This chapter is going to introduce Android on the architecture point of view and will provide the reader with detailed information on it's security mechanisms. Then, it will describe the structure of an Android application and will emphasize on the Inter Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms. Last, the way Android applications are published is explained to the reader.
The reader is invited to have a look at the official Android developer documentation[13] for more details on the Android platform. Even if numerous examples are given in this section, in no way this guide should be considered as the only reference on the topic.
Android is an open source platform that can be found nowadays on many devices:
- Mobile Phones and Tablets
- Wearables
- "Smart" devices in general like TVs
It also offers an applicative environment that supports not only pre-installed apps on the device, but also 3rd party apps that can be downloaded from marketplaces like Google Play.
The software stack of Android comprises of different layers, where each layer is defining certain behavior and offering specific services to the layer above.
On the lowest level Android is using the Linux Kernel where the core operating system is built up on. The hardware abstraction layer defines a standard interface for hardware vendors. HAL implementations are packaged into shared library modules (.so files). These modules will be loaded by the Android system at the appropriate time. The Android Runtime consists of the core libraries and the Dalvik VM (Virtual Machine). Apps are most often implemented in Java and compiled in Java class files and then compiled again into the dex
format. The dex
files are then executed within the Dalvik VM.
In the next image you can see the differences between the normal process of compiling and running a typical project in Java vs the process in Android using Dalvik VM.
With Android 4.4 (KitKat) the successor of Dalvik VM was introduced, called Android Runtime (ART). However, it has really been set for general use only in Android 5.0 (Lollipop) in November 2014, where it replaced Dalvik. In KitKat, ART was only available in the 'Developer' menu to those who wanted to try it explicitly. When no user action was done to modify the normal behaviour of the mobile, Dalvik was used.
In Android, apps are executed into their own environment in a Virtual Machine (VM), that was called Dalvik, located in the runtime environment. Each VM emulates the whole mobile and gives access to relevant resources from the Linux kernel while controlling this access. Apps do not have direct access to hardware resources, and their execution environments are therefore separate from each other. This allows fine-grained control over resources and apps: for instance, when an app crashes, it does not prevent other apps from working and only their environment and the app itself have to be restarted. Also, the fact apps are not run directly on the mobile hardware allow the use of the same app (same bytecode) on different architectures (e.g. ARM, x86) as the VM emulates a common hardware for the app. At the same time, the VM controls the maximum amount of resources provided to an app, preventing one app from using all resources while leaving only few resources to others. In Android, apps are installed as bytecode (.dex files, see "Android Application Overview" section). In Dalvik, this bytecode was compiled at execution time into machine language suiting the current processor: such a mechanism is known as Just In Time (JIT). However, this means that such compiling is done every time an app is executed on a given mobile. As a consequence, Dalvik has been improved to compile an app only once, at installation time (the principle is called AOT, a.k.a. Ahead Of Time): ART was born, and compilation was required only once, saving precious time at execution time (the execution time of an app may be divided by 2). Another benefit was that ART was consuming less power than Dalvik, allowing the user to use the mobile device and its battery longer.
Android is a system based on Linux, however it does not deal with users the same way Linux does. It does not have a /etc/password file describing a list of Linux users in the system. Instead Android contains a fixed set of users and groups and they are used to isolate processes and grant permissions. The file system/core/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h shows the complete list of the predefined users and groups mapped to numbers. File below depicts some of the users defined for Android Nougat:
#define AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */
#define AID_SYSTEM 1000 /* system server */
#define AID_SHELL 2000 /* adb and debug shell user */
#define AID_APP 10000 /* first app user */
The Android Framework is creating an abstraction layer for all the layers below, so developers can implement Android apps and can utilize the capabilities of Android without deeper knowledge of them. It also offers a robust implementation that offers common security functions like secure IPC or cryptography.
In Android, apps are developed in Java, and the Operating System offers an API to interact with system resources, like
- connectivity (Wifi, Bluetooth, NFC, ...),
- files,
- cameras,
- geolocation (GPS),
- microphone etc.
System resources cannot be accessed directly, and APIs mediate the access for the user. At the time of writing this guide, the current version of Android API is 7.1 Nougat, API 25.
APIs have evolved a lot since Android creation (the first release happened in September 2008). Early versions are not supported anymore; however, Android is a living project and new features and bug fixes are periodically made.
