - 1)
+            let has_comment = (self.span.end > 0 && p.has_comment(self.span.end - 1))
                 || self.arguments.iter().any(|item| p.has_comment(item.span().start));
             if has_comment {
                 p.print_list_with_comments(&self.arguments, ctx);
                 // Handle `/* comment */);`
-                if !p.print_expr_comments(self.span.end - 1) {
+                if self.span.end > 0 && !p.print_expr_comments(self.span.end - 1) {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_codegen/src/lib.rs b/crates/oxc_codegen/src/lib.rs
index b55933a8de0d7e..28f5c684799a9d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_codegen/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_codegen/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 //! Oxc Codegen
 //! Code adapted from
-//! * [esbuild](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/main/internal/js_printer/js_printer.go)
+//! * [esbuild](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/v0.24.0/internal/js_printer/js_printer.go)
 mod binary_expr_visitor;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/esbuild.rs b/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/esbuild.rs
index 690afb13d8ae32..7dc42d806eceac 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/esbuild.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/esbuild.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! Tests ported from `esbuild`
-//! * <https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/main/internal/js_printer/js_printer_test.go>
-//! * <https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/main/internal/js_parser/js_parser_test.go>
+//! * <https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/v0.24.0/internal/js_printer/js_printer_test.go>
+//! * <https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/v0.24.0/internal/js_parser/js_parser_test.go>
 use crate::tester::{test, test_minify};
diff --git a/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/pure_comments.rs b/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/pure_comments.rs
index 5ceb65abec09c3..8457d650ed80b4 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/pure_comments.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/pure_comments.rs
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ const defineSSRCustomElement = () => {
         const Component = // #__PURE__
         React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {});
-        // Copy from <https://github.com/rolldown-rs/rolldown/blob/main/crates/rolldown/tests/esbuild/dce/remove_unused_pure_comment_calls/entry.js>
+        // Copy from <https://github.com/rolldown-rs/rolldown/blob/v0.14.0/crates/rolldown/tests/esbuild/dce/remove_unused_pure_comment_calls/entry.js>
         function bar() {}
         let bare = foo(bar);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/unit.rs b/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/unit.rs
index d104e8989bd2c3..2dc4bd1e7cd9d1 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/unit.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_codegen/tests/integration/unit.rs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ fn shorthand() {
     test("let { x } = y", "let { x } = y;\n");
     test("({ x: (x) })", "({ x });\n");
     test("({ x } = y)", "({x} = y);\n");
-    // https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/main/test/language/expressions/object/__proto__-permitted-dup-shorthand.js
+    // https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/05c45a4c430ab6fee3e0c7f0d47d8a30d8876a6d/test/language/expressions/object/__proto__-permitted-dup-shorthand.js
     test("var obj = { __proto__, __proto__, };", "var obj = {\n\t__proto__,\n\t__proto__\n};\n");
     test("var obj = { __proto__: __proto__, };", "var obj = { __proto__: __proto__ };\n");
diff --git a/crates/oxc_data_structures/src/stack/sparse.rs b/crates/oxc_data_structures/src/stack/sparse.rs
index 847d05c62f3522..9880fb4f1ca1fd 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_data_structures/src/stack/sparse.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_data_structures/src/stack/sparse.rs
@@ -192,6 +192,12 @@ impl<T> SparseStack<T> {
+    /// Get number of filled entries on the stack.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn filled_len(&self) -> usize {
+        self.values.len()
+    }
     /// Get capacity of stack for any entries (either `Some` or `None`).
     /// Capacity is always at least 1. Stack is never empty.
@@ -209,4 +215,16 @@ impl<T> SparseStack<T> {
     pub fn filled_capacity(&self) -> usize {
+    /// Get filled entries of stack as a slice `&[T]`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T] {
+        self.values.as_slice()
+    }
+    /// Get filled entries of stack as a mutable slice `&mut [T]`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
+        self.values.as_mut_slice()
+    }
diff --git a/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/json.rs b/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/json.rs
index 2a52fe9767736f..c31b9ea383778d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/json.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/json.rs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ impl DiagnosticReporter for JsonReporter {
-/// <https://github.com/fregante/eslint-formatters/tree/main/packages/eslint-formatter-json>
+/// <https://github.com/fregante/eslint-formatters/tree/ae1fd9748596447d1fd09625c33d9e7ba9a3d06d/packages/eslint-formatter-json>
 fn format_json(diagnostics: &mut Vec<Error>) {
     let handler = JSONReportHandler::new();
diff --git a/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/unix.rs b/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/unix.rs
index e91bf5f2c4d963..a3e9ecaa2297ba 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/unix.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_diagnostics/src/reporter/unix.rs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ impl DiagnosticReporter for UnixReporter {
-/// <https://github.com/fregante/eslint-formatters/tree/main/packages/eslint-formatter-unix>
+/// <https://github.com/fregante/eslint-formatters/tree/ae1fd9748596447d1fd09625c33d9e7ba9a3d06d/packages/eslint-formatter-unix>
 fn format_unix(diagnostic: &Error) -> String {
     let Info { line, column, filename, message, severity, rule_id } = Info::new(diagnostic);
     let severity = match severity {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/src/lib.rs b/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/src/lib.rs
index 2a834c0e5f267e..18c7e5ec369a9a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/src/lib.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //! References:
 //! * <https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5-rc/#isolated-declarations>
 //! * <https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#isolatedDeclarations>
-//! * <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts>
+//! * <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/v5.6.3/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts>
 mod class;
 mod declaration;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/tests/deno/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/tests/deno/mod.rs
index b320b6738032cc..992fe918620c5f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/tests/deno/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_isolated_declarations/tests/deno/mod.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! Copy from <https://github.com/denoland/deno_graph/blob/main/src/fast_check/transform_dts.rs#L932-#L1532>
+//! Copy from <https://github.com/denoland/deno_graph/blob/0.84.0/src/fast_check/transform_dts.rs#L932-#L1532>
 //! Make some changes to conform to the Isolated Declarations output
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/oxlintrc.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/oxlintrc.rs
index a621eddf25af03..fc96ea1b2d41b6 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/oxlintrc.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/oxlintrc.rs
@@ -142,29 +142,28 @@ mod test {
     fn test_oxlintrc_de_plugins_empty_array() {
         let config: Oxlintrc = serde_json::from_value(json!({ "plugins": [] })).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::default());
+        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::empty());
-    fn test_oxlintrc_de_plugins_enabled_by_default() {
-        // NOTE(@DonIsaac): creating a Value with `json!` then deserializing it with serde_json::from_value
-        // Errs with "invalid type: string \"eslint\", expected a borrowed string" and I can't
-        // figure out why. This seems to work. Why???
-        let configs = [
-            r#"{ "plugins": ["eslint"] }"#,
-            r#"{ "plugins": ["oxc"] }"#,
-            r#"{ "plugins": ["deepscan"] }"#, // alias for oxc
-        ];
-        // ^ these plugins are enabled by default already
-        for oxlintrc in configs {
-            let config: Oxlintrc = serde_json::from_str(oxlintrc).unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::default());
-        }
+    fn test_oxlintrc_empty_config_plugins() {
+        let config: Oxlintrc = serde_json::from_str(r"{}").unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::default());
-    fn test_oxlintrc_de_plugins_new() {
-        let config: Oxlintrc = serde_json::from_str(r#"{ "plugins": ["import"] }"#).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::default().union(LintPlugins::IMPORT));
+    fn test_oxlintrc_specifying_plugins_will_override() {
+        let config: Oxlintrc = serde_json::from_str(r#"{ "plugins": ["react", "oxc"] }"#).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::REACT.union(LintPlugins::OXC));
+        let config: Oxlintrc =
+            serde_json::from_str(r#"{ "plugins": ["typescript", "unicorn"] }"#).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::TYPESCRIPT.union(LintPlugins::UNICORN));
+        let config: Oxlintrc =
+            serde_json::from_str(r#"{ "plugins": ["typescript", "unicorn", "react", "oxc", "import", "jsdoc", "jest", "vitest", "jsx-a11y", "nextjs", "react-perf", "promise", "node", "security"] }"#).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::all());
+        let config: Oxlintrc =
+            serde_json::from_str(r#"{ "plugins": ["typescript", "@typescript-eslint"] }"#).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(config.plugins, LintPlugins::TYPESCRIPT);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/plugins.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/plugins.rs
index 9099a1e55da32f..b507b32a351d22 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/plugins.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/plugins.rs
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for LintPlugins {
                 A: de::SeqAccess<'de>,
-                let mut plugins = LintPlugins::default();
+                let mut plugins = LintPlugins::empty();
                 loop {
                     // serde_json::from_str will provide an &str, while
                     // serde_json::from_value provides a String. The former is
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/settings/jsdoc.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/settings/jsdoc.rs
index 3f8fe24d6e62ab..f8e3079935edc0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/settings/jsdoc.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/config/settings/jsdoc.rs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use crate::utils::default_true;
-// <https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/main/docs/settings.md>
+// <https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/v50.5.0/docs/settings.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, JsonSchema)]
 #[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
 pub struct JSDocPluginSettings {
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ impl JSDocPluginSettings {
             _ => {
-                // https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/main/docs/settings.md#default-preferred-aliases
+                // https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/v50.5.0/docs/settings.md#default-preferred-aliases
                 let aliased_name = match original_name {
                     "virtual" => "abstract",
                     "extends" => "augments",
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/fix.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/fix.rs
index d2375ae65c4c9f..aeec3ce372cdc1 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/fix.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/fix.rs
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ impl<'a> CompositeFix<'a> {
     // }
     /// Gets one fix from the fixes. If we retrieve multiple fixes, this merges those into one.
-    /// <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/linter/report-translator.js#L181-L203>
+    /// <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/linter/report-translator.js#L181-L203>
     pub fn normalize_fixes(self, source_text: &str) -> Fix<'a> {
         match self {
             CompositeFix::Single(fix) => fix,
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ impl<'a> CompositeFix<'a> {
     /// 2. contains overlapped ranges
     /// 3. contains negative ranges (span.start > span.end)
-    /// <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/linter/report-translator.js#L147-L179>
+    /// <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/linter/report-translator.js#L147-L179>
     fn merge_fixes(fixes: Vec<Fix<'a>>, source_text: &str) -> Fix<'a> {
         let mut fixes = fixes;
         if fixes.is_empty() {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/mod.rs
index 0083f4d7100b38..8b8b0f212c4420 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/fixer/mod.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use crate::LintContext;
 /// Produces [`RuleFix`] instances. Inspired by ESLint's [`RuleFixer`].
-/// [`RuleFixer`]: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/linter/rule-fixer.js
+/// [`RuleFixer`]: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/linter/rule-fixer.js
 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
 pub struct RuleFixer<'c, 'a: 'c> {
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ mod test {
     // Remain test caces picked from eslint
-    // <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/tests/lib/linter/report-translator.js>
+    // <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/tests/lib/linter/report-translator.js>
     // 1. Combining autofixes
     fn merge_fixes_into_one() {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/globals.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/globals.rs
index 2b0ed497679262..ad642e1f518b3f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/globals.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/globals.rs
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ pub const VALID_ARIA_PROPS: phf::Set<&'static str> = phf_set! {
 /// set of valid ARIA role definitions
 /// Reference: <https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#role_definitions>
-/// Reference: <https://github.com/A11yance/aria-query/blob/main/src/rolesMap.js>
+/// Reference: <https://github.com/A11yance/aria-query/blob/v5.3.2/src/rolesMap.js>
 pub const VALID_ARIA_ROLES: phf::Set<&'static str> = phf_set! {
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ pub const HTML_TAG: phf::Set<&'static str> = phf_set! {
 /// if it's not reserved, then it can have aria-* roles, states, and properties
 /// Reference: <https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#ax_aria_12>
 /// Reference: <https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#rules-wd>
-/// Reference: <https://github.com/A11yance/aria-query/blob/main/src/domMap.js>
+/// Reference: <https://github.com/A11yance/aria-query/blob/v5.3.2/src/domMap.js>
 pub const RESERVED_HTML_TAG: phf::Set<&'static str> = phf_set! {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs
index 8714025070a8a2..381bce640d212d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules.rs
@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ mod react_perf {
 mod unicorn {
     pub mod catch_error_name;
     pub mod consistent_empty_array_spread;
+    pub mod consistent_existence_index_check;
     pub mod consistent_function_scoping;
     pub mod empty_brace_spaces;
     pub mod error_message;
@@ -869,6 +870,7 @@ oxc_macros::declare_all_lint_rules! {
+    unicorn::consistent_existence_index_check,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/array_callback_return/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/array_callback_return/mod.rs
index 5c78c3b462b3bf..ecadb97f30496e 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/array_callback_return/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/array_callback_return/mod.rs
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ impl Rule for ArrayCallbackReturn {
-/// Code ported from [eslint](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/rules/array-callback-return.js)
+/// Code ported from [eslint](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/rules/array-callback-return.js)
 /// We're currently on a `Function` or `ArrowFunctionExpression`, findout if it is an argument
 /// to the target array methods we're interested in.
 pub fn get_array_method_name<'a>(
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_control_regex.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_control_regex.rs
index d0b4d31590bdfd..e5865dd34a8695 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_control_regex.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_control_regex.rs
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ mod tests {
     fn test() {
         // test cases taken from eslint. See:
-        // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/tests/lib/rules/no-control-regex.js
+        // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/tests/lib/rules/no-control-regex.js
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_empty_character_class.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_empty_character_class.rs
index 588a98876ef667..2a2c9189a085e8 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_empty_character_class.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_empty_character_class.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 use memchr::memchr2;
-// Ported from https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/rules/no-empty-character-class.js
+// Ported from https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/rules/no-empty-character-class.js
 use oxc_ast::AstKind;
 use oxc_diagnostics::OxcDiagnostic;
 use oxc_macros::declare_oxc_lint;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_eval.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_eval.rs
index dbe81ab82ee428..19ff16e0e524d4 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_eval.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_eval.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Ported from https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/main/lib/rules/no-eval.js
+// Ported from https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/v9.9.1/lib/rules/no-eval.js
 use oxc_ast::{ast::Expression, AstKind};
 use oxc_diagnostics::OxcDiagnostic;
 use oxc_macros::declare_oxc_lint;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_obj_calls.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_obj_calls.rs
index e6b6284edf58b2..2cc40c21df531b 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_obj_calls.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_obj_calls.rs
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ impl Rule for NoObjCalls {
 fn test() {
     use crate::tester::Tester;
-    // see: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/tests/lib/rules/no-obj-calls.js
+    // see: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/tests/lib/rules/no-obj-calls.js
     let pass = vec![
         ("const m = Math;", None),
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_useless_escape.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_useless_escape.rs
index bdfe638b015e41..befea169ab60fd 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_useless_escape.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_useless_escape.rs
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ fn check_character(
              * it only needs to be escaped in character classes if it's at the beginning of the character class. To
              * account for this, consider it to be a valid escape character outside of character classes, and filter
              * out '^' characters that appear at the start of a character class.
-             * (From ESLint source: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/rules/no-useless-escape.js)
+             * (From ESLint source: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/rules/no-useless-escape.js)
             if class.span.start + 1 == span.start {
                 return None;
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ fn check_character(
              * class, and is not at either edge of the character class. To account for this, don't consider '-'
              * characters to be valid in general, and filter out '-' characters that appear in the middle of a
              * character class.
-             * (From ESLint source: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/rules/no-useless-escape.js)
+             * (From ESLint source: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/rules/no-useless-escape.js)
             if class.span.start + 1 != span.start && span.end != class.span.end - 1 {
                 return None;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_var.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_var.rs
index 7f7bee97322e7f..a30e6d49373f19 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_var.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/no_var.rs
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ fn no_var_diagnostic(span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoVar;
-// doc: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/docs/src/rules/no-var.md
-// code: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/rules/no-var.js
-// test: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/tests/lib/rules/no-var.js
+// doc: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/docs/src/rules/no-var.md
+// code: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/rules/no-var.js
+// test: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/tests/lib/rules/no-var.js
     /// ### What it does
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/radix.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/radix.rs
index 383c62ef2a18f3..d22e3e76c55c6d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/radix.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/eslint/radix.rs
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ pub struct Radix {
     radix_type: RadixType,
-// doc: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/docs/src/rules/radix.md
-// code: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/rules/radix.js
-// test: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/tests/lib/rules/radix.js
+// doc: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/docs/src/rules/radix.md
+// code: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/lib/rules/radix.js
+// test: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v9.9.1/tests/lib/rules/radix.js
     /// ### What it does
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/default.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/default.rs
index e15a84d877a354..0344138a4d4595 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/default.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/default.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fn default_diagnostic(imported_name: &str, span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/default.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/default.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct Default;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/export.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/export.rs
index db1edca4151425..cb79d91b35611a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/export.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/export.rs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ fn no_named_export(module_name: &str, span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/export.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/export.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct Export;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/first.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/first.rs
index 32c60e16078b2b..57ff1d6329a6d3 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/first.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/first.rs
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ fn is_relative_path(path: &str) -> bool {
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/first.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/first.md>
 impl Rule for First {
     fn from_configuration(value: serde_json::Value) -> Self {
         let obj = value.get(0);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/import_no_namespace.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/import_no_namespace.rs
index 44371dc8253689..09ede4e7b88de8 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/import_no_namespace.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/import_no_namespace.rs
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     pending  // TODO: fixer
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-namespace.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-namespace.md>
 impl Rule for ImportNoNamespace {
     fn from_configuration(value: serde_json::Value) -> Self {
         let obj = value.get(0);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/max_dependencies.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/max_dependencies.rs
index 44464735f05e0c..17bf68e302df8d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/max_dependencies.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/max_dependencies.rs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ fn max_dependencies_diagnostic<S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>>(
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/max-dependencies.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/max-dependencies.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct MaxDependencies(Box<MaxDependenciesConfig>);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/named.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/named.rs
index a1988ab3f88e50..6718339147f73f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/named.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/named.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fn named_diagnostic(imported_name: &str, module_name: &str, span: Span) -> OxcDi
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/named.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/named.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct Named;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/namespace.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/namespace.rs
index 8173e6886375f6..33a7a58e201e30 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/namespace.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/namespace.rs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ fn assignment(span: Span, namespace_name: &str) -> OxcDiagnostic {
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/namespace.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/namespace.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct Namespace {
     allow_computed: bool,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_amd.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_amd.rs
index 1a5261c289eb4c..e62fed296f2bdd 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_amd.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_amd.rs
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-amd.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-amd.md>
 impl Rule for NoAmd {
     fn run<'a>(&self, node: &AstNode<'a>, ctx: &LintContext<'a>) {
         // not in top level
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_commonjs.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_commonjs.rs
index 6411f5784dac13..0dc3151028d402 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_commonjs.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_commonjs.rs
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ fn is_conditional(parent_node: &AstNode, ctx: &LintContext) -> bool {
         is_conditional(parent, ctx)
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-commonjs.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-commonjs.md>
 impl Rule for NoCommonjs {
     fn from_configuration(value: serde_json::Value) -> Self {
         let obj = value.get(0);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_cycle.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_cycle.rs
index 0487ee062736b2..8e62f28e29dcae 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_cycle.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_cycle.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ fn no_cycle_diagnostic(span: Span, paths: &str) -> OxcDiagnostic {
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-cycle.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-cycle.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct NoCycle {
     /// maximum dependency depth to traverse
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_deprecated.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_deprecated.rs
index ee4020527c41f4..b4d2c766e02381 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_deprecated.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_deprecated.rs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use crate::{
 // #[diagnostic(severity(warning), help(""))]
 // struct NoDeprecatedDiagnostic(CompactStr, #[label] pub Span);
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-deprecated.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-deprecated.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoDeprecated;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_duplicates.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_duplicates.rs
index d35ee702b9d1e4..5b37aa0db2cbad 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_duplicates.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_duplicates.rs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ where
         .with_help("Merge these imports into a single import statement")
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-duplicates.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-duplicates.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoDuplicates {
     prefer_inline: bool,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default.rs
index a6e352057775ba..5518e032d45113 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default.rs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ fn no_named_as_default_diagnostic(
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-named-as-default-member.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-named-as-default-member.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoNamedAsDefault;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default_member.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default_member.rs
index b34349de518c52..65e5b2ece28d5a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default_member.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_named_as_default_member.rs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn no_named_as_default_member_dignostic(
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-named-as-default-member.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-named-as-default-member.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoNamedAsDefaultMember;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_unused_modules.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_unused_modules.rs
index 8a4dd3f19a5a59..f1880a755235ba 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_unused_modules.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/no_unused_modules.rs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ fn no_exports_found(span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
     OxcDiagnostic::warn("No exports found").with_label(span)
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/no-unused-modules.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/no-unused-modules.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoUnusedModules {
     missing_exports: bool,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/unambiguous.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/unambiguous.rs
index 810fb9b023802b..248c3e87272880 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/unambiguous.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/import/unambiguous.rs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
-/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/docs/rules/unambiguous.md>
+/// <https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/docs/rules/unambiguous.md>
 impl Rule for Unambiguous {
     fn run_once(&self, ctx: &LintContext<'_>) {
         if ctx.semantic().module_record().not_esm {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/consistent_test_it.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/consistent_test_it.rs
index 2c5bfe0ad1290e..657e245c701125 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/consistent_test_it.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/consistent_test_it.rs
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// Decides whether to use `test` or `it` within a `describe` scope.
