No changelog for this release.
Minor update.
New CRM is rewritten for :
- AdminLTE 3.1.0
- bootStrap 4.6.0
- php 8.0.3
- slim 4.7.1
- fullcalendar 5.6.0
- Dark mode (automatic or not)
- ckeditor in darkmode too
- Setup enhancements
- vCard export for groups, cart, person, family
- search menu rewritten
- all the api are rewritten
- all the v2 route too.
Bugs correction
- Leaflet for safari
- CSV and PDF stats export is now efficient
- better cart management
- system backup/restore is rewritten too
- sunday school view bug resolution
Inner Beauty
AdminLTE 3.1.0
Jquery 3.6.0
bootStrap is in the last version : 4.6.0
FullCalendar is in version 5.6.0
DataTable are now in 1.10.24
- GroupReport.php is propeled
etc ....
Inner Coherence
New version 7.0.0
ATTENTION : You have to clear your cache on your browser.
- Everything is rewritten in AdminLTE 3.0.5 and new bootStrap 4.5.3
Pastoral Care tools
- Pastoral care center with statistics for youngs, retired ....
- Full pastoral care integration for young, retired, etc ...
- The CRM is now fully customizable accord to AdminLTE 3 (color, font size, etc .... see for this point the new person settings).
An more
- Fundraiser is completely rewritten with EDrive
- Mailchimp can now include all the headpeople for each families.
- A brand new calendar 4.4.2 with optimisations
- Search engine update for volunteer opportunity
- You can now search for all Volunteers, families, payments, .... , through the meta search engine.
- Kiosk re-introduction to make register call (completely rewritten)
- QR code badges
- QR code call the register
- You can add/remove item in the kiosk
- The personView and Family is rewritten with map groups etc ...
- Call the register for the groups is now available
- Call the register for sundayschool is completely refactored
- Meetings : Jitsi meet api integration for meeting (so you can make conferences inside the CRM and tchat too).
- Re-Introduction of Event type to create events
- New PersonView and Familyview.
- New Main Dashboard in v2 stage.
- security update (everything is new).
- Optimization of the meta search engine.
Bugs correction
- some bugs corrections.
Inner Beauty
AdminLTE 3
Jquery 3.5.1
bootStrap is in the last version : 4.5.0
FullCalendar is in version 4.4.2
DataTable are now in 1.10.21
everything is now in the latest version.
everything is rewritten for the new js code.
- FamilyPledgeSummary.php propeled
- ReminderReport.php propeled
- confirmreportemail propeled
- convert individual to family.php propeled
- confirm report propeled
- canvassreports propeled
- selectdelete propeled
- VotingMembers.php is propeled
- PersonService.php is propeled
etc ....
Inner Coherence
New version 6.0.0
- New Meta search engine (everything is now searchable).
- new entry in the calendar api : VAlarm
- pastoral care for persons and families
- pastoral search better supported
- New backup manager (NextCloud compatible)
- New encryptation backup manager
- The backup management now include the eDrive for each users
- sundayschool has now dashboard items
- people has now dashboard items too
- CartView is in v2 and optimized
- better support of the menu page with little configuration
- php 7.1 minimal requirement
- security update v4
- optimization in speed
- optimization of the menu dashboard page
- optimization of mailchimp in speed
- optimisation with the dashboard items
- security massive update
Bugs correction
- SelectList.js minor bug resolution
- Footer.js bug resolution
- QuerySQL.php bug resolution
- cart api bug resolution
- PersonEditor.php bug correction
- PersonView bug resolution
- browser bug resolution
- Upgrade script bug correction
- Browse bug resolution : bootbox
- AppIntegrityService upgrade
- Webdav update optimization for speed
- group person bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- Bootbox new version : 5.4.0
- CartView.php is propeled and in v2 stage
- Logger coherence
- new dashboard mailchimp item
- update to 4.0.2
- new search way
- refactor of the dashboard items
etc ....
Inner Coherence
New version 5.8.6
- GDPRDataStructureExport.php CSV enhancement
- MemberEmailExport.php CSV enhancement
- QueryView minor everything is now in JS code
- FamilyView js update
- SelectList cart js logic update
- PersonView cart JS logic update
- Add query cart operations : full in js
- Mailchimp user email address change
- Ensure Menu Dashboard render all times
- Profile Photo bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- PersonService.php is propeled
- VotingMembers.php is propeled
- Logger coherence
New version 5.8.5
- Menubar UTF9 changes
- SelectList enhancement
- Sundayschool enhancement
- GroupEditor role upgrade
- self-verify-updates.php + online-pending-verify.php update
- FamiliView.php url verification
- verify-family-info.php upgrade
New version 5.8.4
- SundaySchoolView Teacher props
- ClassList.php & PhotoBook.php group prop adds
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php upgrade
Bugs correction
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php bug resolution
- PersonView Bug resolution
- SundaySchool teacher role Bug resolution
- Cart bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- OptionManager upgrade : v2
- GroupView v2
- no more OptionManagerRowOps.php
- no more GroupView.php
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
New version 5.8.3
- FundRaiser GUI update
- PaddleNumEditor.php minor update
- CartView enhancement
- CartView js upgrade
- SelectList propeled
- PeopleDashboard is in v2
- QueryView GUI enhancement
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- Calendar api clarification
- ManageList.js enhancements
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvassUtilities.php no more RunQuery
New version 5.8.2
- Mailchimp tags
- FamilyList v2
- PersonList v2
- grouplist v2
- sundayschool full v2 version
- SundaySchoolView js upgrade (you can add a teacher directly from the view)
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
New version 5.8.5
- Menubar UTF8 changes
- SelectList enhancement
- Sundayschool enhancement
- GroupEditor role upgrade
- self-verify-updates.php + online-pending-verify.php update
- FamiliView.php url verification
- verify-family-info.php upgrade
New version 5.8.4
- SundaySchoolView Teacher props
- ClassList.php & PhotoBook.php group prop adds
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php upgrade
Bugs correction
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php bug resolution
- PersonView Bug resolution
- SundaySchool teacher role Bug resolution
- Cart bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- OptionManager upgrade : v2
- GroupView v2
- no more OptionManagerRowOps.php
- no more GroupView.php
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
New version 5.8.3
- FundRaiser GUI update
- PaddleNumEditor.php minor update
- CartView enhancement
- CartView js upgrade
- SelectList propeled
- PeopleDashboard is in v2
- QueryView GUI enhancement
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- Calendar api clarification
- ManageList.js enhancements
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvassUtilities.php no more RunQuery
New version 5.8.2
- Mailchimp tags
- FamilyList v2
- PersonList v2
- grouplist v2
- sundayschool full v2 version
- SundaySchoolView js upgrade (you can add a teacher directly from the view)
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.8.4
- SundaySchoolView Teacher props
- ClassList.php & PhotoBook.php group prop adds
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php upgrade
Bugs correction
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php bug resolution
- PersonView Bug resolution
- SundaySchool teacher role Bug resolution
- Cart bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- OptionManager upgrade : v2
- GroupView v2
- no more OptionManagerRowOps.php
- no more GroupView.php
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
New version 5.8.3
- FundRaiser GUI update
- PaddleNumEditor.php minor update
- CartView enhancement
- CartView js upgrade
- SelectList propeled
- PeopleDashboard is in v2
- QueryView GUI enhancement
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- Calendar api clarification
- ManageList.js enhancements
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvassUtilities.php no more RunQuery
New version 5.8.2
- Mailchimp tags
- FamilyList v2
- PersonList v2
- grouplist v2
- sundayschool full v2 version
- SundaySchoolView js upgrade (you can add a teacher directly from the view)
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.8.3
- FundRaiser GUI update
- PaddleNumEditor.php minor update
- CartView enhancement
- CartView js upgrade
- SelectList propeled
- PeopleDashboard is in v2
- QueryView GUI enhancement
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- Calendar api clarification
- ManageList.js enhancements
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvassUtilities.php no more RunQuery
New version 5.8.2
- Mailchimp tags
- FamilyList v2
- PersonList v2
- grouplist v2
- sundayschool full v2 version
- SundaySchoolView js upgrade (you can add a teacher directly from the view)
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
New version 5.8.2
- Mailchimp tags
- FamilyList v2
- PersonList v2
- grouplist v2
- sundayschool full v2 version
- SundaySchoolView js upgrade (you can add a teacher directly from the view)
- sundayschooldashboard age sorting bug resolution
Bugs correction
- PersonEditor.php bug resolution
- Boostraper bug resolution
- GroupView.js bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.8.1
- Directory report translation update
- Mailchimp personview familyview good information for the newsletter
Bugs correction
- GroupView.php bug resolution : type
- GroupEditor.php + GroupEditor.js bug resolution
- FamilyEditor.php bug resolution
- Map bug correction
Inner Beauty
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php propeled + api + js
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php
- GroupPropsEditor.php
- QueryList.php
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.8.0
- SelectList is rewritten with js code for PersonToGroup.php, this file is now deleted
- Add Person To group enhancement the js part is rewritten
- new register method through JS
- newsletter for individual person not only for a family
- gpdr enhancements better person extraction and count (optimisation).