Noteworthy recent API versions are:
- Android 4.2 Jelly Bean (API 16) in November 2012 (introduction of SELinux)
- Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (API 18) in July 2013 (SELinux becomes enabled by default)
- Android 4.4 KitKat (API 19) in October 2013 (several new APIs and ART is introduced)
- Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21) in November 2014 (ART by default and many other new features)
- Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23) in October 2015 (many new features and improvements, including granting fine-grained permissions at run time and not all or nothing at installation time)
- Android 7.0 Nougat (API 24) in August 2016 (new JIT compiler on ART)
After being developed, apps can be installed on mobiles from a variety of sources: locally through USB, from Googles official store (Google Play Store) or from alternate stores.
Android apps installed (from Google Play Store or from external sources) are located at /data/app/
. Since this folder cannot be listed without root, another way has to be used to get the exact name of the apk. To list all installed apks, the Android Debug Bridge (adb) can be used. ADB allows a tester to directly interact with the real phone, e.g., to gain access to a console on the device to issue further commands, list installed packages, start/stop processes, etc.
To do so, the device has to have USB-Debugging enabled (can be found under developer settings) and has to be connected via USB.
Once USB-Debugging is enabled, the connected devices can be viewed with the following command:
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
Then the following command lists all installed apps and their locations:
$ adb shell pm list packages -f
To pull one of those apps from the phone, the following command can be used:
$ adb pull /data/app/
This file only contains the “installer” of the app, meaning this is the app the developer uploaded to the store. The local data of the app is stored at /data/data/PACKAGE-NAME and has the following structure:
drwxrwx--x u0_a65 u0_a65 2016-01-06 03:26 cache
drwx------ u0_a65 u0_a65 2016-01-06 03:26 code_cache
drwxrwx--x u0_a65 u0_a65 2016-01-06 03:31 databases
drwxrwx--x u0_a65 u0_a65 2016-01-10 09:44 files
drwxr-xr-x system system 2016-01-06 03:26 lib
drwxrwx--x u0_a65 u0_a65 2016-01-10 09:44 shared_prefs
- cache: This location is used to cache app data on runtime including WebView caches.
- code_cache: The location of the application specific cache directory on the filesystem designed for storing cached code. On devices running LOLLIPOP or later, the system will delete any files stored in this location both when your specific application is upgraded, and when the entire platform is upgraded. This location is optimal for storing compiled or optimized code generated by your application at runtime. Apps require no extra permissions to read or write to the returned path, since this path lives in their private storage.
- databases: This folder stores sqlite database files generated by the app at runtime, e.g. to store user data.
- files: This folder is used to store files that are created in the App when using the internal storage.
- lib: This folder used to store native libraries written in C/C++. These libraries can have file extension as .so, .dll (x86 support). The folder contains subfolders for the platforms the app has native libraries for:
- armeabi: Compiled code for all ARM based processors only
- armeabi-v7a: Compiled code for all ARMv7 and above based processors only
- arm64-v8a: Compiled code for all ARMv8 arm64 and above based processors only
- x86: Compiled code for x86 processors only
- x86_64: Compiled code for x86_64 processors only
- mips: Compiled code for MIPS processors only
- shared_prefs: This folder is used to store the preference file generated by an app at runtime to save current state of the app including data, configuration, session, etc. The file format is XML.
An app on Android is a file with the extension .apk. This file is a signed zip-file which contains different files for the bytecode, assets, etc. When unzipped the following directory structure can usually be identified:
$ unzip base.apk
$ ls -lah
-rw-r--r-- 1 sven staff 11K Dec 5 14:45 AndroidManifest.xml
drwxr-xr-x 5 sven staff 170B Dec 5 16:18 META-INF
drwxr-xr-x 6 sven staff 204B Dec 5 16:17 assets
-rw-r--r-- 1 sven staff 3.5M Dec 5 14:41 classes.dex
drwxr-xr-x 3 sven staff 102B Dec 5 16:18 lib
drwxr-xr-x 27 sven staff 918B Dec 5 16:17 res
-rw-r--r-- 1 sven staff 241K Dec 5 14:45 resources.arsc
- AndroidManifest.xml: Contains the definition of app’s package name, target and min API version, app configuration, components, user-granted permissions, etc.