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/consistent-test-it.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/consistent-test-it.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/expect_expect.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/expect_expect.rs
index 9251d001c07eb9..c95e72c1fffd79 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/expect_expect.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/expect_expect.rs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// test('should assert something', () => {});
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/expect-expect.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/expect-expect.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_alias_methods.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_alias_methods.rs
index 291492107c82ac..5a53652955cda3 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_alias_methods.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_alias_methods.rs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// expect(a).toThrowError();
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-alias-methods.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-alias-methods.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_commented_out_tests.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_commented_out_tests.rs
index 85a61bae6f6bef..05f8115e42853f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_commented_out_tests.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_commented_out_tests.rs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// // test.skip('foo', () => {});
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-commented-out-tests.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-commented-out-tests.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_conditional_expect.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_conditional_expect.rs
index 0ef65084e2d823..27c08a317154a9 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_conditional_expect.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_conditional_expect.rs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// });
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-conditional-expect.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-conditional-expect.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_disabled_tests.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_disabled_tests.rs
index 6b5b667991acb4..f0275a7289631e 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_disabled_tests.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_disabled_tests.rs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// });
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-disabled-tests.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-disabled-tests.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_focused_tests.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_focused_tests.rs
index f598b879bd0b86..317254c0b0db3f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_focused_tests.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_focused_tests.rs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// `();
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-focused-tests.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-focused-tests.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_identical_title.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_identical_title.rs
index 5a91f89d4d5c2b..251b55c6cf38d0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_identical_title.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_identical_title.rs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     ///  });
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-identical-title.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-identical-title.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_jasmine_globals.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_jasmine_globals.rs
index 28948fab702d3c..fc7b126e0b1cd8 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_jasmine_globals.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_jasmine_globals.rs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fn no_jasmine_globals_diagnostic(x0: &str, x1: &str, span2: Span) -> OxcDiagnost
-/// <https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-jasmine-globals.md>
+/// <https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/v28.9.0/docs/rules/no-jasmine-globals.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoJasmineGlobals;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_mocks_import.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_mocks_import.rs
index 6fc5d1fda8d7cf..6b11fd34ff0383 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_mocks_import.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_mocks_import.rs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ fn no_mocks_import_diagnostic(span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
-/// <https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-mocks-import.md>
+/// <https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/v28.9.0/docs/rules/no-mocks-import.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoMocksImport;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_standalone_expect.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_standalone_expect.rs
index b9eebaf72a7208..04b92f236ff6b0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_standalone_expect.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_standalone_expect.rs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn no_standalone_expect_diagnostic(span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
-/// <https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-standalone-expect.md>
+/// <https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/v28.9.0/docs/rules/no-standalone-expect.md>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoStandaloneExpect(Box<NoStandaloneExpectConfig>);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_test_prefixes.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_test_prefixes.rs
index 636b02c57ec48c..d76bc9902093f4 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_test_prefixes.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/no_test_prefixes.rs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// xdescribe('foo'); // invalid
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/no-test-prefixes.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/no-test-prefixes.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/prefer_hooks_in_order.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/prefer_hooks_in_order.rs
index e16941dc0e6ee3..ff532302a3c89d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/prefer_hooks_in_order.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/prefer_hooks_in_order.rs
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/prefer-hooks-in-order.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/prefer-hooks-in-order.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_describe_callback.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_describe_callback.rs
index 86fb024d1ab404..4914a0318d4393 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_describe_callback.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_describe_callback.rs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// }));
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/valid-describe-callback.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/valid-describe-callback.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_expect.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_expect.rs
index 938fdf3840d665..7f63d91ea00abc 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_expect.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jest/valid_expect.rs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// expect(Promise.resolve('Hi!')).resolves.toBe('Hi!');
     /// ```
-    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/docs/rules/valid-expect.md),
+    /// This rule is compatible with [eslint-plugin-vitest](https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/docs/rules/valid-expect.md),
     /// to use it, add the following configuration to your `.eslintrc.json`:
     /// ```json
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/lang.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/lang.rs
index 0cf7d34f41cbf1..f42b1a2ea4e9b1 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/lang.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/lang.rs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// ```
     /// ### Resources
-    /// - [eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/lang](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/docs/rules/lang.md)
+    /// - [eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/lang](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/v6.9.0/docs/rules/lang.md)
     /// - [IANA Language Subtag Registry](https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry)
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_supports_aria_props.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_supports_aria_props.rs
index d81d4547ab223b..7f2080d872a9aa 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_supports_aria_props.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/jsx_a11y/role_supports_aria_props.rs
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ impl Rule for RoleSupportsAriaProps {
-/// ref: <https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/src/util/getImplicitRole.js>
+/// ref: <https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/v6.9.0/src/util/getImplicitRole.js>
 fn get_implicit_role<'a>(
     node: &'a JSXOpeningElement<'a>,
     element_type: &str,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/nextjs/no_unwanted_polyfillio.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/nextjs/no_unwanted_polyfillio.rs
index d3ad356b5fc9e0..b5c3fb7fc05c3b 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/nextjs/no_unwanted_polyfillio.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/nextjs/no_unwanted_polyfillio.rs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
-// Keep in sync with next.js polyfills file : https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/master/packages/next-polyfill-nomodule/src/index.js
+// Keep in sync with next.js polyfills file : https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/v15.0.2/packages/next-polyfill-nomodule/src/index.js
 const NEXT_POLYFILLED_FEATURES: Set<&'static str> = phf_set! {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/oxc/no_accumulating_spread.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/oxc/no_accumulating_spread.rs
index f9c89409746826..d0a6fa0fbcb72c 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/oxc/no_accumulating_spread.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/oxc/no_accumulating_spread.rs
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ fn test() {
-        // source: https://github.com/biomejs/biome/blob/main/crates/biome_js_analyze/tests/specs/performance/noAccumulatingSpread/valid.jsonc#L3C1-L23C52
+        // source: https://github.com/biomejs/biome/blob/cli/v1.9.4/crates/biome_js_analyze/tests/specs/performance/noAccumulatingSpread/valid.jsonc#L3C1-L23C52
         "foo.reduce((acc, bar) => {acc.push(bar); return acc;}, [])",
         "foo.reduceRight((acc, bar) => {acc.push(bar); return acc;}, [])",
         // Array - Allow spreading the item into the accumulator
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ fn test() {
             let temp = { ...acc, x }
             return temp
         }, {})",
-        // source https://github.com/biomejs/biome/blob/main/crates/biome_js_analyze/tests/specs/performance/noAccumulatingSpread/invalid.jsonc#L2-L32
+        // source https://github.com/biomejs/biome/blob/cli/v1.9.4/crates/biome_js_analyze/tests/specs/performance/noAccumulatingSpread/invalid.jsonc#L2-L32
         // Array - Arrow return
         "foo.reduce((acc, bar) => [...acc, bar], [])",
         "foo.reduceRight((acc, bar) => [...acc, bar], [])",
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/react/no_direct_mutation_state.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/react/no_direct_mutation_state.rs
index c6baacfa659a70..ccd7e9d8163f9c 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/react/no_direct_mutation_state.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/react/no_direct_mutation_state.rs
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ fn no_direct_mutation_state_diagnostic(span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoDirectMutationState;
-// code: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/lib/rules/no-direct-mutation-state.js
-// doc: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/docs/rules/no-direct-mutation-state.md
-// test: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/tests/lib/rules/no-direct-mutation-state.js
+// code: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/v7.37.2/lib/rules/no-direct-mutation-state.js
+// doc: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/v7.37.2/docs/rules/no-direct-mutation-state.md
+// test: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/v7.37.2/tests/lib/rules/no-direct-mutation-state.js
     /// ### What it does
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/security/api_keys/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/security/api_keys/mod.rs
index 3cc7178726d530..936e5e1392e004 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/security/api_keys/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/security/api_keys/mod.rs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ declare_oxc_lint!(
     /// One possible alternative is to store secrets in a secure secrets manager
     /// (such as [AWS
     /// KMS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/client/kms/),
-    /// [HashiCorp Vault](https://github.com/nodevault/node-vault/tree/master),
+    /// [HashiCorp Vault](https://github.com/nodevault/node-vault/tree/v0.10.2),
     /// [Pangea](https://pangea.cloud/docs/sdk/js/vault#retrieve), etc.) and
     /// request them when your application starts (e.g. a Docker container, an
     /// EC2).
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/tree_shaking/no_side_effects_in_initialization/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/tree_shaking/no_side_effects_in_initialization/mod.rs
index 9d82923d225f0e..be2dab30c97f28 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/tree_shaking/no_side_effects_in_initialization/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/tree_shaking/no_side_effects_in_initialization/mod.rs
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ fn throw(span: Span) -> OxcDiagnostic {
     OxcDiagnostic::warn("Throwing an error is a side-effect").with_label(span)
-/// <https://github.com/lukastaegert/eslint-plugin-tree-shaking/blob/master/src/rules/no-side-effects-in-initialization.ts>
+/// <https://github.com/lukastaegert/eslint-plugin-tree-shaking/blob/v1.12.2/src/rules/no-side-effects-in-initialization.ts>
 #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
 pub struct NoSideEffectsInInitialization(Box<NoSideEffectsInInitiallizationOptions>);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/typescript/consistent_type_imports.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/typescript/consistent_type_imports.rs
index 49f81db637415b..13f1603b5fbbbb 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/typescript/consistent_type_imports.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/typescript/consistent_type_imports.rs
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ impl Deref for ConsistentTypeImports {
-/// <https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/main/packages/eslint-plugin/docs/rules/consistent-type-imports.mdx>
+/// <https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/v8.9.0/packages/eslint-plugin/docs/rules/consistent-type-imports.mdx>
 #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct ConsistentTypeImportsConfig {
     disallow_type_annotations: DisallowTypeAnnotations,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/unicorn/consistent_existence_index_check.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/unicorn/consistent_existence_index_check.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f2bb4dbbde6da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/rules/unicorn/consistent_existence_index_check.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+use oxc_ast::{
+    ast::{BinaryOperator, Expression, UnaryOperator, VariableDeclarationKind},
+    AstKind,
+use oxc_diagnostics::OxcDiagnostic;
+use oxc_macros::declare_oxc_lint;
+use oxc_semantic::AstNode;
+use oxc_span::{GetSpan, Span};
+use crate::{context::LintContext, rule::Rule};
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+pub struct ConsistentExistenceIndexCheck;
+fn consistent_existence_index_check_diagnostic(
+    replacement: &GetReplacementOutput,
+    span: Span,
+) -> OxcDiagnostic {
+    let existence_or_non_existence =
+        if replacement.replacement_value == "-1" { "non-existence" } else { "existence" };
+    let label = format!(
+        "Prefer `{replacement_operator} {replacement_value}` over `{original_operator} {original_value}` to check {existenceOrNonExistence}.",
+        replacement_operator = replacement.replacement_operator,
+        replacement_value = replacement.replacement_value,
+        original_operator = replacement.original_operator,
+        original_value = replacement.original_value,
+        existenceOrNonExistence = existence_or_non_existence,
+    );
+    OxcDiagnostic::warn(label).with_label(span)
+    /// ### What it does
+    ///
+    /// Enforce consistent style for element existence checks with `indexOf()`, `lastIndexOf()`, `findIndex()`, and `findLastIndex()`
+    ///
+    /// ### Why is this bad?
+    ///
+    /// This rule is only meant to enforce a specific style and make comparisons more clear.
+    ///
+    /// ### Examples
+    ///
+    /// Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule:
+    ///
+    /// ```javascript
+    /// const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+    /// if (index < 0) {}
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// ``` javascript
+    /// const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+    /// if (index >= 0) {}
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// Examples of **correct** code for this rule:
+    ///
+    /// ```javascript
+    /// const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+    /// if (index === -1) {}
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// ``` javascript
+    /// const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+    /// if (index !== -1) {}
+    /// ```
+    ConsistentExistenceIndexCheck,
+    style,
+    fix,
+const METHOD_NAMES: [&str; 4] = ["indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "findIndex", "findLastIndex"];
+impl Rule for ConsistentExistenceIndexCheck {
+    fn run<'a>(&self, node: &AstNode<'a>, ctx: &LintContext<'a>) {
+        let AstKind::BinaryExpression(binary_expression) = node.kind() else {
+            return;
+        };
+        let left = binary_expression.left.get_inner_expression();
+        let right = binary_expression.right.get_inner_expression();
+        let operator = binary_expression.operator;
+        let Expression::Identifier(identifier) = left else {
+            return;
+        };
+        let Some(reference_id) = identifier.reference_id.get() else {
+            return;
+        };
+        let Some(reference_symbol_id) = ctx.symbols().get_reference(reference_id).symbol_id()
+        else {
+            return;
+        };
+        let declaration = ctx.symbols().get_declaration(reference_symbol_id);
+        let node = ctx.nodes().get_node(declaration);
+        if let AstKind::VariableDeclarator(variables_declarator) = node.kind() {
+            if variables_declarator.kind != VariableDeclarationKind::Const {
+                return;
+            }
+            let Some(Expression::CallExpression(call)) = &variables_declarator.init else {
+                return;
+            };
+            if !call.callee.is_member_expression() {
+                return;
+            }
+            let Some(callee_name) = call.callee_name() else {
+                return;
+            };
+            if !METHOD_NAMES.contains(&callee_name) {
+                return;
+            }
+            let replacement = get_replacement(right, operator);
+            let Some(replacement) = &replacement else {
+                return;
+            };
+            ctx.diagnostic_with_fix(
+                consistent_existence_index_check_diagnostic(replacement, binary_expression.span),
+                |fixer| {
+                    let operator_start = binary_expression.left.span().end;
+                    let operator_end = binary_expression.right.span().start;
+                    let operator_span = Span::new(operator_start, operator_end);
+                    let operator_source = ctx.source_range(operator_span);
+                    let operator_matches =
+                        operator_source.match_indices(replacement.original_operator);
+                    let mut operator_replacement_text = operator_source.to_string();
+                    for (index, text) in operator_matches {
+                        let comments = ctx.semantic().comments_range(operator_start..operator_end);
+                        let start = operator_start + u32::try_from(index).unwrap_or(0);
+                        let length = u32::try_from(text.len()).unwrap_or(0);
+                        let span = Span::sized(start, length);
+                        let mut is_in_comment = false;
+                        for comment in comments {
+                            if comment.span.contains_inclusive(span) {
+                                is_in_comment = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if !is_in_comment {
+                            let head = &operator_source[..index];
+                            let tail = &operator_source[index + text.len()..];
+                            operator_replacement_text =
+                                format!("{}{}{}", head, replacement.replacement_operator, tail);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    let fixer = fixer.for_multifix();
+                    let mut rule_fixes = fixer.new_fix_with_capacity(2);
+                    rule_fixes.push(fixer.replace(operator_span, operator_replacement_text));
+                    rule_fixes.push(fixer.replace(right.span(), replacement.replacement_value));
+                    rule_fixes
+                },
+            );
+        };
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct GetReplacementOutput {
+    pub replacement_operator: &'static str,
+    pub replacement_value: &'static str,
+    pub original_operator: &'static str,
+    pub original_value: &'static str,
+fn get_replacement(right: &Expression, operator: BinaryOperator) -> Option<GetReplacementOutput> {
+    match operator {
+        BinaryOperator::LessThan => {
+            if right.is_number_0() {
+                return Some(GetReplacementOutput {
+                    replacement_operator: "===",
+                    replacement_value: "-1",
+                    original_operator: "<",
+                    original_value: "0",
+                });
+            }
+            None
+        }
+        BinaryOperator::GreaterThan => {
+            if is_negative_one(right.get_inner_expression()) {
+                return Some(GetReplacementOutput {
+                    replacement_operator: "!==",
+                    replacement_value: "-1",
+                    original_operator: ">",
+                    original_value: "-1",
+                });
+            }
+            None
+        }
+        BinaryOperator::GreaterEqualThan => {
+            if right.is_number_0() {
+                return Some(GetReplacementOutput {
+                    replacement_operator: "!==",
+                    replacement_value: "-1",
+                    original_operator: ">=",
+                    original_value: "0",
+                });
+            }
+            None
+        }
+        _ => None,
+    }
+fn is_negative_one(expression: &Expression) -> bool {
+    if let Expression::UnaryExpression(unary_expression) = expression {
+        if let UnaryOperator::UnaryNegation = unary_expression.operator {
+            if let Expression::NumericLiteral(value) =
+                &unary_expression.argument.get_inner_expression()
+            {
+                return value.raw == "1";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    false
+fn test() {
+    use crate::tester::Tester;
+    let pass: Vec<&str> = vec![
+        // Skip checking if indexOf() method is not a method call from a object
+        r"
+              const index = indexOf('bar');
+              if (index > -1) {}
+        ",
+        r"
+              const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+              if (index === -1) {}
+        ",
+        r"
+              const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+              if (-1 === index) {}
+        ",
+        r"
+              const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+              if (index !== -1) {}
+        ",
+        r"
+              const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+              if (-1 !== index) {}
+        ",
+        // // Variable index is not from indexOf
+        r"
+              const index = 0;
+              if (index < 0) {}
+        ",
+        // If index is not declared via VariableDeclarator, it will not be check here.
+        r"
+              function foo (index) {
+                  if (index < 0) {}
+              }
+        ",
+        // Since the variable is references from function parameter, it will not be checked here
+        r"
+          	const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+          	function foo (index) {
+          		if (index < 0) {}
+          	}
+        ",
+        // To prevent false positives, it will not check if the index is not declared via const
+        r"
+          	let index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+          	index < 0
+        ",
+        // To prevent false positives, it will not check if the index is not declared via const
+        r"
+          	var index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+          	index < 0
+        ",
+        // To prevent false positives, it will not check if the index is not declared via const
+        r"
+          	let index;
+          	// do stuff
+          	index = arr.findLastIndex(element => element > 10);
+          	index < 0;
+        ",
+        r"const indexOf = 'indexOf'; const index = foo[indexOf](foo); index < 0;",
+        r"const index = foo.indexOf?.(foo); index < 0;",
+        r"const index = foo?.indexOf(foo); index < 0;",
+    ];
+    let fail = vec![
+        r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+        r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+        r"
+        	const index = foo.indexOf(bar);
+        	function foo () {
+        		if (index < 0) {}
+        	}
+        ",
+        r"
+        	const index1 = foo.indexOf('1'),
+        		index2 = foo.indexOf('2');
+        	index1 < 0;
+        	index2 >= 0;
+        ",
+        r"
+              	const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+              	((
+              		/* comment 1 */
+              		((
+              			/* comment 2 */
+              			index
+              			/* comment 3 */
+              		))
+              		/* comment 4 */
+              		<
+              		/* comment 5 */
+              		((
+              			/* comment 6 */
+              			0
+              			/* comment 7 */
+              		))
+              		/* comment 8 */
+              	));
+              ",
+        r"
+        	const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+        	((
+        		/* comment 1 */
+        		((
+        			/* comment 2 */
+        			index
+        			/* comment 3 */
+        		))
+        		/* comment 4 */
+        		>
+        		((
+        			/* comment 5 */
+        			- /* comment 6 */ (( /* comment 7 */ 1 /* comment 8 */ ))
+        			/* comment 9 */
+        		))
+        	));
+        ",
+        r"const index = _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2); index < 0;",
+    ];
+    let fix = vec![
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index === -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index === -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index === -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index < 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index === -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index > -1) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"
+                    const index = foo.indexOf(bar);
+                    function foo () {
+                        if (index < 0) {}
+                    }
+                    ",
+            r"
+                    const index = foo.indexOf(bar);
+                    function foo () {
+                        if (index === -1) {}
+                    }
+                    ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"
+                    const index1 = foo.indexOf('1'),
+                        index2 = foo.indexOf('2');
+                    index1 < 0;
+                    index2 >= 0;
+                    ",
+            r"
+                    const index1 = foo.indexOf('1'),
+                        index2 = foo.indexOf('2');
+                    index1 === -1;
+                    index2 !== -1;
+                    ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"
+                    const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+                    ((
+                        /* comment 1 */
+                        ((
+                            /* comment 2 */
+                            index
+                            /* comment 3 */
+                        ))
+                        /* comment 4 */
+                        <
+                        /* comment 5 */
+                        ((
+                            /* comment 6 */
+                            0
+                            /* comment 7 */
+                        ))
+                        /* comment 8 */
+                    ));
+                    ",
+            r"
+                    const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+                    ((
+                        /* comment 1 */
+                        ((
+                            /* comment 2 */
+                            index
+                            /* comment 3 */
+                        ))
+                        /* comment 4 */
+                        ===
+                        /* comment 5 */
+                        ((
+                            /* comment 6 */
+                            -1
+                            /* comment 7 */
+                        ))
+                        /* comment 8 */
+                    ));
+                    ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"
+                const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+                ((
+                    /* comment 1 */
+                    ((
+                        /* comment 2 */
+                        index
+                        /* comment 3 */
+                    ))
+                    /* comment 4 */
+                    >
+                    ((
+                        /* comment 5 */
+                        - /* comment 6 */ (( /* comment 7 */ 1 /* comment 8 */ ))
+                        /* comment 9 */
+                    ))
+                ));
+            ",
+            r"
+                const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+                ((
+                    /* comment 1 */
+                    ((
+                        /* comment 2 */
+                        index
+                        /* comment 3 */
+                    ))
+                    /* comment 4 */
+                    !==
+                    ((
+                        /* comment 5 */
+                        -1
+                        /* comment 9 */
+                    ))
+                ));
+            ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2); index < 0;",
+            r"const index = _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2); index === -1;",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const i = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (i /* < */ < 0) {}",
+            r"const i = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (i /* < */ === -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        // make sure to not replace the wrong operator
+        (
+            r"
+                  const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+                  if (
+                    index
+                    /* >= */
+                    >=
+                    0
+                  ) {}
+            ",
+            r"
+                  const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+                  if (
+                    index
+                    /* >= */
+                    !==
+                    -1
+                  ) {}
+            ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        // make sure to not replace the wrong operator
+        (
+            r"
+                  const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+                  if (
+                    index
+                    /* >= */
+                    >= // >=
+                    0
+                  ) {}
+            ",
+            r"
+                  const index = foo.indexOf('bar');
+                  if (
+                    index
+                    /* >= */
+                    !== // >=
+                    -1
+                  ) {}
+            ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"
+               const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+               ((
+                   /* comment 1 */
+                   ((
+                       /* comment 2 */
+                       index
+                       /* comment 3 */
+                   ))
+                   /* comment 4 < */
+                   <
+                   /* comment 5 */
+                   ((
+                       /* comment 6 */
+                       0
+                       /* comment 7 */
+                   ))
+                   /* comment 8 */
+               ));
+            ",
+            r"
+               const index = foo.indexOf('1');
+               ((
+                   /* comment 1 */
+                   ((
+                       /* comment 2 */
+                       index
+                       /* comment 3 */
+                   ))
+                   /* comment 4 < */
+                   ===
+                   /* comment 5 */
+                   ((
+                       /* comment 6 */
+                       -1
+                       /* comment 7 */
+                   ))
+                   /* comment 8 */
+               ));
+            ",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+        (
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}",
+            r"const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index !== -1) {}",
+            None,
+        ),
+    ];
+    Tester::new(ConsistentExistenceIndexCheck::NAME, pass, fail)
+        .expect_fix(fix)
+        .test_and_snapshot();
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/snapshots/consistent_existence_index_check.snap b/crates/oxc_linter/src/snapshots/consistent_existence_index_check.snap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4a8209eb75c2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/snapshots/consistent_existence_index_check.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+source: crates/oxc_linter/src/tester.rs
+snapshot_kind: text
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:39]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index < 0) {}
+   ·                                       ─────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:43]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index < 0) {}
+   ·                                           ─────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:41]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index < 0) {}
+   ·                                         ─────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:45]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index < 0) {}
+   ·                                             ─────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `>= 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:39]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}
+   ·                                       ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `>= 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:43]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}
+   ·                                           ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `>= 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:41]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}
+   ·                                         ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `>= 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:45]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index >= 0) {}
+   ·                                             ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `> -1` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:39]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.indexOf('bar'); if (index > -1) {}
+   ·                                       ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `> -1` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:43]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.lastIndexOf('bar'); if (index > -1) {}
+   ·                                           ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `> -1` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:41]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.findIndex('bar'); if (index > -1) {}
+   ·                                         ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `> -1` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:45]
+ 1 │ const index = foo.findLastIndex('bar'); if (index > -1) {}
+   ·                                             ──────────
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:5:15]
+ 4 │             function foo () {
+ 5 │                 if (index < 0) {}
+   ·                     ─────────
+ 6 │             }
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:4:10]
+ 3 │                 index2 = foo.indexOf('2');
+ 4 │             index1 < 0;
+   ·             ──────────
+ 5 │             index2 >= 0;
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `>= 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:5:10]
+ 4 │             index1 < 0;
+ 5 │             index2 >= 0;
+   ·             ───────────
+ 6 │         
+   ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+    ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:5:17]
+  4 │                         /* comment 1 */
+  5 │ ╭─▶                     ((
+  6 │ │                           /* comment 2 */
+  7 │ │                           index
+  8 │ │                           /* comment 3 */
+  9 │ │                       ))
+ 10 │ │                       /* comment 4 */
+ 11 │ │                       <
+ 12 │ │                       /* comment 5 */
+ 13 │ │                       ((
+ 14 │ │                           /* comment 6 */
+ 15 │ │                           0
+ 16 │ │                           /* comment 7 */
+ 17 │ ╰─▶                     ))
+ 18 │                         /* comment 8 */
+    ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `!== -1` over `> -1` to check non-existence.
+    ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:5:11]
+  4 │                     /* comment 1 */
+  5 │ ╭─▶                 ((
+  6 │ │                       /* comment 2 */
+  7 │ │                       index
+  8 │ │                       /* comment 3 */
+  9 │ │                   ))
+ 10 │ │                   /* comment 4 */
+ 11 │ │                   >
+ 12 │ │                   ((
+ 13 │ │                       /* comment 5 */
+ 14 │ │                       - /* comment 6 */ (( /* comment 7 */ 1 /* comment 8 */ ))
+ 15 │ │                       /* comment 9 */
+ 16 │ ╰─▶                 ))
+ 17 │                 ));
+    ╰────
+  ⚠ eslint-plugin-unicorn(consistent-existence-index-check): Prefer `=== -1` over `< 0` to check non-existence.
