.. moduleauthor:: David Alexander, Marcus Kinsella, Derek Barnett, Armin Toepfer, Brett Bowman
This specification, while close to being final, is still subject to change. We will provide no support for BAM files until the 3.0 spec is finalized.
The BAM format is a binary, compressed, record-oriented container format for raw or aligned sequence reads. The associated SAM format is a text representation of the same data. The specifications for BAM/SAM are maintained by the SAM/BAM Format Specification Working Group.
PacBio-produced BAM files are fully compatible with the BAM specification. In this document we describe the way we make use of the extensibility mechanisms of the BAM specification to encode PacBio-specific information, as well as conventions we adhere to.
An example file adhering to this specification will be maintained in the pbcore Python library.
The PacBio BAM specification version described here is 3.0b7. PacBio
BAM files adhering to this spec contain the tag pb:3.0b7
in the
The BAM format uses a 0-based coordinate system to refer to positions and intervals on the reference.
PacBio also uses a 0-based coordinate system to refer to positions and intervals within sequence reads. Positions in PacBio reads are reckoned from the first polymerase read base (as base 0), not the first base in the HQ region.
Perhaps confusingly, the text SAM format uses 1-based coordinate system.
Note that following the SAM/BAM specification, 0-based coordinate intervals are defined as half-open (end exclusive) while 1-based intervals are closed.
A sequence read presented to an aligner is termed a query; typically this query will be a subsequence of an entire PacBio polymerase read---most commonly, it will be a subread, which is basecalls from a single pass of the insert DNA molecule.
Upon alignment, generally only a subsequence of the query will align to the reference genome, and that subsequence is referred to as the aligned query. Under soft-clipping, the entirety of the query is stored in the aligned BAM, but the CIGAR field indicates that some bases at either end are excluded from the alignment.
Abstractly, we denote the extent of the query in polymerase read as [qStart, qEnd) and the extent of the aligned subinterval as [aStart, aEnd) The following graphic illustrates these intervals:
qStart qEnd 0 | aStart aEnd | [--...----*--*---------------------*-----*-----...------) < "polymerase read" coord. system ~~~----------------------~~~~~~ < query; "-" = aligning subseq. [--...-------*---------...---------*-----------...------) < "ref." / "target" coord. system 0 tStart tEnd
In our BAM files, the qStart, qEnd are contained in the qs
tags, (and reflected in the QNAME
); the bounds of the
aligned query in the polymerase read can be determined by adjusting
and qe
by the number of soft-clipped bases at the ends of
the alignment (as found in the CIGAR).
In the legacy cmp.h5 file format, soft-clipping was not possible, and the bounds of the original query were not stored. Only aStart, aEnd were stored, although in that file format they were referred to as rStart, rEnd.
By convention the QNAME
("query template name") for unrolled reads
and subreads is in the following format:
where [qStart, qEnd)
is the 0-based coordinate interval
representing the span of the query in the polymerase read, as above.
For CCS reads, the QNAME
convention is:
) is forbidden in PacBio BAM files.
PacBio BAM files use the more explicit ops "X" (BAM_CDIFF
) and "="
). PacBio software will abort if BAM_CMATCH
found in a CIGAR field.
Since we will be using BAM format for different kinds of data, we will
use a suffix.bam
filename convention:
Data type Filename template Polymerase reads from movie movieName.polymerase.bam Subreads from movie movieName.subreads.bam Excised adapters and barcodes movieName.scraps.bam CCS reads computed from movie movieName.ccs.bam Aligned subreads in a job jobID.aligned_subreads.bam Aligned CCS in a job jobID.aligned_ccs.bam
Aligned PacBio BAM files shall be sorted by position in the standard
fashion as done by samtools sort
. The BAM @HD::SO
tag shall
be set to coordinate
Unaligned PacBio BAM files shall be sorted by QNAME
, so that all
subreads from a ZMW hole are stored contiguously in a file, with
groups by ZMW hole number in numerical order, and within a ZMW,
numerically by qStart
. In case subreads and CCS reads are
combined in a BAM, the CCS reads will sort after the subreads (ccs
follows {qStart}_{qEnd}
). Note that this sorting is not strictly
alphabetical, so we shall set the BAM @HD::SO
tag to unknown
Beyond the usual information encoded in headers that is called for SAM/BAM spec, we encode special information as follows.
(read group) header entries:
tag (identifier)contains an 8-character string interpretable as the hexadecimal representation of an integer. Read groups should have distinct
Read group identifiers for PacBio data are calculated as follows:
RGID_STRING := md5(movieName + "//" + readType))[:8] RGID_INT := int32.Parse(RGID_STRING)where movieName is the moviename (@RG::PU) and readType is the read type (found in @RG::DS). Note that movieName is lowercase while readType is uppercase. md5 is understood to be the (lowercase) hex md5 digest of the input string.
