Previous years have had an accessibility statement on the website, and this has certainly been appreciated. Of course, covering every option off is impossible, but acknowledging that there's a desire to improve things and to learn about what's missed is great.
Ruby Australia events of course run under their Code of Conduct. The conference also has an anti-harrassment policy which covers something of a process around how to report situations.
In recent years, there has also been a dedicated phone number for the conference and code of conduct reports. This is just a prepaid SIM bought for the purpose of the conference, in a second-hand phone that is always with a committee member. This number can be listed in the Code of Conduct, the Anti-Harrassment Policy, and on attendee badges. It gives people a simple, direct and non-confrontational way of alerting organisers to any issues.
This isn't something that's been done before at RubyConf Australia, but has been implemented at RailsConf and RubyConf in the USA: have some of the more established community members be guides for newer attendees - someone to talk to, to provide advice, to hang out with during breaks. This could help make the conference an even more welcoming and friendly experience.