+   ╭─[consistent_existence_index_check.tsx:1:43]
+ 1 │ const index = _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2); index < 0;
+   ·                                           ─────────
+   ╰────
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/react.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/react.rs
index 1fcd235c16849d..ff9bf38f79a627 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/react.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/react.rs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pub fn get_string_literal_prop_value<'a>(item: &'a JSXAttributeItem<'_>) -> Opti
     get_prop_value(item).and_then(JSXAttributeValue::as_string_literal).map(|s| s.value.as_str())
-// ref: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/src/util/isHiddenFromScreenReader.js
+// ref: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/v6.9.0/src/util/isHiddenFromScreenReader.js
 pub fn is_hidden_from_screen_reader<'a>(
     ctx: &LintContext<'a>,
     node: &JSXOpeningElement<'a>,
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ pub fn is_hidden_from_screen_reader<'a>(
-// ref: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/src/util/hasAccessibleChild.js
+// ref: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/v6.9.0/src/util/hasAccessibleChild.js
 pub fn object_has_accessible_child<'a>(ctx: &LintContext<'a>, node: &JSXElement<'a>) -> bool {
     node.children.iter().any(|child| match child {
         JSXChild::Text(text) => !text.value.is_empty(),
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ pub fn get_parent_component<'a, 'b>(
 /// Resolve element type(name) using jsx-a11y settings
 /// ref:
-/// <https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/src/util/getElementType.js>
+/// <https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/v6.9.0/src/util/getElementType.js>
 pub fn get_element_type<'c, 'a>(
     context: &'c LintContext<'a>,
     element: &JSXOpeningElement<'a>,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/unicorn.rs b/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/unicorn.rs
index 3806039ddb34e7..77e5c5d65bd5bf 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/unicorn.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_linter/src/utils/unicorn.rs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn is_empty_stmt(stmt: &Statement) -> bool {
-// ref: https://github.com/sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn/blob/main/rules/utils/array-or-object-prototype-property.js
+// ref: https://github.com/sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn/blob/v56.0.0/rules/utils/array-or-object-prototype-property.js
 pub fn is_prototype_property(
     member_expr: &MemberExpression,
     property: &str,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_mangler/src/lib.rs b/crates/oxc_mangler/src/lib.rs
index dfabd1e431ebb1..cb6b085cb14be1 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_mangler/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_mangler/src/lib.rs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pub struct MangleOptions {
 /// # Name Mangler / Symbol Minification
 /// See:
-///   * [esbuild](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/main/docs/architecture.md#symbol-minification)
+///   * [esbuild](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/v0.24.0/docs/architecture.md#symbol-minification)
 /// This algorithm is targeted for better gzip compression.
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/README.md b/crates/oxc_minifier/README.md
index f88e8ca6f2422f..68b504ed7b4d61 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/README.md
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/README.md
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ The compressor is responsible for rewriting statements and expressions for minim
 ## Terser Tests
-The fixtures are copied from https://github.com/terser/terser/tree/master/test/compress
+The fixtures are copied from https://github.com/terser/terser/tree/v5.9.0/test/compress
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/collapse_variable_declarations.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/collapse_variable_declarations.rs
index c7e9de1c449cd5..dd074e7a4c5bd6 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/collapse_variable_declarations.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/collapse_variable_declarations.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use crate::CompressorPass;
 /// Collapse variable declarations.
 /// `var a; var b = 1; var c = 2` => `var a, b = 1; c = 2`
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/CollapseVariableDeclarations.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/CollapseVariableDeclarations.java>
 pub struct CollapseVariableDeclarations {
     changed: bool,
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ impl<'a> CollapseVariableDeclarations {
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/CollapseVariableDeclarationsTest.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/CollapseVariableDeclarationsTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/exploit_assigns.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/exploit_assigns.rs
index 84b5783b13b756..50558bd8cc4a85 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/exploit_assigns.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/exploit_assigns.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use crate::CompressorPass;
 /// Tries to chain assignments together.
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/ExploitAssigns.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/ExploitAssigns.java>
 pub struct ExploitAssigns {
     changed: bool,
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ impl ExploitAssigns {
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/ExploitAssignsTest.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/ExploitAssignsTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_fold_constants.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_fold_constants.rs
index 4684b17df673fa..282ddbe102f835 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_fold_constants.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_fold_constants.rs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use crate::{node_util::Ctx, CompressorPass};
 /// Constant Folding
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeFoldConstants.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeFoldConstants.java>
 pub struct PeepholeFoldConstants {
     changed: bool,
@@ -362,14 +362,14 @@ impl<'a, 'b> PeepholeFoldConstants {
-            if matches!(left, ValueType::String | ValueType::Number)
+            if matches!(left, ValueType::String | ValueType::Number | ValueType::BigInt)
                 && matches!(right, ValueType::Object)
                 return None;
             if matches!(left, ValueType::Object)
-                && matches!(right, ValueType::String | ValueType::Number)
+                && matches!(right, ValueType::String | ValueType::Number | ValueType::BigInt)
                 return None;
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> PeepholeFoldConstants {
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeFoldConstantsTest.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeFoldConstantsTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
@@ -873,6 +873,13 @@ mod test {
         test("'1' !== 1n", "true");
+    #[test]
+    fn test_object_bigint_comparison() {
+        test_same("{ valueOf: function() { return 0n; } } != 0n");
+        test_same("0n != { valueOf: function() { return 0n; } }");
+        test_same("0n != { toString: function() { return '0'; } }");
+    }
     fn test_nan_comparison() {
         test("NaN < 1", "false");
@@ -1151,7 +1158,7 @@ mod test {
         test("1 << -1", "1<<-1");
         test("1 >> 32", "1>>32");
-        // Regression on #6161, ported from <https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/main/test/language/expressions/unsigned-right-shift/S9.6_A2.2.js>.
+        // Regression on #6161, ported from <https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/05c45a4c430ab6fee3e0c7f0d47d8a30d8876a6d/test/language/expressions/unsigned-right-shift/S9.6_A2.2.js>.
         test("-2147483647 >>> 0", "2147483649");
         test("-2147483648 >>> 0", "2147483648");
         test("-2147483649 >>> 0", "2147483647");
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_minimize_conditions.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_minimize_conditions.rs
index 8bcd18bbf2e25b..1b0bb1bbea176a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_minimize_conditions.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_minimize_conditions.rs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::CompressorPass;
 /// Also rewrites conditional statements as expressions by replacing them
 /// with `? :` and short-circuit binary operators.
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeMinimizeConditions.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeMinimizeConditions.java>
 pub struct PeepholeMinimizeConditions {
     changed: bool,
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ impl<'a> PeepholeMinimizeConditions {
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeMinimizeConditionsTest.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeMinimizeConditionsTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_remove_dead_code.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_remove_dead_code.rs
index 3f9c1d1d30b02a..e92be6327d3b7f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_remove_dead_code.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_remove_dead_code.rs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use crate::{keep_var::KeepVar, CompressorPass};
 /// Terser option: `dead_code: true`.
 /// See `KeepVar` at the end of this file for `var` hoisting logic.
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeRemoveDeadCode.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeRemoveDeadCode.java>
 pub struct PeepholeRemoveDeadCode {
     changed: bool,
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> PeepholeRemoveDeadCode {
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeRemoveDeadCodeTest.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeRemoveDeadCodeTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_replace_known_methods.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_replace_known_methods.rs
index 5b9e67a5da11aa..4a8b044b0a74f9 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_replace_known_methods.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_replace_known_methods.rs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use oxc_traverse::{Traverse, TraverseCtx};
 use crate::{node_util::Ctx, CompressorPass};
 /// Minimize With Known Methods
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods.java>
 pub struct PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods {
     changed: bool,
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ impl PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods {
-/// Port from: <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeReplaceKnownMethodsTest.java>
+/// Port from: <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeReplaceKnownMethodsTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_substitute_alternate_syntax.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_substitute_alternate_syntax.rs
index a9063cad0d13d3..dcd52b3eb3e570 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_substitute_alternate_syntax.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/peephole_substitute_alternate_syntax.rs
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ use crate::{node_util::Ctx, CompressorPass};
 /// A peephole optimization that minimizes code by simplifying conditional
 /// expressions, replacing IFs with HOOKs, replacing object constructors
 /// with literals, and simplifying returns.
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntax.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntax.java>
 pub struct PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntax {
     /// Do not compress syntaxes that are hard to analyze inside the fixed loop.
     /// e.g. Do not compress `undefined -> void 0`, `true` -> `!0`.
-    /// Opposite of `late` in Closure Compier.
+    /// Opposite of `late` in Closure Compiler.
     in_fixed_loop: bool,
     // states
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntax {
-/// Port from <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntaxTest.java>
+/// Port from <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/test/com/google/javascript/jscomp/PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntaxTest.java>
 mod test {
     use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/statement_fusion.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/statement_fusion.rs
index 05531760ae57f3..3b3e497639838d 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/statement_fusion.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/src/ast_passes/statement_fusion.rs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use crate::CompressorPass;
 /// Tries to fuse all the statements in a block into a one statement by using COMMAs or statements.
-/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/StatementFusion.java>
+/// <https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/v20240609/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/StatementFusion.java>
 pub struct StatementFusion {
     changed: bool,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_minifier/tests/ast_passes/dead_code_elimination.rs b/crates/oxc_minifier/tests/ast_passes/dead_code_elimination.rs
index 6b5e777fc29d89..f366e3fc60ae0a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_minifier/tests/ast_passes/dead_code_elimination.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_minifier/tests/ast_passes/dead_code_elimination.rs
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ fn dce_var_hoisting() {
-// https://github.com/terser/terser/blob/master/test/compress/dead-code.js
+// https://github.com/terser/terser/blob/v5.9.0/test/compress/dead-code.js
 fn dce_from_terser() {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_module_lexer/tests/integration/esm.rs b/crates/oxc_module_lexer/tests/integration/esm.rs
index 2e84808cedd8b5..618d0410e21c10 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_module_lexer/tests/integration/esm.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_module_lexer/tests/integration/esm.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! <https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-lexer/blob/main/test/_unit.cjs>
+//! <https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-lexer/blob/1.5.4/test/_unit.cjs>
 use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
 use oxc_module_lexer::ImportType;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_parser/src/js/statement.rs b/crates/oxc_parser/src/js/statement.rs
index 5a668fe4d63ec5..12e61c17f79c37 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_parser/src/js/statement.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_parser/src/js/statement.rs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ impl<'a> ParserImpl<'a> {
             // Section 11.2.1 Directive Prologue
             // The only way to get a correct directive is to parse the statement first and check if it is a string literal.
-            // All other method are flawed, see test cases in [babel](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-parser/test/fixtures/core/categorized/not-directive/input.js)
+            // All other method are flawed, see test cases in [babel](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-parser/test/fixtures/core/categorized/not-directive/input.js)
             if expecting_directives {
                 if let Statement::ExpressionStatement(expr) = &stmt {
                     if let Expression::StringLiteral(string) = &expr.expression {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/byte_handlers.rs b/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/byte_handlers.rs
index b7102a89fa8cff..140b60b6aced83 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/byte_handlers.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/byte_handlers.rs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ pub(super) unsafe fn handle_byte(byte: u8, lexer: &mut Lexer) -> Kind {
 type ByteHandler = unsafe fn(&mut Lexer<'_>) -> Kind;
 /// Lookup table mapping any incoming byte to a handler function defined below.
-/// <https://github.com/ratel-rust/ratel-core/blob/master/ratel/src/lexer/mod.rs>
+/// <https://github.com/ratel-rust/ratel-core/blob/v0.7.0/ratel/src/lexer/mod.rs>
 static BYTE_HANDLERS: [ByteHandler; 256] = [
 //  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F    //
diff --git a/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/mod.rs
index 1e11d5b619e5d0..35ba4cb5b663a0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/mod.rs
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 //! An Ecma-262 Lexer / Tokenizer
 //! Prior Arts:
-//!     * [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/master/crates/parser/src)
-//!     * [rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/tree/main/crates/rome_js_parser/src/lexer)
-//!     * [rustc](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/compiler/rustc_lexer/src)
+//!     * [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/24004745a8ed4939fc0dc7332bfd1268ac52285f/crates/parser/src)
+//!     * [rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/tree/lsp/v0.28.0/crates/rome_js_parser/src/lexer)
+//!     * [rustc](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.82.0/compiler/rustc_lexer/src)
 //!     * [v8](https://v8.dev/blog/scanner)
 mod byte_handlers;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/number.rs b/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/number.rs
index c69df154f49fde..6fda36de5410c1 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/number.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_parser/src/lexer/number.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! Parsing utilities for converting Javascript numbers to Rust f64.
 //! Code copied originally from
-//! [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/master/crates/parser/src/numeric_value.rs)
+//! [jsparagus](https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/jsparagus/blob/24004745a8ed4939fc0dc7332bfd1268ac52285f/crates/parser/src/numeric_value.rs)
 //! but iterated on since.
 use std::borrow::Cow;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/README.md b/crates/oxc_prettier/README.md
index 947e226a876ad2..4382114e4fec35 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/README.md
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/README.md
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ Create a `test.js` and run the example `just example prettier` from `crates/oxc_
 - [x] Have the basic infrastructure ready for contribution
 - [x] Implement a test runner in Rust which extracts the snapshots and do a comparison over it
 - [x] Establish a way to pass all the tests by manually porting code
-- [ ] Pass as many tests as possible in https://github.com/prettier/prettier/tree/main/tests/format/js
+- [ ] Pass as many tests as possible in https://github.com/prettier/prettier/tree/3.3.3/tests/format/js
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/doc.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/doc.rs
index 417d7a3e78fc90..651e0922a5d377 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/doc.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/doc.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 //! Prettier IR
 //! References:
-//! * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/commands.md>
+//! * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/commands.md>
 use std::fmt;
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ impl<'a> fmt::Display for Doc<'a> {
-// https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/document/debug.js
+// https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/document/debug.js
 fn print_doc_to_debug(doc: &Doc<'_>) -> std::string::String {
     use std::string::String;
     let mut string = String::new();
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/call_arguments.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/call_arguments.rs
index fcc278320fa0ee..3845dda8baf8b9 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/call_arguments.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/call_arguments.rs
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ pub fn print_call_arguments<'a>(
-/// * Reference <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/language-js/print/call-arguments.js#L247-L272>
+/// * Reference <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/language-js/print/call-arguments.js#L247-L272>
 fn should_expand_first_arg<'a>(arguments: &Vec<'a, Argument<'a>>) -> bool {
     if arguments.len() != 2 {
         return false;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/mod.rs
index bf2e9f9eb11050..d1c794111cbbd0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/format/mod.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 //! Formatting logic
 //! References:
-//! * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/language-js/print/estree.js>
+//! * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/language-js/print/estree.js>
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ impl<'a> Format<'a> for NullLiteral {
 impl<'a> Format<'a> for NumericLiteral<'a> {
     fn format(&self, p: &mut Prettier<'a>) -> Doc<'a> {
         wrap!(p, self, NumericLiteral, {
-            // See https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/utils/print-number.js
+            // See https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/utils/print-number.js
             // Perf: the regexes from prettier code above are ported to manual search for performance reasons.
             let mut string = self.span.source_text(p.source_text).cow_to_ascii_lowercase();
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/lib.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/lib.rs
index d82ecfddf139f1..fe09665c3e184b 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/lib.rs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ pub struct Prettier<'a> {
     options: PrettierOptions,
     /// The stack of AST Nodes
-    /// See <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/common/ast-path.js>
+    /// See <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/common/ast-path.js>
     stack: Vec<AstKind<'a>>,
     group_id_builder: GroupIdBuilder,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/needs_parens.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/needs_parens.rs
index 1698ec3b427599..71a65e8e8b62d0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/needs_parens.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/needs_parens.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! Direct port of needs-parens for adding or removing parentheses.
-//! See <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/language-js/needs-parens.js>
+//! See <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/language-js/needs-parens.js>
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/options.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/options.rs
index b9f36f41e62e6a..53dda9bfec5d1a 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/options.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/options.rs
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
 /// References
 /// * <https://prettier.io/docs/en/options>
-/// * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/main/core-options.evaluate.js>
-/// * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/language-js/options.js>
+/// * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/main/core-options.evaluate.js>
+/// * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/language-js/options.js>
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
 pub struct PrettierOptions {
     /* Global Options */
diff --git a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/printer/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/printer/mod.rs
index d3103cbfe1e10c..35525a90e69185 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_prettier/src/printer/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_prettier/src/printer/mod.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 //! [Doc] Printer
 //! References:
-//! * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/document/printer.js>
+//! * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/document/printer.js>
 mod command;
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ impl<'a> Printer<'a> {
     /// Reference:
-    /// * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/main/src/document/utils.js#L156-L185>
+    /// * <https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/3.3.3/src/document/utils.js#L156-L185>
     pub fn propagate_breaks(doc: &mut Doc<'_>) -> bool {
         let check_array = |arr: &mut oxc_allocator::Vec<'_, Doc<'_>>| {
             arr.iter_mut().rev().any(|doc| Self::propagate_breaks(doc))
diff --git a/crates/oxc_semantic/src/reference.rs b/crates/oxc_semantic/src/reference.rs
index 4bf1ecc4e63e1c..544e17d8887fda 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_semantic/src/reference.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_semantic/src/reference.rs
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ impl Reference {
-    pub(crate) fn set_symbol_id(&mut self, symbol_id: SymbolId) {
+    pub fn set_symbol_id(&mut self, symbol_id: SymbolId) {
         self.symbol_id = Some(symbol_id);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_semantic/src/scope.rs b/crates/oxc_semantic/src/scope.rs
index df526f5bfaed1a..612e6c93150fc0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_semantic/src/scope.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_semantic/src/scope.rs
@@ -351,6 +351,13 @@ impl ScopeTree {
+    /// Rename a binding to a new name.
+    pub fn rename_binding(&mut self, scope_id: ScopeId, old_name: &str, new_name: CompactStr) {
+        if let Some(symbol_id) = self.bindings[scope_id].shift_remove(old_name) {
+            self.bindings[scope_id].insert(new_name, symbol_id);
+        }
+    }
     /// Reserve memory for an `additional` number of scopes.
     pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_semantic/src/symbol.rs b/crates/oxc_semantic/src/symbol.rs
index 3c220cbc6e5a08..1527997e53ccf7 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_semantic/src/symbol.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_semantic/src/symbol.rs
@@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ impl SymbolTable {
+    /// Rename a symbol.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn rename(&mut self, symbol_id: SymbolId, new_name: CompactStr) {
+        self.names[symbol_id] = new_name;
+    }
     pub fn set_name(&mut self, symbol_id: SymbolId, name: CompactStr) {
         self.names[symbol_id] = name;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/decode.rs b/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/decode.rs
index fcbbc06f3fbe03..95ff8fff46bb74 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/decode.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/decode.rs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-/// Port from https://github.com/getsentry/rust-sourcemap/blob/master/src/decoder.rs
+/// Port from https://github.com/getsentry/rust-sourcemap/blob/9.1.0/src/decoder.rs
 /// It is a helper for decode vlq soucemap string to `SourceMap`.
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use crate::error::{Error, Result};
 use crate::{SourceMap, Token};
-/// See <https://github.com/tc39/source-map/blob/main/source-map-rev3.md>.
+/// See <https://github.com/tc39/source-map/blob/1930e58ffabefe54038f7455759042c6e3dd590e/source-map-rev3.md>.
 #[derive(serde::Deserialize, Default)]
 #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
 pub struct JSONSourceMap {
diff --git a/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/encode.rs b/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/encode.rs
index 356ce4f1e6df89..7bc27686a2068f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/encode.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_sourcemap/src/encode.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
 use rayon::prelude::*;
 use crate::JSONSourceMap;
-/// Port from https://github.com/getsentry/rust-sourcemap/blob/master/src/encoder.rs
+/// Port from https://github.com/getsentry/rust-sourcemap/blob/9.1.0/src/encoder.rs
 /// It is a helper for encode `SourceMap` to vlq sourcemap string, but here some different.
 /// - Quote `source_content` at parallel.
 /// - If you using `ConcatSourceMapBuilder`, serialize `tokens` to vlq `mappings` at parallel.
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/arrow_function_converter.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/arrow_function_converter.rs
index 9de158b3e68aff..acde13c691ff34 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/arrow_function_converter.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/arrow_function_converter.rs
@@ -87,16 +87,18 @@
 //! The Implementation based on
 //! <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/d20b314c14533ab86351ecf6ca6b7296b66a57b3/packages/babel-traverse/src/path/conversion.ts#L170-L247>
+use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
 use oxc_allocator::{Box as ArenaBox, String as ArenaString, Vec as ArenaVec};
 use oxc_ast::{ast::*, AstBuilder, NONE};
 use oxc_data_structures::stack::SparseStack;
-use oxc_span::SPAN;
+use oxc_semantic::{ReferenceFlags, SymbolId};
+use oxc_span::{CompactStr, SPAN};
 use oxc_syntax::{
     scope::{ScopeFlags, ScopeId},
 use oxc_traverse::{Ancestor, BoundIdentifier, Traverse, TraverseCtx};
-use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
 use crate::EnvOptions;
@@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ struct SuperMethodInfo<'a> {
 pub struct ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
     mode: ArrowFunctionConverterMode,
     this_var_stack: SparseStack<BoundIdentifier<'a>>,
+    arguments_var_stack: SparseStack<BoundIdentifier<'a>>,
+    renamed_arguments_symbol_ids: FxHashSet<SymbolId>,
     super_methods: Option<FxHashMap<Atom<'a>, SuperMethodInfo<'a>>>,
@@ -137,8 +141,14 @@ impl<'a> ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
         } else {
-        // `SparseStack` is created with 1 empty entry, for `Program`
-        Self { mode, this_var_stack: SparseStack::new(), super_methods: None }
+        // `SparseStack`s are created with 1 empty entry, for `Program`
+        Self {
+            mode,
+            this_var_stack: SparseStack::new(),
+            arguments_var_stack: SparseStack::new(),
+            renamed_arguments_symbol_ids: FxHashSet::default(),
+            super_methods: None,
+        }
@@ -153,14 +163,19 @@ impl<'a> Traverse<'a> for ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
         let this_var = self.this_var_stack.take_last();
+        let arguments_var = self.arguments_var_stack.take_last();
             &mut program.body,
+            arguments_var,
         debug_assert!(self.this_var_stack.len() == 1);
+        debug_assert!(self.arguments_var_stack.len() == 1);
+        debug_assert!(self.arguments_var_stack.last().is_none());
     fn enter_function(&mut self, func: &mut Function<'a>, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) {
@@ -169,6 +184,7 @@ impl<'a> Traverse<'a> for ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
+        self.arguments_var_stack.push(None);
         if self.is_async_only() && func.r#async && Self::is_class_method_like_ancestor(ctx.parent())
             self.super_methods = Some(FxHashMap::default());
@@ -196,10 +212,12 @@ impl<'a> Traverse<'a> for ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
         let this_var = self.this_var_stack.pop();
+        let arguments_var = self.arguments_var_stack.pop();
             &mut body.statements,
+            arguments_var,
@@ -222,6 +240,8 @@ impl<'a> Traverse<'a> for ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
             &mut block.body,
+            // `arguments` is not allowed to be used in static blocks
+            None,
@@ -301,6 +321,22 @@ impl<'a> Traverse<'a> for ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
             *expr = Self::transform_arrow_function_expression(arrow_function_expr, ctx);
+    fn enter_identifier_reference(
+        &mut self,
+        ident: &mut IdentifierReference<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        self.transform_identifier_reference_for_arguments(ident, ctx);
+    }
+    fn enter_binding_identifier(
+        &mut self,
+        ident: &mut BindingIdentifier<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        self.transform_binding_identifier_for_arguments(ident, ctx);
+    }
 impl<'a> ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
@@ -787,28 +823,196 @@ impl<'a> ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
+    /// Whether to transform the `arguments` identifier.
+    fn should_transform_arguments_identifier(&self, name: &str, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) -> bool {
+        self.is_async_only() && name == "arguments" && Self::is_affected_arguments_identifier(ctx)
+    }
+    /// Check if the `arguments` identifier is affected by the transformation.
+    fn is_affected_arguments_identifier(ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) -> bool {
+        let mut ancestors = ctx.ancestors().skip(1);
+        while let Some(ancestor) = ancestors.next() {
+            match ancestor {
+                Ancestor::ArrowFunctionExpressionParams(arrow) => {
+                    if *arrow.r#async() {
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                }
+                Ancestor::ArrowFunctionExpressionBody(arrow) => {
+                    if *arrow.r#async() {
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                }
+                Ancestor::FunctionBody(func) => {
+                    return *func.r#async()
+                        && Self::is_class_method_like_ancestor(ancestors.next().unwrap());
+                }
+                _ => (),
+            }
+        }
+        false
+    }
+    /// Rename the `arguments` symbol to a new name.
