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Known Issues

Stephanie Schneider edited this page Jun 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

Build Fails on Dependencies from

Older versions of the code will now fail to compile and build due to their reliance on the GOSS infrastructure. The latest versions of the grails plugins necessary have been migrated over to maven central and therefore should get pulled automatically, the problem occurs when the dependency version in whatever version you're building hasn't been moved to maven central.

Options (Maven Dependencies): You need the maven dependencies to run the grails application and anything beyond that (bundling, building, etc.)

  1. Send an email to the support team with the dependency version that's failing and we can potentially move the version to maven central for you.

  2. If you have access to the DI2E project the old versions of the plugins are available there, you can either try to hook them into the project by adding a mavenRepo ... line to BuildConfig.groovy or you can download the dependency and move it to your ~/.m2/repositories folder directly and it should pull that when you build.

  3. You can add mavenRepo 'http://gossnexus01:8081/nexus/content/groups/public' to your BuildConfig.groovy to build from there.

Options (Ivy Dependencies): You will need the ivy dependencies if you're attempting to build a bundle.

  1. If you have access to the DI2E project the old versions of the plugins are available there, you can either hook them in by changing <ibiblio ... /> in your ivysettings.xml to the correct URL for DI2E. Alternatively, you can download the dependency and move it to your ~/.ivy2/cache folder directly and it should pull that when you build.

  2. You can change your ivysettings.xml and ivy.xml files to match what currently exists in the project folder to pull from the new sources we've started using.

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