- META-INF: This folder contains metadata of the app:
- MANIFEST.MF: Stores hashes of app resources.
- CERT.RSA: The certificate(s) of the app.
- CERT.SF: The list of resources and SHA-1 digest of the corresponding lines in the MANIFEST.MF file.
- assets: A directory containing app assets (files used within the Android App like XML, Java Script or pictures) which can be retrieved by the AssetManager.
- classes.dex: The classes compiled in the DEX file format understandable by the Dalvik virtual machine/Android Runtime. DEX is Java Byte Code for Dalvik Virtual Machine. It is optimized for running on small devices.
- lib: A directory containing libraries that are part of the APK, for example 3rd party libraries that are not part of the Android SDK.
- res: A directory containing resources not compiled into resources.arsc.
- resources.arsc: A file containing precompiled resources, such as XML files for the layout.
Since some resources inside the APK are compressed using non-standard algorithms (e.g. the AndroidManifest.xml), simply unzipping the file does not reveal all information. A better way is to use the tool apktool to unpack and uncompress the files. The following is a listing of the the files contained in the apk:
$ apktool d base.apk
I: Using Apktool 2.1.0 on base.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: /Users/sven/Library/apktool/framework/1.apk
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files...
I: Copying original files...
$ cd base
$ ls -alh
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 9 sven staff 306B Dec 5 16:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 sven staff 170B Dec 5 16:29 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 sven staff 10K Dec 5 16:29 AndroidManifest.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 sven staff 401B Dec 5 16:29 apktool.yml
drwxr-xr-x 6 sven staff 204B Dec 5 16:29 assets
drwxr-xr-x 3 sven staff 102B Dec 5 16:29 lib
drwxr-xr-x 4 sven staff 136B Dec 5 16:29 original
drwxr-xr-x 131 sven staff 4.3K Dec 5 16:29 res
drwxr-xr-x 9 sven staff 306B Dec 5 16:29 smali
- AndroidManifest.xml: This file is not compressed anymore and can be opened in a text editor.
- apktool.yml : This file contains information about the output of apktool.
- assets: A directory containing app assets (files used within the Android App like XML, Java Script or pictures) which can be retrieved by the AssetManager.
- lib: A directory containing libraries that are part of the APK, for example 3rd party libraries that are not part of the Android SDK.
- original: This folder contains the MANIFEST.MF file which stores meta data about the contents of the JAR and signature of the APK. The folder is also named as META-INF.
- res: A directory containing resources not compiled into resources.arsc.
- smali: A directory containing the disassembled Dalvik bytecode in Smali. Smali is a human readable representation of the Dalvik executable.
When a new app gets installed on Android a new UID is assigned to it. Generally apps are assigned UIDs in the range of 10000 (AID_APP) and 99999. Android apps also receive a user name based on its UID. As an example, apps with UID 10188 receive the user name u0_a188.
If an app requested some permissions and they are granted, the corresponding group ID is added to the process of the app.
For example, the user ID of the app below is 10188, and it also belongs to group ID 3003 (inet) that is the group related to android.permission.INTERNET permission. The result of the id
command is shown below:
$ id
uid=10188(u0_a188) gid=10188(u0_a188) groups=10188(u0_a188),3003(inet),9997(everybody),50188(all_a188) context=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768
The relationship between group IDs and permissions are defined in the file frameworks/base/data/etc/platform.xml
<permission name="android.permission.INTERNET" >
<group gid="inet" />
<permission name="android.permission.READ_LOGS" >
<group gid="log" />
<permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE" >
<group gid="media_rw" />
<group gid="sdcard_rw" />
An important element to understand Android security is that all apps have the same level of privileges: both native and third-party apps are built on the same APIs and are run in similar environments. Also, all apps are executed not as 'root', but with the user level of privileges. That means that, basically, apps cannot perform some actions or access some parts of the file system. In order to be able to execute an app with 'root' privileges (inject packets in a network, run interpreters like Python etc.) mobiles need to be rooted.
When booting Android, a process called Zygote
starts up at init[10]. This is a system service and is used to launch apps. Zygote opens up a socket in /dev/socket/zygote and listens on it for requests to start new applications. Zygote
is an already initialized process and contains all the core libraries that are needed by any app. When the socket receives a request a new app starts on Android by forking the Zygote process and the app specific code is loaded and executed.