+    fn rename_arguments_symbol(symbol_id: SymbolId, name: CompactStr, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) {
+        let scope_id = ctx.symbols().get_scope_id(symbol_id);
+        ctx.symbols_mut().rename(symbol_id, name.clone());
+        ctx.scopes_mut().rename_binding(scope_id, "arguments", name);
+    }
+    /// Transform the identifier reference for `arguments` if it's affected after transformation.
+    ///
+    /// See [`Self::transform_member_expression_for_super`] for the reason.
+    fn transform_identifier_reference_for_arguments(
+        &mut self,
+        ident: &mut IdentifierReference<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        if !self.should_transform_arguments_identifier(&ident.name, ctx) {
+            return;
+        }
+        let reference_id = ident.reference_id();
+        let symbol_id = ctx.symbols().get_reference(reference_id).symbol_id();
+        let binding = self.arguments_var_stack.last_or_init(|| {
+            if let Some(symbol_id) = symbol_id {
+                let arguments_name = ctx.generate_uid_name("arguments");
+                let arguments_name_atom = ctx.ast.atom(&arguments_name);
+                Self::rename_arguments_symbol(symbol_id, arguments_name, ctx);
+                // Record the symbol ID as a renamed `arguments` variable.
+                self.renamed_arguments_symbol_ids.insert(symbol_id);
+                BoundIdentifier::new(arguments_name_atom, symbol_id)
+            } else {
+                // We cannot determine the final scope ID of the `arguments` variable insertion,
+                // because the `arguments` variable will be inserted to a new scope which haven't been created yet,
+                // so we temporary use root scope id as the fake target scope ID.
+                let target_scope_id = ctx.scopes().root_scope_id();
+                ctx.generate_uid("arguments", target_scope_id, SymbolFlags::FunctionScopedVariable)
+            }
+        });
+        // If no symbol ID, it means there is no variable named `arguments` in the scope.
+        // The following code is just to sync semantics.
+        if symbol_id.is_none() {
+            let reference = ctx.symbols_mut().get_reference_mut(reference_id);
+            reference.set_symbol_id(binding.symbol_id);
+            ctx.scopes_mut().delete_root_unresolved_reference(&ident.name, reference_id);
+            ctx.symbols_mut().resolved_references[binding.symbol_id].push(reference_id);
+        }
+        ident.name = binding.name.clone();
+    }
+    /// Transform the binding identifier for `arguments` if it's affected after transformation.
+    ///
+    /// The main work is to rename the `arguments` binding identifier to a new name.
+    fn transform_binding_identifier_for_arguments(
+        &mut self,
+        ident: &mut BindingIdentifier<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        if ctx.current_scope_flags().is_strict_mode() // `arguments` is not allowed to be defined in strict mode.
+            || !self.should_transform_arguments_identifier(&ident.name, ctx)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        self.arguments_var_stack.last_or_init(|| {
+            let arguments_name = ctx.generate_uid_name("arguments");
+            ident.name = ctx.ast.atom(&arguments_name);
+            let symbol_id = ident.symbol_id();
+            Self::rename_arguments_symbol(symbol_id, arguments_name, ctx);
+            // Record the symbol ID as a renamed `arguments` variable.
+            self.renamed_arguments_symbol_ids.insert(symbol_id);
+            BoundIdentifier::new(ident.name.clone(), symbol_id)
+        });
+    }
+    /// Create a variable declarator looks like `_arguments = arguments;`.
+    fn create_arguments_var_declarator(
+        &self,
+        target_scope_id: ScopeId,
+        arguments_var: Option<BoundIdentifier<'a>>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) -> Option<VariableDeclarator<'a>> {
+        let arguments_var = arguments_var?;
+        // Just a renamed `arguments` variable, we don't need to create a new variable declaration.
+        if self.renamed_arguments_symbol_ids.contains(&arguments_var.symbol_id) {
+            return None;
+        }
+        Self::adjust_binding_scope(target_scope_id, &arguments_var, ctx);
+        let reference =
+            ctx.create_unbound_ident_reference(SPAN, Atom::from("arguments"), ReferenceFlags::Read);
+        let mut init = Expression::Identifier(ctx.ast.alloc(reference.clone()));
+        // Top level may doesn't have `arguments`, so we need to check it.
+        // `typeof arguments === "undefined" ? void 0 : arguments;`
+        if ctx.scopes().root_scope_id() == target_scope_id {
+            let argument = Expression::Identifier(ctx.ast.alloc(reference));
+            let typeof_arguments = ctx.ast.expression_unary(SPAN, UnaryOperator::Typeof, argument);
+            let undefined_literal = ctx.ast.expression_string_literal(SPAN, "undefined");
+            let test = ctx.ast.expression_binary(
+                SPAN,
+                typeof_arguments,
+                BinaryOperator::StrictEquality,
+                undefined_literal,
+            );
+            init = ctx.ast.expression_conditional(SPAN, test, ctx.ast.void_0(SPAN), init);
+        }
+        Some(ctx.ast.variable_declarator(
+            SPAN,
+            VariableDeclarationKind::Var,
+            arguments_var.create_binding_pattern(ctx),
+            Some(init),
+            false,
+        ))
+    }
     /// Insert variable statement at the top of the statements.
     fn insert_variable_statement_at_the_top_of_statements(
         &mut self,
         target_scope_id: ScopeId,
         statements: &mut ArenaVec<'a, Statement<'a>>,
         this_var: Option<BoundIdentifier<'a>>,
+        arguments_var: Option<BoundIdentifier<'a>>,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) {
+        // `_arguments = arguments;`
+        let arguments = self.create_arguments_var_declarator(target_scope_id, arguments_var, ctx);
+        let is_class_method_like = Self::is_class_method_like_ancestor(ctx.parent());
+        let declarations_count = usize::from(arguments.is_some())
+            + if is_class_method_like {
+                self.super_methods.as_ref().map_or(0, FxHashMap::len)
+            } else {
+                0
+            }
+            + usize::from(this_var.is_some());
+        // Exit if no declarations to be inserted
+        if declarations_count == 0 {
+            return;
+        }
+        let mut declarations = ctx.ast.vec_with_capacity(declarations_count);
+        if let Some(arguments) = arguments {
+            declarations.push(arguments);
+        }
         // `_superprop_getSomething = () => super.getSomething;`
-        let mut declarations = if Self::is_class_method_like_ancestor(ctx.parent()) {
+        if is_class_method_like {
             if let Some(super_methods) = self.super_methods.as_mut() {
-                let mut declarations = ctx.ast.vec_with_capacity(super_methods.len() + 1);
                 declarations.extend(super_methods.drain().map(|(_, super_method)| {
                     Self::generate_super_method(target_scope_id, super_method, ctx)
-                declarations
-            } else {
-                ctx.ast.vec_with_capacity(1)
-        } else {
-            ctx.ast.vec_with_capacity(1)
-        };
+        }
         // `_this = this;`
         if let Some(this_var) = this_var {
@@ -823,10 +1027,7 @@ impl<'a> ArrowFunctionConverter<'a> {
-        // If there are no declarations, we don't need to insert a variable declaration.
-        if declarations.is_empty() {
-            return;
-        }
+        debug_assert_eq!(declarations_count, declarations.len());
         let stmt = ctx.ast.alloc_variable_declaration(
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/helper_loader.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/helper_loader.rs
index 555491703b1749..a4ba256f342eb8 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/helper_loader.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/helper_loader.rs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 //! helperName(...arguments);
 //! ```
-//! Based on [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime).
+//! Based on [@babel/plugin-transform-runtime](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-runtime).
 //! ### External ([`HelperLoaderMode::External`])
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 //! babelHelpers.helperName(...arguments);
 //! ```
-//! Based on [@babel/plugin-external-helpers](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-external-helpers).
+//! Based on [@babel/plugin-external-helpers](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-external-helpers).
 //! ### Inline ([`HelperLoaderMode::Inline`])
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 //! helperName(...arguments);
 //! ```
-//! Based on [@babel/helper](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-helpers).
+//! Based on [@babel/helper](https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-helpers).
 //! ## Implementation
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ use serde::Deserialize;
 use oxc_allocator::{String as ArenaString, Vec as ArenaVec};
 use oxc_ast::ast::{Argument, CallExpression, Expression, TSTypeParameterInstantiation};
 use oxc_semantic::{ReferenceFlags, SymbolFlags};
-use oxc_span::{Atom, SPAN};
+use oxc_span::{Atom, Span, SPAN};
 use oxc_traverse::{BoundIdentifier, TraverseCtx};
 use crate::TransformCtx;
@@ -183,12 +183,13 @@ impl<'a> TransformCtx<'a> {
     pub fn helper_call(
         helper: Helper,
+        span: Span,
         arguments: ArenaVec<'a, Argument<'a>>,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> CallExpression<'a> {
         let callee = self.helper_load(helper, ctx);
-            SPAN,
+            span,
@@ -200,12 +201,13 @@ impl<'a> TransformCtx<'a> {
     pub fn helper_call_expr(
         helper: Helper,
+        span: Span,
         arguments: ArenaVec<'a, Argument<'a>>,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> Expression<'a> {
         let callee = self.helper_load(helper, ctx);
-            SPAN,
+            span,
@@ -277,9 +279,8 @@ impl<'a> HelperLoaderStore<'a> {
         static HELPER_VAR: &str = "babelHelpers";
         let symbol_id = ctx.scopes().find_binding(ctx.current_scope_id(), HELPER_VAR);
-        let ident =
-            ctx.create_reference_id(SPAN, Atom::from(HELPER_VAR), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
-        let object = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident));
+        let object =
+            ctx.create_ident_expr(SPAN, Atom::from(HELPER_VAR), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
         let property = ctx.ast.identifier_name(SPAN, Atom::from(helper.name()));
         Expression::from(ctx.ast.member_expression_static(SPAN, object, property, false))
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/mod.rs
index 8fc341179f10c8..6c372b4a52f19b 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/mod.rs
@@ -103,4 +103,20 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for Common<'a, 'ctx> {
     fn exit_expression(&mut self, expr: &mut Expression<'a>, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) {
         self.arrow_function_converter.exit_expression(expr, ctx);
+    fn enter_binding_identifier(
+        &mut self,
+        node: &mut BindingIdentifier<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        self.arrow_function_converter.enter_binding_identifier(node, ctx);
+    }
+    fn enter_identifier_reference(
+        &mut self,
+        node: &mut IdentifierReference<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        self.arrow_function_converter.enter_identifier_reference(node, ctx);
+    }
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/module_imports.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/module_imports.rs
index 96d66e0e85b561..87a64a311d548e 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/module_imports.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/common/module_imports.rs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 //! > NOTE: Using `import` or `require` is determined by [`TransformCtx::source_type`].
 //! Based on `@babel/helper-module-imports`
-//! <https://github.com/nicolo-ribaudo/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-helper-module-imports>
+//! <https://github.com/nicolo-ribaudo/babel/tree/v7.25.8/packages/babel-helper-module-imports>
 use std::cell::RefCell;
@@ -226,14 +226,12 @@ impl<'a> ModuleImportsStore<'a> {
         require_symbol_id: Option<SymbolId>,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> Statement<'a> {
-        let var_kind = VariableDeclarationKind::Var;
-        let ident = ctx.create_reference_id(
+        let callee = ctx.create_ident_expr(
-        let callee = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident));
         let args = {
             let arg = Argument::from(ctx.ast.expression_string_literal(SPAN, source));
@@ -241,6 +239,7 @@ impl<'a> ModuleImportsStore<'a> {
         let Some(Import::Default(local)) = names.into_iter().next() else { unreachable!() };
         let id = local.create_binding_pattern(ctx);
+        let var_kind = VariableDeclarationKind::Var;
         let decl = {
             let init = ctx.ast.expression_call(SPAN, callee, NONE, args, false);
             let decl = ctx.ast.variable_declarator(SPAN, var_kind, id, Some(init), false);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2015/arrow_functions.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2015/arrow_functions.rs
index a0779dd52a5e83..a6ae357f2c2b02 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2015/arrow_functions.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2015/arrow_functions.rs
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions>
 //! * Arrow function specification: <https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-arrow-function-definitions>
 use serde::Deserialize;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2016/exponentiation_operator.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2016/exponentiation_operator.rs
index d489405afb257c..38254c188783dd 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2016/exponentiation_operator.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2016/exponentiation_operator.rs
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 //! ## References:
 //! * Babel plugin implementation:
-//!   <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator>
-//!   <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor>
+//!   <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator>
+//!   <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor>
 //! * Exponentiation operator TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-exponentiation-operator>
 //! * Exponentiation operator specification: <https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-exp-operator>
@@ -155,31 +155,24 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> ExponentiationOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
         // Make sure side-effects of evaluating `left` only happen once
         let reference = ctx.scoping.symbols_mut().get_reference_mut(ident.reference_id());
-        let pow_left =
-            if let Some(symbol_id) = reference.symbol_id() {
-                // This variable is declared in scope so evaluating it multiple times can't trigger a getter.
-                // No need for a temp var.
-                // `left **= right` is being transformed to `left = Math.pow(left, right)`,
-                // so if `left` is no longer being read from, update its `ReferenceFlags`.
-                if matches!(ctx.ancestry.parent(), Ancestor::ExpressionStatementExpression(_)) {
-                    *reference.flags_mut() = ReferenceFlags::Write;
-                }
+        let pow_left = if let Some(symbol_id) = reference.symbol_id() {
+            // This variable is declared in scope so evaluating it multiple times can't trigger a getter.
+            // No need for a temp var.
+            // `left **= right` is being transformed to `left = Math.pow(left, right)`,
+            // so if `left` is no longer being read from, update its `ReferenceFlags`.
+            if matches!(ctx.ancestry.parent(), Ancestor::ExpressionStatementExpression(_)) {
+                *reference.flags_mut() = ReferenceFlags::Write;
+            }
-                Expression::Identifier(ctx.ast.alloc(ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
-                    SPAN,
-                    ident.name.clone(),
-                    symbol_id,
-                    ReferenceFlags::Read,
-                )))
-            } else {
-                // Unbound reference. Could possibly trigger a getter so we need to only evaluate it once.
-                // Assign to a temp var.
-                let reference = Expression::Identifier(ctx.ast.alloc(
-                    ctx.create_unbound_reference_id(SPAN, ident.name.clone(), ReferenceFlags::Read),
-                ));
-                let binding = self.create_temp_var(reference, &mut temp_var_inits, ctx);
-                binding.create_read_expression(ctx)
-            };
+            ctx.create_bound_ident_expr(SPAN, ident.name.clone(), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read)
+        } else {
+            // Unbound reference. Could possibly trigger a getter so we need to only evaluate it once.
+            // Assign to a temp var.
+            let reference =
+                ctx.create_unbound_ident_expr(SPAN, ident.name.clone(), ReferenceFlags::Read);
+            let binding = self.create_temp_var(reference, &mut temp_var_inits, ctx);
+            binding.create_read_expression(ctx)
+        };
         (pow_left, temp_var_inits)
@@ -496,12 +489,12 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> ExponentiationOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
                 if let Some(symbol_id) = symbol_id {
                     // This variable is declared in scope so evaluating it multiple times can't trigger a getter.
                     // No need for a temp var.
-                    return Expression::Identifier(ctx.ast.alloc(ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
+                    return ctx.create_bound_ident_expr(
-                    )));
+                    );
                 // Unbound reference. Could possibly trigger a getter so we need to only evaluate it once.
                 // Assign to a temp var.
@@ -547,9 +540,8 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> ExponentiationOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> Expression<'a> {
         let math_symbol_id = ctx.scopes().find_binding(ctx.current_scope_id(), "Math");
-        let ident_math =
-            ctx.create_reference_id(SPAN, Atom::from("Math"), math_symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
-        let object = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident_math));
+        let object =
+            ctx.create_ident_expr(SPAN, Atom::from("Math"), math_symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
         let property = ctx.ast.identifier_name(SPAN, "pow");
         let callee =
             Expression::from(ctx.ast.member_expression_static(SPAN, object, property, false));
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2017/async_to_generator.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2017/async_to_generator.rs
index 9ebcb42db1b618..9e8729f59fe8a3 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2017/async_to_generator.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2017/async_to_generator.rs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 //! Reference:
 //! * Babel docs: <https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator>
-//! * Babel implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator>
+//! * Babel implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator>
 //! * Async / Await TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-await>
 use std::mem;
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorExecutor<'a, 'ctx> {
                 let id = caller_function.id.as_ref().unwrap();
                 // If the function has an id, then we need to return the id.
                 // `function foo() { ... }` -> `function foo() {} return foo;`
-                let reference = ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
+                let reference = ctx.create_bound_ident_expr(
@@ -318,8 +318,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorExecutor<'a, 'ctx> {
                 let statement = Statement::FunctionDeclaration(caller_function);
-                let argument = Some(Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(reference)));
-                statements.push(ctx.ast.statement_return(SPAN, argument));
+                statements.push(ctx.ast.statement_return(SPAN, Some(reference)));
             } else {
                 // If the function doesn't have an id, then we need to return the function itself.
                 // `function() { ... }` -> `return function() { ... };`
@@ -597,9 +596,12 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorExecutor<'a, 'ctx> {
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> Statement<'a> {
         let symbol_id = ctx.scopes().find_binding(ctx.current_scope_id(), "arguments");
-        let arguments_ident =
-            ctx.create_reference_id(SPAN, Atom::from("arguments"), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
-        let arguments_ident = Argument::Identifier(ctx.alloc(arguments_ident));
+        let arguments_ident = Argument::from(ctx.create_ident_expr(
+            SPAN,
+            Atom::from("arguments"),
+            symbol_id,
+            ReferenceFlags::Read,
+        ));
         // (this, arguments)
         let mut arguments = ctx.ast.vec_with_capacity(2);
@@ -637,7 +639,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorExecutor<'a, 'ctx> {
         let mut function = Self::create_function(None, params, body, scope_id, ctx);
         function.generator = true;
         let arguments = ctx.ast.vec1(Argument::FunctionExpression(function));
-        self.ctx.helper_call_expr(self.helper, arguments, ctx)
+        self.ctx.helper_call_expr(self.helper, SPAN, arguments, ctx)
     /// Creates a helper declaration statement for async-to-generator transformation.
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/for_await.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/for_await.rs
index b83767d63afd29..7e006971401610 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/for_await.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/for_await.rs
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorFunctions<'a, 'ctx> {
         let iterator = ctx.ast.move_expression(&mut stmt.right);
         let iterator = self.ctx.helper_call_expr(
+            SPAN,
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/mod.rs
index 0ca70e15210a10..45a2847a772747 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/async_generator_functions/mod.rs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 //! Reference:
 //! * Babel docs: <https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions>
-//! * Babel implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions>
+//! * Babel implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions>
 //! * Async Iteration TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iteration>
 mod for_await;
@@ -166,9 +166,11 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorFunctions<'a, 'ctx> {
         expr.argument.as_mut().map(|argument| {
             let argument = Argument::from(ctx.ast.move_expression(argument));
             let arguments = ctx.ast.vec1(argument);
-            let mut argument = self.ctx.helper_call_expr(Helper::AsyncIterator, arguments, ctx);
+            let mut argument =
+                self.ctx.helper_call_expr(Helper::AsyncIterator, SPAN, arguments, ctx);
             let arguments = ctx.ast.vec1(Argument::from(argument));
-            argument = self.ctx.helper_call_expr(Helper::AsyncGeneratorDelegate, arguments, ctx);
+            argument =
+                self.ctx.helper_call_expr(Helper::AsyncGeneratorDelegate, SPAN, arguments, ctx);
             ctx.ast.expression_yield(SPAN, expr.delegate, Some(argument))
@@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> AsyncGeneratorFunctions<'a, 'ctx> {
         let mut argument = ctx.ast.move_expression(&mut expr.argument);
         let arguments = ctx.ast.vec1(Argument::from(argument));
-        argument = self.ctx.helper_call_expr(Helper::AwaitAsyncGenerator, arguments, ctx);
+        argument = self.ctx.helper_call_expr(Helper::AwaitAsyncGenerator, SPAN, arguments, ctx);
         Some(ctx.ast.expression_yield(SPAN, false, Some(argument)))
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/object_rest_spread.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/object_rest_spread.rs
index cb20c5e093abbd..39963df9871864 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/object_rest_spread.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2018/object_rest_spread.rs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 //! Implementation based on [@babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread](https://babeljs.io/docs/babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread).
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread>
 //! * Object rest/spread TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread>
 use serde::Deserialize;
@@ -141,9 +141,8 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> ObjectRestSpread<'a, 'ctx> {
     fn object_assign(symbol_id: Option<SymbolId>, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) -> Expression<'a> {
-        let ident =
-            ctx.create_reference_id(SPAN, Atom::from("Object"), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
-        let object = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident));
+        let object =
+            ctx.create_ident_expr(SPAN, Atom::from("Object"), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::Read);
         let property = ctx.ast.identifier_name(SPAN, Atom::from("assign"));
         Expression::from(ctx.ast.member_expression_static(SPAN, object, property, false))
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2019/optional_catch_binding.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2019/optional_catch_binding.rs
index 5d9d98eda40cf5..304ced8b7fadbb 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2019/optional_catch_binding.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2019/optional_catch_binding.rs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 //! Implementation based on [@babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding](https://babel.dev/docs/babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding).
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding>
 //! * Optional catch binding TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-optional-catch-binding>
 use oxc_ast::ast::*;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2020/nullish_coalescing_operator.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2020/nullish_coalescing_operator.rs
index 2224b94d28c7b2..ecefb0fe8def0b 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2020/nullish_coalescing_operator.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2020/nullish_coalescing_operator.rs
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
 //! Implementation based on [@babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator](https://babeljs.io/docs/babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator).
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator>
 //! * Nullish coalescing TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39-transfer/proposal-nullish-coalescing>
-use oxc_allocator::CloneIn;
+use oxc_allocator::Box as ArenaBox;
 use oxc_ast::{ast::*, NONE};
-use oxc_semantic::{ReferenceFlags, ScopeFlags, SymbolFlags};
+use oxc_semantic::{ScopeFlags, SymbolFlags};
 use oxc_span::SPAN;
 use oxc_syntax::operator::{AssignmentOperator, BinaryOperator, LogicalOperator};
-use oxc_traverse::{Ancestor, MaybeBoundIdentifier, Traverse, TraverseCtx};
+use oxc_traverse::{Ancestor, BoundIdentifier, Traverse, TraverseCtx};
 use crate::TransformCtx;
@@ -56,20 +56,55 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for NullishCoalescingOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
         // Take ownership of the `LogicalExpression`
-        let logical_expr = match ctx.ast.move_expression(expr) {
-            Expression::LogicalExpression(logical_expr) => logical_expr.unbox(),
-            _ => unreachable!(),
+        let Expression::LogicalExpression(logical_expr) = ctx.ast.move_expression(expr) else {
+            unreachable!()
-        // skip creating extra reference when `left` is static
-        if ctx.is_static(&logical_expr.left) {
-            *expr = Self::create_conditional_expression(
-                Self::clone_expression(&logical_expr.left, ctx),
-                logical_expr.left,
-                logical_expr.right,
-                ctx,
-            );
-            return;
+        *expr = self.transform_logical_expression(logical_expr, ctx);
+    }
+impl<'a, 'ctx> NullishCoalescingOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
+    fn transform_logical_expression(
+        &mut self,
+        logical_expr: ArenaBox<'a, LogicalExpression<'a>>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) -> Expression<'a> {
+        let logical_expr = logical_expr.unbox();
+        // Skip creating extra reference when `left` is static
+        match &logical_expr.left {
+            Expression::ThisExpression(this) => {
+                let this_span = this.span;
+                return Self::create_conditional_expression(
+                    logical_expr.left,
+                    ctx.ast.expression_this(this_span),
+                    ctx.ast.expression_this(this_span),
+                    logical_expr.right,
+                    logical_expr.span,
+                    ctx,
+                );
+            }
+            Expression::Identifier(ident) => {
+                let symbol_id = ctx.symbols().get_reference(ident.reference_id()).symbol_id();
+                if let Some(symbol_id) = symbol_id {
+                    // Check binding is not mutated.
+                    // TODO(improve-on-babel): Remove this check. Whether binding is mutated or not is not relevant.
