This example contains the standard Fungible Token contract which you can read more about in
The added JavaScript engine makes it for example possible to add custom transfer functions.
Below is an example from the tests, that transfers a fixed amount of 2000
tokens to alice
. When calling this function, a transfer_id
is returned, which alice
then can use to return excessive funds. In this example alice
can call the refund
function with the transfer_id
as argument, and then the account that did the transfer to alice
will get 1000
tokens in refund.
One of the intended use cases of this is to be able to reserve the max needed tokens for an AI request, and then return back to the caller the unspent tokens.
See aiconversation.js for an example of the added JavaScript code.
participant User
participant Contract
participant AIService
User->>Contract: call_js_func(start_ai_conversation, conversation_id_hash)
Contract->>Contract: ft_transfer_internal(user, AIService, amount)
Contract->>User: conversation_id_hash and deposit registered
User->>AIService: Initiate AI request with conversation_id
AIService->>Contract: Check deposit for conversation_id
Contract->>AIService: Confirm deposited tokens
AIService->>User: Provide AI-generated content
AIService->>AIService: Track spent AI tokens
User->>AIService: Initiate refund for conversation_id
AIService->>User: Sign message with unspent tokens
User->>Contract: call_js_func(refund_unspent, {signature, refund_message})
Contract->>Contract: Verify signature
Contract->>Contract: Process refund
Contract->>User: Return unspent tokens
Build the contract by running the script
Then you can deploy the contract, using near-cli-rs, with the command below (replace with your own account and preferred signing method).
near contract deploy aitoken.testnet use-file out/fungible_token.wasm without-init-call network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
To mint the Fungible Token you can call the new
function on the contract. Here is an example:
near contract call-function as-transaction aitoken.testnet new json-args '{"owner_id": "aitoken.testnet", "total_supply": "999999999999", "metadata": { "spec": "ft-1.0.0","name": "W-awesome AI token","symbol": "WASMAI","decimals": 6}}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0 NEAR' sign-as aitoken.testnet network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
You can post your custom Javascript to the contract by calling the post_javascript
function. You don't need a full access key to do this, a function access key owned by the contract account is sufficient. Here is an example posting the JavaScript file aiconversation.js.
near contract call-function as-transaction aitoken.testnet post_javascript json-args "$(jq -Rs '{javascript: .}' < e2e/aiconversation.js)" prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0 NEAR' sign-as aitoken.testnet network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
A user wants to start an AI conversation. Before doing so, the user needs to be obtain some amount of the fungible tokens we just minted. Before an account can receive fungible tokens, it has to be registered with the contract. The user account can register itself.
near contract call-function as-transaction aitoken.testnet storage_deposit json-args '{"account_id": "aiuser.testnet"}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0.01 near' sign-as aiuser.testnet network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
Now we can transfer 1,000,000,000 tokens to a aiuser.testnet
using the following command:
near contract call-function as-transaction aitoken.testnet ft_transfer json-args '{"receiver_id": "aiuser.testnet", "amount": "1000000000"}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '1 yoctonear' sign-as aitoken.testnet network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
And we can also see that the token balance for aiuser.testnet
is 1000000000
by running the following command:
near contract call-function as-read-only aitoken.testnet ft_balance_of json-args '{"account_id": "aiuser.testnet"}' network-config testnet now
We can call the Javascript function start_ai_conversation
near contract call-function as-transaction aitoken.testnet call_js_func json-args '{"function_name": "start_ai_conversation"}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0 NEAR' sign-as aiuser.testnet network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
The result of this function call should be a conversation id, that consists of the account name and a timestamp. For example it can be aiuser.testnet_1730058753308
Before serving AI generated content, the AI service will contact the contract to see if the conversation has tokens deposited. It will make a view call to the function view_ai_conversation
to check the registered data for the given conversation_id
We can also make this view call to see the registered data for the conversation.
near contract call-function as-read-only aitoken.testnet view_js_func json-args '{"function_name": "view_ai_conversation", "conversation_id": "aiuser.testnet_1730058753308"}' network-config testnet now
We should see a result like this:
"amount": "128000000",
"receiver_id": "aiuser.testnet"
The AI service is now good to go, and will track usage for this conversation. To the AI service UI, you provide the conversation ID. The AI service will look up the initial conversation balance from the contract and track usage as the conversation goes on.
When the user wants to end the conversation, the Stop conversation and refund tokens
button can be clicked, and a signed refund message will be displayed. No more messages can be added to the conversation.
"refund_message": "{\"conversation_id\":\"aiuser.testnet_1730058753308\",\"receiver_id\":\"aiuser.testnet\",\"refund_amount\":\"127999584\"}",
"signature": [
45, 73, 50, 99, 128, 29, 74, 56, 160, 85, 146, 64, 96, 15, 236, 191, 82,
234, 108, 224, 55, 161, 123, 122, 122, 102, 236, 33, 173, 193, 93, 177, 105,
95, 249, 58, 65, 107, 136, 169, 36, 254, 86, 184, 27, 224, 226, 164, 66, 40,
94, 123, 111, 196, 16, 126, 92, 190, 37, 210, 158, 132, 13, 10
We can post this refund message back to the smart contract.
near contract call-function as-transaction aitoken.testnet call_js_func json-args '{"function_name": "refund_unspent", "refund_message": "{\"conversation_id\":\"aiuser.testnet_1730058753308\",\"receiver_id\":\"aiuser.testnet\",\"refund_amount\":\"127999584\"}","signature": [ 45, 73, 50, 99, 128, 29, 74, 56, 160, 85, 146, 64, 96, 15, 236, 191, 82, 234, 108, 224, 55, 161, 123, 122, 122, 102, 236, 33, 173, 193, 93, 177, 105, 95, 249, 58, 65, 107, 136, 169, 36, 254, 86, 184, 27, 224, 226, 164, 66, 40, 94, 123, 111, 196, 16, 126, 92, 190, 37, 210, 158, 132, 13, 10]}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0 NEAR' sign-as aiuser.testnet network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
And we can then see that aiuser.testnet
has received 127999584 tokens as a refund for the unspent tokens in the conversation. If we call the view method above for viewing the AI conversation data, we can see that the result is undefined
, and if we call the method for seeing the token balance of aiuser.testnet
we can see that it has an increased balance.