Apps are executed in the Android Application Sandbox that enforces isolation of app data and code execution from other apps on the device, that adds an additional layer of security.
When installing a new app (From Google Play Store or External Sources), a new folder is created in the filesystem in the path /data/data/<package name>
. This folder is going to be the private data folder for that particular app.
Since every app has its own unique Id, Android separates app data folders configuring the mode to read and write only to the owner of the app.
In this example, the Chrome and Calendar app are completely segmented with different UID and different folder permissions.
We can confirm this by looking at the filesystem permissions created for each folder:
drwx------ 4 u0_a97 u0_a97 4096 2017-01-18 14:27
drwx------ 6 u0_a120 u0_a120 4096 2017-01-19 12:54
However, if two apps are signed with the same certificate and explicitly share the same user ID (by including the sharedUserId in their AndroidManifest.xml) they can access each others data directory. See the following example on how this is achieved in the Nfc app:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
Android apps are made of several high-level components that make up their architectures. The main components are activities, fragments, intents, broadcast receivers, content providers and services. All these elements are provided by the Android operating system in the form of predefined classes available through APIs.
Android apps have their own lifecycles, that is under the control of the operating system. Therefore, apps need to listen to state changes and must be able to react accordingly. For instance, when the system needs resources, apps may be killed. The system selects the ones that will be killed according to the app priority: active apps have the highest priority (actually the same as Broadcast Receivers), followed by visible ones, running services, background services, and last useless processes (for instance apps that are still open but not in use since a significant time).
Apps implement several event managers to handle events: for example, the onCreate handler implements what has to be done on app creation and will be called on that event. Other managers include onLowMemory, onTrimMemory and onConfigurationChanged.
Every app must have a manifest file, which embeds content in XML format. The name of this file is standardized as AndroidManifest.xml and is the same for every app. It is located in the root tree of the .apk file in which the app is published.
A manifest file describes the app structure as well as its exposed components (activities, services, content providers and intent receivers) and lists down the permissions it's requesting for. Permission filters for IPC can be implemented to refine the way the app will interact with the outside world. It also contains general metadata about the app, like its icon, its version number and the theme it uses for User Experience (UX). It may also list other information like the APIs it is compatible with (minimal, targeted and maximal SDK version) and the kind of storage it can be installed in (external or internal)[14].
Here is an example of a manifest file, including the package name (the convention is to use a url in reverse order, but any string can be used), the app version, relevant SDKs, required permissions, exposed content providers, used broadcast receivers with intent filters, and the description of the app itself with its activities:
android:versionCode="0.1" >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="12"
android:maxSdkVersion="25" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
android:exported="false" />
<receiver android:name=".myReceiver" >
<action android:name="com.owasp.myapplication.myaction" />
android:theme="@style/Theme.Material.Light" >
android:name="com.owasp.myapplication.MainActivity" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
A manifest is a text file and can be edited within Android Studio, the preferred IDE for Android development. A lot more useful options can be added to manifest files, which are listed down in the official Android documentation[12].
Activities make up the visible part of any app. More specifically, one activity exists per screen (e.g. user interface) in an app. For instance, apps that have 3 different screens implement 3 different activities, that allow the user to interact with the system (get and enter information). Activities are declared by extending the Activity class; they contain all user interface elements: fragments, views and layouts.
Activities implement manifest files. Each activity needs to be declared in the app manifest with the following syntax:
<activity android:name="ActivityName">
When activities are not declared in manifests, they cannot be displayed and would raise an exception.
In the same way as apps do, activities also have their own lifecycle and need to listen to system changes to be able to handle them accordingly. Activities can have the following states: active, paused, stopped and inactive. These states are managed by Android operating system. Accordingly, activities can implement the following event managers:
- onCreate
- onSaveInstanceState
- onStart
- onResume
- onRestoreInstanceState
- onPause
- onStop
- onRestart
- onDestroy
An app may not explicitly implement all event managers; in that situation, default actions are taken. However, usually at least the onCreate manager is overridden by app developers, as this is the place where most user interface components are declared and initialised. onDestroy may be overridden as well in case some resources need to be explicitly released (like network connections or connections to databases) or if specific actions need to take place at the end of the app.
Basically, a fragment represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an Activity. Fragments have been introduced in Android with version Honeycomb 3.0 (API level 11).