+                    if ctx.symbols().get_resolved_references(symbol_id).all(|r| !r.is_write()) {
+                        let binding = BoundIdentifier::new(ident.name.clone(), symbol_id);
+                        let ident_span = ident.span;
+                        return Self::create_conditional_expression(
+                            logical_expr.left,
+                            binding.create_spanned_read_expression(ident_span, ctx),
+                            binding.create_spanned_read_expression(ident_span, ctx),
+                            logical_expr.right,
+                            logical_expr.span,
+                            ctx,
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            _ => {}
         // ctx.ancestor(0) is AssignmentPattern
@@ -91,15 +126,20 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for NullishCoalescingOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
-        let reference = binding.create_read_expression(ctx);
         let assignment = ctx.ast.expression_assignment(
-        let mut new_expr =
-            Self::create_conditional_expression(reference, assignment, logical_expr.right, ctx);
+        let mut new_expr = Self::create_conditional_expression(
+            assignment,
+            binding.create_read_expression(ctx),
+            binding.create_read_expression(ctx),
+            logical_expr.right,
+            logical_expr.span,
+            ctx,
+        );
         if is_parent_formal_parameter {
             // Replace `function (a, x = a.b ?? c) {}` to `function (a, x = (() => a.b ?? c)() ){}`
@@ -135,50 +175,44 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for NullishCoalescingOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
             self.ctx.var_declarations.insert_var(&binding, None, ctx);
-        *expr = new_expr;
-    }
-impl<'a, 'ctx> NullishCoalescingOperator<'a, 'ctx> {
-    fn clone_expression(expr: &Expression<'a>, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) -> Expression<'a> {
-        match expr {
-            Expression::Identifier(ident) => {
-                let binding = MaybeBoundIdentifier::from_identifier_reference(ident, ctx);
-                binding.create_spanned_expression(ident.span, ReferenceFlags::Read, ctx)
-            }
-            _ => expr.clone_in(ctx.ast.allocator),
-        }
+        new_expr
-    /// Create a conditional expression
+    /// Create a conditional expression.
     /// ```js
     /// // Input
-    /// bar ?? "qux"
+    /// foo = bar ?? "qux"
     /// // Output
-    /// qux = bar !== null && bar !== void 0 ? bar : "qux"
-    /// //    ^^^ assignment  ^^^ reference           ^^^ default
+    /// foo = bar !== null && bar !== void 0 ? bar : "qux"
+    /// //    ^^^ assignment  ^^^ reference1         ^^^^^ default
+    /// //                                     ^^^ reference2
     /// ```
-    /// reference and assignment are the same in this case, but they can be different
+    /// ```js
+    /// // Input
+    /// foo = bar.x ?? "qux"
+    ///
+    /// // Output
+    /// foo = (_bar$x = bar.x) !== null && _bar$x !== void 0 ? _bar$x : "qux"
+    /// //    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment  ^^^^^^ reference1            ^^^^^ default
+    /// //                                                     ^^^^^^ reference2
+    /// ```
     fn create_conditional_expression(
-        reference: Expression<'a>,
         assignment: Expression<'a>,
+        reference1: Expression<'a>,
+        reference2: Expression<'a>,
         default: Expression<'a>,
+        span: Span,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> Expression<'a> {
         let op = BinaryOperator::StrictInequality;
         let null = ctx.ast.expression_null_literal(SPAN);
         let left = ctx.ast.expression_binary(SPAN, assignment, op, null);
-        let right = ctx.ast.expression_binary(
-            SPAN,
-            Self::clone_expression(&reference, ctx),
-            op,
-            ctx.ast.void_0(SPAN),
-        );
+        let right = ctx.ast.expression_binary(SPAN, reference1, op, ctx.ast.void_0(SPAN));
         let test = ctx.ast.expression_logical(SPAN, left, LogicalOperator::And, right);
-        ctx.ast.expression_conditional(SPAN, test, reference, default)
+        ctx.ast.expression_conditional(span, test, reference2, default)
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2021/logical_assignment_operators.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2021/logical_assignment_operators.rs
index 94697914f44827..a06d2bb8dd4522 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2021/logical_assignment_operators.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2021/logical_assignment_operators.rs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 //! Implementation based on [@babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators](https://babel.dev/docs/babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators).
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators>
 //! * Logical Assignment TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-logical-assignment>
 use oxc_allocator::CloneIn;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> LogicalAssignmentOperators<'a, 'ctx> {
         let symbol_id = reference.symbol_id();
         let left_expr = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident.clone()));
-        let ident = ctx.create_reference_id(
+        let ident = ctx.create_ident_reference(
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_properties.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_properties.rs
index 5087d26aa86c34..becd2424c9f246 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_properties.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_properties.rs
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
 //! ## References:
 //! * Babel plugin implementation:
-//!   * <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-class-properties>
-//!   * <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin/src/index.ts>
-//!   * <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin/src/fields.ts>
+//!   * <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-class-properties>
+//!   * <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin/src/index.ts>
+//!   * <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin/src/fields.ts>
 //! * Class properties TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-class-fields>
 use serde::Deserialize;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_static_block.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_static_block.rs
index f19ec629652da2..c1aaf5c26855c6 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_static_block.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/es2022/class_static_block.rs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 //! Implementation based on [@babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block](https://babel.dev/docs/babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block).
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block>
 //! * Class static initialization blocks TC39 proposal: <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-class-static-block>
 use itoa::Buffer as ItoaBuffer;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/display_name.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/display_name.rs
index f37b0d1154e7a2..05b9c92c0374ed 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/display_name.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/display_name.rs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name/src/index.ts>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name/src/index.ts>
 use oxc_ast::ast::*;
 use oxc_span::{Atom, SPAN};
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_impl.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_impl.rs
index db972b6b511a47..8d58728d9be144 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_impl.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_impl.rs
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-helper-builder-react-jsx>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-helper-builder-react-jsx>
 use oxc_allocator::Vec as ArenaVec;
 use oxc_ast::{ast::*, AstBuilder, NONE};
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_self.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_self.rs
index 8c90fdfd91dc93..940f84fc35c6e0 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_self.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_self.rs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self/src/index.ts>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self/src/index.ts>
 use oxc_ast::ast::*;
 use oxc_diagnostics::OxcDiagnostic;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_source.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_source.rs
index 950473b35a3e71..232cc4fba99ee6 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_source.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/jsx_source.rs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 //! ## References:
-//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source/src/index.ts>
+//! * Babel plugin implementation: <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source/src/index.ts>
 use ropey::Rope;
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/refresh.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/refresh.rs
index 4e13e1f60f91e8..a7145f0d06660f 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/refresh.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/jsx/refresh.rs
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ impl<'a> RefreshIdentifierResolver<'a> {
 /// References:
 /// * <https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/16604#issuecomment-528663101>
-/// * <https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/react-refresh/src/ReactFreshBabelPlugin.js>
+/// * <https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v18.3.1/packages/react-refresh/src/ReactFreshBabelPlugin.js>
 pub struct ReactRefresh<'a, 'ctx> {
     refresh_reg: RefreshIdentifierResolver<'a>,
     refresh_sig: RefreshIdentifierResolver<'a>,
@@ -336,13 +336,12 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for ReactRefresh<'a, 'ctx> {
                         .map(|symbol_id| {
-                            let ident = ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
+                            let mut expr = ctx.create_bound_ident_expr(
-                            let mut expr = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident));
                             if is_member_expression {
                                 // binding_name.hook_name
@@ -496,13 +495,12 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> ReactRefresh<'a, 'ctx> {
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> Statement<'a> {
         let left = self.create_registration(id.name.clone(), ReferenceFlags::Write, ctx);
-        let right = ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
+        let right = ctx.create_bound_ident_expr(
-        let right = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(right));
         let expr = ctx.ast.expression_assignment(SPAN, AssignmentOperator::Assign, left, right);
         ctx.ast.statement_expression(SPAN, expr)
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/lib.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/lib.rs
index dd321309b39e68..1ff1d32c6620e5 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/lib.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //! References:
 //! * <https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#target>
 //! * <https://babel.dev/docs/presets>
-//! * <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/compiler/transformer.ts>
+//! * <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/v5.6.3/src/compiler/transformer.ts>
 use std::path::Path;
@@ -190,6 +190,22 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for TransformerImpl<'a, 'ctx> {
         self.x2_es2020.enter_big_int_literal(node, ctx);
+    fn enter_binding_identifier(
+        &mut self,
+        node: &mut BindingIdentifier<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        self.common.enter_binding_identifier(node, ctx);
+    }
+    fn enter_identifier_reference(
+        &mut self,
+        node: &mut IdentifierReference<'a>,
+        ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
+    ) {
+        self.common.enter_identifier_reference(node, ctx);
+    }
     fn enter_binding_pattern(&mut self, pat: &mut BindingPattern<'a>, ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>) {
         if let Some(typescript) = self.x0_typescript.as_mut() {
             typescript.enter_binding_pattern(pat, ctx);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/env.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/env.rs
index abc3f3c3b60fcc..667206afb370a9 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/env.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/env.rs
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ impl From<EngineTargets> for EnvOptions {
                 async_generator_functions: o.has_feature(ES2018AsyncGeneratorFunctions),
             es2019: ES2019Options {
-                optional_catch_binding: o.has_feature(ES2018OptionalCatchBinding),
+                optional_catch_binding: o.has_feature(ES2019OptionalCatchBinding),
             es2020: ES2020Options {
                 nullish_coalescing_operator: o.has_feature(ES2020NullishCoalescingOperator),
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ impl From<EngineTargets> for EnvOptions {
                 optional_chaining: o.has_feature(ES2020OptionalChaining),
             es2021: ES2021Options {
-                logical_assignment_operators: o.has_feature(ES2020LogicalAssignmentOperators),
+                logical_assignment_operators: o.has_feature(ES2021LogicalAssignmentOperators),
             es2022: ES2022Options {
                 class_static_block: o.has_feature(ES2022ClassStaticBlock),
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/es_features.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/es_features.rs
index 7a1f6b21a9e203..cabac4aaca09ad 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/es_features.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/options/es_features.rs
@@ -6,53 +6,53 @@ use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
 use std::sync::OnceLock;
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
 pub enum ESFeature {
-    ES5ReservedWords,
-    ES5PropertyLiterals,
+    ES5PropertyLiterals,
+    ES5ReservedWords,
-    ES2015Regenerator,
-    ES2015NewTarget,
-    ES2015TypeofSymbol,
-    ES2015BlockScoping,
-    ES2015Destructuring,
-    ES2015Spread,
-    ES2015UnicodeRegex,
-    ES2015UnicodeEscapes,
-    ES2015StickyRegex,
-    ES2015ForOf,
-    ES2015ComputedProperties,
-    ES2015DuplicateKeys,
-    ES2015ShorthandProperties,
-    ES2015ObjectSuper,
-    ES2015Classes,
-    ES2015BlockScopedFunctions,
-    ES2015ArrowFunctions,
-    ES2015FunctionName,
-    ES2015Literals,
+    ES2015Literals,
+    ES2015FunctionName,
+    ES2015ArrowFunctions,
+    ES2015BlockScopedFunctions,
+    ES2015Classes,
+    ES2015ObjectSuper,
+    ES2015ShorthandProperties,
+    ES2015DuplicateKeys,
+    ES2015ComputedProperties,
+    ES2015ForOf,
+    ES2015StickyRegex,
+    ES2015UnicodeEscapes,
+    ES2015UnicodeRegex,
+    ES2015Spread,
+    ES2015Destructuring,
+    ES2015BlockScoping,
+    ES2015TypeofSymbol,
+    ES2015NewTarget,
+    ES2015Regenerator,
-    ES2018NamedCapturingGroupsRegex,
-    ES2018UnicodePropertyRegex,
+    ES2018AsyncGeneratorFunctions,
+    ES2018ObjectRestSpread,
+    ES2018UnicodePropertyRegex,
+    ES2018NamedCapturingGroupsRegex,
-    ES2018ObjectRestSpread,
-    ES2018AsyncGeneratorFunctions,
-    ES2018OptionalCatchBinding,
-    ES2020OptionalChaining,
+    ES2019OptionalCatchBinding,
-    ES2020LogicalAssignmentOperators,
+    ES2020OptionalChaining,
-    ES2022PrivateMethods,
-    ES2022ClassProperties,
-    ES2022PrivatePropertyInObject,
+    ES2021LogicalAssignmentOperators,
+    ES2022PrivatePropertyInObject,
+    ES2022ClassProperties,
+    ES2022PrivateMethods,
-    ES2025RegexpModifiers,
+    ES2025RegexpModifiers,
 pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
     use ESFeature::*;
@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
     FEATURES.get_or_init(|| {
-                ES5ReservedWords,
+                ES5MemberExpressionLiterals,
-                    (Chrome, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(3u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(10u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(7u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(5u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 13u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(0u32, 6u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(0u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ie, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Firefox, Version(2u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Android, Version(4u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Android, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(0u32, 20u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(10u32, 50u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(5u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -101,20 +101,20 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES5MemberExpressionLiterals,
+                ES5ReservedWords,
-                    (Chrome, Version(7u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(5u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(3u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(10u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 13u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(0u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(0u32, 6u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ie, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Firefox, Version(2u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Android, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Android, Version(4u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(0u32, 20u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(10u32, 50u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(5u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -138,76 +138,42 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2015Regenerator,
+                ES2015TemplateLiterals,
-                    (Chrome, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(3u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 21u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015NewTarget,
-                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
-                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ])),
-            ),
-            (
-                ES2015TypeofSymbol,
+                ES2015Literals,
-                    (Chrome, Version(38u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(25u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(0u32, 12u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 13u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(36u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(32u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 15u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 20u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(25u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 30u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015BlockScoping,
-                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
-                    (Chrome, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ])),
-            ),
-            (
-                ES2015Destructuring,
+                ES2015FunctionName,
                     (Chrome, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
@@ -219,110 +185,94 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
                     (Electron, Version(1u32, 2u32, 0u32)),
                     (Opera, Version(38u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015Spread,
+                ES2015ArrowFunctions,
-                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(45u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 13u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(43u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015UnicodeRegex,
-                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
-                    (Chrome, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ])),
-            ),
-            (
-                ES2015UnicodeEscapes,
+                ES2015BlockScopedFunctions,
-                    (Chrome, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(32u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(3u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 15u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ie, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 30u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 21u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015StickyRegex,
+                ES2015Classes,
-                    (Chrome, Version(49u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(36u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 15u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(45u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 37u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(36u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015ForOf,
+                ES2015ObjectSuper,
-                    (Chrome, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(6u32, 5u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(45u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 2u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(38u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015ComputedProperties,
+                ES2015ShorthandProperties,
-                    (Chrome, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(7u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(32u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(43u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(30u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 14u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 30u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 27u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(30u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -345,95 +295,111 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2015ShorthandProperties,
+                ES2015ComputedProperties,
-                    (Chrome, Version(43u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(30u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(7u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(32u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 14u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 27u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(30u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 30u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015ObjectSuper,
+                ES2015ForOf,
-                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(45u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(6u32, 5u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 2u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(38u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015Classes,
+                ES2015StickyRegex,
-                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(49u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(36u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(45u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 15u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 37u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(36u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015BlockScopedFunctions,
+                ES2015UnicodeEscapes,
-                    (Chrome, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(3u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(32u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ie, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 15u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 21u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 30u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015ArrowFunctions,
+                ES2015UnicodeRegex,
-                    (Chrome, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 13u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(43u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
+                ])),
+            ),
+            (
+                ES2015Spread,
+                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
+                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(45u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015FunctionName,
+                ES2015Destructuring,
                     (Chrome, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
@@ -445,41 +411,75 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
                     (Electron, Version(1u32, 2u32, 0u32)),
                     (Opera, Version(38u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015Literals,
+                ES2015BlockScoping,
-                    (Chrome, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(32u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 15u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 30u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
+                ])),
+            ),
+            (
+                ES2015TypeofSymbol,
+                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
+                    (Chrome, Version(38u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(25u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(0u32, 12u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 13u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(36u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 20u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(25u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
+                ])),
+            ),
+            (
+                ES2015NewTarget,
+                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
+                    (Chrome, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 36u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(33u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2015TemplateLiterals,
+                ES2015Regenerator,
-                    (Chrome, Version(41u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(3u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(4u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(34u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(5u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(6u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(0u32, 21u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(28u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(1u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(37u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2015u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -520,34 +520,34 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2018NamedCapturingGroupsRegex,
+                ES2018AsyncGeneratorFunctions,
-                    (Chrome, Version(64u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(11u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(63u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(78u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(57u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(11u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2018u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2018UnicodePropertyRegex,
+                ES2018ObjectRestSpread,
-                    (Chrome, Version(64u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(60u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(11u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(78u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(8u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(55u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(2u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(11u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2018u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -572,87 +572,87 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2018LookbehindRegex,
+                ES2018UnicodePropertyRegex,
-                    (Chrome, Version(62u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(8u32, 10u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(64u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(11u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Firefox, Version(78u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(49u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(11u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2018u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2018ObjectRestSpread,
+                ES2018NamedCapturingGroupsRegex,
-                    (Chrome, Version(60u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(64u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Safari, Version(11u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(44u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(8u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(55u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(78u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(2u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(51u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Ios, Version(11u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2018u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2018AsyncGeneratorFunctions,
+                ES2018LookbehindRegex,
-                    (Chrome, Version(63u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(62u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
                     (OperaMobile, Version(46u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(8u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(57u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(8u32, 10u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(78u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(50u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(49u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2018u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2018OptionalCatchBinding,
+                ES2019JsonStrings,
                     (Chrome, Version(66u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(11u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (OperaMobile, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(58u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 14u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(62u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Opera, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(11u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Es, Version(2018u32, 0, 0)),
+                    (Es, Version(2019u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2019JsonStrings,
+                ES2019OptionalCatchBinding,
                     (Chrome, Version(66u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(11u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
                     (OperaMobile, Version(47u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(9u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Node, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Rhino, Version(1u32, 7u32, 14u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(62u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(58u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(3u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Opera, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(11u32, 3u32, 0u32)),
                     (Edge, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2019u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -692,19 +692,19 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2020LogicalAssignmentOperators,
+                ES2020OptionalChaining,
-                    (Chrome, Version(85u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(60u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 2u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(71u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(85u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(91u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(13u32, 1u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(64u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(16u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(16u32, 9u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(74u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 9u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(13u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(77u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(13u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(91u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2020u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -745,36 +745,36 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2022PrivateMethods,
+                ES2021LogicalAssignmentOperators,
-                    (Chrome, Version(84u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(85u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (OperaMobile, Version(60u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Samsung, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(14u32, 6u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(90u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(79u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 2u32, 0u32)),
                     (Electron, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(70u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(84u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Es, Version(2022u32, 0, 0)),
+                    (Opera, Version(71u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(85u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Es, Version(2021u32, 0, 0)),
-                ES2022ClassProperties,
+                ES2022ClassStaticBlock,
-                    (Chrome, Version(98u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(16u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(90u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 18u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(17u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(84u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(16u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(98u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(94u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(66u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(17u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(16u32, 11u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(93u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 14u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(80u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(94u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2022u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -796,19 +796,36 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
-                ES2022ClassStaticBlock,
+                ES2022ClassProperties,
-                    (Chrome, Version(94u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Safari, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
-                    (OperaMobile, Version(66u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Samsung, Version(17u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(16u32, 11u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(93u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 14u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(80u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Ios, Version(16u32, 4u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(94u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Chrome, Version(98u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(16u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(53u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(11u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(12u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(90u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 18u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(17u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(84u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(16u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(98u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Es, Version(2022u32, 0, 0)),
+                ])),
+            ),
+            (
+                ES2022PrivateMethods,
+                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
+                    (Chrome, Version(84u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Safari, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (OperaMobile, Version(60u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Samsung, Version(14u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(14u32, 6u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(90u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Deno, Version(1u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(10u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(70u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Ios, Version(15u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(84u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
                     (Es, Version(2022u32, 0, 0)),
@@ -845,18 +862,6 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
                     (Es, Version(2024u32, 0, 0)),
-            (
-                ES2025RegexpModifiers,
-                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
-                    (Chrome, Version(125u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Edge, Version(125u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Electron, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Opera, Version(111u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Node, Version(23u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Firefox, Version(132u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
-                    (Es, Version(2025u32, 0, 0)),
-                ])),
-            ),
@@ -871,6 +876,18 @@ pub fn features() -> &'static FxHashMap<ESFeature, EngineTargets> {
                     (Es, Version(2025u32, 0, 0)),
+            (
+                ES2025RegexpModifiers,
+                EngineTargets::new(FxHashMap::from_iter([
+                    (Chrome, Version(125u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Edge, Version(125u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Electron, Version(31u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Opera, Version(111u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Node, Version(23u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Firefox, Version(132u32, 0u32, 0u32)),
+                    (Es, Version(2025u32, 0, 0)),
+                ])),
+            ),
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/regexp/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/regexp/mod.rs
index a2dfe6c03c2ebd..fdb69fdb00746c 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/regexp/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/regexp/mod.rs
@@ -180,13 +180,7 @@ impl<'a, 'ctx> Traverse<'a> for RegExp<'a, 'ctx> {
         let callee = {
             let symbol_id = ctx.scopes().find_binding(ctx.current_scope_id(), "RegExp");
-            let ident = ctx.create_reference_id(
-                SPAN,
-                Atom::from("RegExp"),
-                symbol_id,
-                ReferenceFlags::read(),
-            );
-            Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(ident))
+            ctx.create_ident_expr(SPAN, Atom::from("RegExp"), symbol_id, ReferenceFlags::read())
         let mut arguments = ctx.ast.vec_with_capacity(2);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/typescript/enum.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/typescript/enum.rs
index 5866d4b8325f85..b503f9ff327040 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/src/typescript/enum.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/src/typescript/enum.rs
@@ -122,13 +122,12 @@ impl<'a> TypeScriptEnum<'a> {
         } else {
             // }(Foo || {});
             let op = LogicalOperator::Or;
-            let left = ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
+            let left = ctx.create_bound_ident_expr(
-            let left = Expression::Identifier(ctx.alloc(left));
             let right = ast.expression_object(SPAN, ast.vec(), None);
             let expression = ast.expression_logical(SPAN, left, op, right);
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ impl<'a> TypeScriptEnum<'a> {
         if is_already_declared {
             let op = AssignmentOperator::Assign;
-            let left = ctx.create_bound_reference_id(
+            let left = ctx.create_bound_ident_reference(
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/es_target.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/es_target.rs
index afc1d2fccb6776..2a486456705ac3 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/es_target.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/es_target.rs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ fn target_list_pass() {
     let result = TransformOptions::from_target(target).unwrap();
-    assert!(!result.env.es2021.logical_assignment_operators);
+    assert!(result.env.es2021.logical_assignment_operators);
diff --git a/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/plugins/inject_global_variables.rs b/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/plugins/inject_global_variables.rs
index 26ee7e9b6b0eb6..03835d70ed99ae 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/plugins/inject_global_variables.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_transformer/tests/integrations/plugins/inject_global_variables.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 //! References
-//! * <https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/inject/test>
+//! * <https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/pluginutils-v5.1.3/packages/inject/test>
 use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
 use oxc_codegen::{CodeGenerator, CodegenOptions};
diff --git a/crates/oxc_traverse/scripts/build.mjs b/crates/oxc_traverse/scripts/build.mjs
index 4f57fa8f2199b1..584d8097bcfe05 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_traverse/scripts/build.mjs
+++ b/crates/oxc_traverse/scripts/build.mjs
@@ -30,10 +30,13 @@ const PREAMBLE = '// Auto-generated code, DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY!\n' +
 const types = await getTypesFromCode();
 const outputDirPath = pathJoin(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '../../src/generated');
-await writeToFile('traverse.rs', generateTraverseTraitCode(types));
-await writeToFile('ancestor.rs', generateAncestorsCode(types));
-await writeToFile('walk.rs', generateWalkFunctionsCode(types));
-await writeToFile('scopes_collector.rs', generateScopesCollectorCode(types));
+await Promise.all([
+  writeToFile('traverse.rs', generateTraverseTraitCode(types)),
+  writeToFile('ancestor.rs', generateAncestorsCode(types)),
+  writeToFile('walk.rs', generateWalkFunctionsCode(types)),
+  writeToFile('scopes_collector.rs', generateScopesCollectorCode(types)),
  * @param {string} filename
diff --git a/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/bound_identifier.rs b/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/bound_identifier.rs
index 2761a89c80b09a..5fbaa063b32091 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/bound_identifier.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/bound_identifier.rs
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ impl<'a> BoundIdentifier<'a> {
         flags: ReferenceFlags,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> IdentifierReference<'a> {
-        ctx.create_bound_reference_id(span, self.name.clone(), self.symbol_id, flags)
+        ctx.create_bound_ident_reference(span, self.name.clone(), self.symbol_id, flags)
     /// Create `Expression::Identifier` referencing this binding, with specified `Span` and `ReferenceFlags`
diff --git a/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/maybe_bound_identifier.rs b/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/maybe_bound_identifier.rs
index 5d7b010f717dff..6dc1451ccf3eda 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/maybe_bound_identifier.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/maybe_bound_identifier.rs
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ impl<'a> MaybeBoundIdentifier<'a> {
         flags: ReferenceFlags,
         ctx: &mut TraverseCtx<'a>,
     ) -> IdentifierReference<'a> {
-        ctx.create_reference_id(span, self.name.clone(), self.symbol_id, flags)
+        ctx.create_ident_reference(span, self.name.clone(), self.symbol_id, flags)
     /// Create `Expression::Identifier` referencing this binding, with specified `Span` and `ReferenceFlags`
diff --git a/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/mod.rs b/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/mod.rs
index ac2968dcddfdeb..eda09ba266cc6c 100644
--- a/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/oxc_traverse/src/context/mod.rs
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ impl<'a> TraverseCtx<'a> {
     /// Create an `IdentifierReference` bound to a `SymbolId`.