- PersonEditor better address support for individual person
- add ReminderReport in PeopleDashboard.php
- security upgrade : bootbox
Bugs correction
- FamilyEditor bug correction
- CSVExport.php visual bug correction
- mailchimp api for group add
Inner Beauty
- The files are now deleted everything is relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
- Include/CanvassUtilities.php
- Include/ReportFunctions.php
- Include/EnvelopeFunctions.php
- Functions.php : all the functions are now relocated in EcclesiaCRM directory
Propeled files and nom more : runquery function
- CanvasEditor.php
- FamilyEditor.php
- PersonEditor.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- PrintView.php
- PrintPastoralCare.php
- FinancialReports.php + bug resolution (filter)
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php
- CSVExport.php
- GroupReports.php
- CartView.php
- EcclesiaCRM/utils/OutputUtils.php
- Reports/PledgeSummary.php
- Reports/ZeroGivers.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php
- Reports/NameTags.php
- Reports/AdvancedDeposit.php
- Reports/TaxReport.php
- Reports/EnvelopeReport.php
- Reports/GroupReport.php propeled
- DirectoryReport.php
- PDF_Directory.php
- propeled PDFLabel.php
- propeled PledgeSummary.php
- OutputUtils.php
- DashboardItem.php
- GroupReports.php
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php
- FamilyEditor
- CanvassEditor.php propeled
- CSVExport.php
- ManageEnvelopes.php propeled
- GroupView propeled
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php
- FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php
- UpdateAllLatLon.php
- PersonEditor.php
- GeoPage.php
- PledgeEditor.php
- DepositSlipEditor.php
- peopledashboard nomore runquery
etc ....
Inner Coherence
New version 5.7.0
- EDrive role added (a user can or not have this role), everything is rewritter : drive, js code, etc ... menubar.
- Checkin.php enhancement (Edrive add in event edition).
- Group Menu classifications and sundayschool menuitem classifications update
- Roles redefinitions (CSV, PDF, sundayschool CSV and PDF export) are now general roles
- A user can now change the AdminLTE style from himself
- UserRole enhancements
- User role notification (when an user role is assigned to a user)
- map external providers (apple map, bing map etc ...), usefull on a smartphone
- OutputUtils.php upgrade (for apple map, bing map and google map links).
- Mailchimp improvements (now when you add all the newsletter members, the list is reloaded)
- Mailchimp export contact as pdf/excels rows ....
- PersonEditor : newsletter improvements
- mailnotification update : role added (in the userlist).
- baseuseremail authorisation rewritten
- user upgrade : mail authorization (a user now has the right to send mail or not : GDPR).
- user list webdavkey infos
- SundaySchoolView security update (some user has the possibility to edit a group when the role wasn't assigned).
- CalendarV2 enhancement for smartphones (now part will scroll properly).
- GroupView enhancement (code clarifications).
- GroupProperty enhancements (a members can now answered to a request : like a doodle).
- Pastoral Care improvements (a member with the pastoral care role can now see the notes without to have the menu option role).
- MenuBar security update : dictionnary etc ...
Bugs correction
- Header_head_metatag : bug resolution.
- public home folder bug resolution.
- Setup bug correction with localisation CRM.
- Reservation Calendar bug resolution.
- SettingsIndividual.php bug resolution.
- bug correction in the usereditor part.
- profile role bug correction, in some case when a person has the groupe role, when the profile was saved, the code could crash.
- GroupEditor bug correction (you can now change the name of group role).
- group deletion is now corrected.
Inner Beauty
- UserEditor.php propeled
- SettingsIndividual.php Propeled
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.6.2
- Pastoral Care ckeditor update
- Group specific properties upgrade
- EventEditor.js translation
- EventEditor.js update for Cellular phones
- cart deactivate new menu item (You can now deactivate all the persons in the cart, and if a family is empty the family is emptied too).
- Deactivate button in the cartView
New version 5.6.0
- brand new Document editor on full js code
- v2 for the general and specific properties
- Map is now in v2 too
- PersonView and FamilyView more propel code
- Bing Map enhancement + OpenStreepMap enhancements too.
- Mailchimp Campaign window is now large by default
- Timelines for person and family upgrade
Bugs correction
- Bug et résolution de filemanager pour les familles
- in the timelines
Inner Beauty
- delete of the unusefull files
- PropertyTypeEditor.php
- PropertyTypeDelete.php
- PropertyTypeList.php
- PropertyEditor.php
- PropertyDelete.php
- DocumentDelete.php
- DocumentEditor.php
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.6.1
- PersonView and FamilyView previous and next member
- bug resolution with PersonView.js
- bug resolution with add a person to a group
- bug resolution with add vcard to an addressbook
New version 5.6.0
- brand new Document editor on full js code
- v2 for the general and specific properties
- Map is now in v2 too
- PersonView and FamilyView more propel code
- Bing Map enhancement + OpenStreepMap enhancements too.
- Mailchimp Campaign window is now large by default
- Timelines for person and family upgrade
Bugs correction
- Bug et résolution de filemanager pour les familles
- in the timelines
Inner Beauty
- delete of the unusefull files
- PropertyTypeEditor.php
- PropertyTypeDelete.php
- PropertyTypeList.php
- PropertyEditor.php
- PropertyDelete.php
- DocumentDelete.php
- DocumentEditor.php
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.6.0
- brand new Document editor on full js code
- v2 for the general and specific properties
- Map is now in v2 too
- PersonView and FamilyView more propel code
- Bing Map enhancement + OpenStreepMap enhancements too.
- Mailchimp Campaign window is now large by default
- Timelines for person and family upgrade
Bugs correction
- Bug et résolution de filemanager pour les familles
- in the timelines
Inner Beauty
- delete of the unusefull files
- PropertyTypeEditor.php
- PropertyTypeDelete.php
- PropertyTypeList.php
- PropertyEditor.php
- PropertyDelete.php
- DocumentDelete.php
- DocumentEditor.php
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.5.6
- bug resolution with the file manager
- Note Term deletion Document
- Group Menu hierarchy classification
- OptionManager localisation
- PersonView coherence (Member list->Person List).
