diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a1bc7c4a..71055e80 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
**Tags:** comments, sessions
**Requires at least:** 4.7
**Tested up to:** 6.3
-**Stable tag:** 1.4.1
+**Stable tag:** 1.4.2
**Requires PHP:** 5.4
**License:** GPLv2 or later
**License URI:** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
@@ -57,17 +57,7 @@ Added in 1.4.0. If you have run the `add-index` command and have verified that t
Added in 1.4.0. If you have run the `add-index` command and something unexpected has occurred, just run the `primary-key-revert` command and the backup table will immediately be returned to being the active table.
### WordPress Multisite
-As of 1.4.1 the `add-index`, `primary-key-add` and `primary-key-revert` commands only apply to a single site. This means that to run on a WordPress multisite, for sites beyond the main site, you would need to pass the `--url=` flag for each subsite.
-However, you can script this process in bash by getting a list of sites and looping over them:
-for site in $(wp site list --field=url); do
- wp pantheon session add-index --url=$site
-This can be applied to any of the other commands as needed to do them all in one go. We will be updating the command to iterate over all the sites in a multisite in a forthcoming release.
+As of 1.4.2 the `add-index`, `primary-key-add` and `primary-key-revert` commands are fully multisite compatible.
## Contributing ##
@@ -108,6 +98,11 @@ Adds a WP-CLI command to add an index to the sessions table if one does not exis
## Changelog ##
+### 1.4.2 (November 8, 2023) ###
+* Fixed an issue with the `pantheon session add-index` PHP warning. [[#276](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/276/files)]
+* Fixed a syntax issue with the suggested WP CLI commands [[#278](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/278)]
+* Made `wp pantheon session add-index`, `wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize`, and `wp pantheon session primary-key-revert` fully multisite compatible. [[#275](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/275)]
### 1.4.1 (October 23, 2023) ###
* Fixed an issue with the `pantheon session add-index` command not working properly on WP multisite [[#270](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/270)]
* Made the notice added in 1.4.0 dismissable (stores in user meta) & hides for multisite (an update is coming to iterate through all sites on a network) [[#271](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/271)]
diff --git a/inc/class-cli-command.php b/inc/class-cli-command.php
index 4b19f512..6d0a1625 100644
--- a/inc/class-cli-command.php
+++ b/inc/class-cli-command.php
@@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ public function delete( $args, $assoc_args ) {
* @subcommand add-index
- public function add_index( $args, $assoc_arc ) {
+ public function add_index( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$pantheon_session = new \Pantheon_Sessions();
- $pantheon_session->add_index();
+ $resume_point = isset( $assoc_args['start_point'] ) ? $assoc_args['start_point'] : 0;
+ $pantheon_session->add_index( $resume_point );
@@ -94,9 +95,10 @@ public function add_index( $args, $assoc_arc ) {
* @subcommand primary-key-finalize
- public function primary_key_finalize() {
- $pan_session = new \Pantheon_Sessions();
- $pan_session->primary_key_finalize();
+ public function primary_key_finalize( $args, $assoc_args ) {
+ $pantheon_session = new \Pantheon_Sessions();
+ $resume_point = isset( $assoc_args['start_point'] ) ? $assoc_args['start_point'] : 0;
+ $pantheon_session->primary_key_finalize( $resume_point );
@@ -104,9 +106,10 @@ public function primary_key_finalize() {
* @subcommand primary-key-revert
- public function primary_key_revert() {
- $pan_session = new \Pantheon_Sessions();
- $pan_session->primary_key_revert();
+ public function primary_key_revert( $args, $assoc_args ) {
+ $pantheon_session = new \Pantheon_Sessions();
+ $resume_point = isset( $assoc_args['start_point'] ) ? $assoc_args['start_point'] : 0;
+ $pantheon_session->primary_key_revert( $resume_point );
diff --git a/pantheon-sessions.php b/pantheon-sessions.php
index 4631af1b..be3439e7 100644
--- a/pantheon-sessions.php
+++ b/pantheon-sessions.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pantheon_sessions = $table_name;
- $wpdb->tables[] = 'pantheon_sessions';
+ $wpdb->tables[] = self::PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE;
if ( get_option( 'pantheon_session_version' ) ) {
