Earlier versions of Kane relied on global application environment configuration which is deprecated in favour of a more direct and explicit approach in Kane vX.X+. Kane is following the same principle changes of Goth 1.3+.
Below is a step-by-step upgrade path from Goth 0.x to X.X:
Upgrade Goth to 1.3+. Previous versions of Kane, heavily depended on the global configuration of Goth.
So, your mix.exs
should be looking like this:
def deps do
{:goth, "~> 1.3"},
{:kane, "~> X.X"}
You might have a code similar to this:
subscription = %Kane.Subscription{
name: "my-sub",
topic: %Kane.Topic{
name: "my-topic"
{:ok, messages} = Kane.Subscription.pull(subscription)
Now you need explicity fetch the token and the project's id:
defmodule MyApp do
def kane do
{:ok, token} = Goth.fetch(MyApp.Goth)
project_id = Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :gcp_credentials)["project_id"]
project_id: project_id,
token: token
# then
{:ok, messages} = Kane.Subscription.pull(MyApp.kane(), subscription)
For more information on earlier versions of Kane, see v0.9.0 documentation on hexdocs.pm.