- Integration test for AWS:
- Covers restoration, data directory validation and snpashotter code.
Docker Image: eu.gcr.io/gardener-project/gardener/etcdbrctl:0.3.0
Incremental Backup-restore (gardener#29):
- In backup, full snapshot is taken first and then we apply watch and persist the logs accumulated over certain period to snapshot store.
- Restore process, restores from the full snapshot, start the embedded etcd and apply the logged events one by one.
- Checksum is append in delta snapshot for verification.
Exponential garbage collection (gardener#31):
- Introduces new argument:
- Keep only the last 24 hourly backups and of all other backups only the last backup in a day
- Keep only the last 7 daily backups and of all other backups only the last backup in a week
- Keep only the last 4 weekly backups
- Unit tests are added for same
Initial setup for Integration test for AWS
Docker Image: eu.gcr.io/gardener-project/gardener/etcdbrctl:0.2.3
- Etcd made unready in case backup container fails to take periodic backups.
- Backup container made to retry exponentially rather than crash out.
- Readiness probe renamed from
Docker Image: eu.gcr.io/gardener-project/gardener/etcdbrctl:0.2.2
- TLS support for etcd endpoints.
- Delete contents of data directory instead of the directory.
Docker Image: eu.gcr.io/gardener-project/gardener/etcdbrctl:0.1.0
- Take snapshot of etcd at periodic interval.
- Save snapshot to object stores provided by AWS, Azure, GCS, Openstack and also to local disk.
- Verify data directory of etcd for corruption before bootstrapping.
- Restore the etcd data directory from previous snapshot.