@@ -285,37 +288,34 @@ public static function force_first_load() {
public static function check_native_primary_keys() {
global $wpdb;
- $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'pantheon_sessions';
- $old_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'bak_pantheon_sessions';
+ $table_name = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix() . self::PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE;
+ $old_table = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix() . self::BAK_PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE;
$query = "SHOW KEYS FROM {$table_name} WHERE key_name = 'PRIMARY';";
$is_pantheon = isset( $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] ) ? true : false;
- $wp_cli_cmd = $is_pantheon ? 'terminus wp <site>.<env> --' : 'wp';
+ $wp_cli_cmd = $is_pantheon ? 'terminus wp <site>.<env> -- ' : 'wp ';
$cli_add_index = $wp_cli_cmd . 'pantheon session add-index';
$key_existence = $wpdb->get_results( $query );
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$dismissed = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'notice_dismissed', true );
- if ( empty( $key_existence ) ) {
- // TODO: Remove this conditional for multisite. See https://getpantheon.atlassian.net/browse/CMSP-744.
- if ( is_multisite() || ! $dismissed ) {
- // If the key doesn't exist, recommend remediation.
- ?>
- $cli_add_index" ) );
- ?>
+ $cli_add_index" ) );
+ ?>
+ prepare( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE %s',
@@ -342,12 +342,186 @@ public static function check_native_primary_keys() {
* Set id as primary key in the Native PHP Sessions plugin table.
+ *
+ * @param int $start_position Site index to begin from.
+ */
+ public function add_index( $start_position ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Single site detected. Beginning processing... \n', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $this->add_single_index( $wpdb->prefix );
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Operation complete, please verify that your site is working as expected. When ready, run wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize to clean up old data, or run wp pantheon session primary-key-revert if there were issues.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Multisite installation detected. Processing Sites individually...', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $output = [
+ 'no_session_table' => 0,
+ 'id_column_exists' => 0,
+ ];
+ $site_list = $this->get_all_sites( $start_position );
+ $site_count = count( $site_list );
+ for ( $i = $start_position; $i < $site_count; $i++ ) {
+ // translators: %s is the current blog, and then the array index of the current site.
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Processing site %d. In the event of a timeout or error, resume execution starting from this point via "wp pantheon session add-index --start_point=%d". To skip this site if it does not need processing, run "wp pantheon session add-index --start_point=%d".', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $site_list[ $i ], $i, $i + 1 ] );
+ $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $site_list[ $i ] );
+ $output = $this->add_single_index( $blog_prefix, $output, true );
+ // translators: %s is the current site id.
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Processing for site %d complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $site_list[ $i ] ] );
+ }
+ if ( $output['no_session_table'] != 0 ) {
+ // translators: %d is the number of sites which did not have a session table.
+ $this->safe_output( __( '%d site(s) did not have a session table and were skipped. If this was unexpected, please review output.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $output['no_session_table'] ] );
+ }
+ if ( $output['id_column_exists'] != 0 ) {
+ // translators: %d is the number of sites which had an ID column already.
+ $this->safe_output( __( '%d site(s) already had an ID column and were skipped. If this was unexpected, please review output.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $output['id_column_exists'] ] );
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Operation complete, please verify that your site is working as expected. When ready, run wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize to clean up old data, or run wp pantheon session primary-key-revert if there were issues.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves all sites with query batches.
