I guess I really don't know anything about engineering education research but it may be better to aim for that rather than CS ed. Here's a list of journals:
- Journal of Engineering Education: https://www.asee.org/papers-and-publications/publications/jee
I'm pretty sure that no one we know would read a paper there. I don't really like writing write-only papers. So I kind of think ICSE or SPLASH-E are the best bets.
ICSE has a Joint Track on Software Education and Training: https://conf.researchr.org/track/icse-2021/icse-2021-Software-Engineering-and-Education-Track#Call-for-Papers We've missed the boat for this year by 2 months, so it would have to be next year (which is fine with me).
- CSEE&T: joint with ICSE in 2021, perhaps not 2022. https://conferences.computer.org/cseet/
SPLASH-E: includes software engineering education as well as other topics. Here's the page from this year: https://2020.splashcon.org/track/splash-2020-SPLASH-E Flexible deadlines.
- SIGCSE is another venue which I don't know much about. Looks like deadlines in August.
Here is Amy Ko's page on CS education in general: https://faculty.washington.edu/ajko/cer
Jo and Bill had a presentation at CCCEE 2001 which I've pulled from the archives and attached here. I'll also attach the original proposal, from what I can tell.
- CEEA/ACEG 2021 seems to be the successor venue: https://ceea.ca/ Abstract deadline: December 18, 2020 Paper deadline: March 1, 2021 (It's scheduled to be in PEI in June 2021. I think PEI will be fine. I don't think we'll be able to go to PEI).
We have not much enthusiasm for this venue especially virtual.