- Some more localisation terms
- Nom more NoteEditor and NoteDelete
New version 5.5.5 Functionality Improvements :
- ckeditor update for pastoral care : drag and drop is now supported
- ckeditor update for event : drag and drop is now supported
- filebrowser update
- Next/previous person In PersonView
- pastoral care V2 upgrade
- PersonEditor bug resolution
New version 5.5.4 Functionality Improvements :
- MailChimp upgrade v4 : adding permission reminder in ckeditor + managelist
New version 5.5.3 Functionality Improvements :
- title head upgrade with v2 api.
- MailChimp upgrade v3 (date and translation language).
- ckeditor bug resolution.
new version 5.5.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Bug managelist campaign creation.
- security update for browser and uploader images tool.
new version 5.5.1 Functionality Improvements :
Bug resolution in UserList.
- improvements in MailChimp.
- improvements in the public folder management.
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor image upload drag and drop
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.5.5 Functionality Improvements :
- ckeditor update for pastoral care : drag and drop is now supported
- ckeditor update for event : drag and drop is now supported
- filebrowser update
- Next/previous person In PersonView
- pastoral care V2 upgrade
- PersonEditor bug resolution
New version 5.5.4 Functionality Improvements :
- MailChimp upgrade v4 : adding permission reminder in ckeditor + managelist
New version 5.5.3 Functionality Improvements :
- title head upgrade with v2 api.
- MailChimp upgrade v3 (date and translation language).
- ckeditor bug resolution.
new version 5.5.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Bug managelist campaign creation.
- security update for browser and uploader images tool.
new version 5.5.1 Functionality Improvements :
Bug resolution in UserList.
- improvements in MailChimp.
- improvements in the public folder management.
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor image upload drag and drop
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
New version 5.5.4 Functionality Improvements :
- MailChimp upgrade v4 : adding permission reminder in ckeditor + managelist
New version 5.5.3 Functionality Improvements :
- title head upgrade with v2 api.
- MailChimp upgrade v3 (date and translation language).
- ckeditor bug resolution.
new version 5.5.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Bug managelist campaign creation.
- security update for browser and uploader images tool.
new version 5.5.1 Functionality Improvements :
Bug resolution in UserList.
- improvements in MailChimp.
- improvements in the public folder management.
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor image upload drag and drop
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.5.3 Functionality Improvements :
- title head upgrade with v2 api.
- MailChimp upgrade v3 (date and translation language).
- ckeditor bug resolution.
new version 5.5.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Bug managelist campaign creation.
- security update for browser and uploader images tool.
new version 5.5.1 Functionality Improvements :
Bug resolution in UserList.
- improvements in MailChimp.
- improvements in the public folder management.
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor image upload drag and drop
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.5.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Bug managelist campaign creation.
- security update for browser and uploader images tool.
new version 5.5.1 Functionality Improvements :
Bug resolution in UserList.
- improvements in MailChimp.
- improvements in the public folder management.
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor image upload drag and drop
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.5.1 Functionality Improvements :
- Bug resolution in UserList.
- improvements in MailChimp.
- improvements in the public folder management.
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor image upload drag and drop
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.5.0 Functionality Improvements :
5.5.0 version
- CKeditor upload with drag and drop images
- new creditor image browser : drive
- full refactor of eDrive management
- MenuBar clarification
- public folder for MailChimp
- Mailchimp improvements and speed
- GDPR api
- mailchimp security user
- PHP 7.2 improvements
- Server scripts creation
Bugs correction
- GDPRListExport.php bug resolution
- WebDav bug resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
new version 5.4.3 Functionality Improvements :
- Ubuntu server 18.04 compatibilities.
- better support with php 7.2 and mariadb at installation.
- Mailchimp improvements (schedule campaign introduction)
- Mailchimp acceleration everything is now build with asynchronous system.
- CRMJSOM.js bug resolution and adds
- Event upgrade
- Phili67 volunteeropportunityeditor api
- EventEditor.js update
- MenuBar little bug resolution
- PersonView bug resolution
5.4.1 Only bug correction :
- CSP problem resolution : thank's to Erwan C.
- api with logger bug resolution (system + people-family).
- csp-report api bug correction.
5.4.0 version
GDPR clarifications, we're working closely with lawers to finish the GDPR point.
Security update :
- EcclesiaCRM kernel is brand new inside (AdminLTE 2.4.8)
- Full compatibility with the EcclesiaCRM theme update
- all the npm packages are now at the last version
- all the composer package too.
- code clarifications in the api and the skin/js files.
- introduction of the v2 api : proof of concept for security purpose.
- when a person is de-activated the user is de-activated too.
- calendar sidebar enhancement
- Header-function security update.
For finance show since et show for is rewritten
The ckeditor icon merge tags update
Age graph people in the People Dashboard.
Better test to the BDD at install process.
PersonView upgrade (security).
ckeditor better support.
better note and note share support.
Login.php and Logout.php enhancements.
Map css upgrade.
Bugs correction
- User management bug resolutions
- self-register.php date localisation resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.4.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Mailchimp improvements (schedule campaign introduction)
- Mailchimp acceleration everything is now build with asynchronous system.
- CRMJSOM.js bug resolution and adds
- Event upgrade
- Phili67 volunteeropportunityeditor api
- EventEditor.js update
- MenuBar little bug resolution
- PersonView bug resolution
5.4.1 Only bug correction :
- CSP problem resolution : thank's to Erwan C.
- api with logger bug resolution (system + people-family).
- csp-report api bug correction.
5.4.0 version
GDPR clarifications, we're working closely with lawers to finish the GDPR point.
Security update :
- EcclesiaCRM kernel is brand new inside (AdminLTE 2.4.8)
- Full compatibility with the EcclesiaCRM theme update
- all the npm packages are now at the last version
- all the composer package too.
- code clarifications in the api and the skin/js files.
- introduction of the v2 api : proof of concept for security purpose.
- when a person is de-activated the user is de-activated too.
- calendar sidebar enhancement
- Header-function security update.
For finance show since et show for is rewritten
The ckeditor icon merge tags update
Age graph people in the People Dashboard.
Better test to the BDD at install process.
PersonView upgrade (security).
ckeditor better support.
better note and note share support.
Login.php and Logout.php enhancements.
Map css upgrade.
Bugs correction
- User management bug resolutions
- self-register.php date localisation resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.4.1 Functionality Improvements :
Only bug correction :
- CSP problem resolution : thank's to Erwan C.
- api with logger bug resolution (system + people-family).
- csp-report api bug correction.
5.4.0 version
GDPR clarifications, we're working closely with lawers to finish the GDPR point.
Security update :a
- EcclesiaCRM kernel is brand new inside (AdminLTE 2.4.8)
- Full compatibility with the EcclesiaCRM theme update
- all the npm packages are now at the last version
- all the composer package too.
- code clarifications in the api and the skin/js files.
- introduction of the v2 api : proof of concept for security purpose.
- when a person is de-activated the user is de-activated too.
- calendar sidebar enhancement
- Header-function security update.
For finance show since et show for is rewritten
The ckeditor icon merge tags update
Age graph people in the People Dashboard.
Better test to the BDD at install process.
PersonView upgrade (security).
ckeditor better support.
better note and note share support.
Login.php and Logout.php enhancements.
Map css upgrade.
Bugs correction
- User management bug resolutions
- self-register.php date localisation resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.4.0 Functionality Improvements :
GDPR clarifications, we're working closely with lawers to finish the GDPR point.
