is a Fortran module to test Fortran programs. It provides routines to
check equality or closeness between variables and counting the errors.
A minimal example:
program test
use tester
implicit none
type(tester_t) :: my_tester
call my_tester% init()
call my_tester% assert_equal(1+1, 2)
call my_tester% print()
end program test
If none of the tests fail, the print
method displays the message
fortran_tester: all tests succeeded
Else, the program will exit with a nonzero error code, making it suitable for
use as an automated test.
Author: Pierre de Buyl
License: BSD
Contributors: Peter Colberg, Stefano Szaghi, Pietro Bonfa, Elias Lettl, Giacomo Rossi, Peter Hill, Jacob Williams
consists of a single Fortran file. You can just drop src/tester.f90
your Fortran project or build using CMake,
FoBiS, or FPM.
If you read the autogenerated documentation, the coverage data should be available.