User interfaces are made of several elements: views, groups of views, fragments and activities. As for them, fragments are meant to encapsulate parts of the interface to make reusability easier and better adapt to different size of screens. Fragments are autonomous entities in that they embed all they need to work in themselves (they have their own layout, own buttons etc.). However, they must be integrated in activities to become useful: fragments cannot exist on their own. They have their own lifecycle, which is tied to the one of the activity that implements them. As they have their own lifecycle, the Fragment class contains event managers, that can be redefined or extended. Such event managers can be onAttach, onCreate, onStart, onDestroy and onDetach. Several others exist; the reader should refer to Android specification for more details[15].
Fragments can be implemented easily by extending the Fragment class provided by Android:
public class myFragment extends Fragment {
Fragments don't need to be declared in manifest files as they depend on activities.
In order to manage its fragments, an Activity can use a Fragment Manager (FragmentManager class). This class makes it easy to find, add, remove and replace associated fragments. Fragment Managers can be created simply with the following:
FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
Fragments do not necessarily have a user interface: they can be a convenient and efficient way to manage background operations dealing with user interface in an app. For instance when a fragment is declared as persistent while its parent activity may be destroyed and created again.
Intents are messaging components used between apps and components. They can be used by an app to send information to its own components (for instance, start inside the app a new activity) or to other apps, and may be received from other apps or from the operating system. Intents can be used to start activities or services, run an action on a given set of data, or broadcast a message to the whole system. They are a convenient way to decouple components.
There are two kinds of intents: explicit and implicit.
- Explicit intents launch a specific app component, like an activity in your app. For instance:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, myActivity.myClass);
- Implicit intents are sent to the system with a given action to perform on a given set of data ("" in our example below). It is up to the system to decide which app or class will perform the corresponding service. For instance:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.MY_ACTION, Uri.parse(""));
Android uses intents to broadcast messages to apps, like an incoming call or SMS, important information on power supply (low battery for example) or network changes (loss of connection for instance). Extra data may be added to intents (through putExtra / getExtras).
Here is a short list of intents from the operating system. All constants are defined in the Intent class, and the whole list can be found in Android official documentation:
In order to improve security and privacy, a Local Broadcast Manager exists and is used to send and receive intents inside an app, without having them sent to the outside world (other apps or operating system). This is very useful to guarantee sensitive or private data do not leave the app perimeter (geolocation data for instance).
Broadcast Receivers are components that allow to receive notifications sent from other apps and from the system itself. This way, apps can react to events (either internal, from other apps or from the operating system). They are generally used to update a user interface, start services, update content or create user notifications.
Broadcast Receivers need to be declared in the Manifest file of the app. Any Broadcast Receiver must be associated to an intent filter in the manifest to specify which actions it is meant to listen with which kind of data. If they are not declared, the app will not listen to broadcasted messages. However, apps do not need to be started to receive intents: they are automatically started by the system when a relevant intent is raised.
An example of declaring a Broadcast Receiver with an Intent Filter in a manifest is:
<receiver android:name=".myReceiver" >
<action android:name="com.owasp.myapplication.MY_ACTION" />
When receiving an implicit intent, Android will list all apps that have registered a given action in their filters. If more than one app is matching, then Android will list all those apps and will require the user to make a selection.
An interesting feature concerning Broadcast Receivers is that they be assigned a priority; this way, an intent will be delivered to all receivers authorized to get them according to their priority.
A Local Broadcast Manager can be used to make sure intents are received only from the internal app, and that any intent from any other app will be discarded. This is very useful to improve security.
Android is using SQLite to store data permanently: as it is in Linux, data is stored in files. SQLite is an open-source, light and efficient technology for relational data storage that does not require much processing power, making it ideal for use in the mobile world. An entire API is available to the developer with specific classes (Cursor, ContentValues, SQLiteOpenHelper, ContentProvider, ContentResolver, ...). SQLite is not run in a separate process from a given app, but it is part of it. By default, a database belonging to a given app is only accessible to this app. However, Content Providers offer a great mechanism to abstract data sources (including databases, but also flat files) for a more easy use in an app; they also provide a standard and efficient mechanism to share data between apps, including native ones. In order to be accessible to other apps, content providers need to be explicitly declared in the Manifest file of the app that will share it. As long as Content Providers are not declared, they are not exported and can only be called by the app that creates them.