+ *
+ * @param int $start_position Starting position of query.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function get_all_sites( $start_position ) {
+ $num_sites = 2;
+ $sites = ( $start_position == 0 ) ? [] : array_fill( 0, $start_position, null );
+ $page = 0;
+ while ( true ) {
+ $offset = ( $page * $num_sites ) + $start_position;
+ $next_page = get_sites( [
+ 'number' => $num_sites,
+ 'offset' => $offset,
+ 'fields' => 'ids',
+ ] );
+ if ( empty( $next_page ) || empty( array_diff( $next_page, $sites ) ) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $sites = array_merge( $sites, $next_page );
+ ++$page;
+ }
+ if ( $start_position == 0 ) {
+ unset( $sites[ $start_position - 1 ] );
+ }
+ return $sites;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finalizes the creation of a primary key by deleting the old data.
+ *
+ * @param int $start_position Site index to begin from.
+ */
+ public function primary_key_finalize( $start_position ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Single site detected. Beginning finalization.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $this->primary_key_finalize_single( $wpdb->prefix );
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Operation complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Multisite installation detected. Processing sites individually.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $site_list = $this->get_all_sites( $start_position );
+ $output = [ 'no_old_table' => 0 ];
+ $site_count = count( $site_list );
+ for ( $i = $start_position; $i < $site_count; $i++ ) {
+ // translators: $s is the array index of the current site.
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Finalizing site %d. In the event of a timeout or error, resume execution starting from this point via "wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize --start_point=%d". To skip this site if it does not need processing, run "wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize --start_point=%d".', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $site_list[ $i ], $i, $i + 1 ] );
+ $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $site_list[ $i ] );
+ $output = $this->primary_key_finalize_single( $blog_prefix, $output, true );
+ // translators: %s is the current site id.
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Finalization of site %d complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $site_list[ $i ] ] );
+ }
+ if ( $output['no_old_table'] != 0 ) {
+ // translators: %d is the number of sites which did not have an old table.
+ $this->safe_output( __( '%d site(s) did not have an old table to delete and were skipped. If this is not expected, please review output.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $output['no_old_table'] ] );
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Finalization of all sites complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finalizes the creation of a primary key by deleting the old data.
+ *
+ * @param int $start_position Site index to begin from.
- public function add_index() {
+ public function primary_key_revert( $start_position ) {
global $wpdb;
- $unprefixed_table = 'pantheon_sessions';
- $table = $wpdb->prefix . $unprefixed_table;
- $temp_clone_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sessions_temp_clone';
+ if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Single site detected. Beginning revert.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $this->primary_key_revert_single( $wpdb->prefix );
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Operation complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Multisite installation detected. Processing Sites individually.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $site_list = $this->get_all_sites( $start_position );
+ $output = [ 'no_rollback_table' => 0 ];
+ $site_count = count( $site_list );
+ for ( $i = $start_position; $i < $site_count; $i++ ) {
+ // translators: $s is the array index of the current site.
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Processing site %d. In the event of a timeout or error, resume execution starting from this point via "wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize --start_point=%d". To skip this site if it does not need processing, run "wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize --start_point=%d".', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $site_list[ $i ], $i, $i + 1 ] );
+ $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $site_list[ $i ] );
+ $output = $this->primary_key_revert_single( $blog_prefix, $output, true );
+ // translators: %d is the current site id.
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Revert of site %d complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $site_list[ $i ] ] );
+ }
+ if ( $output['no_rollback_table'] != 0 ) {
+ // translators: %d is the number of sites which did not have a rollback table.
+ $this->safe_output( __( '%d site(s) did not have a table to roll back to and were skipped. If this is not expected, please review output.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log', [ $output['no_rollback_table'] ] );
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Revert operation complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform add_index functionality for a single site.
+ *
+ * @param string $prefix Database prefix for the blog.
+ * @param array $output An array of logs/errors which may occur.
+ * @param bool $multisite Whether the site is a multisite.
+ */
+ public function add_single_index( $prefix, $output = [], $multisite = false ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $unprefixed_table = self::PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE;
+ $table = esc_sql( $prefix . $unprefixed_table );
+ $temp_clone_table = esc_sql( $prefix . 'sessions_temp_clone' );
// If the command has been run multiple times and there is already a
// temp_clone table, drop it.
