All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Pull #45 Remove Requirements pip>=20 by @dmlb2000
- Pull #43
Truthy Return by @dmlb2000
- Pull #41 Add Python 3.7 and 3.8 by @dmlb2000
- Pull #40 Add Admin Event Retry by @dmlb2000
- Pull #39 Add Admin Event Get/Purge by @dmlb2000
- Fix #33 Add Event Logging by @dmlb2000
- Pull #36 Update Testing and PyLint 2.0+ by @dmlb2000
- Pull #35 Update Packaging URL by @dmlb2000
- Pull #31 Add Ansible Travis by @dmlb2000
- Event subscription management API
- Event endpoint for notifying subscribers
- Model upgrade process
- ReadtheDocs supported Sphinx docs
- REST API for subscribing to events
- PUT - Update a Subscription
- POST - Create a Subscription
- GET - Get a Subscription
- DELETE - Delete a Subscription
- REST API for receiving events
- POST - receive new event