-    pub fn create_bound_reference_id(
+    pub fn create_bound_ident_reference(
         &mut self,
         span: Span,
         name: Atom<'a>,
@@ -445,6 +445,18 @@ impl<'a> TraverseCtx<'a> {
         self.ast.identifier_reference_with_reference_id(span, name, reference_id)
+    /// Create an `Expression::Identifier` bound to a `SymbolId`.
+    pub fn create_bound_ident_expr(
+        &mut self,
+        span: Span,
+        name: Atom<'a>,
+        symbol_id: SymbolId,
+        flags: ReferenceFlags,
+    ) -> Expression<'a> {
+        let ident = self.create_bound_ident_reference(span, name, symbol_id, flags);
+        Expression::Identifier(self.ast.alloc(ident))
+    }
     /// Create an unbound reference.
     /// This is a shortcut for `ctx.scoping.create_unbound_reference`.
@@ -458,7 +470,7 @@ impl<'a> TraverseCtx<'a> {
     /// Create an unbound `IdentifierReference`.
-    pub fn create_unbound_reference_id(
+    pub fn create_unbound_ident_reference(
         &mut self,
         span: Span,
         name: Atom<'a>,
@@ -468,6 +480,17 @@ impl<'a> TraverseCtx<'a> {
         self.ast.identifier_reference_with_reference_id(span, name, reference_id)
+    /// Create an unbound `Expression::Identifier`.
+    pub fn create_unbound_ident_expr(
+        &mut self,
+        span: Span,
+        name: Atom<'a>,
+        flags: ReferenceFlags,
+    ) -> Expression<'a> {
+        let ident = self.create_unbound_ident_reference(span, name, flags);
+        Expression::Identifier(self.ast.alloc(ident))
+    }
     /// Create a reference optionally bound to a `SymbolId`.
     /// If you know if there's a `SymbolId` or not, prefer `TraverseCtx::create_bound_reference`
@@ -486,9 +509,9 @@ impl<'a> TraverseCtx<'a> {
     /// Create an `IdentifierReference` optionally bound to a `SymbolId`.
-    /// If you know if there's a `SymbolId` or not, prefer `TraverseCtx::create_bound_reference_id`
-    /// or `TraverseCtx::create_unbound_reference_id`.
-    pub fn create_reference_id(
+    /// If you know if there's a `SymbolId` or not, prefer `TraverseCtx::create_bound_ident_reference`
+    /// or `TraverseCtx::create_unbound_ident_reference`.
+    pub fn create_ident_reference(
         &mut self,
         span: Span,
         name: Atom<'a>,
@@ -496,9 +519,27 @@ impl<'a> TraverseCtx<'a> {
         flags: ReferenceFlags,
     ) -> IdentifierReference<'a> {
         if let Some(symbol_id) = symbol_id {
-            self.create_bound_reference_id(span, name, symbol_id, flags)
+            self.create_bound_ident_reference(span, name, symbol_id, flags)
+        } else {
+            self.create_unbound_ident_reference(span, name, flags)
+        }
+    }
+    /// Create an `Expression::Identifier` optionally bound to a `SymbolId`.
+    ///
+    /// If you know if there's a `SymbolId` or not, prefer `TraverseCtx::create_bound_ident_expr`
+    /// or `TraverseCtx::create_unbound_ident_expr`.
+    pub fn create_ident_expr(
+        &mut self,
+        span: Span,
+        name: Atom<'a>,
+        symbol_id: Option<SymbolId>,
+        flags: ReferenceFlags,
+    ) -> Expression<'a> {
+        if let Some(symbol_id) = symbol_id {
+            self.create_bound_ident_expr(span, name, symbol_id, flags)
         } else {
-            self.create_unbound_reference_id(span, name, flags)
+            self.create_unbound_ident_expr(span, name, flags)
diff --git a/editors/vscode/README.md b/editors/vscode/README.md
index c4298105aff819..8bee6d1f994eee 100644
--- a/editors/vscode/README.md
+++ b/editors/vscode/README.md
@@ -2,6 +2,17 @@
 The Oxidation Compiler is creating a suite of high-performance tools for JavaScript and TypeScript.
+## Installation
+Any of the below options can be used to install the extension.
+- Install through the VS Code extensions marketplace by searching for `Oxc`. Verify the identifier is `oxc.oxc-vscode`.
+- From within VS Code, open the Quick Open (Ctrl+P or Cmd+P on macOS) and execute `ext install oxc.oxc-vscode`.
 ## Oxlint
-This is the linter for oxc.
+This is the linter for Oxc. The currently supported features are listed below.
+- Highlighting for warnings or errors identified by Oxlint
+- Quick fixes to fix a warning or error when possible
+- JSON schema validation for supported Oxlint configuration files (does not include ESLint configuration files)
diff --git a/editors/vscode/client/config.ts b/editors/vscode/client/config.ts
index ba553afb13a91d..d2eabe94ec753c 100644
--- a/editors/vscode/client/config.ts
+++ b/editors/vscode/client/config.ts
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import { IDisposable } from './types';
 export class ConfigService implements Config, IDisposable {
   private static readonly _namespace = 'oxc';
   private readonly _disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
-  private _inner: WorkspaceConfiguration;
-  private _runTrigger: Trigger;
-  private _enable: boolean;
-  private _trace: TraceLevel;
-  private _configPath: string;
+  private _inner!: WorkspaceConfiguration;
+  private _runTrigger!: Trigger;
+  private _enable!: boolean;
+  private _trace!: TraceLevel;
+  private _configPath!: string;
   private _binPath: string | undefined;
   public onConfigChange:
@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@ export class ConfigService implements Config, IDisposable {
     | undefined;
   constructor() {
-    this._inner = workspace.getConfiguration(ConfigService._namespace);
-    this._runTrigger = this._inner.get<Trigger>('lint.run') || 'onType';
-    this._enable = this._inner.get<boolean>('enable') ?? true;
-    this._trace = this._inner.get<TraceLevel>('trace.server') || 'off';
-    this._configPath = this._inner.get<string>('configPath') || '.eslintrc';
-    this._binPath = this._inner.get<string>('path.server');
+    this.setSettingsFromWorkspace();
     this.onConfigChange = undefined;
     const disposeChangeListener = workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(
@@ -30,6 +25,16 @@ export class ConfigService implements Config, IDisposable {
+  private setSettingsFromWorkspace(): void {
+    this._inner = workspace.getConfiguration(ConfigService._namespace);
+    this._runTrigger = this._inner.get<Trigger>('lint.run') || 'onType';
+    this._enable = this._inner.get<boolean>('enable') ?? true;
+    this._trace = this._inner.get<TraceLevel>('trace.server') || 'off';
+    this._configPath = this._inner.get<string>('configPath') || '.eslintrc';
+    this._binPath = this._inner.get<string>('path.server');
+  }
   get runTrigger(): Trigger {
     return this._runTrigger;
@@ -87,11 +92,7 @@ export class ConfigService implements Config, IDisposable {
   private onVscodeConfigChange(event: ConfigurationChangeEvent): void {
     if (event.affectsConfiguration(ConfigService._namespace)) {
-      this._runTrigger = this._inner.get<Trigger>('lint.run') || 'onType';
-      this._enable = this._inner.get<boolean>('enable') ?? true;
-      this._trace = this._inner.get<TraceLevel>('trace.server') || 'off';
-      this._configPath = this._inner.get<string>('configPath') || '.eslintrc';
-      this._binPath = this._inner.get<string>('path.server');
+      this.setSettingsFromWorkspace();
       this.onConfigChange?.call(this, event);
diff --git a/justfile b/justfile
index bf68103913aedb..fe94849a8d3976 100755
--- a/justfile
+++ b/justfile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env -S just --justfile
-set windows-shell := ["powershell"]
+set windows-shell := ["powershell.exe", "-NoLogo", "-Command"]
 set shell := ["bash", "-cu"]
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ alias new-typescript-rule := new-ts-rule
 # or install via `cargo install cargo-binstall`
 # Initialize the project by installing all the necessary tools.
+  # Rust related init
   cargo binstall watchexec-cli cargo-insta typos-cli cargo-shear dprint -y
+  # Node.js related init
+  pnpm install
 # When ready, run the same CI commands
@@ -32,10 +35,10 @@ ready:
 # Clone or update submodules
-  just clone-submodule tasks/coverage/test262 git@github.com:tc39/test262.git 0645461999632a17426e45d044ee519a0f07d022
-  just clone-submodule tasks/coverage/babel git@github.com:babel/babel.git d20b314c14533ab86351ecf6ca6b7296b66a57b3
-  just clone-submodule tasks/coverage/typescript git@github.com:microsoft/TypeScript.git df9d16503f6755dd071e4c591b9d21c39d03d95e
-  just clone-submodule tasks/prettier_conformance/prettier git@github.com:prettier/prettier.git 52829385bcc4d785e58ae2602c0b098a643523c9
+  just clone-submodule tasks/coverage/test262 https://github.com/tc39/test262.git 0645461999632a17426e45d044ee519a0f07d022
+  just clone-submodule tasks/coverage/babel https://github.com/babel/babel.git d20b314c14533ab86351ecf6ca6b7296b66a57b3
+  just clone-submodule tasks/coverage/typescript https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript.git df9d16503f6755dd071e4c591b9d21c39d03d95e
+  just clone-submodule tasks/prettier_conformance/prettier https://github.com/prettier/prettier.git 52829385bcc4d785e58ae2602c0b098a643523c9
 # Install git pre-commit to format files
@@ -128,8 +131,7 @@ autoinherit:
 # Test Transform
 test-transform *args='':
-  cargo run -p oxc_transform_conformance -- {{args}}
-  cargo run -p oxc_transform_conformance -- --exec  {{args}}
+  cargo run -p oxc_transform_conformance -- --exec {{args}}
 # Install wasm-pack
@@ -192,11 +194,18 @@ new-vitest-rule name:
 new-security-rule name:
     cargo run -p rulegen {{name}} security
 clone-submodule dir url sha:
   cd {{dir}} || git init {{dir}}
   cd {{dir}} && git remote add origin {{url}} || true
   cd {{dir}} && git fetch --depth=1 origin {{sha}} && git reset --hard {{sha}}
+clone-submodule dir url sha:
+  if (-not (Test-Path {{dir}}/.git)) { git init {{dir}} }
+  cd {{dir}} ; if ((git remote) -notcontains 'origin') { git remote add origin {{url}} } else { git remote set-url origin {{url}} }
+  cd {{dir}} ; git fetch --depth=1 origin {{sha}} ; git reset --hard {{sha}}
 website path:
   cargo run -p website -- linter-rules --table {{path}}/src/docs/guide/usage/linter/generated-rules.md --rule-docs {{path}}/src/docs/guide/usage/linter/rules
   cargo run -p website -- linter-cli > {{path}}/src/docs/guide/usage/linter/generated-cli.md
diff --git a/napi/parser/index.d.ts b/napi/parser/index.d.ts
index d2bc98de30bf34..a36ba4bec60909 100644
--- a/napi/parser/index.d.ts
+++ b/napi/parser/index.d.ts
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ export interface ParseResult {
  * Babel Parser Options
- * <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-parser/typings/babel-parser.d.ts>
+ * <https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-parser/typings/babel-parser.d.ts>
 export interface ParserOptions {
   sourceType?: 'script' | 'module' | 'unambiguous' | undefined
diff --git a/napi/transform/index.d.ts b/napi/transform/index.d.ts
index 4c76416ab66b9a..9fd1aca75d5cbc 100644
--- a/napi/transform/index.d.ts
+++ b/napi/transform/index.d.ts
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export interface JsxOptions {
    * Enable React Fast Refresh .
-   * Conforms to the implementation in {@link https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/main/packages/react-refresh}
+   * Conforms to the implementation in {@link https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/v18.3.1/packages/react-refresh}
    * @default false
diff --git a/npm/oxc-parser/scripts/generate-packages.mjs b/npm/oxc-parser/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
index 624450780c3096..30a064712a322e 100644
--- a/npm/oxc-parser/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
+++ b/npm/oxc-parser/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Code copied from [Rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/blob/main/npm/rome/scripts/generate-packages.mjs)
+// Code copied from [Rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/blob/lsp/v0.28.0/npm/rome/scripts/generate-packages.mjs)
 import * as fs from 'node:fs';
 import { resolve } from 'node:path';
diff --git a/npm/oxc-transform/scripts/generate-packages.mjs b/npm/oxc-transform/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
index 555ebc0492ebe2..5205fef3ca81f3 100644
--- a/npm/oxc-transform/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
+++ b/npm/oxc-transform/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Code copied from [Rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/blob/main/npm/rome/scripts/generate-packages.mjs)
+// Code copied from [Rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/blob/lsp/v0.28.0/npm/rome/scripts/generate-packages.mjs)
 import * as fs from 'node:fs';
 import { resolve } from 'node:path';
diff --git a/npm/oxlint/scripts/generate-packages.mjs b/npm/oxlint/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
index 7768b560ff4583..e1c74af6feec95 100644
--- a/npm/oxlint/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
+++ b/npm/oxlint/scripts/generate-packages.mjs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Code copied from [Rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/blob/main/npm/rome/scripts/generate-packages.mjs)
+// Code copied from [Rome](https://github.com/rome/tools/blob/lsp/v0.28.0/npm/rome/scripts/generate-packages.mjs)
 import * as fs from 'node:fs';
 import { resolve } from 'node:path';
diff --git a/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/typescript.rs b/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/typescript.rs
index 8baae4f4c8baf8..ff4c67afd2173e 100644
--- a/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/typescript.rs
+++ b/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/typescript.rs
@@ -108,17 +108,20 @@ fn typescript_struct(def: &StructDef, always_flatten_structs: &FxHashSet<TypeId>
         let ident = field.ident().unwrap();
         if let Some(append_after) = append_to.get(&ident.to_string()) {
-            let after_type = match &append_after.markers.derive_attributes.estree.typescript_type {
-                Some(ty) => ty.clone(),
-                None => {
-                    let typ = append_after.typ.name();
-                    if let TypeName::Opt(inner) = typ {
-                        type_to_string(inner)
-                    } else {
-                        panic!("expected field labeled with append_to to be Option<...>, but found {typ}");
-                    }
+            let ts_type = &append_after.markers.derive_attributes.estree.typescript_type;
+            let after_type = if let Some(ty) = ts_type {
+                ty.clone()
+            } else {
+                let typ = append_after.typ.name();
+                if let TypeName::Opt(inner) = typ {
+                    type_to_string(inner)
+                } else {
+                    panic!(
+                        "expected field labeled with append_to to be Option<...>, but found {typ}"
+                    );
             if let Some(inner) = ty.strip_prefix("Array<") {
                 ty = format!("Array<{after_type} | {inner}");
             } else {
diff --git a/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/visit.rs b/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/visit.rs
index a3df85f3a0e596..97b64535573417 100644
--- a/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/visit.rs
+++ b/tasks/ast_tools/src/generators/visit.rs
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fn generate_visit(is_mut: bool, schema: &Schema) -> TokenStream {
         //! See:
         //! * [visitor pattern](https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/patterns/behavioural/visitor.html)
-        //! * [rustc visitor](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/compiler/rustc_ast/src/visit.rs)
+        //! * [rustc visitor](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.82.0/compiler/rustc_ast/src/visit.rs)
diff --git a/tasks/ast_tools/src/layout.rs b/tasks/ast_tools/src/layout.rs
index e380056e642cb1..1c6a8a315fa673 100644
--- a/tasks/ast_tools/src/layout.rs
+++ b/tasks/ast_tools/src/layout.rs
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ impl Layout {
 /// For `n` bigger than `16`, Or if it's not a power of 2 number
 fn max_val_of_bytes(n: usize) -> u128 {
     match n {
-        1 => u8::MAX as u128,
-        2 => u16::MAX as u128,
-        4 => u32::MAX as u128,
-        8 => u64::MAX as u128,
+        1 => u128::from(u8::MAX),
+        2 => u128::from(u16::MAX),
+        4 => u128::from(u32::MAX),
+        8 => u128::from(u64::MAX),
         16 => u128::MAX,
         _ => panic!("We do not support `n` bigger than 16 bytes."),
diff --git a/tasks/common/src/test_file.rs b/tasks/common/src/test_file.rs
index 410c8e9db14228..ec6b1fc69cc2a1 100644
--- a/tasks/common/src/test_file.rs
+++ b/tasks/common/src/test_file.rs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ impl TestFiles {
-    /// These are kept in sync with <https://github.com/privatenumber/minification-benchmarks/tree/master>
+    /// These are kept in sync with <https://github.com/privatenumber/minification-benchmarks/tree/d8d54ceeb206d318fa288b152904adf715b076b2>
     /// for checking against minification size in `tasks/minsize/minsize.snap`.
