The industrial Sheep counting application has finally arrived.
git clone
cd sau2000
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ migrate
./ test
./ runserver
# open
- The first rule of Sau is that Sau is all there is
- Registered by ear mark number and name
- Ability to add new Sau, remove Sau that go out of production
- Create production year
- For every year, one must be able to add at least 4 rams and 4 ewes per Sau
- For each of these lambs, add
- ear mark number
- quality (e, u, r, o, p possibly with +/-)
- fat percentage
- weight
- Be able to add Ram with ear mark number and origin
- Get statistics for each Sau on number of lambs, quality, fat, weight for all years, statistics for lambs per year
- Get statistics for each Sau on quality, fat, weight per year
- Per Sau a list of Medicine, dose, date
- Comment field
- Potentially divide sheep into flocks
- Get statistics for each Sau on quality and fat per year