locations types
- departures
- arrivals
times types
- confirmed departure time
- estimated departure time
- confirmed arrival time
- estimated arrival time
function synopsis: return_type name_function parameter(s)
estimated times = initial times defined by the generated schedule
- these are the results of clients' commands
confirmed times = estimated times +/- delays (depends if the train arrives earlier or later)
- these are logical results which have to be computed by the users
set == encode == encrypt
get == decode == decrpyt
error message
- must be interpreted by the developer
- a user won't get an error, if that would be the case he must read the documentation or address to the developer
- includes details like scope, line, function name, why it didn't work
- messages about internal operations
warning message
- must be interpreted by the user - client.c
- must be interpreted by the server administrator - server.c
- includes just a simple instruction, nothing more
- messages about invalid input arguments - client.c
- messages about unexpected not treated events, but not errors - server.c
the time of the application is the current Romania time.
an itinerary is from point A to point B and no other points exists between these two.
client's main() function takes ip address and the port as arguments. it approach simulates real connections between different sides. hard coding the connection of a client for a specific server is more suggestive, but less clever.
xml data should be minimal and understandable for developers
- developers should be able to encode correctly the data
- it is not that relevant to be as minimal as possible since parsing the file returns char*
server data should be minimal and its decoding should be understandable for developers
- this should be as minimal as possible => gurantee speed
data received by client should be minimal and its decoding should be understandable by anyone
- still minimal as possible
- the client application will decrypt the data in the most clever way possible
820 total possible different routes itineraries
1440 total possible different times
an rr_route has
- id_train - 2 bytes
- departure_data - 2 bytes
- arrival_data - 2 bytes
- delay_data - 1 bytes
this design of a rr_route has multiple advantages
- minimal - sizeof(struct rr_route) == 8 bytes
- if in the future developement another unsigned char field will be necessary, sizeof won't change
- O(1) data retriving
departure_data = departure_time * 41 + departure_location (same for arrival_data)
- retrieving the location is simple: departure_location == departure_data % 41
- retrieving the time is simple: departure_time == departure_data / 41
- this design allowed the same amount of information but in a compressed manner
id_train field may look redundant knowing it is the same with the route's index; however its use is proven in udp_communication()
- skips having multiple calls of sendto()
- skips having to search again for the right route by index
let's send only one byte to server
UDP commands belongs to [250, 255]
TCP commands belongs to [5, 10]
we will avoid 0 and 1 - too common interpretations
this design allow us to include more commands in future development
code | command |
250 | routes |
251 | departures |
252 | arrivals |
5 | report |
6 | quit |
- from each city there is at least a departure in one day
- each city has at most 27 departures in one day
- iasi cluj bucharest - higher probability for route generation
- time is evaluated within [0, 1440] minutes interval
- each route has between [3, 8] time alternatives
- there are no route cycles - starting and arriving in the same county is not possible
file structure: includes typedefs classes functions variables main
printf/printing operations should be covered by call() statements - their failure is a matter of interest for the developer, not for user
after the server starts the loop no fatal errors should be defined - even if something does not go as expected, the server must continue in serving clients no matter what operation failed; if something too bad will happen the kernel itself will stop the process
the identation pattern used may be weird but helps in visualising multiple files from this project in a IDE
struct rr_route schedule[] was initially declared global in order to sync with the server_api.h; the new version "all server.c" follows the same model just to keep consistency between source code files.
in a server there should be defined either server_gen.h or server_xml.h but never both or none; this constraint is solved with include guards
all errno numbers: /usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h
if the server has problems with clients, it won't shut down; instead the clients will be forced to restart the connection
useful function witch doesn't work: xmlKeepBlanksDefault();
client disconnects during operation => server warning
server shutdowns during operation => close clients
- code review
- code: random generation constexpr, conc_serv, mutex
- new thread per client IF! there could be speed improvements
- second end of server
- include absolulety everything into the documentation