@@ -362,13 +536,33 @@ public function add_index() {
$this->safe_output( __( 'Pantheon Sessions is currently disabled.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'error' );
+ $query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE %s', $wpdb->esc_like( $table ) );
+ if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $query ) == $table ) {
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'This site does not have a pantheon_sessions table, and is being skipped.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $output['no_session_table'] = $output['no_session_table'] + 1;
+ return $output;
+ }
// Verify that the ID column/primary key does not already exist.
$query = "SHOW KEYS FROM {$table} WHERE key_name = 'PRIMARY';";
$key_existence = $wpdb->get_results( $query );
// Avoid errors by not attempting to add a column that already exists.
if ( ! empty( $key_existence ) ) {
- $this->safe_output( __( 'ID column already exists and does not need to be added to the table.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'error' );
+ // If dealing with multisites, it's feasible that some may have the
+ // column and some may not, so don't stop execution if all that's
+ // wrong is the key exists on one.
+ if ( ! $multisite ) {
+ $type = 'error';
+ } else {
+ $type = 'log';
+ }
+ $output['id_column_exists'] = $output['id_column_exists'] + 1;
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'ID column already exists and does not need to be added to the table.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), $type );
+ return $output;
// Alert the user that the action is going to go through.
@@ -376,7 +570,13 @@ public function add_index() {
$count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table};";
$count_total = $wpdb->get_results( $count_query );
- $count_total = $count_total[0]->{'COUNT(*)'};
+ // Avoid errors when object returns an empty object.
+ if ( ! empty( $count_total ) ) {
+ $count_total = $count_total[0]->{'COUNT(*)'};
+ } else {
+ $count_total = 0;
+ }
if ( $count_total >= 20000 ) {
// translators: %s is the total number of rows that exist in the pantheon_sessions table.
@@ -407,7 +607,7 @@ public function add_index() {
// Hot swap the old table and the new table, deleting a previous old
// table if necessary.
- $old_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'bak_' . $unprefixed_table;
+ $old_table = esc_sql( $prefix . 'bak_' . $unprefixed_table );
$query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE %s', $wpdb->esc_like( $old_table ) );
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $query ) == $old_table ) {
@@ -420,44 +620,77 @@ public function add_index() {
$query = "ALTER TABLE {$temp_clone_table} RENAME {$table};";
$wpdb->query( $query );
- $this->safe_output( __( 'Operation complete, please verify that your site is working as expected. When ready, run wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize to clean up old data, or run wp pantheon session primary-key-revert if there were issues.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ return $output;
* Finalizes the creation of a primary key by deleting the old data.
+ *
+ * @param string $prefix Database prefix for the blog.
+ * @param array $output An array of logs/errors which may occur.
+ * @param bool $multisite Whether the site is a multisite.
- public function primary_key_finalize() {
+ public function primary_key_finalize_single( $prefix = null, $output = [], $multisite = false ) {
global $wpdb;
- $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'bak_pantheon_sessions';
+ $table = esc_sql( $prefix . self::BAK_PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE );
$query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE %s', $wpdb->esc_like( $table ) );
// Check for table existence and delete if present.
if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $query ) == $table ) {
- $this->safe_output( __( 'Old table does not exist to be removed.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'error' );
+ // If dealing with multisites, it's feasible that some may have a
+ // table and some may not, so don't stop execution if it's not found.
+ if ( ! $multisite ) {
+ $type = 'error';
+ } else {
+ $output['no_old_table'] = $output['no_old_table'] + 1;
+ $type = 'log';
+ }
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Old table does not exist to be removed.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), $type );
} else {
$query = "DROP TABLE {$table};";
$wpdb->query( $query );
- $this->safe_output( __( 'Old table has been successfully removed, process complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ if ( ! $multisite ) {
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Old table has been successfully removed.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ } else {
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Old table has been successfully removed for this site.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ }
+ return $output;
* Reverts addition of primary key.