Content Providers are implemented through a URI addressing scheme: they all use the content:// model. Whatever the nature of sources is (SQLite database, flat file, ...), the addressing scheme is always the same, abstracting what sources are and offering a unique scheme to the developer. Content providers offer all regular operations on databases: create, read, update, delete. That means that any app with proper rights in its manifest file can manipulate the data from other apps.
Services are components provided by Android operating system (in the form of the Service class) that will perform tasks in the background (data processing, start intents and notifications, ...), without presenting any kind of user interface. Services are meant to run processing on the long term. Their system priorities are lower than the ones active apps have, but are higher than inactive ones. As such, they are less likely to be killed when the system needs resources; they can also be configured to start again automatically when enough resources become available in case they get killed. Activities are executed in the main app thread. They are great candidates to run asynchronous tasks.
Because Android apps are installed in a sandbox and initially it does not have access to neither user information nor access to system components (such as using the camera or the microphone), it provides a system based on permissions where the system has a predefined set of permissions for certain tasks that the app can request. As an example, if you want your app to use the camera on the phone you have to request the camera permission. On Android versions before Marshmallow (API 23) all permissions requested by an app were granted at installation time. From Android Marshmallow onwards the user have to approve some permissions during app execution.
Android permissions are classified in four different categories based on the protection level it offers.
- Normal: Is the lower level of protection, it gives apps access to isolated application-level feature, with minimal risk to other apps, the user or the system. It is granted during the installation of the App. If no protection level is specified, normal is the default value.
- Dangerous: This permission usually gives the app control over user data or control over the device that impacts the user. This type of permissoin may not be granted at installation time, leaving to the user decide whether the app should have the permission or not.
- Signature: This permission is granted only if the requesting app was signed with the same certificate as the app that declared the permission. If the signature matches, the permission is automatically granted.
- SystemOrSignature: Permission only granted to apps embedded in the system image or that were signed using the same certificated as the app that declared the permission.
Apps can request permissions of protection level Normal, Dangerous and Signature by inserting the XML tag <uses-permission />
to its Android Manifest file.
The example below shows an AndroidManifes.xml sample requesting permission to read SMS messages:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
package="com.permissions.sample" ...>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
This will enable the app to read SMS messages at install time (before Android Marshmallow - 23) or will enable the app to ask the user to allow the permission at runtime (Android M onwards).
Any app is able to expose its features or content to other apps installed on the system. It can expose the information openly or restrict it some apps by declaring a permission. The example below shows an app declaring a permission of protection level signature.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
package="com.permissions.sample" ...>
android:protectionLevel="signature" />
Only apps signed with the same developer certificate can use this permission.
It is possible to protect Android components using permissions. Activities, Services, Content Providers and Broadcast Receivers all can use the permission mechanism to protect its interfaces. Activities, Services and Broadcast Receivers can enforce a permission by entering the attribute android:permission inside each tag in AndroidManifest.xml:
Content Providers are a little bit different. They allow separate permissions for read, write or access the Content Provider using a content URI.
: The developer can set separate permissions to read or
: General permission that will control read and write to the Content
: True if the Content Provider can be accessed using a content URI, temporarily overcoming the restriction of other permissions and False, if not.
Once an app has been successfully developed, the next step is to publish it to share it with others. However, apps cannot simply be put on a store and shared: for several reasons, they need to be signed. This is a convenient way to ensure that apps are genuine and authenticate them to their authors: for instance, an upgrade to an app will only be possible if the update is signed with the same certificate as the original app. Also, this is a way to allow sharing between apps that are signed with the same certificate when signature-based permissions are used.
During development, apps are signed with an automatically generated certificate. This certificate is inherently insecure and is used for debugging only. Most stores do not accept this kind of certificates when trying to publish, therefore another certificate, with more secure features, has to be created and used.
When an application is installed onto an Android device, the Package Manager verifies that it has been signed with the certificate included in that APK. If the public key in the certificate matches the key used to sign any other APK on the device, the new APK has the option to share a UID with that APK. This facilitates interaction between multiple applications from the same vendor. Alternatively, it as also possible to specify security permissions the Signature protection level, restricting access to applications signed with the same key.