     pub fn minifier() -> Self {
         Self {
diff --git a/tasks/compat_data/README.md b/tasks/compat_data/README.md
index d7c9bd9f64aaef..2aeb38fd63345e 100644
--- a/tasks/compat_data/README.md
+++ b/tasks/compat_data/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Get engine compatibility Data from https://github.com/compat-table/compat-table/
-Code extracted from https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/main/packages/babel-compat-data
+Code extracted from https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/v7.26.2/packages/babel-compat-data
 ## Adding a new feature
diff --git a/tasks/compat_data/build.js b/tasks/compat_data/build.js
index 0142ab262057f1..909355d6069a8c 100644
--- a/tasks/compat_data/build.js
+++ b/tasks/compat_data/build.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/build-data.js
-// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/utils-build-data.js
+// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/build-data.js
+// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/utils-build-data.js
 const fs = require('node:fs');
 const envs = require('./compat-table/environments');
diff --git a/tasks/compat_data/chromium-to-electron.js b/tasks/compat_data/chromium-to-electron.js
index ed01aeda05d1bf..b0bc83b52b137d 100644
--- a/tasks/compat_data/chromium-to-electron.js
+++ b/tasks/compat_data/chromium-to-electron.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/chromium-to-electron.js
+// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/chromium-to-electron.js
 const chromiumVersions = require('./chromium-versions');
 const chromiumVersionList = Object.keys(chromiumVersions);
diff --git a/tasks/compat_data/chromium-versions.js b/tasks/compat_data/chromium-versions.js
index c1e1ea0159e2dc..57c33200250dcc 100644
--- a/tasks/compat_data/chromium-versions.js
+++ b/tasks/compat_data/chromium-versions.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// https://github.com/Kilian/electron-to-chromium/blob/master/chromium-versions.js
+// https://github.com/Kilian/electron-to-chromium/blob/v1.5.60/chromium-versions.js
 module.exports = {
   '39': '0.20',
diff --git a/tasks/compat_data/data.json b/tasks/compat_data/data.json
index c7b05419732741..98e252e96647b8 100644
--- a/tasks/compat_data/data.json
+++ b/tasks/compat_data/data.json
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-    "name": "ReservedWords",
+    "name": "MemberExpressionLiterals",
     "es": "ES5",
-    "babel": "transform-reserved-words",
+    "babel": "transform-member-expression-literals",
     "features": [
-      "Miscellaneous / Unreserved words"
+      "Object/array literal extensions / Reserved words as property names"
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "13",
-      "opera": "10.50",
+      "chrome": "7",
+      "opera": "12",
       "edge": "12",
       "firefox": "2",
-      "safari": "3.1",
-      "node": "0.6",
+      "safari": "5.1",
+      "node": "0.4",
       "deno": "1",
       "ie": "9",
-      "android": "4.4",
+      "android": "4",
       "ios": "6",
       "samsung": "1",
       "rhino": "1.7.13",
-      "opera_mobile": "10.1",
+      "opera_mobile": "12",
       "electron": "0.20"
@@ -48,26 +48,26 @@
-    "name": "MemberExpressionLiterals",
+    "name": "ReservedWords",
     "es": "ES5",
-    "babel": "transform-member-expression-literals",
+    "babel": "transform-reserved-words",
     "features": [
-      "Object/array literal extensions / Reserved words as property names"
+      "Miscellaneous / Unreserved words"
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "7",
-      "opera": "12",
+      "chrome": "13",
+      "opera": "10.50",
       "edge": "12",
       "firefox": "2",
-      "safari": "5.1",
-      "node": "0.4",
+      "safari": "3.1",
+      "node": "0.6",
       "deno": "1",
       "ie": "9",
-      "android": "4",
+      "android": "4.4",
       "ios": "6",
       "samsung": "1",
       "rhino": "1.7.13",
-      "opera_mobile": "12",
+      "opera_mobile": "10.1",
       "electron": "0.20"
@@ -97,122 +97,130 @@
-    "name": "Regenerator",
-    "babel": "transform-regenerator",
+    "name": "TemplateLiterals",
+    "babel": "transform-template-literals",
     "features": [
-      "generators"
+      "template literals"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "50",
-      "opera": "37",
+      "chrome": "41",
+      "opera": "28",
       "edge": "13",
-      "firefox": "53",
-      "safari": "10",
-      "node": "6",
+      "firefox": "34",
+      "safari": "13",
+      "node": "4",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "37",
-      "electron": "1.1"
+      "ios": "13",
+      "samsung": "3.4",
+      "opera_mobile": "28",
+      "electron": "0.21"
-    "name": "NewTarget",
-    "babel": "transform-new-target",
+    "name": "Literals",
+    "babel": "transform-literals",
     "features": [
-      "new.target",
-      "arrow functions / lexical \"new.target\" binding"
+      "Unicode code point escapes"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "46",
-      "opera": "33",
-      "edge": "14",
-      "firefox": "41",
-      "safari": "10",
-      "node": "5",
+      "chrome": "44",
+      "opera": "31",
+      "edge": "12",
+      "firefox": "53",
+      "safari": "9",
+      "node": "4",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "33",
-      "electron": "0.36"
+      "ios": "9",
+      "samsung": "4",
+      "rhino": "1.7.15",
+      "opera_mobile": "32",
+      "electron": "0.30"
-    "name": "TypeofSymbol",
-    "babel": "transform-typeof-symbol",
+    "name": "FunctionName",
+    "babel": "transform-function-name",
     "features": [
-      "Symbol / typeof support"
+      "function \"name\" property"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "38",
-      "opera": "25",
-      "edge": "12",
-      "firefox": "36",
-      "safari": "9",
-      "node": "0.12",
+      "chrome": "51",
+      "opera": "38",
+      "edge": "79",
+      "firefox": "53",
+      "safari": "10",
+      "node": "6.5",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "9",
-      "samsung": "3",
-      "rhino": "1.7.13",
-      "opera_mobile": "25",
-      "electron": "0.20"
+      "ios": "10",
+      "samsung": "5",
+      "opera_mobile": "41",
+      "electron": "1.2"
-    "name": "BlockScoping",
-    "babel": "transform-block-scoping",
+    "name": "ArrowFunctions",
+    "babel": "transform-arrow-functions",
     "features": [
-      "const",
-      "let",
-      "generators"
+      "arrow functions / 0 parameters",
+      "arrow functions / 1 parameter, no brackets",
+      "arrow functions / multiple parameters",
+      "arrow functions / lexical \"this\" binding",
+      "arrow functions / \"this\" unchanged by call or apply",
+      "arrow functions / can't be bound, can be curried",
+      "arrow functions / lexical \"arguments\" binding",
+      "arrow functions / no line break between params and <code>=></code>",
+      "arrow functions / correct precedence",
+      "arrow functions / no \"prototype\" property"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "50",
-      "opera": "37",
-      "edge": "14",
-      "firefox": "53",
-      "safari": "11",
+      "chrome": "47",
+      "opera": "34",
+      "edge": "13",
+      "firefox": "43",
+      "safari": "10",
       "node": "6",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "11",
+      "ios": "10",
       "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "37",
-      "electron": "1.1"
+      "rhino": "1.7.13",
+      "opera_mobile": "34",
+      "electron": "0.36"
-    "name": "Destructuring",
-    "babel": "transform-destructuring",
+    "name": "BlockScopedFunctions",
+    "babel": "transform-block-scoped-functions",
     "features": [
-      "destructuring, assignment",
-      "destructuring, declarations"
+      "block-level function declaration"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "51",
-      "opera": "38",
-      "edge": "15",
-      "firefox": "53",
+      "chrome": "41",
+      "opera": "28",
+      "edge": "12",
+      "firefox": "46",
       "safari": "10",
-      "node": "6.5",
+      "node": "4",
       "deno": "1",
+      "ie": "11",
       "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "41",
-      "electron": "1.2"
+      "samsung": "3.4",
+      "opera_mobile": "28",
+      "electron": "0.21"
-    "name": "Spread",
-    "babel": "transform-spread",
+    "name": "Classes",
+    "babel": "transform-classes",
     "features": [
-      "spread syntax for iterable objects",
-      "super"
+      "super",
+      "arrow functions / lexical \"super\" binding in constructors",
+      "arrow functions / lexical \"super\" binding in methods"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
@@ -230,93 +238,67 @@
-    "name": "UnicodeRegex",
-    "babel": "transform-unicode-regex",
+    "name": "ObjectSuper",
+    "babel": "transform-object-super",
     "features": [
-      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, case folding",
-      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, Unicode code point escapes",
-      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, non-BMP Unicode characters",
-      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag"
+      "super"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "50",
-      "opera": "37",
+      "chrome": "46",
+      "opera": "33",
       "edge": "13",
-      "firefox": "46",
-      "safari": "12",
-      "node": "6",
+      "firefox": "45",
+      "safari": "10",
+      "node": "5",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "12",
+      "ios": "10",
       "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "37",
-      "electron": "1.1"
+      "opera_mobile": "33",
+      "electron": "0.36"
-    "name": "UnicodeEscapes",
-    "babel": "transform-unicode-escapes",
+    "name": "ShorthandProperties",
+    "babel": "transform-shorthand-properties",
     "features": [
-      "Unicode code point escapes"
+      "object literal extensions / shorthand properties"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "44",
-      "opera": "31",
+      "chrome": "43",
+      "opera": "30",
       "edge": "12",
-      "firefox": "53",
+      "firefox": "33",
       "safari": "9",
       "node": "4",
       "deno": "1",
       "ios": "9",
       "samsung": "4",
-      "rhino": "1.7.15",
-      "opera_mobile": "32",
-      "electron": "0.30"
+      "rhino": "1.7.14",
+      "opera_mobile": "30",
+      "electron": "0.27"
-    "name": "StickyRegex",
-    "babel": "transform-sticky-regex",
+    "name": "DuplicateKeys",
+    "babel": "transform-duplicate-keys",
     "features": [
-      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"y\" flag, lastIndex",
-      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"y\" flag"
+      "miscellaneous / duplicate property names in strict mode"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "49",
-      "opera": "36",
-      "edge": "13",
-      "firefox": "3",
-      "safari": "10",
-      "node": "6",
+      "chrome": "42",
+      "opera": "29",
+      "edge": "12",
+      "firefox": "34",
+      "safari": "9",
+      "node": "4",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "5",
-      "rhino": "1.7.15",
-      "opera_mobile": "36",
-      "electron": "0.37"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "ForOf",
-    "babel": "transform-for-of",
-    "features": [
-      "for..of loops"
-    ],
-    "es": "ES2015",
-    "targets": {
-      "chrome": "51",
-      "opera": "38",
-      "edge": "15",
-      "firefox": "53",
-      "safari": "10",
-      "node": "6.5",
-      "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "41",
-      "electron": "1.2"
+      "ios": "9",
+      "samsung": "3.4",
+      "opera_mobile": "29",
+      "electron": "0.25"
@@ -341,77 +323,102 @@
-    "name": "DuplicateKeys",
-    "babel": "transform-duplicate-keys",
+    "name": "ForOf",
+    "babel": "transform-for-of",
     "features": [
-      "miscellaneous / duplicate property names in strict mode"
+      "for..of loops"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "42",
-      "opera": "29",
-      "edge": "12",
-      "firefox": "34",
-      "safari": "9",
-      "node": "4",
+      "chrome": "51",
+      "opera": "38",
+      "edge": "15",
+      "firefox": "53",
+      "safari": "10",
+      "node": "6.5",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "9",
-      "samsung": "3.4",
-      "opera_mobile": "29",
-      "electron": "0.25"
+      "ios": "10",
+      "samsung": "5",
+      "opera_mobile": "41",
+      "electron": "1.2"
-    "name": "ShorthandProperties",
-    "babel": "transform-shorthand-properties",
+    "name": "StickyRegex",
+    "babel": "transform-sticky-regex",
     "features": [
-      "object literal extensions / shorthand properties"
+      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"y\" flag, lastIndex",
+      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"y\" flag"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "43",
-      "opera": "30",
+      "chrome": "49",
+      "opera": "36",
+      "edge": "13",
+      "firefox": "3",
+      "safari": "10",
+      "node": "6",
+      "deno": "1",
+      "ios": "10",
+      "samsung": "5",
+      "rhino": "1.7.15",
+      "opera_mobile": "36",
+      "electron": "0.37"
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "UnicodeEscapes",
+    "babel": "transform-unicode-escapes",
+    "features": [
+      "Unicode code point escapes"
+    ],
+    "es": "ES2015",
+    "targets": {
+      "chrome": "44",
+      "opera": "31",
       "edge": "12",
-      "firefox": "33",
+      "firefox": "53",
       "safari": "9",
       "node": "4",
       "deno": "1",
       "ios": "9",
       "samsung": "4",
-      "rhino": "1.7.14",
-      "opera_mobile": "30",
-      "electron": "0.27"
+      "rhino": "1.7.15",
+      "opera_mobile": "32",
+      "electron": "0.30"
-    "name": "ObjectSuper",
-    "babel": "transform-object-super",
+    "name": "UnicodeRegex",
+    "babel": "transform-unicode-regex",
     "features": [
-      "super"
+      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, case folding",
+      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, Unicode code point escapes",
+      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag, non-BMP Unicode characters",
+      "RegExp \"y\" and \"u\" flags / \"u\" flag"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "46",
-      "opera": "33",
+      "chrome": "50",
+      "opera": "37",
       "edge": "13",
-      "firefox": "45",
-      "safari": "10",
-      "node": "5",
+      "firefox": "46",
+      "safari": "12",
+      "node": "6",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
+      "ios": "12",
       "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "33",
-      "electron": "0.36"
+      "opera_mobile": "37",
+      "electron": "1.1"
-    "name": "Classes",
-    "babel": "transform-classes",
+    "name": "Spread",
+    "babel": "transform-spread",
     "features": [
+      "spread syntax for iterable objects",
-      "super",
-      "arrow functions / lexical \"super\" binding in constructors",
-      "arrow functions / lexical \"super\" binding in methods"
+      "super"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
@@ -429,120 +436,113 @@
-    "name": "BlockScopedFunctions",
-    "babel": "transform-block-scoped-functions",
+    "name": "Destructuring",
+    "babel": "transform-destructuring",
     "features": [
-      "block-level function declaration"
+      "destructuring, assignment",
+      "destructuring, declarations"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "41",
-      "opera": "28",
-      "edge": "12",
-      "firefox": "46",
+      "chrome": "51",
+      "opera": "38",
+      "edge": "15",
+      "firefox": "53",
       "safari": "10",
-      "node": "4",
+      "node": "6.5",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ie": "11",
       "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "3.4",
-      "opera_mobile": "28",
-      "electron": "0.21"
+      "samsung": "5",
+      "opera_mobile": "41",
+      "electron": "1.2"
-    "name": "ArrowFunctions",
-    "babel": "transform-arrow-functions",
+    "name": "BlockScoping",
+    "babel": "transform-block-scoping",
     "features": [
-      "arrow functions / 0 parameters",
-      "arrow functions / 1 parameter, no brackets",
-      "arrow functions / multiple parameters",
-      "arrow functions / lexical \"this\" binding",
-      "arrow functions / \"this\" unchanged by call or apply",
-      "arrow functions / can't be bound, can be curried",
-      "arrow functions / lexical \"arguments\" binding",
-      "arrow functions / no line break between params and <code>=></code>",
-      "arrow functions / correct precedence",
-      "arrow functions / no \"prototype\" property"
+      "const",
+      "let",
+      "generators"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "47",
-      "opera": "34",
-      "edge": "13",
-      "firefox": "43",
-      "safari": "10",
+      "chrome": "50",
+      "opera": "37",
+      "edge": "14",
+      "firefox": "53",
+      "safari": "11",
       "node": "6",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
+      "ios": "11",
       "samsung": "5",
-      "rhino": "1.7.13",
-      "opera_mobile": "34",
-      "electron": "0.36"
+      "opera_mobile": "37",
+      "electron": "1.1"
-    "name": "FunctionName",
-    "babel": "transform-function-name",
+    "name": "TypeofSymbol",
+    "babel": "transform-typeof-symbol",
     "features": [
-      "function \"name\" property"
+      "Symbol / typeof support"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "51",
-      "opera": "38",
-      "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "53",
-      "safari": "10",
-      "node": "6.5",
+      "chrome": "38",
+      "opera": "25",
+      "edge": "12",
+      "firefox": "36",
+      "safari": "9",
+      "node": "0.12",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "10",
-      "samsung": "5",
-      "opera_mobile": "41",
-      "electron": "1.2"
+      "ios": "9",
+      "samsung": "3",
+      "rhino": "1.7.13",
+      "opera_mobile": "25",
+      "electron": "0.20"
-    "name": "Literals",
-    "babel": "transform-literals",
+    "name": "NewTarget",
+    "babel": "transform-new-target",
     "features": [
-      "Unicode code point escapes"
+      "new.target",
+      "arrow functions / lexical \"new.target\" binding"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "44",
-      "opera": "31",
-      "edge": "12",
-      "firefox": "53",
-      "safari": "9",
-      "node": "4",
+      "chrome": "46",
+      "opera": "33",
+      "edge": "14",
+      "firefox": "41",
+      "safari": "10",
+      "node": "5",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "9",
-      "samsung": "4",
-      "rhino": "1.7.15",
-      "opera_mobile": "32",
-      "electron": "0.30"
+      "ios": "10",
+      "samsung": "5",
+      "opera_mobile": "33",
+      "electron": "0.36"
-    "name": "TemplateLiterals",
-    "babel": "transform-template-literals",
+    "name": "Regenerator",
+    "babel": "transform-regenerator",
     "features": [
-      "template literals"
+      "generators"
     "es": "ES2015",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "41",
-      "opera": "28",
+      "chrome": "50",
+      "opera": "37",
       "edge": "13",
-      "firefox": "34",
-      "safari": "13",
-      "node": "4",
+      "firefox": "53",
+      "safari": "10",
+      "node": "6",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "13",
-      "samsung": "3.4",
-      "opera_mobile": "28",
-      "electron": "0.21"
+      "ios": "10",
+      "samsung": "5",
+      "opera_mobile": "37",
+      "electron": "1.1"
@@ -589,45 +589,45 @@
-    "name": "NamedCapturingGroupsRegex",
-    "babel": "transform-named-capturing-groups-regex",
+    "name": "AsyncGeneratorFunctions",
+    "babel": "transform-async-generator-functions",
     "features": [
-      "RegExp named capture groups"
+      "Asynchronous Iterators"
     "es": "ES2018",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "64",
-      "opera": "51",
+      "chrome": "63",
+      "opera": "50",
       "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "78",
-      "safari": "11.1",
+      "firefox": "57",
+      "safari": "12",
       "node": "10",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "11.3",
-      "samsung": "9",
-      "opera_mobile": "47",
+      "ios": "12",
+      "samsung": "8",
+      "opera_mobile": "46",
       "electron": "3.0"
-    "name": "UnicodePropertyRegex",
-    "babel": "transform-unicode-property-regex",
+    "name": "ObjectRestSpread",
+    "babel": "transform-object-rest-spread",
     "features": [
-      "RegExp Unicode Property Escapes / basic"
+      "object rest/spread properties"
     "es": "ES2018",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "64",
-      "opera": "51",
+      "chrome": "60",
+      "opera": "47",
       "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "78",
+      "firefox": "55",
       "safari": "11.1",
-      "node": "10",
+      "node": "8.3",
       "deno": "1",
       "ios": "11.3",
-      "samsung": "9",
-      "opera_mobile": "47",
-      "electron": "3.0"
+      "samsung": "8",
+      "opera_mobile": "44",
+      "electron": "2.0"
@@ -641,92 +641,50 @@
       "chrome": "62",
       "opera": "49",
       "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "78",
-      "safari": "11.1",
-      "node": "8.10",
-      "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "11.3",
-      "samsung": "8",
-      "rhino": "1.7.15",
-      "opera_mobile": "46",
-      "electron": "3.0"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "LookbehindRegex",
-    "babel": null,
-    "features": [
-      "RegExp Lookbehind Assertions"
-    ],
-    "es": "ES2018",
-    "targets": {
-      "chrome": "62",
-      "opera": "49",
-      "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "78",
-      "safari": "16.4",
-      "node": "8.10",
-      "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "16.4",
-      "samsung": "8",
-      "opera_mobile": "46",
-      "electron": "3.0"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "ObjectRestSpread",
-    "babel": "transform-object-rest-spread",
-    "features": [
-      "object rest/spread properties"
-    ],
-    "es": "ES2018",
-    "targets": {
-      "chrome": "60",
-      "opera": "47",
-      "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "55",
+      "firefox": "78",
       "safari": "11.1",
-      "node": "8.3",
+      "node": "8.10",
       "deno": "1",
       "ios": "11.3",
       "samsung": "8",
-      "opera_mobile": "44",
-      "electron": "2.0"
+      "rhino": "1.7.15",
+      "opera_mobile": "46",
+      "electron": "3.0"
-    "name": "AsyncGeneratorFunctions",
-    "babel": "transform-async-generator-functions",
+    "name": "UnicodePropertyRegex",
+    "babel": "transform-unicode-property-regex",
     "features": [
-      "Asynchronous Iterators"
+      "RegExp Unicode Property Escapes / basic"
     "es": "ES2018",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "63",
-      "opera": "50",
+      "chrome": "64",
+      "opera": "51",
       "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "57",
-      "safari": "12",
+      "firefox": "78",
+      "safari": "11.1",
       "node": "10",
       "deno": "1",
-      "ios": "12",
-      "samsung": "8",
-      "opera_mobile": "46",
+      "ios": "11.3",
+      "samsung": "9",
+      "opera_mobile": "47",
       "electron": "3.0"
-    "name": "OptionalCatchBinding",
-    "babel": "transform-optional-catch-binding",
+    "name": "NamedCapturingGroupsRegex",
+    "babel": "transform-named-capturing-groups-regex",
     "features": [
-      "optional catch binding"
+      "RegExp named capture groups"
     "es": "ES2018",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "66",
-      "opera": "53",
+      "chrome": "64",
+      "opera": "51",
       "edge": "79",
-      "firefox": "58",
+      "firefox": "78",
       "safari": "11.1",
       "node": "10",
       "deno": "1",
@@ -736,6 +694,27 @@
       "electron": "3.0"
+  {
+    "name": "LookbehindRegex",
+    "babel": null,
+    "features": [
+      "RegExp Lookbehind Assertions"
+    ],
+    "es": "ES2018",
+    "targets": {
+      "chrome": "62",
+      "opera": "49",
+      "edge": "79",
+      "firefox": "78",
+      "safari": "16.4",
+      "node": "8.10",
+      "deno": "1",
+      "ios": "16.4",
+      "samsung": "8",
+      "opera_mobile": "46",
+      "electron": "3.0"
+    }
+  },
     "name": "JsonStrings",
     "babel": "transform-json-strings",
@@ -759,24 +738,24 @@
-    "name": "OptionalChaining",
-    "babel": "transform-optional-chaining",
+    "name": "OptionalCatchBinding",
+    "babel": "transform-optional-catch-binding",
     "features": [
-      "optional chaining operator (?.)"
+      "optional catch binding"
     "es": "ES2019",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "91",
-      "opera": "77",
-      "edge": "91",
-      "firefox": "74",
-      "safari": "13.1",
-      "node": "16.9",
-      "deno": "1.9",
-      "ios": "13.4",
-      "samsung": "16",
-      "opera_mobile": "64",
-      "electron": "13.0"
+      "chrome": "66",
+      "opera": "53",
+      "edge": "79",
+      "firefox": "58",
+      "safari": "11.1",
+      "node": "10",
+      "deno": "1",
+      "ios": "11.3",
+      "samsung": "9",
+      "opera_mobile": "47",
+      "electron": "3.0"
@@ -801,24 +780,24 @@
-    "name": "LogicalAssignmentOperators",
-    "babel": "transform-logical-assignment-operators",
+    "name": "OptionalChaining",
+    "babel": "transform-optional-chaining",
     "features": [
-      "Logical Assignment"
+      "optional chaining operator (?.)"
