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Releases: patrikhuber/eos


08 Dec 13:45
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Minor fixes, code improvements and a lot of documentation updates.

Noteworthy changes:

  • Added vertex symmetry list of the reference model (c3cb3c7)
  • Fixed wrong filename when storing a textured obj with a relative path (4bc9917)


23 Aug 22:04
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A major release, containing a new pose estimation algorithm, view-dependent texture extraction and a lot more minor improvements.


  • Added a nonlinear camera estimation algorithm that directly estimates OpenGL-like rendering parameters (pose rotation, translation, camera frustum)
  • A small OpenGL-like software-rendering function to render the model and textures
  • Added the glm library headers for all OpenGL operations
  • Parallelised the texture extraction using std::async
  • The texture extraction computes and outputs the view-angle for each triangle
  • The MorphableModel .bin files are now versionised (current version: 0)
  • Minor fixes, added assert()'s, documentation improvements



02 Aug 12:01
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This is a milestone release and the first version that's ready to be released to the public.


  • fully header-only, neat, simple & modern C++ code & doxygen documentation
  • affine camera pose fitting
  • shape-to-landmarks fitting
  • isomap extraction
  • includes our public shape-only 3D Morphable Face model
  • example application (fit-model.cpp)
