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SyncRim Build

In this document the design of feature handling, conditional compilation and test is described in further detail.

The design goal is to make SyncRim as frontend (GUI) independent as possible. To that end the we make use of (cargo) features.

The (root) SyncRim Cargo.toml looks something like this:

default = ["gui-vizia"]
components = []
gui-vizia = ["vizia", "components"]
gui-egui = ["egui", "eframe", "epaint", "components"]

This implies when compiled or used as a library gui-vizia will de enabled by default. (Currently we pull vizia from git, but later when released on crates we will like use the official release.)

The gui-egui feature is used for the egui based frontend. Where as both vizia and egui brings in a lot of dependencies (several hundred under Linux), we don't want to carry the extra weight of both being pulled in at the same time. Without changing the Cargo.toml file you may disable and/or change front-end, e.g.:

cargo run --example add --no-default-features

In this case you just get a dump of the .json representation of the add example.

So let's take a closer look at the add example to see what happened:

    let path = PathBuf::from("add.json");

    #[cfg(feature = "gui-vizia")] # <---
    syncrim::gui_vizia::gui(&cs, &path);

The #[cfg(feature = "gui-vizia")] applies to the following item (syncrim::gui_vizia::gui(&cs, &path);), if the set of features enabled does not include gui-vizia the the item is excluded. That is done very early in the compilation process, thus even if syncrim::gui_vizia does not exist in scope we won't get an error.

Now, let's take a look at the SyncSim top level

// Vizia frontend
#[cfg(feature = "gui-vizia")] # <---
pub mod gui_vizia;

In this case pub mod gui_vizia will be excluded from the build. That implies that whatever is in the gui_vizia folder is never compiled, and whatever dependencies the code within this folder requires are never checked.

This allows us to optionally pull in the (expensive) vizia dependency in the Cargo.toml:

[dependencies.vizia] # <--- 2) check `vizia` feature
git = ""
optional = true # <---

default = ["gui-vizia"]
gui-vizia = ["vizia"] # --> 1) set `vizia` feature
gui-egui = []

The optional = true implies that the dependency is brought in only if the vizia feature is set. In this way features can be elegantly used to control optional dependencies.

Now we are talking!

cargo run --example add

Will build the example with the gui-vizia feature set, thus:

  • will bring in vizia crate,

  • compile compile the gui-vizia folder where the GUI resides,

  • will compile syncrim::gui_vizia::gui(&cs, &path);, and consecutively

  • start the GUI.

On the other hand:

cargo run --example add --no-default-features

Will build the example without any feature set, thus:

  • will not bring in the vizia crate,

  • will not compile the gui-vizia folder,

  • will not compile the call syncrim::gui_vizia::gui(&cs, &path);, and consecutively

  • will not start the GUI.

You can check the number of dependencies brought in both cases:

cargo clean
cargo run --example add --no-default-features
cargo clean
cargo run --example add

The difference in huge (some 160 crates vs. some 430 crates under Arch Linux X11).

Cargo test

Automatic testing of GUI code is fundamentally hard, thus for now we focus on testing the logic and stateful behavior of our components.

Assuming our simulator is correctly implemented we can use it to drive the test. So essentially, we are doing an integration test on component(s) and the simulator.

In Rust integration tests are found in the tests folder, we have

    let cs = ComponentStore {
        store: vec![
            Rc::new(Add {
                id: "add".to_string(),
                pos: (0.0, 0.0),
                a_in: Input::new("po1", 0),
                b_in: Input::new("po2", 0),

Here, we define a simulation "model" for the Add component. The Add component instance ("add") refers to the two ProbeOut components ("po1" and "po2").

    let mut clock = 0;
    let mut simulator = Simulator::new(&cs, &mut clock);

    assert_eq!(clock, 1);

    // outputs
    let add_val = &Input::new("add", 0);
    let add_overflow = &Input::new("add", 1);

    // reset
    assert_eq!(simulator.get_input_val(add_val), 0 + 0);
    assert_eq!(simulator.get_input_val(add_overflow), false as Signal);


Here we instantiate the simulator for the "model", and check (assert) that the clock is set to 1. We define hooks for the different outputs of the "add" instance, and check (assert) that their initial state is correct. (All signals are set to 0 on reset so the add_val should be 0 + 0, and add_overflow should be false).

So far so good, now let's try a more interesting addition:

    simulator.set_id_index("po1", 0, 42);
    simulator.set_id_index("po2", 0, 1337);

    simulator.clock(&mut clock);

    assert_eq!(clock, 2);
    assert_eq!(simulator.get_input_val(add_val), 42 + 1337);
    assert_eq!(simulator.get_input_val(add_overflow), false as Signal);

Here we set the inputs to the adder to be 42 and 1337 accordingly, we call simulator.clock to perform one simulation step, and finally check that the results are correct, 42 + 1337 without any overflow.

