SwiftPackage Plugin for executing arbitrary ShellScript.
- BuildToolPlugin: RunScriptPlugin
- CommandPlugin: RunScriptCommandPlugin
- XcodeBuildToolPlugin: RunScriptPlugin
- XcodeCommandPlugin: RunScriptCommandPlugin
Place the file named runscript.yml
(or .runscript.yml
) in the root of the project.
Write the shell script you want to run in this file.
The format is as follows.
prebuild: # prebuild Command
- name: "Hello"
script: "echo Hello" # Write scripts directly
- name: "Show current path"
script: "pwd"
- name: "Write file"
script: "echo Hello >> test.txt"
- name: "SwiftLint"
launchPath: "/bin/bash" # bash, zsh, etc. can be specified
script: "swiftlint lint --fix"
- name: "SwiftLint" # Another way to write ↑↑
launchPath: "/usr/local/bin/swiftlint"
- "lint"
- "--fix"
- name: "Update schema"
file: "update_schema.sh" # Execute .sh file
build: # build Command
- name: "Hello"
script: "echo Hello"
- name: "Make Swift Code"
script: |
echo "public enum Hello { case a,b,c,d }" > $RUN_SCRIPT_PLUGIN_WORK_DIR/tmp.swift"
command: # Command Plugin
- name: "Hello from Command"
script: "echo 'Hello from Command'"
all: # run in `prebuild`, `build`...
- name: "Hello(all)"
script: "echo Hello(all)"
Due to a limitation of Xcode, you may get a permission error when trying to write a file.
If CommandPlugin is run from the shell, it is possible to work around this by disabling the sandbox using the --disable-sandbox
swift package plugin --allow-writing-to-package-directory --disable-sandbox run-script
If you want to avoid the use of the BuildToolPlugin/CommandPlugin via Xcode, you can disable the use of the sandbox by configuring the following settings.
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEPackageSupportDisablePluginExecutionSandbox -bool YES
The following environment variables are available in the script to refer to the Plugin context.
Path of the target package on which the plugin runs. The path obtained byPackagePlugin.PluginContext.package.directory
The path of a writable directory into which the plugin or the build commands it constructs can write anything it wants. The path obtained byPackagePlugin.PluginContext.pluginWorkDirectory
- SwiftLint You can run Lint in SPM without using the SwiftLint plugin.
- name: "SwiftLint"
script: "swiftlint lint"
- Build Log
- name: "Build Log"
script: "echo \"[$(date)] Build >> build.log\""
- Theos(Orion) install You can install the Tweak from the Build button in SPM.
- name: "Theos make package and install"
script: "make do"
- SwiftFormat
- name: "SwiftFormat"
script: "swiftformat ."
- SwiftGen
- name: "SwiftGen"
script: "swiftgen config run"