yarn install
yarn start:ceramic
to start local ceramic node- run a ceramic node with preconfigured admin did:
docker run -p 7007:7007 gitcoinpassport/js-ceramic:3.2.0
Run the following commands to compile and deploy the schemas:
yarn models:create-composite
yarn models:deploy-composite
yarn models:compile-composite
Run yarn graphql-server
npx ceramic daemon
Replace <USER>
with your username and put the content below in the file: ~/.ceramic/daemon.config.json
The admin-dids
values are only for testing.
"anchor": {
"auth-method": "did"
"http-api": {
"cors-allowed-origins": [".*"],
"admin-dids": ["did:key:z6MkgUzNYV8J1yw43wj9K2CbhTZoN25uZ6TJ3Gi4cYVpZyDb"]
"ipfs": {
"mode": "bundled",
"disable-peer-data-sync": false
"logger": {
"log-level": 2,
"log-to-files": false
"metrics": {
"metrics-exporter-enabled": false
"network": {
"name": "testnet-clay"
"node": {
"privateSeedUrl": "inplace:ed25519#cce8e5b3270923e37d7be8a16bc3d1e9c331a2ab491ee425af2bc7711b2e3b49"
"state-store": {
"mode": "fs",
"local-directory": "/Users/<USER>/.ceramic/statestore/"
"indexing": {
"db": "sqlite:///Users/<USER>/.ceramic/indexing.sqlite",
"allow-queries-before-historical-sync": true,
"disable-composedb": false,
"enable-historical-sync": false