Perform arithmetic on a date or two dates:
- Calculate the difference between two dates
- Add or subtract a
from a date
datemath date1 - date2
datemath date1 +/- timedelta
date1 and date2 can be expressed as:
%Y/%m/%d ex: 2018/04/03
%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M ex: 2018/04/03T12:00
%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S ex: 2018/04/03T12:00:00
%H:%M:%S ex: 12:00:00
%H:%M ex: 12:00
date1 can also be expressed as (but date2 cannot):
"now" ex: now
timedelta can be expressed as:
[INTd][INTh][INTm][INTs] ex: 1d12h
$ date
Tue Apr 3 16:51:50 EDT 2018
$ datemath now - $(date +%Y/%m/%d)
$ datemath now + 1d
2018-04-04 16:52:07.780467
$ datemath now - 1d
2018-04-02 16:52:10.239369
- When doing math between two dates, you need not worry about which date is earlier than the other. The script tells you the amount of time between the dates.
- When you specify just a date without a time, midnight is assumed.