Demo and full options:
This react component aims to improve common issues in password field UX.
- Password Strength Detection - Using Dropbox's zxcvbn library in real-time, onChange.
- Timed Password Masking - Best explained in the nngroup article: Stop Password Masking
- Stateful Class - Know the HTML5 validity of your field by class.
npm install react-ux-password-field
// use it like any other react component.
// just require and place it inside your render function.
var InputPassword = require('react-ux-password-field');
render: function() {
return (
<InputPassword />
* React UX Password Field is UMD compatible, meaning it will load with commonJS, AMD/RequireJS, or standalone.
React UX Password Field will work fine with its defaults, but there is a lot of configuration options.
Read them on the site: