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Pipeline for Automated Read ANalysis Of iCLIP Data

PARANOiD is a versatile software for the fully automated analysis of iCLIP and iCLIP2 data. It contains all steps necessary for preprocessing, the determination of cross-link locations and several additional steps which can be used to detect specific characteristics, e.g. definite distances between cross-link events or binding motifs. The cross-link sites are presented as WIG files that can be easily visualized e.g. using IGV, for which a config file is offered. Additionally, results are offered as statistical plots for a quick overview and as standardized bioinformatics file formats or TSV files which can be used for further analysis steps.


nextflow --reads \<reads.fastq\> --reference \<reference_sequence.fasta\> --barcodes \<barcodes.tsv\>


Reads (essential)

Reads generated by iCLIP experiments. Can be provided as one or more files. If providing more than one file, regular expressions can be used within quotation marks.
Format: FASTQ


--reads reads_file.fastq
--reads "reads_{1,2}.fastq"
--reads "*.fastq"

Reference (essential)

File containing the reference to which the reads will be mapped.
Format: FASTA


--reference reference_file.fasta

Barcodes (essential)

Barcode sequences are used to assign reads to their experiment. The file is provided as TSV-file (tab separated value). The first consists of the experiment name and the second of the nucleotide sequence representing the barcode of the experiment. One experiment is described per lane and the columns are divided by a tab.
The experiment name should be named as follows:


experiment1_rep_1	GCATTG  
experiment1_rep_2	CAGTAA  
experiment1_rep_3	GGCCTA  
experiment2_rep_1	AATCCG  
experiment2_rep_2	CCGTTA  
experiment2_rep_3	GTCATT  


--barcodes barcode_file.tsv


File containing annotations of the reference provided. Advised when working with splicing capable organisms. Necessary for RNA subtype analysis.
Formats: GFF GTF


--annotation annotation_file.gff

Tools used in this workflow

This section shows all tools and their versions required by PARANOiD. However, Docker containers are provided for every step and it is highly recommended to use them instead. This way only a Nextflow installation and the according container software are required. Currently supported are Docker, Podman and Singularity.


These tools are essential to run PARANOiD

Tool Version


These tools are only required when running PARANOiD without the provided containers. However, running PARANOiD this way is not recommended.

Tool Version Note
FastQC 0.11.9
Cutadapt 4.2
Trim_Galore 0.6.7
fastx_toolkit 0.0.14
umi_tools 1.1.4
Python 3.11
Samtools 1.16.1
Bamtools 2.5.2
wigToBigWig 2.9
Bowtie2 2.5.1 Only when using --domain pro or running the transcript analysis
STAR 2.7.10b Only when using --domain eu
subread 2.0.3
pureCLIP 1.3.1 Only when using peak calling
multiqc 1.13
pysam 0.19.1
R 4.0.3
optparse R package
wig R package
reshape2 R package
ggplot2 R package
numpy Python package
biopython Python package 1.0.0 Only when providing an annotation file
bgzip 1.16 Only when providing an annotation file
tabix 1.16 Only when providing an annotation file
meme 5.4.1 Only when using motif detection

Container usage

Containers offer an environment that is separated from your current working environment while providing all tools and dependencies in their correct version necessary to execute a specific task. This highly reduces the software a user needs to install and lessens the error potential that comes from installing wrong versions, contributing to the reproducibility of the results. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use containers when running PARANOiD. Currently supported are Docker, Podman and Singularity. They can be used by adding the following at the end of the command line command:

Use Docker

-profile docker

Use Podman

-profile podman

Use Singularity

-profile singularity

For more detailed descriptions of input files, parameters and implemented analyses please visit the Read the Docs manual