In the following tutorial, you will go through:
- Deploy Eiffel bundle using Docker.
- Check the existing subscriptions.
- Publish an Eiffel event which triggers a few Jenkins jobs.
- You have installed and you have set up Docker.
- You have cloned eiffel-easy2use repository locally.
NOTE: Eiffel bundle requires 12GB RAM usage, approximately.
Change directory to eiffel-easy2use, for example:
cd eiffel-easy2use
Start Eiffel by executing the command:
./easy2use start Eiffel -t Docker -e bundles/ -y
Wait until all Docker containers are up and running. Check it by executing the command:
docker ps
There are two ways that you can check the existing subscriptions:
Execute the following curl command:
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" "http://localhost:8077/subscriptions"
Navigate to localhost:8077 on your browser and check the subscriptions in the GUI.
There are two ways that you can publish an Eiffel event:
Execute the following curl command:
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "meta": { "type": "EiffelArtifactCreatedEvent", "version": "3.0.0", "time": 1234567890, "id": "77a7f4e7-9847-44a6-9bf0-3a19a9528ccd", "source": { "serializer": "pkg:maven/" } }, "data": { "identity": "pkg:maven/com.othercompany.library/required@required" } }' "http://localhost:8096/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics"
Navigate to localhost:8096 on your browser and publish an Eiffel event via the Swagger interface.
Navigate to Jenkins or Jenkins FEM GUI, localhost:8051 or localhost:8052 correspondingly and check that some jobs have SUCESS status.
Navigate to localhost:8084 on your browswer and press the link "List all events in ER (result will be paginated)" to view all the Eiffel events that have been created.
After you have finished the tutorial successfuly, you can experiment with the Eiffel.
For example, you can add a new subscription and publish the corresponding Eiffel event that triggers an existing Jenkins job or a new Jenkins job.
Limited RAM space can restart frequently a Docker container due to memory allocation error. In this case, check the RAM usage by executing the command:
free -h
Check the Docker container logs by executing the command:
docker logs <container_id>
If there is an error, you can try to restart the container:
docker restart <container_id>