This project includes software donated to the public good by people around the world. There are too many to list here; instead please follow the links below to find out more about them.
I used the following packages:
- Django – web framework
- South – migration add-on for Django
- Django Social Auth – log in with Twitter or GutHub
- Redis, redis-py, and [Fakeredis](A fake version of a redis-py) – transitory database for events
- Mock – mocks and stubs in tests
- jQuery – JavaScript framework
- jQuery UI – sortable lists with drag & drop
- – the spinner shown during Ajax loads
- Cog – code geberation in CSS
My code is hosted on GitHub.
The site runs on the following platform:
- Ubuntu GNU/Linix
- nginx – web server
- flup – glue between nginx and Django
- PostgreSQL – long-term storage
- Redis – transient event repeater
The colour scheme is based on Aztec Nation on the Color Schemer Gallery.
I use the following web fonts:
- Goudy Bookletter 1911 – logo and main headings
- Sorts Mill Goudy – text
using font kits from Font Squirrel.