The Rust testing framework is quite comprehensive and well documented elsewhere (e.g. The Rust Book), so we cut to the chase:

cargo test

This runs a number of tests, including the integration test. At this point all tests should pass.

We can now willingly make it fail (for educational purpose). Change the simulator.set_id_index("po1", 0, 42); to simulator.set_id_index("po1", 0, 666); and re-run the command. (Either from terminal or clicking on the test button above fn test_add()...).

As expected the test fails:

thread 'test_add' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `2003`,
 right: `1379`', tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

The test also checks the case of positive overflow. As an exercise you may write your own test for negative overflow.

Cargo test --no-default-features

As we now already know we can control compilation and execution by cargo features. Compare the two:

cargo clean
cargo test --no-default-features --features components
cargo clean
cargo test

Also here you should observe that --no-default-features reduces the number of brought in crates, thus useful to reduce CI testing. Notice, --features components is needed in order for the components to be tested. This is enabled by default, so typically we don't need to worry (unless explicit --no-default-features is used.)

Cargo workspace

SyncRim is designed as a library for building simulators. As an example you find the mips crate (workspace member) providing components specific to mips, and (in the future) a set of mips models, like single-cycle, pipelined, and CP0 co-processor extensions.

To test the mips workspace member:

cargo test --package mips

To test the complete workspace (SyncRim and all workspace members):

cargo test --workspace

Also here you can add --no-default-features to reduce the dependencies and thus testing time, e.g., like this for also testing the components:

cargo test --workspace --no-default-features --features components

Workspace members

Each workspace member is compiled (and tested) as a crate in its own right, where features apply to the crate at hand. So let's have a look at the mips Cargo.toml:

serde = "1.0.166"
serde_derive = "1.0.166"
typetag = "0.2.8"
serde_json = "1.0.96"

path = "../"
default-features = false

default = ["gui-vizia"]

components = ["syncrim/components"]
gui-vizia = ["syncrim/gui-vizia", "components"]
gui-egui = ["syncrim/gui-egui", "components"]

Here we define a set of features (gui-vizia, gui-egui) and their propagation. (For convenience we use the same names as in the root crate, but it is not required.)

Both features are propagated to the syncrim (root) crate. Features in Rust are additive (you can include a feature but not exclude a feature). By setting default-features = false on the syncrim crate we start from a clean slate (independent on default features set in the syncrim (root) crate).

As the mips crate has default = ["gui-vizia"] this means that both the mips and syncrim crates will be compiled with gui-vizia set, whereas --no-default-features will compile both crates without any features set (in this case overriding the default = ["gui-vizia] set in the syncrim crate). For convenience both gui-vizia and gui-egui sets the components feature, so we will automatically have access to the default components of SyncRim.

Now, take a breather - read this section again, and make sure you understand the features interplay between these two crates.


Hmm, so the mips crate internally contains GUI views for added components but does not by itself declare any dependency to vizia. How can that work?

First take a look at the in the top level syncrim crate (root).

#[cfg(feature = "gui-vizia")]
pub use vizia;

This implies that if syncrim was compiled with gui-vizia set, then the vizia crate will be re-exported (and accessible as syncrim::vizia).

Now look at the mips

// Vizia frontend
#[cfg(feature = "gui-vizia")]
pub mod gui_vizia;            # <--- syncrim export

// Re-export
#[cfg(feature = "gui-vizia")]
pub mod gui_vizia;            # <--- vizia crate re-export

Similarly to the syncrim crate we build the mips gui_vizia module only in case gui-vizia is set, thus code inside the gui_vizia folder can safely access both gui_vizia folder of the syncrim crate and the syncrim::vizia external crate.

As an example, the

use crate::components::RegFile;
use syncrim::{
    gui_vizia::tooltip::new_component_tooltip, # <-- syncrim export
    vizia::{                                   # <-- vizia crate re-export
        vg::{Color, Paint, Path},

impl ViziaComponent for RegFile {

Selecting frontend (GUI)

By default the vizia frontend will be selected. If you want to select another frontend:

cargo run --example <example> --no-default-features --features gui-egui

Notice, you need to pass both --no-default-features (to disable vizia) and --features gui-egui to select EGui.

VSCode integration

The .vscode/settings.json control the workspace build options, e.g. to run with EGui:

    "rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures": true,  # examples will build/run without any gui selected
    "rust-analyzer.cargo.features" : ["gui-egui"],  # examples will build/run with egui (notice you need both `.noDefaultFeatures` and `.features)` 


In this document we covered features, feature propagation, test and workspace member integration for the SyncRim project. This is of course not the only possible solution and breaking changes might be introduced.