Before to run this project, please, follow the next steps.
Ruby 2.3.1
Rails 4.2.3
SQLite (development)
Postgres (production)
If you are using Rbenv, please run:
$ rbenv init $ rbenv local 2.3.1
$ bundle install $ rake db:create $ rake db:migrate $ rake db:seed
To get all characters, just make a GET request to follow path:
GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/characters/
And you will receive a JSON as follow:
{ "characters": [ { "marvel_id": 1011334, "name": "3-D Man", "description": "", "image": "", "modified_at": "2014-04-29T00:00:00.000Z" }, { "marvel_id": 1017100, "name": "A-Bomb (HAS)", "description": "Rick Jones has been Hulk's best bud since day one, but now he's more than a friend...he's a teammate! Transformed by a Gamma energy explosion, A-Bomb's thick, armored skin is just as strong and powerful as it is blue. And when he curls into action, he uses it like a giant bowling ball of destruction! ", "image": "", "modified_at": "2013-09-18T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }
Or, if you want, you can use Postman and rock’on! o/
To get a singular character, you can run the follow command on Postman:
GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/characters/:marvel_id
Where “marvel_id” is the key to access character by this API, and you will receive a JSON response with the character data and his comics (if exists).
{ "marvel_id": 1009144, "name": "A.I.M.", "description": "AIM is a terrorist organization bent on destroying the world.", "modified_at": "2013-10-17T00:00:00.000Z", "image": "", "comics": [ { "title": "Secret Avengers (2013) #16", "cover_number": 16, "image": "" }, { "title": "Secret Avengers (2013) #15", "cover_number": 15, "image": "" }, { "title": "Secret Avengers (2013) #14", "cover_number": 14, "image": "" } ] }
To create a new character you will need at least a marvel_id parameter, but we can do better ( ;) ) and add “name”, “description” and, as we said early, “marvel_id” parameters!
POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/characters/new?name=Russel Crow&description=I'm Gladiator!&marvel_id=123212111
To update, its similar, you can do:
PUT http://localhost:3000/api/v1/characters/:marvel_id/edit?name=Sheila //for example
So, is it! Enjoy!