A simple php social networking script designed using pathang framework. It has all the kool features to compete with the modern day social scripts. A clean responsive template, admin panel to customize the website, smooth jquery animation effects keeps the feedstack standing out the crowd.Above all its absolute freeware and open source licensed under GNU/GPL v2
Requirements : PHP 5.3 or 5.3+, MySQLi
Live Demo : https://feedstack.asia/
Product Page : https://feedstack.asia/product
Video Promo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMWSYYnTWTs
- Posting Feeds
- Like a feed
- Comment on feeds
- Search members
- Follow members
- Edit profile
- Customizing number of feeds per page
- Public/Private profiles
- Active notifications
- Password recovery
- Block/Activate/Delete Members
- Site Statistics
- Custom pages
- Google Ad Blocks
- Mailgun support
- Logo change
- Custom META tags and social links
- Responsive theme
- Smooth jquery animations
Do give your valuable feedback... together we can make this an awesome script :)
================================================================ Developed by :Krishna Teja @www.packetcode.com