Security update :
- EcclesiaCRM kernel is brand new inside (AdminLTE 2.4.8)
- Full compatibility with the EcclesiaCRM theme update
- all the npm packages are now at the last version
- all the composer package too.
- code clarifications in the api and the skin/js files.
- introduction of the v2 api : proof of concept for security purpose.
- when a person is de-activated the user is de-activated too.
- calendar sidebar enhancement
- Header-function security update.
For finance show since et show for is rewritten
The ckeditor icon merge tags update
Age graph people in the People Dashboard.
Better test to the BDD at install process.
PersonView upgrade (security).
ckeditor better support.
better note and note share support.
Login.php and Logout.php enhancements.
Map css upgrade.
Bugs correction
- User management bug resolutions
- self-register.php date localisation resolution
- List event bug resolution for the number of people
Inner Beauty
- full new api v2
- new clarifications in the api and skin/js code.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.3.1 Functionality Improvements :
- Bootstraper ChurchCRM upgrade
- CKeditor better support
- Note and Documents improvements
- FamilyView minor update
- PersonView Group improvements
- Better EDrive support
- Better Note to word export
- Better export managements
Bugs correction
- PersonView bug resolution
- self-register.php date localisation resolution
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.3.0 Functionality Improvements :
- MailChimp massive upgrade 2 : groups adds
- Vcard upgrade export for groups
- sidebar color light
- Update propel.php.dist
- Setup steps: slim application error
- CSS AdminLTE update
- Redirect logic rewritten
- SessionUser add
- User admin improvements : reservation admin manager improvements.
- user.php right upgrade
- SystemConfig clear code
- MenuBar update in full JS.
- Menubar custom items in full js too.
Bugs correction
- PersonView Bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.2.0 Functionality Improvements :
- MailChimp upgrade
- mcrypt is deleted for php7.2 full compatibility
- UserEditor update code cleanup
- JS update no sort with classifications table
- C32019 PDF_Label add
- Calendar Reservation improvements
- PropertyEditor.php escape bug resolution
- Add badge format improvements
- OpenSSL requirement in the installation process
- Integrity check update
- CKeditor update (now with merge tags)
- PersonEditor NewsLetter update (a Person can now manage the newsletter flags)
- Mailchimp : Some improvements
- ManageList.js improvements
- MailChimp security upgrades
- Copyright upgrade
- CoutryDropdown stateDropDown update
- setup : Dropdown updates
- Dropdown update for CartToFamily.php PersonEditor.php FamilyEditor.php
- CSVImport.php update
- family-register.php update
- SelfRegister family : localisation update
- FamilyView minor update
- Family not in mailchimp title changes
- No more Runquery : FamilyView.php is full propeled
- No more Runquery : PersonView.php is full propeled
Bugs correction
- GDRP bug resolution
- Badges bug resolution
Inner Beauty
- adding two mysql constraints in person2volunteeropp_p2vo.
- property_pro has now a : pro_Comment column for GDRP.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.1.0 Functionality Improvements :
- new role : Menu Query for In UserEditor.
- GDRP update you can now print the GDPR Data structure.
- GDRP update new fields (person properties and family properties).
- Security updates in the Settings.
- ManageEnvelopes.php is rewritten in boostraped a bug is corrected (classification).
- CKeditor can export now to word in EDrive
- Note is re-introduce to avoid a confusion with Edrive.
- VolunteerOpportunityEditor.php is completely in JS rewritten.
- financial security upgrade
- More Preview files for EDrive
- PersonView and FamilyView GUI update with the button delete and edit.
- ListEvent GUI upgrade.
- Sundayschool export translation.
- file manager and calendar share now send an email to the shared users.
- EDrive : FileManager enhancement (better drag behaviour).
Bugs correction
- Cart Family bug resolution.
- Family and person deletion solved.
- CSVCreateFile.php age bug resolution.
- Bug resolution in resize event.
- Bug resolution in CSV export for the sundayschool.
Inner Beauty
- adding two mysql constraints in person2volunteeropp_p2vo.
- property_pro has now a : pro_Comment column for GDRP.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 5.0.0 Functionality Improvements :
- EDrive + real full file manager
- drag and drop
- file preview
- easy to rename a file, you've simply to double click a file
- api filemanager
- etc ...
Bugs correction
- comma problem with numbers
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.9.2
Functionality Improvements :
- Calendar One recurrence event upgrade
- External api upgrade for the public calendar
- PHP 7.1 et 7.2 compatibility
- LettersAndLabels.php bug update
- PersonView and PersonEditor update
- Badge sticker update
- CartToBadge and SundaySchool Badge GUI update
Bugs correction
- NoteEditor.php bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.9.1
Functionality Improvements :
Bugs correction
new version 4.9.0 Functionality Improvements :
- Calendar reservation : Room Video and computer + location too
Now you've , four different sort of calendars :
- personal
- group
- room, computer, and video projector
- share calendars
A calendar can have now a description in the case of a resource calendars :
You can see the sort of events in the view :
A resource can be located on the map with event location feature
personview familyview upgrade and optimisation
properties api security options
groups api upgrade
MenuLinks upgrade
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.9.0 Functionality Improvements :
- Calendar reservation : Room Video and computer + location too
Now you've , four different sort of calendars :
- personal
- group
- room, computer, and video projector
- share calendars
A calendar can have now a description in the case of a resource calendars :
You can see the sort of events in the view :
A resource can be located on the map with event location feature
personview familyview upgrade and optimisation
properties api security options
groups api upgrade
MenuLinks upgrade
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.8.0 Functionality Improvements :
- external calendar api upgrade for sabre
- translation upgrade
- calendarV2.php upgrade for the new external api
- public calendar with token
- eventsV2 upgrade (better management of recurence events).
- groups api little upgrade
- Cart delete CRMJsom upgrade with broadcaster/listener upgrade
- Person deletion update for
- PDFLabel.php for CSV files UTF8
- CSVImport upgrade (when no field are added a message is added to the view)
- CSVImport + cart import too
- Calendar upgrade (coherence with color).
- SundaySchoolView GUI improvements : edition mode upgrade
Bugs correction
- SelectDelete.php bug resolution
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.7.6
- new edition mode in SundaySchoolView, real time cart add for each user.
- csv import with add persons to cart
- last footer.js bug update
- re-introduction with the gettext function everywhere
new version 4.7.5
- Sundayschoolview update everything is now in real time and the add of each each user is faster, same with the deletion.
new version 4.7.4 Functionality Improvements :
- Sundayschoolview update :
- New cart button for each students,
- the JS code is now moved to the js file too
- the table is now order by dates too
- The table can be filtered by gender
- everything is rewritten in JS code.
- you can add members (with roles).
- delete members.
- add them to the cart.
- you can now directly click the address, mail, phone numbers and to open the compatible application.
- BADGES : Now the people who are in the cart are directly can be badged
- Now when you add members, you're in edition mode, so all the unusefull part will be removed.
- New cart button for each students,
- SystemConfig : Date format simplifications
- SelectList.js code security
- PersonEditor.php message upgrade (when a family is added)
- Cart protection GDPR
- CartView.php security update
- Documents in PersonView.php reflect only one document.
- GUI : DirectoryReports.php, BackupDatabase.php, UserPasswordChange.php
- CSVCreateFile.php is rewritten.
- Massiv CSVImport.php rewrite
- There's now a mechanism to avoid duplicate name :
- the clear mechanism is rewritten too.
- CSV import for coordinates in family_fam
- UserSetting.php is unusefull because of the user roles, there's no more UserDefault settings, because there's user roles.
- LabelFunction.php is now unusefull
Bugs correction
- FontSelect is now rewritten, there's no more crash.
