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Patrick Coffey edited this page May 7, 2013 · 3 revisions


  1. Get the Files - Download or clone the repository into Drupal's sites/all/themes directory.
  2. Install Grunt Requirements - cd to the theme root and run npm install. This will install all the npm packages that Grunt needs to properly run. (See package.json file.)
  3. Enable and Set Default - There are a couple ways to enable themes in Drupal:
    1. Drush If you have Drush installed:
      1. Run drush pm-enable BaseBuildingBlocks
      2. … And then drush vset theme_default BaseBuildingBlocks
    2. Administraion UI - Navigate to admin/appearance/list and click "Enable and set default"

For more information on installing themes in Drupal, please visit the official Theme Installation documentation on

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