Android supports two application signing schemes: As of Android 7.0, APKs can be verified using the APK Signature Scheme v2 (v2 scheme) or JAR signing (v1 scheme). For backward compatibility, APKs signed with the v2 signature format can be installed on older Android devices, as long as these APKs are also v1-signed. Older platforms ignore v2 signatures and only verify v1 signatures [9].
In the original version of app signing, the signed APK is actually a standard signed JAR, which must contain exactly the entries listed in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
. All entries must be signed using the same certificate. This scheme does not protect some parts of the APK, such as ZIP metadata. The drawback with this scheme is that the APK verifier needs to process untrusted data structures before applying the signature, and discard data not covered by them. Also, the APK verifier must uncompress all compressed files, consuming considerable time and memory.
In the APK signature scheme, the complete APK is hashed and signed, and an APK Signing Block is created and inserted into the APK. During validation, v2 scheme treats performs signature checking across the entire file. This form of APK verification is faster and offers more comprehensive protection against modification.
APK signature verification process [9]
Android is using the public / private certificates technology to sign Android apps (.apk files): this permits to establish the authenticity of apps and make sure the originator is the owner of the private key. Such certificates can be self-generated and signed. Certificates are bundles that contain different information the most important on the security poin of view being keys: a public certificate will contain the public key of the user, and a private certificate will contain the private key of the user. Both the public and private certificates are linked together. Certificates are unique and cannot be generated again: this means that, in case one or the two are lost, it is not possible to renew them with identical ones, therefore updating an app originally signed with a given certificate will become impossible.
The creator of an app can either reuse an existing private / public key pair that already exists and is stored in an available keystore, or generate a new pair.
Key pairs can be generated by the user with the keytool command (example for a key pair generated for my domain ("Distinguished Name"), using the RSA algorithm with a key length of 2048 bits, for 7300 days = 20 years, and that will be stored in the current directory in the secure file 'myKeyStore.jks'):
keytool -genkey -alias myDomain -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 7300 -keystore myKeyStore.jks -storepass myStrongPassword
Safely storing a secret key and making sure it remains secret during its entire lifecycle is of paramount importance, as any other person who would get access to it would be able to publish updates to your apps with content that you would not control (therefore being able to create updates to you apps and add insecure features, access content that is shared using signature-based permissions, e.g. only with apps under your control originally). The trust a user places in an app and its developers is totally based on such certificates, hence its protection and secure management are vital for reputation and Customer retention. This is the reason why secret keys must never be shared with other individuals, and keys are stored in a binary file that can be protected using a password: such files are refered to as 'keystores'; passwords used to protect keystores should be strong and known only by the key creator (-storepass option in the command above, where a strong password shall be provided as an argument).
Android certificates must have a validity period longer than the one of the associated app (including its updates). For example, Google Play will require that the certificate remains valid till at least Oct 22nd, 2033.
After the developer has generated its own private / public key pair, the signing process can take place. From a high-level point of view, this process is meant to associate the app file (.apk) with the public key of the developer (by encrypting the hash value of the app file with the private key, where only the associated public key can decrypt it to its actual value that anyone can calculate from the .apk file): this guarantees the authenticity of the app (e.g. that the app really comes from the user who claims it) and enforces a mechanism where it will only be possible to upgrade the app with other versions signed with the same private key (e.g. from the same developer).
Many Integrated Development Environments (IDE) integrate the app signing process to make it easier for the user. Be aware that some IDEs store private keys in clear text in configuration files; you should be aware of this and double-check this point in case others are able to access such files, and remove the information if needed.
Apps can be signed from the command line by using the 'apksigner' tool provided in Android SDK (API 24 and higher) or the 'jarsigner' tool from Java JDK in case of earlier Android versions. Details about the whole process can be found in Android official documentation; however, an example is given below to illustrate the point:
apksigner sign --out mySignedApp.apk --ks myKeyStore.jks myUnsignedApp.apk
In this example, an unsigned app ready for signing ('myUnsignedApp.apk') is going to be signed with a private key from the developer keystore 'myKeyStore.jks' located in the current directory and will become a signed app called 'mySignedApp.apk' ready for release on stores.
The zipalign
tool should always be used to align an APK file before distribution. This tool aligns all uncompressed data within the APK, such as images or raw files, on 4-byte boundaries, which allows for improved memory management during app runtime. If using apksigner, zipalign must be performed before the APK file has been signed.