Inner Beauty
- isSundayShoolTeachForGroup is changed to isSundayShoolTeacherForGroup
Inner Coherence
new version 4.7.5
- Sundayschoolview update everything is now in real time and the add of each each user is faster, same with the deletion.
new version 4.7.4 Functionality Improvements :
- Sundayschoolview update :
- New cart button for each students,
- the JS code is now moved to the js file too
- the table is now order by dates too
- The table can be filtered by gender
- everything is rewritten in JS code.
- you can add members (with roles).
- delete members.
- add them to the cart.
- you can now directly click the address, mail, phone numbers and to open the compatible application.
- BADGES : Now the people who are in the cart are directly can be badged
- Now when you add members, you're in edition mode, so all the unusefull part will be removed.
- New cart button for each students,
- SystemConfig : Date format simplifications
- SelectList.js code security
- PersonEditor.php message upgrade (when a family is added)
- Cart protection GDPR
- CartView.php security update
- Documents in PersonView.php reflect only one document.
- GUI : DirectoryReports.php, BackupDatabase.php, UserPasswordChange.php
- CSVCreateFile.php is rewritten.
- Massiv CSVImport.php rewrite
- There's now a mechanism to avoid duplicate name :
- the clear mechanism is rewritten too.
- CSV import for coordinates in family_fam
- UserSetting.php is unusefull because of the user roles, there's no more UserDefault settings, because there's user roles.
- LabelFunction.php is now unusefull
Bugs correction
- FontSelect is now rewritten, there's no more crash.
Inner Beauty
- isSundayShoolTeachForGroup is changed to isSundayShoolTeacherForGroup
Inner Coherence
new version 4.7.4 Functionality Improvements :
- Sundayschoolview update :
- New cart button for each students,
- the JS code is now moved to the js file too
- the table is now order by dates too
- The table can be filtered by gender
- everything is rewritten in JS code.
- you can add members (with roles).
- delete members.
- add them to the cart.
- you can now directly click the address, mail, phone numbers and to open the compatible application.
- BADGES : Now the people who are in the cart are directly can be badged
- Now when you add members, you're in edition mode, so all the unusefull part will be removed.
- New cart button for each students,
- SystemConfig : Date format simplifications
- SelectList.js code security
- PersonEditor.php message upgrade (when a family is added)
- Cart protection GDPR
- CartView.php security update
- Documents in PersonView.php reflect only one document.
- GUI : DirectoryReports.php, BackupDatabase.php, UserPasswordChange.php
- CSVCreateFile.php is rewritten.
- Massiv CSVImport.php rewrite
- There's now a mechanism to avoid duplicate name :
- the clear mechanism is rewritten too.
- CSV import for coordinates in family_fam
- UserSetting.php is unusefull because of the user roles, there's no more UserDefault settings, because there's user roles.
- LabelFunction.php is now unusefull
Bugs correction
- FontSelect is now rewritten, there's no more crash.
Inner Beauty
- isSundayShoolTeachForGroup is changed to isSundayShoolTeacherForGroup
Inner Coherence
new version 4.7.3 Functionality Improvements :
- Add Badges to CartView.php (now you can create Badges for your team).
- Add the ElectronicPaymentList.php a lack of a translated term
- Badges refactor for the sundayschool too
Bugs correction
- FontSelect is now rewritten, there's no more crash in foreign language.
new version 4.7.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Add the property to the badge.
- Add the ElectronicPaymentList.php and rewrite it in full ORM.
Bugs correction
- PersonView and FamilyView visual bug correction.
Inner Beauty
- Security for the payment api.
- Refactor of the Autopayment table with constraint
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.7.1 Functionality Improvements:
- Add badge type.
new version 4.7.0 Functionality Improvements :
- SelectDelete.php is propeled
- SelectDelete.php updated (it can manage Person or Family pledges)
- PersonEditor optimisation
- User Finance Security update
- Menu Nice color upgrade
- Student badges
- DepositSlipEditor.js coherence
- Now the Family list will view only real families
- Personeditor rewrite in function of SelectDelete (A one person family is now deleted with the Family too).
- Now the PersonEditor.js focus button for the address.
- PersonEditor nice switch from one family to another
- PersonEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- FamilyEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- CartView.php code refactor.
- A one person Family is no more viewed.
- FamilyEditor.php is now completely rewritten.
- self-verify-updates.php localisation
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug PersonEditor.php bug resolution.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
Inner Beauty
- ExpandPhoneNumber is now unusefull
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.7.2 Functionality Improvements :
- Add the property to the badge.
- Add the ElectronicPaymentList.php and rewrite it in full ORM.
Bugs correction
- PersonView and FamilyView visual bug correction.
Inner Beauty
- Security for the payment api.
- Refactor of the Autopayment table with constraint
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.7.1 Functionality Improvements:
- Add badge type.
new version 4.7.0 Functionality Improvements :
- SelectDelete.php is propeled
- SelectDelete.php updated (it can manage Person or Family pledges)
- PersonEditor optimisation
- User Finance Security update
- Menu Nice color upgrade
- Student badges
- DepositSlipEditor.js coherence
- Now the Family list will view only real families
- Personeditor rewrite in function of SelectDelete (A one person family is now deleted with the Family too).
- Now the PersonEditor.js focus button for the address.
- PersonEditor nice switch from one family to another
- PersonEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- FamilyEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- CartView.php code refactor.
- A one person Family is no more viewed.
- FamilyEditor.php is now completely rewritten.
- self-verify-updates.php localisation
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug PersonEditor.php bug resolution.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
Inner Beauty
- ExpandPhoneNumber is now unusefull
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.7.1 Functionality Improvements:
- Add badge type.
new version 4.7.0 Functionality Improvements :
- SelectDelete.php is propeled
- SelectDelete.php updated (it can manage Person or Family pledges)
- PersonEditor optimisation
- User Finance Security update
- Menu Nice color upgrade
- Student badges
- DepositSlipEditor.js coherence
- Now the Family list will view only real families
- Personeditor rewrite in function of SelectDelete (A one person family is now deleted with the Family too).
- Now the PersonEditor.js focus button for the address.
- PersonEditor nice switch from one family to another
- PersonEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- FamilyEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- CartView.php code refactor.
- A one person Family is no more viewed.
- FamilyEditor.php is now completely rewritten.
- self-verify-updates.php localisation
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug PersonEditor.php bug resolution.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
Inner Beauty
- ExpandPhoneNumber is now unusefull
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.7.0 Functionality Improvements :
- SelectDelete.php is propeled
- SelectDelete.php updated (it can manage Person or Family pledges)
- PersonEditor optimisation
- User Finance Security update
- Menu Nice color upgrade
- Student badges
- DepositSlipEditor.js coherence
- Now the Family list will view only real families
- Personeditor rewrite in function of SelectDelete (A one person family is now deleted with the Family too).
- Now the PersonEditor.js focus button for the address.
- PersonEditor nice switch from one family to another
- PersonEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- FamilyEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- CartView.php code refactor.
- A one person Family is no more viewed.
- FamilyEditor.php is now completely rewritten.
- self-verify-updates.php localisation
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug PersonEditor.php bug resolution.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
Inner Beauty
- ExpandPhoneNumber is now unusefull
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.6.2 Functionality Improvements :
- DepositSlipEditor.js coherence
- Now the Family list will view only real families
- SelectDelete.php updated (it can manage Person or Family pledges)
- Personeditor rewrite in function of SelectDelete (A one person family is now deleted with the Family too).
- Now the PersonEditor.js focus button for the address.
