This module allows to connect to the Elastic Search on application start and use created
client instance anywhere inside the Application
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
dependencies {
implementation "net.paslavsky:ktor-elastic:$exktorVersion"
fun Application.module() {
install(ElasticFeature) {
hosts = arrayOf(HttpHost.create(""))
defaultHeaders = arrayOf(BasicHeader("MyHeader", "MyValue"))
failureListener = {
// Implementation of the RestClient.FailureListener
httpClientConfigCallback = {
// Implementation of the RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback
requestConfigCallback = {
// Implementation of the RestClientBuilder.RequestConfigCallback
pathPrefix = "..."
nodeSelector = NodeSelector.ANY
strictDeprecationMode = true
Anywhere inside Application
context you could use variable elasticSearchClient
) to access to the Elastic Search cluster.