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This project is initial PoC for migration kafka to kubernetes.

Certificates keystores and truststores

First of all we need to generate certificates keystores and truststores. For this purpose is there bash script security/ that will create:

  • CA certificate ca.crt
  • Intermediate certificate and key inter.crt, inter.key
  • Chain of CA and intermediate certificate in PEM and PKCS12 full.crt and full.p12
  • keystores and truststores for brokers broker-1, broker-2, broker-3 called keystore/broker-[123].jks and truststore/broker-[123].jks
  • keystore and trustore for client connection in both JKS and PKCS12 keystore/client.[jks|p12] and trustore/client.[jks|p12]
  • password for all keystores and truststores is password

Current solution in docker containers

To simulate our current solution there is prepared docker-compose file that contains:

  • 3 zookeepers
    • hostnames and container names: zookeeper-1, zookeeper-2, zookeeper-2
    • version 3.6.3
    • plaintext listener on port 2181
    • SASL authentication with user admin:adminadmin
  • kafka-admin service
    • simple service for creation admin of kafka admin password in zookeeper with SCRAM-SHA-512
  • 3 kafka brokers
    • hostnames and container names: broker-1, broker-2, broker-3
    • version 2.8.0
    • SASL_SSL listener on port 9091 with required mTLS client authentication
    • inter broker SASL_SSL listener
    • enabled ACL authorization
    • Super user admin:adminadmin
    • other kafka config options can be specified via env variabled KAFKA_CFG_
  • kafka-docker-producer, kafka-docker-consumer service
    • simple infinite producer and consumer using topic test
    • consumer uses consumer group test
    • both using prepared keystore and trustore for SSL connection to brokers
    • both authenticated via user client:clientclient

Before spawning kafka-docker-producer, kafka-docker-consumer service, first test topic and client user must be created. For this purpose is used strimzi-topic-operator and strimzi-user-operator running in kind k8s.

Preparing local kind k8s cluster

For running strimzi-topic-operator, strimzi-user-operator and kafka in k8s in used local k8s cluster running as kind docker container. To create local kind k8s cluster just run:

kind create cluster --name kafka --image=kindest/node:v1.20.15

Kind container is going to have hostname and container name kafka-control-plane so for connecting it to same docker network as containers from docker-compose are running just execute

docker network connect kafka-docker kafka-control-plane

After that we can install necessary helm-charts for testing:

  • cert-manager in version v1.5.3
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager -n kube-system --version v1.5.3 --set installCRDs=true --kube-context kind-kafka
  • prometheus in version 15.14.0
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus -n monitoring --create-namespace --version 15.14.0 --values $SCRIPT_PATH/prometheus.yaml --kube-context kind-kafka
  • strimzi-kafka-operator in version 0.27.1
helm repo add strimzi
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator -n kafka-k8s --create-namespace --version 0.27.1 --kube-context kind-kafka

Managing topics users and ACLs from k8s

As mentioned above for managing topics, users and ACLs in kafka running in docker containers we can use:

  • strimzi-topic-operator (already used in production)
  • strimzi-user-operator

For running both in local kind cluster there are prepared objects in kubernetes/kafka-docker with following objects:

After this setup you should be able to successfully start kafka-docker-producer and kafka-docker-consumer docker compose service.

Running kafka in k8s

For spinning up kafka cluster in kind k8s there should be already running strimzi-cluster-operator in namespace kafka-k8s, and other necessary objects are located in kubernetes/kafka-k8s:

  • jmx-exporter-configmap - configuration for exporting kafka metrics
  • kafka-ca-secret - custom CA authority for kafka cluster
  • kafka - definition for kafka cluster
    • version 2.8.0
    • 3 brokers 3 zookeepers
    • config section with customised broker settings
    • SASL_SSL listener on local port 9092 and exposed as nodeport on 300092
    • SCRAM-SHA-512 SASL authentication
    • 1 GB storage
    • bound with topic and user operator
  • kafkatopic - named test
  • kafkauser - named client

After this setup you should be able to successfully start kafka-k8s-producer and kafka-k8s-consumer docker compose service, that are exact copies of kafka-docker-producer and kafka-docker-consumer with change only in --bootstrap-server param pointing to kafka-control-plane:30092.

2 Steps setup

For spinning up eveything in two steps it should be enough to run:


and for destruction:



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