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MPRI 2.4 : Dependently-typed Functional Programming

WARNING: This is the "Teacher" edition of MPRI24-DTP. If you're an MPRI student, you should not be here but there.

This course is organized as follows:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


Using the lecture notes

This course is organized in 5 lectures, meant to be presented in slots of 2h30 each. The first lecture includes an example-driven introduction to Agda, which culminates with the presentation of The Evolution of a Typechecker serving as a fast-paced transition from functional programming to idiomatic, dependently-typed programming. Each lecture consists in a literate Agda file, which exists in 4 forms:

teacher version:
It contains a complete & type-checked program, including exercises and their corrections. These are the files contained in this repository.
student version:
It contains a mostly complete program, at the exception of exercises, which are left as holes in the development. These are the files contained in the MPRI repository.
student printable version:
It is the same as the "student version", only processed by Sphinx into a pdf file.
teaching version:
During class, we collectively reconstruct the desired program. Therefore, we start from a stripped-down variant of the student version where some essential definitions have been replaced by holes. Exercises are left as homework.

The student version is obtained from the teacher version thanks to the (dependently-untyped) script. For example, 01-effectful/Monad.lagda.rst

will produce the student version in 01-effectful/Monad.student.lagda.rst. Beware that, due to Agda's reliance on filenames for identifying modules, this file must be renamed Monad.lagda.rst (in an other directory) to be usable by Agda.

The teacher version is obtained from the student version and a corresponding patch. Teaching patches are stored in the ./teaching directory. To produce the teaching version of the lectures, type:

cd teaching; make all

As a result of this command, the directory ./teaching mirrors the root directory: to each .lagda.rst of the source corresponds a teaching variant of the same name in ./teaching.

Build the lecture notes

You will need
  • Agda (tested with version
  • Agda standard library (tested with version 0.17)
  • Sphinx (tested with version 1.8.5)


make html
make latexpdf

which will produce the lecture notes in build/html/index.html for the HTML version and build/latex/*.pdf for the pdf versions.


Feel free to submit a PR if you spot any typo, have comments or think of any way to improve the material. For instance, if some resource available on the web were useful to you during this course, please add a link to this resource where you see fit.

I also welcome alternative implementations in other dependently-typed (or almost) languages (OCaml or Haskell with GADTs, vanilla Coq, Coq/Equations, etc.).

I am also eager to replace references to papers behind paywalls by freely accessible (but legal and stable) links. Please keep the doi links in comments nonetheless.


The lecture notes have been written by Pierre-Évariste Dagand, shakily standing on the shoulders of giants.


These lecture notes are available under an MIT License.