Project structure is familar to maven structure. Started from "db" directory.
- Directory init_scripts has required files to create from scratch database. Use that if database doesn't exist
- Main directory for changes -> src/main/resources/changelog/
- Main file has name changelog-master.xml (all opretion srart from here). You also start from here to analyze how it works
Good materials to understand how to work with liquibase:
- (Main documentation (use for changelogs or see examples)
Other materials with examples:
Liquibase data types:
Liquibase articles:
Liquibase Gradle plugin documentation:
For update on development environment, you'd run:
>gradlew update -PfileName=changelog-example.xml
For rollback by count on development environment, you'd run:
>gradlew rollbackCount -PfileName=changelog-example.xml -PliquibaseCommandValue=<count value>