- PersonEditor nice switch from one family to another
- PersonEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- FamilyEditor left right code refactor for the custom fields.
- CartView.php code refactor.
- A one person Family is no more viewed.
- FamilyEditor.php is now completely rewritten.
- self-verify-updates.php localisation
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug PersonEditor.php bug resolution.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
new version 4.6.1 Functionality Improvements :
- Menu Links optimisation code.
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug resolution with opened document.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
Inner Beauty
- ExpandPhoneNumber is now unusefull new version 4.6.0 Functionality Improvements :
- Security update : JWT
- First Implementation of JWT authentication.
- Speed optimisation
- CRMJSOM + security update.
- Menu Links Updates.
- Kiosk bug update.
- GroupPersonPropsFormEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php GUI update
- Propeled code OptionManagerRowOps.php optimisation OptionsManager.php
- OptionManager.php is propeled
Bugs correction
Inner Beauty
- sql upgrade to implement PersonCustomMasterQuery and FamilyCustomMasterQuery classes.
Inner Coherence
new version 4.6.1 Functionality Improvements :
- Menu Links optimisation code.
- Propeled code : CartToFamily.php, PropertyTypeDelete.php, CartView.php, DirectoryReports.php is now propeled
- PersonEditor enhancement with address entry
Bugs correction
- bug resolution with opened document.
- bug resolution with DirectoryReport phone numbers.
Inner Beauty
- ExpandPhoneNumber is now unusefull new version 4.6.0 Functionality Improvements :
- Security update : JWT
- First Implementation of JWT authentication.
- Speed optimisation
- CRMJSOM + security update.
- Menu Links Updates.
- Kiosk bug update.
- GroupPersonPropsFormEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php GUI update
- Propeled code OptionManagerRowOps.php optimisation OptionsManager.php
- OptionManager.php is propeled
Bugs correction
Inner Beauty
- sql upgrade to implement PersonCustomMasterQuery and FamilyCustomMasterQuery classes.
Inner Coherence
new version 4.6.0 Functionality Improvements :
- Security update : JWT
- First Implementation of JWT authentication.
- Speed optimisation
- CRMJSOM + security update.
- Menu Links Updates.
- Kiosk bug update.
- GroupPersonPropsFormEditor.php update
- GroupPropsFormEditor.php GUI update
- Propeled code OptionManagerRowOps.php optimisation OptionsManager.php
- OptionManager.php is propeled
Bugs correction
Inner Beauty
- sql upgrade to implement PersonCustomMasterQuery and FamilyCustomMasterQuery classes.
Inner Coherence
New version 4.5.2
Now the FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php + PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php + order is now corrected
More JS code in PersonView, the properties and Volunteer part need no more page reload
new version 4.5.1
Better translations.
Now you can order the Custom Menus items
new version 4.5.0 Functionality Improvements :
- GDPR enhancements.
- The Pastoral care is now searchable.
- The pastoral care is now mentioned on the Main Dashboard.
- UserEditor skin is now saved in the user profile.
- Notification upgrade modification.
- Security in the Webdav server (introduction of UUID directory for each users).
- UserList massive update.
You can apply a role for many users together.
- Enable Features settings.
- Global and Personal Menu Links.
- better translation of the property list and editor.
- coherence with the DataTables
Bugs correction
- bug resolution when you change language to another.
Inner Beauty
- better optimisation of the js code and po code too, everything is now seperated.
- improvements in the number translations.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.5.1
Better translations.
Now you can order the Custom Menus items
new version 4.5.0 Functionality Improvements :
- GDPR enhancements.
- The Pastoral care is now searchable.
- The pastoral care is now mentioned on the Main Dashboard.
- UserEditor skin is now saved in the user profile.
- Notification upgrade modification.
- Security in the Webdav server (introduction of UUID directory for each users).
- UserList massive update.
You can apply a role for many users together.
- Enable Features settings.
- Global and Personal Menu Links.
- better translation of the property list and editor.
- coherence with the DataTables
Bugs correction
- bug resolution when you change language to another.
Inner Beauty
- better optimisation of the js code and po code too, everything is now seperated.
- improvements in the number translations.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.5.0 Functionality Improvements :
- GDPR enhancements.
- The Pastoral care is now searchable.
- The pastoral care is now mentioned on the Main Dashboard.
- UserEditor skin is now saved in the user profile.
- Notification upgrade modification.
- Security in the Webdav server (introduction of UUID directory for each users).
- UserList massive update.
You can apply a role for many users together.
- Enable Features settings.
- Global and Personal Menu Links.
- better translation of the property list and editor.
- coherence with the DataTables
Bugs correction
- bug resolution when you change language to another.
Inner Beauty
- better optimisation of the js code and po code too, everything is now seperated.
- improvements in the number translations.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.4.2
- A bug is corrected with the new Person deactivation function and the Maps.
new version 4.4.1
- The numbers are now fully translated in foreign languages too.
- Localisation with US datatable are now corrected.
new version 4.4.0 Functionality Improvements :
- New full design for the CRM (brand new skin and icons).
- Favicon for iPhone, android etc ...
- New installation process, now everything can be set through the new installer.
- Foreign translation at installation and better translation files, during the installation process.
- Patoral Care : No more WhyCame, it's now Pastoral Care, a full personalisable parts, with a special role Pastoral care in the UserEditor
Now you can add more comments and work with different pastors :
You can see a filter
- It's possible to personalise the type of Pastoral care
So you can follow a person as you want.
Now you can de-activate a person :
- To manage the GDPR and DPO : bGDPR, sGdprDpoSigner, sGdprDpoSignerEmail and iGdprExpirationDate set duration of the datas persistence
- every part is protected in function of GDPR. When you de-activate a person or a family, during the 3 first years, an administrator can reactivate them. After only a dpo can delete or re-activate them. Important : it's impossible for a dpo to delete a person or a family with activated donations.
- MaindashBoard user setting, so you can create a special profile like a full administrator.
- Dashboard improvement
- MailChimp role in SystemSettings + restriction
- SystemConfig refactor
- classification icons are now manage in real time
- Prompt to view the number of groups.
- Better render for printView
- Better toolbar management
- Spanish support : 99% and German support : 98% .
- better support for localized numbers in foreign languages.
- 100% Support of belgium, France, Swiss, Austrelia with the régions, States, provinces, cantons, Bundesland.
- better financial Report, everything is rewritten too.
Bugs correction
- A bug in ChuchMetaData is corrected.
- a bug with the anniversaries and birthdays event is now corrected.
- bug with localisation event in the Calendar.
- bug resolution when you change language to another.
Inner Beauty
- better optimisation of the js code and po code too, everything is now seperated.
Inner Coherence
new version 4.4.1
- The numbers are now fully translated in foreign languages too.
- Localisation with US datatable are now corrected.
new version 4.4.0 Functionality Improvements :
- New full design for the CRM (brand new skin and icons).
- Favicon for iPhone, android etc ...
- New installation process, now everything can be set through the new installer.
- Foreign translation at installation and better translation files, during the installation process.
- Patoral Care : No more WhyCame, it's now Pastoral Care, a full personalisable parts, with a special role Pastoral care in the UserEditor
Now you can add more comments and work with different pastors :
You can see a filter
- It's possible to personalise the type of Pastoral care
So you can follow a person as you want.
Now you can de-activate a person :
- To manage the GDPR and DPO : bGDPR, sGdprDpoSigner, sGdprDpoSignerEmail and iGdprExpirationDate set duration of the datas persistence
- every part is protected in function of GDPR. When you de-activate a person or a family, during the 3 first years, an administrator can reactivate them. After only a dpo can delete or re-activate them. Important : it's impossible for a dpo to delete a person or a family with activated donations.