RGID_STRING is used in the @RG header, while RGID_INT is used in the RG tag of BAM records.
Note that RGID_INT may be negative.
- Example: CCS reads for a movie named "movie32" would have
- RGID_STRING = "f5b4ffb6"
- RGID_ID = -172687434
tag ("platform"):- contains
tag ("platform unit"):- contains the PacBio movie name.
tag ("description"):contains some semantic information about the reads in the group, encoded as a semicolon-delimited list of "Key=Value" strings, as follows:
Mandatory items:
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{5cm}|l|
Key Value spec Value example READTYPE One of POLYMERASE, HQREGION, SUBREAD, CCS, SCRAP, or UNKNOWN SUBREAD BINDINGKIT Binding kit part number 100236500 SEQUENCINGKIT Sequencing kit part number 001558034 BASECALLERVERSION Basecaller version number 2.1 FRAMERATEHZ Frame rate in Hz 100 CONTROL TRUE if reads are classified as spike-in controls, otherwise CONTROL key is absent TRUE Note
The READTYPE values encountered in secondary analysis will be limited to SUBREAD and CCS. The remaining READTYPE values will only be encountered in intermediate steps before secondary analysis.
Base feature manifest---absent item means feature absent from reads:
Key Value spec Value example DeletionQV Name of tag used for DeletionQV dq DeletionTag Name of tag used for DeletionTag dt InsertionQV Name of tag used for InsertionQV iq MergeQV Name of tag used for MergeQV mq SubstitutionQV Name of tag used for SubstitutionQV sq SubstitutionTag Name of tag used for SubstitutionTag st Ipd:Frames Name of tag used for IPD, in raw frame count. ip Ipd:CodecV1 Name of tag used for IPD, compressed according to Codec V1. ip PulseWidth:Frames Name of tag used for PulseWidth, in raw frame count. pw PulseWidth:CodecV1 Name of tag used for PulseWidth, compressed according to Codec V1. pw
Tag Type Description qs i 0-based start of query in the polymerase read (absent in CCS) qe i 0-based end of query in the polymerase read (absent in CCS) zm i ZMW hole number np i NumPasses (1 for subreads, variable for CCS---encodes number of complete passes of the insert) rq i Integer in [0, 1000] encoding expected accuracy sn B,f 4 floats for the average signal-to-noise ratio of A, C, G, and T (in that order) over the HQRegion
The following read tags encode features measured/calculated
per-basecall. Unlike SEQ
and QUAL
, aligners will not orient
these tags. They will be maintained in native orientation (in the
same order and sense as collected from the instrument) even if the
read record has been aligned to the reverse strand.
Tag Type Description dq Z DeletionQV dt Z DeletionTag iq Z InsertionQV mq Z MergeQV sq Z SubstitutionQV st Z SubstitutionTag ip B,C or B,S IPD (raw frames or codec V1) pw B,C or B,S PulseWidth (raw frames or codec V1; PacBio-internal)
- QV metrics are ASCII+33 encoded as strings
- DeletionTag and SubstitutionTag represent alternate basecalls, or "N" when there is no alternate basecall available. In other words, they are strings over the alphabet "ACGTN".
- Encoding of kinetics features (
) is described below.
Reads that belong to a read group with READTYPE=SCRAP have to be annotated with the following tag:
Tag Type Description sc A Scrap type annotation, one of A:=Adapter, B:=Barcode, or L:=LQRegion
field in BAM alignments is intended to reflect the
probability of a basecall being an error. For PacBio, the utility of
the overally QV is limited; PacBio applications make use of the more
specific QV tracks reflecting probabilities of specific error types.
Thus we populate the QUAL
field of each record with a string of
"0xFF" bytes in the BAM (corresponding to "*" in the SAM record).
APIs may provide an overall QV metric by averaging probabilities
implied by individual QV metrics, then converting back to QV scale.
In the subreads.bam
, we will record per-subread
tags representing the barcode call and a score representing the
confidence of that call. The exact tags remain to be designated. The
actual data used to inform the barcode calls---the barcode sequences
and associated pulse features---will be retained in the associated
file, so that bam2bam
can be used at a later time
to reconstitute the full-length polymerase reads in order, for
example, to repeat barcode calling with different options.
