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#Angle specification
Many details of the specification are to be found in separate articles like data, list ...
hair-color:{r=1 g=0 b=0}
dimensions=(3, length*2)
kill{print '🕱'}
The data format is a superset to (a subset) of emascript,json,css,wasp,…
While it looks very different to lisp, it is in fact a very similar
Data calculous "lisp with builtin assignment and hashes"
With very few axioms and primitives:
pair : turn two node_pointer into a pair,a:3
(hashed+symbolic). almost identical to: -
value : turn two node_pointer into a variable pair,a=3
list : turn two node_pointer into a list. Append if one is a list. 'cons' in lisp -
list : end expression/statements, list inside a block. if 1 : 0 ; -
selection: garden of house == house.garden == house's garden xs.1 xs#1 -
pipe/then : output of last command as input for next command.ls ~ | sort
… and logicaland
Question: substraction|concatenation|range hair-color vs a-b vs 2001-2020
for static content ,
are identical
{1 2 3} == {1,2,3} == {1;2;3}
for static content [],(),{} are identical
If attatched to objects, [],(),{} have different semantics:
- […] attributes meta modifiers decorators annotations adjectives adverbs
- (…) groups parameters signatures attributes lists head
- {…} body blocks maps lambdas closures children node_pointer
- «…» other brackets behave like ()/{} until specified
- x[…] index patterns selectors matches
brackets: content of () is evaluated, {} is deferred (block/lambda)
[a]b == b[a] == a b if a is modifier/operator a + b == + a b if feasible
f a b = f(a b) if f is a method/operator/functor
All kinds of brackets are often optional thanks to operator prescedence
a:=1 2 3
== a=(1,2,3)
== extern void
Each line is treated as a group by default, unless escaped with
so in lisp (add (1 2))
is just add 1 2
in angle
Brackets have different semantics depending on their context, this is NOT reflected in the data structure, only in its evaluation:
[…]object vs object[…]
[attributes] are commonly written on the left side of objects [indices] on the right site.
e.g. [mutable]list xs
but xs[1]=7
Question: what about xs[mutable]=7?
the preferred way to index properties in objects to use the 'of' / 'in' notation
show color of cat
or dot notation
show cat.color
list items are indexed from 0 in ordinary [] notation items[0]
list items are accessed from 1 in selector # notation item#1
x=color cat{color:red} cat.color // red cat.x // ø cat#x // red cat[x] // red cat#color // red unless color is a variable cat[color] // red unless color is a variable
Question: how is value indexing done in english? property=color; get this property from cat
car(list)=list#1 cdr(list)=rest of list=list…
To make sure an object is evaluated, invoke it with !
or ()
print x // {a+1}
print x! // 8
print x! // 9
parameters are evaluated if given in () and deferred if given as {} print x // 9 print(x) // 9 print{x} // {a+1} print[x] // print has no property {a+1}
objects are evaluated if given in () and deferred if given as {} y=(a+1) // 8
NOTE: Everything inside {blocks} is deferred, including (groups)
a=7;x={print(a+1)};a=1;x() // 2
For instant template evaluation inside {blocks} use $
a=7;x={print($a+1)};a=1;x() // 8
NOTE: Everything inside (groups) is evaluated, including {blocks} z={x} print(z) // ({a+1}) (8+1) (9) 9
block is a builtin data type similar to 'object' (inspired by ruby)
Every group […] (…) {…} «…» is a block at first until special semantics are given.
A block is basically a deferred multiline lambda
f a b = f(a b) if f is a functor example functor: if.signature == condition:block then:block [optional]otherwise:block if(a=b){go!}{stop!}
could be implemented within the language:
if(block condition, block body, block otherwise){
Having blocks as first class citizens makes a lot of code cleaner: square(x){x^2} {it^2}[1 2 3] == [ 1 4 9]
blocks can be applied to objects from left or from right {a*a}(a=7) == 49
blocks can be applied/evaluated via !
a=6;{a*a}! #36
blocks can be applied/evaluated via ()
(){} has different semantics to {}()
the first is a deferred list [group(),block()]
the second is an applied list [block(),group()] where the group is provided as context for the block
example: (x){xx} a lambda (anonymous function) {xx}(x=5) #25 evaluated on the spot
This is particularily important because normaly () is just the empty object ø, but {go}() will EXECUTE the block containing the statement 'go'; if 'go' was declared as function before, it will return the result of 'go'
b=7 x={a=b} x.a # b (here:7) y=x! y=={a=7} b=5 x.a # b (here:5) y=={a=7} # unchanged because b was resolved
blocks can be applied to lists from left or from right {it^2}[1 2 3]
While some blocks might look identical to javascript, the underlying logic is much more unified. Read the rest of this document for details.
Has near identical behavior in javascript and angle:
a variable('node'/'object') with name 'a' is created and has the properties b and c. while b is static, c recieves the dynamic value of d() at construction.
json sucks, angle is more like ecmascript:
legal angle and javascript
legal syntax only in angle:
root maps
{1:i i^2:-1}
no restriction on map keys
values are symbolic until evaluated (see above)!
objects can be constructed with a{} a={} a:{} mostly equivalently in javascript '=' is used for variable setters and ':' is used for fields
Groups, blocks, lists () Node *param == group attributes meta modifiers decorators annotations {} Node *children == block body content 'set':setters!=Set? Setter Problem [] Node *list == selector pattern match a[b]=c == a.b=c ab=c (a that b)=c a@b a~b=c (a.filter(b))=c
- (a;b=c;d) 2. (a,b)=(c,d) a b:c d == a,(b:c),d "short-binding" a b=c d == (a,b)=(c,d) "number- binding"
usually '=' is number-binding, meaning it has higher prescedence than other operations, so the second reading is default. Within Groups, '=' is shortbinding like ':' a(href='link' hidden) BUT DANGER: group is default bag CONTRADICTION
Solution? '=' be left-short-binding a b=c d == (a b):c,d NO WAY Solution: just write a(href:link style="") Solution: short-binding in lists, but how do we know?
Diffenence of maps and constructors
color:{r=1 g=0 b=0}
creates object called 'color' with r,g,b fields
color{r=1 g=0 b=0}
constructs instance of color class with r,g,b parameters
These are EQUIVALENT unless there is a constructor, e.g.
This is an example of class name as variable name. In this context color is both a variable with name 'color' and of type Color.
ok, two cats
danger, cat property gets reassigned! really?
cats(){color=green;sleep 1;color=blue}
ok, two setters in sequence
Then these two objects should still behave very similarily. Especially the constructor arguments should be unmodified and are automatically accessible: color.r==1 no matter what.
Assignment and object creation foo{bar:3} #object creation foo(bar:3) #object creation if (implicit) constructor, else function call foo:{bar:3} #property assignment (nested objects) foo={bar:3} #variable assignment (of calling context)
foo:=(x y){x+y} # function creation :foo(x y){x+y} # function creation to foo(x y){x+y} # function creation