- MaindashBoard user setting, so you can create a special profile like a full administrator.
- Dashboard improvement
- MailChimp role in SystemSettings + restriction
- SystemConfig refactor
- classification icons are now manage in real time
- Prompt to view the number of groups.
- Better render for printView
- Better toolbar management
- Spanish support : 99% and German support : 98% .
- better support for localized numbers in foreign languages.
- 100% Support of belgium, France, Swiss, Austrelia with the régions, States, provinces, cantons, Bundesland.
- better financial Report, everything is rewritten too.
Bugs correction
- A bug in ChuchMetaData is corrected.
- a bug with the anniversaries and birthdays event is now corrected.
- bug with localisation event in the Calendar.
- bug resolution when you change language to another.
Inner Beauty
- better optimisation of the js code and po code too, everything is now seperated.
Inner Coherence
new version 4.4.0 Functionality Improvements :
- New full design for the CRM (brand new skin and icons).
- Favicon for iPhone, android etc ...
- New installation process, now everything can be set through the new installer.
- Foreign translation at installation and better translation files, during the installation process.
- Patoral Care : No more WhyCame, it's now Pastoral Care, a full personalisable parts, with a special role Pastoral care in the UserEditor
Now you can add more comments and work with different pastors :
You can see a filter
- It's possible to personalise the type of Pastoral care
So you can follow a person as you want.
Now you can de-activate a person :
- To manage the GDPR and DPO : bGDPR, sGdprDpoSigner, sGdprDpoSignerEmail and iGdprExpirationDate set duration of the datas persistence
- every part is protected in function of GDPR. When you de-activate a person or a family, during the 3 first years, an administrator can reactivate them. After only a dpo can delete or re-activate them. Important : it's impossible for a dpo to delete a person or a family with activated donations.
- MaindashBoard user setting, so you can create a special profile like a full administrator.
- Dashboard improvement
- MailChimp role in SystemSettings + restriction
- SystemConfig refactor
- classification icons are now manage in real time
- Prompt to view the number of groups.
- Better render for printView
- Better toolbar management
- Spanish support : 99% and German support : 98% .
- better support for localized numbers in foreign languages.
- 100% Support of belgium, France, Swiss, Austrelia with the régions, States, provinces, cantons, Bundesland.
- better financial Report, everything is rewritten too.
Bugs correction
- A bug in ChuchMetaData is corrected.
- a bug with the anniversaries and birthdays event is now corrected.
- bug with localisation event in the Calendar.
- bug resolution when you change language to another.
Inner Beauty
- better optimisation of the js code and po code too, everything is now seperated.
Inner Coherence
Functionality Improvements :
- The personView is better managed
- Look and feel with email/Dashboard.php
Bugs correction
- A bug in PersonEditor is corrected.
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 4.3.0 Functionality Improvements :
Adding BingMap, OpenStreetMap to the CRM, because of the new GoogleMap prices.
The OptionManager is rewritten.
You can now add your icon for your map and manage theme without any iteraction with GoogleMap.
So the sGMapIcons key in the preferences is no more usefull.
The legend map has now the ability to check/unchek the icons in function of the classification.
The personView too.
- introduction of debug level 0. So now the CRM will send as few as possible error message (in SLIM, Propel, and JS).
Bugs correction
- Bug correction with PersonEditor
- calendar side bar with the eye icon under windows 7.
- calendar exclusion is now corrected.
- A bug correction in the formCustomField is corrected
- Bug resolution with Event location
- A bug with the present option for the calendars is now solved.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php are now redesigned.
- OptionManager.php is rewritten too.
- Now the aSecurityType is now rewritten with a new function.
- popwindow upgrade in the MapUsingGoogle.
- new api for the maps
Inner Coherence
new version 4.2.1 update Functionality Improvements :
A bug correction with the localisation Event.
There's a new Event MenuItem : View Map So you can see the events on the Map :
displayCustomField is now in the OutputUtils EcclesiaCRM part.
Now Group Specific properties for Person are available for a user and can be used as a formular.
Now location events are present everywhere.
The groupView has now a groupReport button.
Group Specific are now translated.
There's now Person Group properties : GroupPersonPropsFormEditor.php
FamilyView and PersonView are now secured in function of bAdmin etc ....
MapUsingGoogle in the info window, when you click the address you open Google Map.
Bugs correction
- displayCustomField.
- Person PersonEditor update.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php are now redesigned.
- OptionManager.php is rewritten too.
- Now the aSecurityType is now rewritten with a new function.
Inner Coherence
new version 4.2.0 Functionality Improvements :
There's a new Event MenuItem : View Map So you can see the events on the Map :
displayCustomField is now in the OutputUtils EcclesiaCRM part.
Now Group Specific properties for Person are available for a user and can be used as a formular.
Now location events are present everywhere.
The groupView has now a groupReport button.
Group Specific are now translated.
There's now Person Group properties : GroupPersonPropsFormEditor.php
FamilyView and PersonView are now secured in function of bAdmin etc ....
MapUsingGoogle in the info window, when you click the address you open Google Map.
Bugs correction
- displayCustomField.
- Person PersonEditor update.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- PersonCustomFieldsEditor.php and FamilyCustomFieldsEditor.php are now redesigned.
- OptionManager.php is rewritten too.
- Now the aSecurityType is now rewritten with a new function.
Inner Coherence
new version 4.1.0 Functionality Improvements :
There's now CKeditor templates for each users. So you can manage all your templates like you want.
The MenuBar is completely rewritten, now the selected menu items are stored and kept opened.
The Groupview is now updated for GroupManagerPerson, a user can be assign to a group to manage member (add/delete), so there's two different method to manage group (Global or local).
specific properties are reintroduce in the GroupView, with all the goodies (real date, text field, date field, etc ...).
Now you can see the specific group properties for each member of the group in the person profile.
The Menu.php display correctly the family and the time in the right format.
For some Notification email, the confirmSigner is the current user.
DataTables are now sortable by dates with foreign languages.
Some constants upgrade sTimeEnglish etc ...
Now you can email directly a person or a family.
The userEditor is updated, only user with email address can have a user account.
Header-function is now full propelled.
Code optimisation for speed.
PersonEditor is rewritten in many direction.
etc ....
Bugs correction
- PersonView minor bug correction.
- Boostrap bug correction with bootbox under Edge and FireFox (shift right of 15px).
- PersonView bug resolution in the dataTable.
- Bug resolution in the CalDAVPDO code.
- PDF_GroupDirectory.php bug correction.
- Bug correction in SystemSettings with system sidebar.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- New GroupManagerPerson to manage only one group.
- New CKEditorTemplates and CKEditorTemplatesQuery to manage the templates.
- GroupMaster has now a real primary key.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
Why a 4.0 version ??? Events/Calendars are real a powerfull new features, 6 000 lines of code have been written.
The huge update is : CalDAV (ie : synchronisation with calendar).
Be carefull, the CalDAV server isn't a MIT licence the WebDAV server too.
Functionality Improvements :
There's a new flag : sTimeZoneSet in the system settings, you've have to set it correctly for the CalDAV Server.
Calendar/events are now completely rewritten, EcclesiaCRM is now a CalDav full server/client. I use sabre technology.
Brand new calendar sidebar with flexible contents.
EcclesiaCRM now manage Personal Calendar, Group Calendar, Share calendar.
The calendar can be shared to other persons in the CRM (with Read-Write or only Read access).
Each user can manage his calendar colors or names, in the case of share calendar or not.
The calendar can be shared inside/outside (with Read-Write access): full vcalendar support.