     "es": "ES2020",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "85",
-      "opera": "71",
-      "edge": "85",
-      "firefox": "79",
-      "safari": "14",
-      "node": "15",
-      "deno": "1.2",
-      "ios": "14",
-      "samsung": "14",
-      "opera_mobile": "60",
-      "electron": "10.0"
+      "chrome": "91",
+      "opera": "77",
+      "edge": "91",
+      "firefox": "74",
+      "safari": "13.1",
+      "node": "16.9",
+      "deno": "1.9",
+      "ios": "13.4",
+      "samsung": "16",
+      "opera_mobile": "64",
+      "electron": "13.0"
@@ -866,24 +845,66 @@
-    "name": "PrivateMethods",
-    "babel": "transform-private-methods",
+    "name": "LogicalAssignmentOperators",
+    "babel": "transform-logical-assignment-operators",
     "features": [
-      "private class methods"
+      "Logical Assignment"
+    ],
+    "es": "ES2021",
+    "targets": {
+      "chrome": "85",
+      "opera": "71",
+      "edge": "85",
+      "firefox": "79",
+      "safari": "14",
+      "node": "15",
+      "deno": "1.2",
+      "ios": "14",
+      "samsung": "14",
+      "opera_mobile": "60",
+      "electron": "10.0"
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "ClassStaticBlock",
+    "babel": "transform-class-static-block",
+    "features": [
+      "Class static initialization blocks"
     "es": "ES2022",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "84",
-      "opera": "70",
-      "edge": "84",
+      "chrome": "94",
+      "opera": "80",
+      "edge": "94",
+      "firefox": "93",
+      "safari": "16.4",
+      "node": "16.11",
+      "deno": "1.14",
+      "ios": "16.4",
+      "samsung": "17",
+      "opera_mobile": "66",
+      "electron": "15.0"
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "PrivatePropertyInObject",
+    "babel": "transform-private-property-in-object",
+    "features": [
+      "Ergonomic brand checks for private fields"
+    ],
+    "es": "ES2022",
+    "targets": {
+      "chrome": "91",
+      "opera": "77",
+      "edge": "91",
       "firefox": "90",
       "safari": "15",
-      "node": "14.6",
-      "deno": "1",
+      "node": "16.9",
+      "deno": "1.9",
       "ios": "15",
-      "samsung": "14",
-      "opera_mobile": "60",
-      "electron": "10.0"
+      "samsung": "16",
+      "opera_mobile": "64",
+      "electron": "13.0"
@@ -912,45 +933,24 @@
-    "name": "PrivatePropertyInObject",
-    "babel": "transform-private-property-in-object",
+    "name": "PrivateMethods",
+    "babel": "transform-private-methods",
     "features": [
-      "Ergonomic brand checks for private fields"
+      "private class methods"
     "es": "ES2022",
     "targets": {
-      "chrome": "91",
-      "opera": "77",
-      "edge": "91",
+      "chrome": "84",
+      "opera": "70",
+      "edge": "84",
       "firefox": "90",
       "safari": "15",
-      "node": "16.9",
-      "deno": "1.9",
+      "node": "14.6",
+      "deno": "1",
       "ios": "15",
-      "samsung": "16",
-      "opera_mobile": "64",
-      "electron": "13.0"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "ClassStaticBlock",
-    "babel": "transform-class-static-block",
-    "features": [
-      "Class static initialization blocks"
-    ],
-    "es": "ES2022",
-    "targets": {
-      "chrome": "94",
-      "opera": "80",
-      "edge": "94",
-      "firefox": "93",
-      "safari": "16.4",
-      "node": "16.11",
-      "deno": "1.14",
-      "ios": "16.4",
-      "samsung": "17",
-      "opera_mobile": "66",
-      "electron": "15.0"
+      "samsung": "14",
+      "opera_mobile": "60",
+      "electron": "10.0"
@@ -997,22 +997,6 @@
       "electron": "24.0"
-  {
-    "name": "RegexpModifiers",
-    "babel": "transform-regexp-modifiers",
-    "features": [
-      "RegExp Pattern Modifiers"
-    ],
-    "es": "ES2025",
-    "targets": {
-      "chrome": "125",
-      "opera": "111",
-      "edge": "125",
-      "firefox": "132",
-      "node": "23",
-      "electron": "31.0"
-    }
-  },
     "name": "DuplicateNamedCapturingGroupsRegex",
     "babel": "transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex",
@@ -1030,5 +1014,21 @@
       "ios": "17.4",
       "electron": "31.0"
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "RegexpModifiers",
+    "babel": "transform-regexp-modifiers",
+    "features": [
+      "RegExp Pattern Modifiers"
+    ],
+    "es": "ES2025",
+    "targets": {
+      "chrome": "125",
+      "opera": "111",
+      "edge": "125",
+      "firefox": "132",
+      "node": "23",
+      "electron": "31.0"
+    }
diff --git a/tasks/compat_data/es-features.js b/tasks/compat_data/es-features.js
index 856ba4033e6d79..fd31390efc8ae0 100644
--- a/tasks/compat_data/es-features.js
+++ b/tasks/compat_data/es-features.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/main/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/data/plugin-features.js
-// https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/main/compat-table/src/index.ts
+// https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/v7.26.2/packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/data/plugin-features.js
+// https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/v0.24.0/compat-table/src/index.ts
 const f = (es) => (item) => {
   item.es = es;
@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ const f = (es) => (item) => {
 const es5 = [
-    name: 'ReservedWords',
+    name: 'MemberExpressionLiterals',
     es: 'ES5',
-    babel: 'transform-reserved-words',
-    features: ['Miscellaneous / Unreserved words'],
+    babel: 'transform-member-expression-literals',
+    features: [
+      'Object/array literal extensions / Reserved words as property names',
+    ],
     name: 'PropertyLiterals',
@@ -22,12 +24,10 @@ const es5 = [
-    name: 'MemberExpressionLiterals',
+    name: 'ReservedWords',
     es: 'ES5',
-    babel: 'transform-member-expression-literals',
-    features: [
-      'Object/array literal extensions / Reserved words as property names',
-    ],
+    babel: 'transform-reserved-words',
+    features: ['Miscellaneous / Unreserved words'],
@@ -44,67 +44,60 @@ const es2015 = [
-    name: 'Regenerator',
-    babel: 'transform-regenerator',
-    features: ['generators'],
-  },
-  {
-    name: 'NewTarget',
-    babel: 'transform-new-target',
-    features: ['new.target', 'arrow functions / lexical "new.target" binding'],
-  },
-  {
-    name: 'TypeofSymbol',
-    babel: 'transform-typeof-symbol',
-    features: ['Symbol / typeof support'],
-  },
-  {
-    name: 'BlockScoping',
-    babel: 'transform-block-scoping',
-    features: ['const', 'let', 'generators'],
+    name: 'TemplateLiterals',
+    babel: 'transform-template-literals',
+    features: ['template literals'],
-    name: 'Destructuring',
-    babel: 'transform-destructuring',
-    features: ['destructuring, assignment', 'destructuring, declarations'],
+    name: 'Literals',
+    babel: 'transform-literals',
+    features: ['Unicode code point escapes'],
-    name: 'Spread',
-    babel: 'transform-spread',
-    features: ['spread syntax for iterable objects', 'class', 'super'],
+    name: 'FunctionName',
+    babel: 'transform-function-name',
+    features: ['function "name" property'],
-    name: 'UnicodeRegex',
-    babel: 'transform-unicode-regex',
+    name: 'ArrowFunctions',
+    babel: 'transform-arrow-functions',
     features: [
-      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, case folding',
-      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, Unicode code point escapes',
-      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, non-BMP Unicode characters',
-      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag',
+      'arrow functions / 0 parameters',
+      'arrow functions / 1 parameter, no brackets',
+      'arrow functions / multiple parameters',
+      'arrow functions / lexical "this" binding',
+      'arrow functions / "this" unchanged by call or apply',
+      "arrow functions / can't be bound, can be curried",
+      'arrow functions / lexical "arguments" binding',
+      'arrow functions / no line break between params and <code>=></code>',
+      'arrow functions / correct precedence',
+      'arrow functions / no "prototype" property',
-    name: 'UnicodeEscapes',
-    babel: 'transform-unicode-escapes',
-    features: ['Unicode code point escapes'],
+    name: 'BlockScopedFunctions',
+    babel: 'transform-block-scoped-functions',
+    features: ['block-level function declaration'],
-    name: 'StickyRegex',
-    babel: 'transform-sticky-regex',
+    name: 'Classes',
+    babel: 'transform-classes',
     features: [
-      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "y" flag, lastIndex',
-      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "y" flag',
+      'class',
+      'super',
+      'arrow functions / lexical "super" binding in constructors',
+      'arrow functions / lexical "super" binding in methods',
-    name: 'ForOf',
-    babel: 'transform-for-of',
-    features: ['for..of loops'],
+    name: 'ObjectSuper',
+    babel: 'transform-object-super',
+    features: ['super'],
-    name: 'ComputedProperties',
-    babel: 'transform-computed-properties',
-    features: ['object literal extensions / computed properties'],
+    name: 'ShorthandProperties',
+    babel: 'transform-shorthand-properties',
+    features: ['object literal extensions / shorthand properties'],
     name: 'DuplicateKeys',
@@ -112,60 +105,67 @@ const es2015 = [
     features: ['miscellaneous / duplicate property names in strict mode'],
-    name: 'ShorthandProperties',
-    babel: 'transform-shorthand-properties',
-    features: ['object literal extensions / shorthand properties'],
+    name: 'ComputedProperties',
+    babel: 'transform-computed-properties',
+    features: ['object literal extensions / computed properties'],
-    name: 'ObjectSuper',
-    babel: 'transform-object-super',
-    features: ['super'],
+    name: 'ForOf',
+    babel: 'transform-for-of',
+    features: ['for..of loops'],
-    name: 'Classes',
-    babel: 'transform-classes',
+    name: 'StickyRegex',
+    babel: 'transform-sticky-regex',
     features: [
-      'class',
-      'super',
-      'arrow functions / lexical "super" binding in constructors',
-      'arrow functions / lexical "super" binding in methods',
+      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "y" flag, lastIndex',
+      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "y" flag',
-    name: 'BlockScopedFunctions',
-    babel: 'transform-block-scoped-functions',
-    features: ['block-level function declaration'],
+    name: 'UnicodeEscapes',
+    babel: 'transform-unicode-escapes',
+    features: ['Unicode code point escapes'],
-    name: 'ArrowFunctions',
-    babel: 'transform-arrow-functions',
+    name: 'UnicodeRegex',
+    babel: 'transform-unicode-regex',
     features: [
-      'arrow functions / 0 parameters',
-      'arrow functions / 1 parameter, no brackets',
-      'arrow functions / multiple parameters',
-      'arrow functions / lexical "this" binding',
-      'arrow functions / "this" unchanged by call or apply',
-      "arrow functions / can't be bound, can be curried",
-      'arrow functions / lexical "arguments" binding',
-      'arrow functions / no line break between params and <code>=></code>',
-      'arrow functions / correct precedence',
-      'arrow functions / no "prototype" property',
+      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, case folding',
+      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, Unicode code point escapes',
+      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag, non-BMP Unicode characters',
+      'RegExp "y" and "u" flags / "u" flag',
-    name: 'FunctionName',
-    babel: 'transform-function-name',
-    features: ['function "name" property'],
+    name: 'Spread',
+    babel: 'transform-spread',
+    features: ['spread syntax for iterable objects', 'class', 'super'],
-    name: 'Literals',
-    babel: 'transform-literals',
-    features: ['Unicode code point escapes'],
+    name: 'Destructuring',
+    babel: 'transform-destructuring',
+    features: ['destructuring, assignment', 'destructuring, declarations'],
-    name: 'TemplateLiterals',
-    babel: 'transform-template-literals',
-    features: ['template literals'],
+    name: 'BlockScoping',
+    babel: 'transform-block-scoping',
+    features: ['const', 'let', 'generators'],
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'TypeofSymbol',
+    babel: 'transform-typeof-symbol',
+    features: ['Symbol / typeof support'],
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'NewTarget',
+    babel: 'transform-new-target',
+    features: ['new.target', 'arrow functions / lexical "new.target" binding'],
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Regenerator',
+    babel: 'transform-regenerator',
+    features: ['generators'],
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ const es2017 = [
 const es2018 = [
-    name: 'NamedCapturingGroupsRegex',
-    babel: 'transform-named-capturing-groups-regex',
-    features: ['RegExp named capture groups'],
+    name: 'AsyncGeneratorFunctions',
+    babel: 'transform-async-generator-functions',
+    features: ['Asynchronous Iterators'],
-    name: 'UnicodePropertyRegex',
-    babel: 'transform-unicode-property-regex',
-    features: ['RegExp Unicode Property Escapes / basic'],
+    name: 'ObjectRestSpread',
+    babel: 'transform-object-rest-spread',
+    features: ['object rest/spread properties'],
     name: 'DotallRegex',
@@ -202,24 +202,19 @@ const es2018 = [
     features: ['s (dotAll) flag for regular expressions'],
-    name: 'LookbehindRegex',
-    babel: null,
-    features: ['RegExp Lookbehind Assertions'],
-  },
-  {
-    name: 'ObjectRestSpread',
-    babel: 'transform-object-rest-spread',
-    features: ['object rest/spread properties'],
+    name: 'UnicodePropertyRegex',
+    babel: 'transform-unicode-property-regex',
+    features: ['RegExp Unicode Property Escapes / basic'],
-    name: 'AsyncGeneratorFunctions',
-    babel: 'transform-async-generator-functions',
-    features: ['Asynchronous Iterators'],
+    name: 'NamedCapturingGroupsRegex',
+    babel: 'transform-named-capturing-groups-regex',
+    features: ['RegExp named capture groups'],
-    name: 'OptionalCatchBinding',
-    babel: 'transform-optional-catch-binding',
-    features: ['optional catch binding'],
+    name: 'LookbehindRegex',
+    babel: null,
+    features: ['RegExp Lookbehind Assertions'],
@@ -230,9 +225,9 @@ const es2019 = [
     features: ['JSON superset'],
-    name: 'OptionalChaining',
-    babel: 'transform-optional-chaining',
-    features: ['optional chaining operator (?.)'],
+    name: 'OptionalCatchBinding',
+    babel: 'transform-optional-catch-binding',
+    features: ['optional catch binding'],
@@ -243,9 +238,9 @@ const es2020 = [
     features: ['nullish coalescing operator (??)'],
-    name: 'LogicalAssignmentOperators',
-    babel: 'transform-logical-assignment-operators',
-    features: ['Logical Assignment'],
+    name: 'OptionalChaining',
+    babel: 'transform-optional-chaining',
+    features: ['optional chaining operator (?.)'],
     name: 'BigInt',
@@ -260,13 +255,23 @@ const es2021 = [
     babel: 'transform-numeric-separator',
     features: ['numeric separators'],
+  {
+    name: 'LogicalAssignmentOperators',
+    babel: 'transform-logical-assignment-operators',
+    features: ['Logical Assignment'],
+  },
 const es2022 = [
-    name: 'PrivateMethods',
-    babel: 'transform-private-methods',
-    features: ['private class methods'],
+    name: 'ClassStaticBlock',
+    babel: 'transform-class-static-block',
+    features: ['Class static initialization blocks'],
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'PrivatePropertyInObject',
+    babel: 'transform-private-property-in-object',
+    features: ['Ergonomic brand checks for private fields'],
     name: 'ClassProperties',
@@ -280,14 +285,9 @@ const es2022 = [
-    name: 'PrivatePropertyInObject',
-    babel: 'transform-private-property-in-object',
-    features: ['Ergonomic brand checks for private fields'],
-  },
-  {
-    name: 'ClassStaticBlock',
-    babel: 'transform-class-static-block',
-    features: ['Class static initialization blocks'],
+    name: 'PrivateMethods',
+    babel: 'transform-private-methods',
+    features: ['private class methods'],
     name: 'MatchIndicesRegex',
@@ -313,16 +313,16 @@ const es2024 = [
 const es2025 = [
-  {
-    name: 'RegexpModifiers',
-    babel: 'transform-regexp-modifiers',
-    features: ['RegExp Pattern Modifiers'],
-  },
     name: 'DuplicateNamedCapturingGroupsRegex',
     babel: 'transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex',
     features: ['Duplicate named capturing groups'],
+  {
+    name: 'RegexpModifiers',
+    babel: 'transform-regexp-modifiers',
+    features: ['RegExp Pattern Modifiers'],
+  },
 module.exports = [
diff --git a/tasks/coverage/misc/fail/oxc-2394.ts b/tasks/coverage/misc/fail/oxc-2394.ts
index 5dad81f5f032ad..2d4f916044e6ec 100644
--- a/tasks/coverage/misc/fail/oxc-2394.ts
+++ b/tasks/coverage/misc/fail/oxc-2394.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// copy from https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/tests/cases/conformance/node/nodeModulesImportAttributesTypeModeDeclarationEmitErrors.ts#L72
+// copy from https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/v5.6.3/tests/cases/conformance/node/nodeModulesImportAttributesTypeModeDeclarationEmitErrors.ts#L72
 // @filename: /node_modules/pkg/import.d.ts
 export interface ImportInterface {}
diff --git a/tasks/coverage/snapshots/runtime.snap b/tasks/coverage/snapshots/runtime.snap
index ef6f9e9948ae30..fdf09af2d9d362 100644
--- a/tasks/coverage/snapshots/runtime.snap
+++ b/tasks/coverage/snapshots/runtime.snap
@@ -2,15 +2,450 @@ commit: 06454619
 runtime Summary:
 AST Parsed     : 18055/18055 (100.00%)
-Positive Passed: 18046/18055 (99.95%)
+Positive Passed: 17798/18055 (98.58%)
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «2») to be true
 codegen error: Test262Error: descriptor value should be ; object value should be 
-minify error: Test262Error: The result of (0n != {valueOf: function() {return 0n;}}) is false Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«function () { [native code] }», «[object AsyncFunction]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«1», «function BindingIdentifier() {
+		return _BindingIdentifier.apply(this, arguments);
+	}») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«1», «function BindingIdentifier() {
+		return _BindingIdentifier.apply(this, arguments);
+	}») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«1», «function BindingIdentifier() {
+		return _BindingIdentifier.apply(this, arguments);
+	}») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: fn.prototype is undefined Expected SameValue(«[object Object]», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«1», «function BindingIdentifier() {
+		return _BindingIdentifier.apply(this, arguments);
+	}») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«1», «function BindingIdentifier() {
+		return _BindingIdentifier.apply(this, arguments);
+	}») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«1», «function BindingIdentifier() {
+		return _BindingIdentifier.apply(this, arguments);
+	}») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«0», «1») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Monkey-patched "then" on native promises should not be called. Expected SameValue(«1», «0») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: 
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'y' before initialization
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'x' before initialization
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: 
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'y' before initialization
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'x' before initialization
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
-minify error: Test262Error: The result of (0n == {valueOf: function() {return 0n;}}) is true Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected a TypeError to be thrown but no exception was thrown at all
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected a TypeError to be thrown but no exception was thrown at all
 transform error: Test262Error: (-1n) ** -1n throws RangeError Expected a RangeError but got a TypeError
@@ -18,11 +453,332 @@ transform error: Test262Error: (-1n) ** -1n throws RangeError Expected a RangeEr
 codegen error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«[object Object]», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: 
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'y' before initialization
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'x' before initialization
+transform error: SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: ReferenceError: _superprop_getMethod is not defined
 codegen error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«true», «false») to be true
-minify error: Test262Error: Actual [tick 1, g1 ret, g2 ret, g3 ret, g4 ret, tick 2] and expected [tick 1, g1 ret, g2 ret, tick 2, g3 ret, g4 ret] should have the same contents. Ticks for implicit and explicit return undefined
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [tick 1, tick 2, g1 ret, g2 ret, g3 ret, g4 ret] and expected [tick 1, g1 ret, g2 ret, tick 2, g3 ret, g4 ret] should have the same contents. Ticks for implicit and explicit return undefined
+transform error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: .throw should not be accessed
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [start, get return, tick 1, get then, tick 2, tick 3] and expected [start, tick 1, get then, tick 2, get return, get then, tick 3] should have the same contents. Ticks for return with thenable getter
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: 
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'y' before initialization
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'x' before initialization
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: 
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'y' before initialization
+transform error: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'x' before initialization
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: ReferenceError: _superprop_getMethod is not defined
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get next done (1)"», «"get next value (1)"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get return"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"get throw"», «"get next"») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: http://localhost:32055/run: Network Error: Unexpected EOF
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: reject reason Expected SameValue(«TypeError: The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.», «[object Object]») to be true
+transform error: throw-arg-1
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«false», «true») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [async method] and expected [] should have the same contents. body
+transform error: TypeError: Cannot redefine property: prototype
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected a TypeError to be thrown but no exception was thrown at all
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [start, tick 1, catch, tick 2] and expected [start, tick 1, tick 2, catch] should have the same contents. 
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «22») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «33») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «86») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «2») to be true
+transform error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «3») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «4») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «23») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «22») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«undefined», «2») to be true
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [pre, constructor, constructor, tick 1, loop, constructor, constructor, tick 2, post] and expected [pre, constructor, tick 1, loop, constructor, tick 2, post] should have the same contents. Ticks and constructor lookups
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [pre, constructor, tick 1, loop, constructor, tick 2, post] and expected [pre, tick 1, loop, tick 2, post] should have the same contents. Ticks and constructor lookups
+transform error: Test262Error: Actual [pre, constructor, constructor, constructor, constructor, tick 1, tick 2, loop, constructor, constructor, constructor, tick 3, tick 4, post] and expected [pre, constructor, constructor, tick 1, tick 2, loop, constructor, tick 3, tick 4, post] should have the same contents. Ticks and constructor lookups
 codegen error: Test262Error: Expected SameValue(«"\\"», «"\\ud801"») to be true
diff --git a/tasks/coverage/src/runtime/runtime.js b/tasks/coverage/src/runtime/runtime.js
index 48622535147be1..7d371345b25a9e 100644
--- a/tasks/coverage/src/runtime/runtime.js
+++ b/tasks/coverage/src/runtime/runtime.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/main/scripts/test262.js
+// https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/v0.24.0/scripts/test262.js
 import fs from 'node:fs';
 import { createServer } from 'node:http';
diff --git a/tasks/coverage/src/suite.rs b/tasks/coverage/src/suite.rs
index e14da73823565d..1887bdd466cfe6 100644
--- a/tasks/coverage/src/suite.rs
+++ b/tasks/coverage/src/suite.rs
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ pub trait Case: Sized + Sync + Send + UnwindSafe {
     /// Mark strict mode as always strict
-    /// See <https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/main/INTERPRETING.md#strict-mode>
+    /// See <https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/05c45a4c430ab6fee3e0c7f0d47d8a30d8876a6d/INTERPRETING.md#strict-mode>
     fn always_strict(&self) -> bool {
diff --git a/tasks/coverage/src/test262/mod.rs b/tasks/coverage/src/test262/mod.rs
index b9224db648b2a0..46bca3b1fda7d5 100644
--- a/tasks/coverage/src/test262/mod.rs
+++ b/tasks/coverage/src/test262/mod.rs
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ impl Case for Test262Case {
     // each test must be executed twice: once in ECMAScript's non-strict mode, and again in ECMAScript's strict mode.
     // To run in strict mode, the test contents must be modified prior to execution--
     // a "use strict" directive must be inserted as the initial character sequence of the file
-    // https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/main/INTERPRETING.md#strict-mode
+    // https://github.com/tc39/test262/blob/05c45a4c430ab6fee3e0c7f0d47d8a30d8876a6d/INTERPRETING.md#strict-mode
     fn run(&mut self) {
         let flags = &self.meta.flags;
         let source_type = SourceType::cjs();
diff --git a/tasks/coverage/src/typescript/transpile_runner.rs b/tasks/coverage/src/typescript/transpile_runner.rs
index 1f292cb5897864..30118f019dc79a 100644
--- a/tasks/coverage/src/typescript/transpile_runner.rs
+++ b/tasks/coverage/src/typescript/transpile_runner.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/testRunner/transpileRunner.ts>
+//! <https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/v5.6.3/src/testRunner/transpileRunner.ts>
 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
diff --git a/tasks/lint_rules/src/eslint-rules.cjs b/tasks/lint_rules/src/eslint-rules.cjs
index 25030def8d4969..f34d57a5f0c4ab 100644
--- a/tasks/lint_rules/src/eslint-rules.cjs
+++ b/tasks/lint_rules/src/eslint-rules.cjs
@@ -9,59 +9,59 @@ const { Linter } = require('eslint');
 // - rule.meta.docs.recommended
 // Some plugins have the recommended flag in rule itself, but some plugins have it in config.
-// https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/main/packages/eslint-plugin/src/index.ts
+// https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/v8.9.0/packages/eslint-plugin/src/index.ts
 const {
   rules: pluginTypeScriptAllRules,
   configs: pluginTypeScriptConfigs,
 } = require('@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin');
-// https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-n/blob/master/lib/index.js
+// https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-n/blob/v17.13.2/lib/index.js
 const { rules: pluginNAllRules } = require('eslint-plugin-n');
-// https://github.com/sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn/blob/main/index.js
+// https://github.com/sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn/blob/v56.0.0/index.js
 const {
   rules: pluginUnicornAllRules,
   configs: pluginUnicornConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-unicorn');
-// https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/main/src/index.js
+// https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/v50.5.0/src/index.js
 const {
   // @ts-expect-error: Module has no exported member
   rules: pluginJSDocAllRules,
   // @ts-expect-error: Module has no exported member
   configs: pluginJSDocConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-jsdoc');
-// https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/main/src/index.js
+// https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.29.1/src/index.js
 const {
   rules: pluginImportAllRules,
   configs: pluginImportConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-import');
-// https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/src/index.js
+// https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/v6.9.0/src/index.js
 const {
   rules: pluginJSXA11yAllRules,
   configs: pluginJSXA11yConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y');
-// https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/main/src/index.ts
+// https://github.com/jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest/blob/v28.9.0/src/index.ts
 const {
   rules: pluginJestAllRules,
   configs: pluginJestConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-jest');
-// https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/index.js
+// https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react/blob/v7.37.2/index.js
 const { rules: pluginReactAllRules } = require('eslint-plugin-react');
-// https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/eslint-plugin-react-hooks/src/index.js
+// https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v18.3.1/packages/eslint-plugin-react-hooks/src/index.js
 const {
   rules: pluginReactHooksAllRules,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-react-hooks');
-// https://github.com/cvazac/eslint-plugin-react-perf/blob/master/index.js
+// https://github.com/cvazac/eslint-plugin-react-perf/blob/9bfa930661a23218f5460ebd39d35d76ccdb5724/index.js
 const {
   rules: pluginReactPerfAllRules,
   configs: pluginReactPerfConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-react-perf');
 // https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/packages/eslint-plugin-next/src/index.ts
 const { rules: pluginNextAllRules } = require('@next/eslint-plugin-next');
-// https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-promise/blob/main/index.js
+// https://github.com/eslint-community/eslint-plugin-promise/blob/v7.1.0/index.js
 const {
   rules: pluginPromiseRules,
   configs: pluginPromiseConfigs,
 } = require('eslint-plugin-promise');
-// https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/main/src/index.ts
+// https://github.com/veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest/blob/v1.1.9/src/index.ts
 const {
   rules: pluginVitestRules,
   configs: pluginVitestConfigs,
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/snapshots/oxc.snap.md b/tasks/transform_conformance/snapshots/oxc.snap.md
index 1078e19e21a031..1cc7879ddaed13 100644
--- a/tasks/transform_conformance/snapshots/oxc.snap.md
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/snapshots/oxc.snap.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 commit: d20b314c
-Passed: 82/92
+Passed: 85/95
 # All Passed:
 * babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/assign/input.js b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/assign/input.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..5b43966205ad82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/assign/input.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+const ArgumentsAssignment = async () => {
+  let arguments = arguments;
+  console.log(arguments);
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/assign/output.js b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/assign/output.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..097d15571fd88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/assign/output.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+const ArgumentsAssignment = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+  var _ref = babelHelpers.asyncToGenerator(function* () {
+    let _arguments = _arguments;
+    console.log(_arguments);
+  });
+  return function ArgumentsAssignment() {
+    return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
+  };
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/async-method/input.js b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/async-method/input.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..eb6b94e8fc8e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/async-method/input.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class Cls {
+  async method() {
+    () => {
+    	console.log(arguments);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/async-method/output.js b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/async-method/output.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..5650ed3766c7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/async-method/output.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+class Cls {
+  method() {
+    var _arguments = arguments;
+    return babelHelpers.asyncToGenerator(function* () {
+      () => {
+        console.log(_arguments);
+      };
+    })();
+  }
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/nested-block/input.js b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/nested-block/input.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..640d39129b23a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/nested-block/input.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+const ArrowFunction = async () => {
+  {
+    var arguments = arguments;
+    console.log(arguments);
+  }
+  console.log(arguments);
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/nested-block/output.js b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/nested-block/output.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..1d962da7d59c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator/test/fixtures/arguments/nested-block/output.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+const ArrowFunction = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+  var _ref = babelHelpers.asyncToGenerator(function* () {
+    {
+      var _arguments = _arguments;
+      console.log(_arguments);
+    }
+    console.log(_arguments);
+  });
+  return function ArrowFunction() {
+    return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
+  };
diff --git a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx/test/fixtures/refresh/react-refresh/README.md b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx/test/fixtures/refresh/react-refresh/README.md
index 45183164a06002..8603a42506e20b 100644
--- a/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx/test/fixtures/refresh/react-refresh/README.md
+++ b/tasks/transform_conformance/tests/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx/test/fixtures/refresh/react-refresh/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-The tests of this directory are copied from the (react-refresh)[https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/react-refresh/src/__tests__/ReactFreshBabelPlugin-test.js], and did some style, import order, and other minor changes to made them work with our transformer.
+The tests of this directory are copied from the (react-refresh)[https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v18.3.1/packages/react-refresh/src/__tests__/ReactFreshBabelPlugin-test.js], and did some style, import order, and other minor changes to made them work with our transformer.
 NOTE: This directory only add tests copied from the upstream, so that we can distinguish the source of the test
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