+ *
+ * @param string $prefix Database prefix for the blog.
+ * @param array $output An array of logs/errors which may occur.
+ * @param bool $multisite Whether the site is a multisite.
- public function primary_key_revert() {
+ public function primary_key_revert_single( $prefix = null, $output = [], $multisite = false ) {
global $wpdb;
- $old_clone_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'bak_pantheon_sessions';
- $temp_clone_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'temp_pantheon_sessions';
- $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'pantheon_sessions';
+ $old_clone_table = esc_sql( $prefix . self::BAK_PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE );
+ $temp_clone_table = esc_sql( $prefix . self::TEMP_PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE );
+ $table = esc_sql( $prefix . self::PANTHEON_SESSIONS_TABLE );
// If there is no old table to roll back to, error.
$query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE %s', $wpdb->esc_like( $old_clone_table ) );
+ // If dealing with multisites, it's feasible that some may have a
+ // table and some may not, so don't stop execution if it's not found.
+ if ( ! $multisite ) {
+ $type = 'error';
+ } else {
+ $type = 'log';
+ }
if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $query ) == $old_clone_table ) {
- $this->safe_output( __( 'There is no old table to roll back to.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'error' );
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'There is no old table to roll back to.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), $type );
+ $output['no_rollback_table'] = $output['no_rollback_table'] + 1;
+ return $output;
// Swap old table and new one.
@@ -470,7 +703,9 @@ public function primary_key_revert() {
// Remove table which did not function.
$query = "DROP TABLE {$temp_clone_table}";
$wpdb->query( $query );
- $this->safe_output( __( 'Process complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ $this->safe_output( __( 'Site processing complete.', 'wp-native-php-sessions' ), 'log' );
+ return $output;
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index a1f3c880..44663ec4 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Contributors: getpantheon, outlandish josh, mpvanwinkle77, danielbachhuber, andr
Tags: comments, sessions
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.3
-Stable tag: 1.4.1
+Stable tag: 1.4.2
Requires PHP: 5.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
@@ -56,15 +56,7 @@ Added in 1.4.0. If you have run the `add-index` command and have verified that t
Added in 1.4.0. If you have run the `add-index` command and something unexpected has occurred, just run the `primary-key-revert` command and the backup table will immediately be returned to being the active table.
= WordPress Multisite =
-As of 1.4.1 the `add-index`, `primary-key-add` and `primary-key-revert` commands only apply to a single site. This means that to run on a WordPress multisite, for sites beyond the main site, you would need to pass the `--url=` flag for each subsite.
-However, you can script this process in bash by getting a list of sites and looping over them:
- for site in $(wp site list --field=url); do
- wp pantheon session add-index --url=$site
- done
-This can be applied to any of the other commands as needed to do them all in one go. We will be updating the command to iterate over all the sites in a multisite in a forthcoming release.
+As of 1.4.2 the `add-index`, `primary-key-add` and `primary-key-revert` commands are fully multisite compatible.
== Contributing ==
@@ -104,6 +96,11 @@ Adds a WP-CLI command to add an index to the sessions table if one does not exis
== Changelog ==
+= 1.4.2 (November 8, 2023) =
+* Fixed an issue with the `pantheon session add-index` PHP warning. [[#276](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/276/files)]
+* Fixed a syntax issue with the suggested WP CLI commands [[#278](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/278)]
+* Made `wp pantheon session add-index`, `wp pantheon session primary-key-finalize`, and `wp pantheon session primary-key-revert` fully multisite compatible. [[#275](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/275)]
= 1.4.1 (October 23, 2023) =
* Fixed an issue with the `pantheon session add-index` command not working properly on WP multisite [[#270](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/270)]
* Made the notice added in 1.4.0 dismissable (stores in user meta) & hides for multisite (an update is coming to iterate through all sites on a network) [[#271](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wp-native-php-sessions/pull/271)]