Each subread (or CCS read, as the case may be) contains three
additional tags reflecting information about the barcodes and
adapters: bc
, bq
, and cx
tag contains the barcode call, auint16[2]
representing the inferred barcodes sequences B_L, B_R. Integer codes represent position in a FASTA file of barcodes. The integer (uint8
tag contains the barcode call confidence, a Phred-scaled posterior probability that the barcode call inbc
is correct. Note that these tags will be computed per-ZMW, not per subread, since we can combine information across the multiple instances of the barcode sequences in the polymerase read. In the absence of barcodes,bc
tags will be absent.The
tag contains auint8
value encoding the local context of the subread, indicating information about the orientation of the subread and its location with respect to flanking landmarks.The
value is calculated by binary OR-ing together values from this flags enum:enum LocalContextFlags { ADAPTER_BEFORE = 1, ADAPTER_AFTER = 2, BARCODE_BEFORE = 4, BARCODE_AFTER = 8, FORWARD_PASS = 16, REVERSE_PASS = 32 };
Orientation of a subread (designated by one of the mutually exclusive
bits) can be reckoned only if either the adapters or barcode design is asymmetric, otherwise these flags must be left unset. The convention for what is considered a "forward" or "reverse" pass is determined by a per-ZMW convention, defining one element of the asymmetric barcode/adapter pair as the "front" and the other as the "back". It is up to tools producing the BAM to determine whether to use adapters or barcodes to reckon the orientation, but if pass directions cannot be confidently and consistently assessed for the subreads from a ZMW, neither orientation flag should be set. Tools consuming the BAM should be aware that orientation information may be unavailable for subreads in a ZMW, but if is available for any subread in the ZMW, it will be available for all subreads in the ZMW.The
flags reflect whether the subread is flanked by adapters or barcodes at the ends.The main production use case for this tag is CCS, where it is important to know whether the subread is "end-to-end", i.e. whether it is immediately flanked by barcode/adapter sequences, and where foreknowledge of the orientation can save some work.
Barcode information will follow the same convention in CCS output
files), except the cx
tag will be absent.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{4cm}|
Scenario | bc |
bq |
cx |
No barcodes, end-to-end, unknown orientation | absent | absent | 1|2 = 3 |
Asymmetric barcodes, end-to-end, forward pass | { 1, 37 } | 35 | 1|2|4|8|16 = 31 |
Symmetric barcodes, end-to end | { 8, 8 } | 33 | 1|2|4|8 = 15 |
Barcoded, HQ region terminates before second barcode; unknown orientation | { 8, 8 } | 33 | 1|4 = 5 |
In the standard production configuration, PacBio's aligners will be used to align either subreads or CCS reads. In either case, we will use soft clipping to preserve the unaligned bases at either end of the query in the aligned BAM file.
Interpulse duration (IPD) and pulsewidth are measured in frames;
natively they are recorded as a uint16
per pulse/base event. They
may be encoded in BAM read tags in one of two fashions:
- losslessly as an array of
; necessary for PacBio-internal applications but entails greater disk space usage.- lossy 8-bit compression stored as a
array, following the codec specified below ("codec V1"). Provides a substantial disk-space savings without affecting important production use cases (base modification detection).
In the default production instrument configuration, the lossy encoding will be used. The instrument can be switched into a mode (PacBio-internal mode) where it will emit the full lossless kinetic features.
Similarly, PulseWidth will not be included in the BAM file in the default production instrument configuration, but it will be available in "PacBio-internal instrument" mode.
The lossy encoding for IPD and pulsewidth values into the available 256 codepoints is as follows (codec v1):
Frames Encoding 0 .. 63 0, 1, .. 63 64, 66, .. 190 64, 65, .. 127 192, 196 .. 444 128, 129 .. 191 448, 456, .. 952 192, 193 .. 255
In other words, we use the first 64 codepoints to encode frame counts at single frame resolution, the next 64 to encode the frame counts at two-frame resolution, and so on. Durations exceeding 952 frames are capped at 952. Durations not enumerated in "Frames" above are rounded to the nearest enumerated duration then encoded. For example, a duration of 194 frames would round to 196 and then be encoded as codepoint 129.
This encoding has the following features, considered essential for internal analysis use cases:
- Exact frame-level resolution for small durations (up to 64 frames)
- Maximal representable duration is 9.52 seconds (at 100fps), which is reasonably far into the tail of the distributions of these metrics. Analyses of "pausing" phenomena may still need to account for this censoring.
A reference implementation of this encoding/decoding scheme can be found in pbcore.
- Need to move from strings to proper array types for QVs
- Need better dynamic range in rq, esp. for CCS
- '/' preferable to ':' in "IPD:CodecV1"
- Desire for spec for shorter movienames, especially if these are ending up in QNAMEs.