The Android ecosystem is open, and, as such, it is possible to distribute apps from anywhere (your own site, any store, ...). However, Google Play is the more famous, trusted and popular store and is provided by Google itself.
Whereas other vendors may review and approve apps before they are actually published, such things do not happen on Google Play; this way, a short release time can be expected between the moment when the developer starts the publishing process and the moment when the app is available to users.
Publishing an app is quite straightforward, as the main operation is to make the signed .apk file itself downloadable. On Google Play, it starts with creating an account, and then delivering the app through a dedicated interface. Details are available on Android official documentation at
As we know, every process on Android has its own sandboxed address space. Inter-process communication (IPC) facilities enable apps to exchange signals and data in a (hopefully) secure way. Instead of relying on the default Linux IPC facilities, IPC on Android is done through Binder, a custom implementation of OpenBinder. A lot of Android system services, as well as all high-level IPC services, depend on Binder.
In the Binder framework, a client-server communication model is used. IPC clients communicate through a client-side proxy. This proxy connects to the Binder server, which is implemented as a character driver (/dev/binder).The server holds a thread pool for handling incoming requests, and is responsible for delivering messages to the destination object. Developers write interfaces for remote services using the Android Interface Descriptor Language (AIDL).
Binder Overview. Image source: Android Binder by Thorsten Schreiber
Intent messaging is a framework for asynchronous communication built on top of binder. This framework enables both point-to-point and publish-subscribe messaging. An Intent is a messaging object that can be used to request an action from another app component. Although intents facilitate communication between components in several ways, there are three fundamental use cases:
- Starting an activity
- An Activity represents a single screen in an app. You can start a new instance of an Activity by passing an Intent to startActivity(). The Intent describes the activity to start and carries any necessary data.
- Starting a Service
- A Service is a component that performs operations in the background without a user interface. With Android 5.0 (API level 21) and later, you can start a service with JobScheduler.
- Delivering a broadcast
- A broadcast is a message that any app can receive. The system delivers various broadcasts for system events, such as when the system boots up or the device starts charging. You can deliver a broadcast to other apps by passing an Intent to sendBroadcast() or sendOrderedBroadcast().
There are two types of Intents:
Explicit intents specify the component to start by name (the fully-qualified class name).
Implicit intents do not name a specific component, but instead declare a general action to perform, which allows a component from another app to handle it. When you create an implicit intent, the Android system finds the appropriate component to start by comparing the contents of the intent to the intent filters declared in the manifest file of other apps on the device.
An intent filter is an expression in an app's manifest file that specifies the type of intents that the component would like to receive. For instance, by declaring an intent filter for an activity, you make it possible for other apps to directly start your activity with a certain kind of intent. Likewise, if you do not declare any intent filters for an activity, then it can be started only with an explicit intent.
For activities and broadcast receivers, intents are the preferred mechanism for asynchronous IPC in Android. Depending on your app requirements, you might use sendBroadcast(), sendOrderedBroadcast(), or an explicit intent to a specific app component.
A BroadcastReceiver handles asynchronous requests initiated by an Intent.
Using Binder or Messenger is the preferred mechanism for RPC-style IPC in Android. They provide a well-defined interface that enables mutual authentication of the endpoints, if required.
-- TODO [Explain what vulnerabilities can be created while using IPC mechanisms. Give short examples in the form of code snippets] --
Android’s Messenger represents a reference to a Handler that can be sent to a remote process via an Intent
A reference to the Messenger can be sent via an Intent using the previously mentioned IPC mechanism
Messages sent by the remote process via the messenger are delivered to the local handler. Great for efficient call-backs from the service to the client
- [1] Android Security -
- [2] Android Developer: App Components -
- [3] HAL -
- [4] "Android Security: Attacks and Defenses" By Anmol Misra, Abhishek Dubey
- [5] A Programmer Blog -
- [6] keesj Android internals -
- [7] Android Versions -
- [8] "Professional Android 4 Application Development" by Reto Meier
- [9] APK Signing -
- [10] How Android Apps are run -
- [11] Zygote -
- [12] Android Developer Guide for Manifest -
- [13] Android Developer Guide -
- [14] Define app install location -
- [15] Fragment Class -