- Bump version of Python used in tests to 3.10
- Enable datasource option time_interval for prometheus
- Fix documentation url for Ansible doc website
- Now testing against Grafana 9.5.13, 8.5.27, 10.2.0
- Fix error with datasources configured without basicAuth
- grafana_folder, fix an issue during delete (starting Grafana 9.3)
- Add grafana_organization_user module
- community.grafana.grafana_organization_user - Manage Grafana Organization Users.
- able to set uid for datasources in grafana via module grafana_datasource
- Fixed validate_certs missing parameter for --insecure option in grafana plugins
- URL encode issue in (method get_actual_org ) fixed.
- grafana_dashboard, now opens json files with utf-8 encoding (#191)
- Add support for more elasticsearch version as datasource (#263)
- Ensure user email/login is url encoded when searching for the user (#264)
- Export dashboard with pretty printed JSON so that it becomes easier to compare changes with the previous version (#257)
- community.grafana.grafana_datasource supports grafana-azure-monitor-datasource.
- Fix a bug that causes a fatal error when using url parameter in grafana_dashboard and grafana_notification_channel modules.
- Fix a bug that causes an update error when using the grafana_datasource module on Grafana >=9.0.0 (ansible-collections#248).
- Remove requirement for ds_type and ds_url parameters when deleting a datasource
- add grafana action group in meta/runtime.yml to support for module group defaults
- refactor grafana_notification_channel module
- Fix an issue with grafana_datasource for Prometheus with basic auth credential management. (#204)
- Fix an issue with threema notification channel that was not creating gateway, recipient and api_secret in Grafana. (#208)
- community.grafana.grafana_datasource supports aws_auth_type of default.
- Fix issue with datasource names that could not contain slashes (#125)
- community.grafana.grafana_organization - Manage Grafana Organization
- Fix issue with trailing '/' in provided grafana_url. The modules now support values with trailing slashes.
- grafana_dashboard lookup - Providing a mangled version of the API key is no longer preferred.
- Fix an issue with datasource uid now returned by the Grafana API (#176)
- grafana_dashboard lookup - All valid API keys can be used, not just keys ending in '=='.
- grafana_dashboard now explicitely fails if the folder doesn't exist upon creation. It would previously silently pass but not create the dashboard. (ansible-collections#153)
- grafana_team now able to handle spaces and other utf-8 chars in the name parameter. (ansible-collections#164)
- Fix issue with grafana_user that failed to create admin user (#142)
- introduce "skip_version_check" parameter in grafana_teams and grafana_folder modules (#147)
- Fix issue with url when grafana_url has a trailing slash (#135)
- grafana_dashboard, Fix reference before assignment issue (#146)
- Update the version where message alias will disappear from grafana_dashboard. (Now 2.0.0)
- community.grafana.grafana_notification_channel - Manage Grafana Notification Channels
Stable release for Ansible 2.10 and beyond
- Add changelog management for ansible 2.10 (#112)
- grafana_datasource ; adding additional_json_data param
- grafana_datasource doesn't set password correctly (#113)
- Fix an issue in grafana_dashboard that made dashboard import no more detecting changes and fail.
- Refactor module grafana_datasource to ease its support.
- Fix an issue with grafana_datasource idempotency
- Add Thruk as Grafana Datasource
- Add grafana_folder module
- Add grafana_user module
- Use module_utils to allow code factorization
- Fix issue #45 in grafana_plugin
Initial migration of Grafana content from Ansible core (2.9/devel)