You can create a calendar outside in Calendar Mac or in Outlook with the right connector, it will appear in the CRM.
You've got real event withs the vcalendar vevent standard support.
A group Manager can create a group and the associated calendar and manage the attendees to the calendar.
The reccurrence events are now manage with the vevent standard fully compatible with external application
The drag and drop is now manage correctly with the new definition Vevent with reccurence or not.
There's now nice icon in each events, so you can easely see if an event is a personal/group/share event.
Everything is designed to manage user calendars, group calendars, share calendars as simple as possible.
A group has automatically a calendar and you can add user to the group and to the calendar too, with read/write access or only read access inside the CRM or outside.
You can visualize your calendars under Calendar, thunderBird, etc ... Under the CRM :
Under the Calendar (you can all the user calendars automatically loaded) :
Under iPhone
The main point you can create a calendar outside of the CRM.
It's possible to add real attendees to a sunday group and to a normal group too.
ListEvent is completely rewritten with propel code and you can add a user with the new js/api directly no more EventEditor.php but the new EventEditor.js code.
Checkin.php is rewritten too, with the EventEditor.js. You can now add an event and make the attendance directly.
The UserEditor.php is now deleted, everything is done with the new js code. For example in the ListEvent.php :
In the calendar, when you chose the Month/Week ... view, the CRM will remind your last choice the next time.
A new button in the Calendar View : Actualize (this give you the choice to synchronize with other Client).
No more bAddEvent flag, everyone can have a calendar : personal etc...
A user who belongs to a sunday group, can create an attendance for his sunday, make attendees, but not modify the event in the calendar View (security), one time it's created, it's impossible to modifiy it.
You've to set the new localisation systemconfig : sTimeZoneSet
Last when you upgrade .... all the events are translated to the new format. The groups are now translated to calendar groups.
Nothing is lost ;-).
Attendees export in CSV and PDF improvements.
Two new flags for the user settings : bExportSundaySchoolCSV, bExportSundaySchoolPDF (So a person can manage the export of the sundayschool attendees, phototobook) and export CSV attendees.
New export attendees for sunday school, it's possible now to export all the attendees classes.
New stats in the sunday school attendees.
CSP update for the youtube
The sidebar will collapse now by default and each user has the ability to chose or not this new feature.
There's two new flags too : bSidebarExpandOnHover, bSidebarCollapse, so a user can manage the behaviour of the sidebar menu.
sCSVExportDelemiter, sCSVExportCharset update : this two parameters are now in the user settings and no more in System settings, each user can manage the CSV export flags.
IE 11 is now fully supported with the CRM. So Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Microsoft Edge and IE 11 are fully supported.
etc .......... etc ......
Bugs correction
- ListEvent,
- MenuEventCount.
- Login.
- One in the user profiles with the semi colon char.
- Directory export with UT8 export format is now corrected.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- Sabre is now inside.
- new api calendarV2/eventsV2.
- A huge schema update for calendars.
- brand new events_event etc ....
- New classes for attendees for the sundayschool.
- Many CSP updates.
- So many Propel classes.
- to many things ...
Inner Coherence
Functionality Improvements :
- The listEvent has now a filter by month.
- A better translation of the mail message when a user share a document to another.
- The GetText.php is bootstraped.
- many files are now rewritten to avoid the use of the session variables.
- Now we've a new textfield to add Person/family/Group to an event : EditEventAttendees.php
- Some translation update too.
Bugs correction
- EventEditor.php : a visual problem is corrected.
- PersonEditor.php : a person can now edit the member of his family again.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
The files are completely rewritten in ORM :
- EventEditor.php
- GetText.php
- ListEvents.php
- ReportList.php
Inner Coherence
new version 3.6.1 Functionality Improvements :
- None
Bugs correction
- With webdav structure in the case you delete a document, when you change the name of a folder it's reflected in the CRM.
- A bug correction for NoteEditor when you cancel the creation of the document.
- A bug correction which could crash the code in NoteEditor.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- None
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
Functionality Improvements : SHARE-DOCUMENT-TIMELINE
A notification is send to the users when a document is shared.
A document can't be modified if it is edited by another user.
the Timeline has now a filter to view only the video, file or normal document.
a new api : sharedocument
Bugs correction
- With webdav structure in the case you delete a document.
- Checkin.php will now work correctly when there's no event in the current week.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- new propel schema and new DB too.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
Functionality Improvements :
- Autopayments and pledges for single user is now supported.
- EcclesiaCRM is now a WebDAV server.
- Full support of WebDav for any user.
- The user now have an internal home folder to store files etc ...
- You can now connect your home folder through the windows or mac or KDE to your account and put files in your home folder with webdav protocol.
- You can add files, like movies, mp3, pDF, png, jpg files and visualise them in your own account too.
- the note manager is updated too to support webDAV and files too, when you move a file in the share home folder, you'll get the modification in the notes.
- New notification for update center.
- The cartview is fully boostraped
- the CartToFamily is fully boostraped
- The calendar is now responsive too.
Bugs correction
- bug corrections with sunday school attendees.
- bug correction in the sundayschoolView charts.
- a bug is corrected in the email notification center.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- new propel schema and new DB too.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 3.4.4 Functionality Improvements
- user profile now incorporate the skin.
- deposit/pledges are refactored and are working correctly for the calulations amounts.
- the deposit export is now translated and is nicer too.
- better pdf export for all the report files.
- family pdf verification is redesigned.
- verify-family-info.php is translated for role, groups, TRUE …
- FamilyView has now a new color codification to make a difference with the PersonView.
Bugs correction
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- new api userprofile, new propel schema and new DB too.
Inner Coherence
Functionality Improvements
Bugs correction
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- new api userprofile, new propel schema and new DB too.
Inner Coherence
Functionality Improvements
- now you can export the attendees for the sunday school as pdf file too.
- the PledgeEditor has a bug correction.
- AutoPaymentEditor is boostraped and propeled.
Bugs correction
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
Functionality Improvements
- an update of the checkin.php The gender is added.
- some terms are now translated too.
- The ListEvent.php reflect now the real count of the person who should be called at the end of the checkout.
- When you delete an event of a repeat event, it will keep the link between events.
- optimisation of the calendar rendering, now only the event of the current month are loaded and rendered.
- resize and move events have now a new dialog box to move one or all the events.
Bugs correction
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
Functionality Improvements
- This update is a huge update (event scheduling + GDPR : security update + refactor of the SelectList).
- All the CRM is refactor for security to be GDPR ready with European laws (GroupView, SundaySchoolDashboard, WhyCameEditor, FamiliyView, PersonView, NoteEditor, etc ...).
- Security upgrade (now the workspace is restricted), a user can only see his group and his family ....
- There is two new constant in the UserEditor: ShowCart and ShowMap (DB upgrade).
- The cart and the map are now showable or not (it's a user configuration).
- Now a normal user has his profile page as main dashboard.
- A normal user can see his personal private datas and family and can't consult the other personal information.
- In the SundaySchoolView there's an export button to list all the events in a range.
- Now with the Calendar, you can delete, make attendance, add attendees directly.
- The EditUser window is refactor too.
- The selectList is rebuild too in bootstrap and work now correctly in foreign language. The code is optimized for speed too.
- Now you can repeat an event in the calendar, drag and drop will work with repeated events.
- etc ...
Bugs correction
- Constraint with events attendees are now real, everything works now with sql constraint for the events event_attendees, etc ...
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- now I use real DB constraint to maintain correctly the DB.
- Some parts of the schema is update with real foreign key.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
3.3.0 Functionality Improvements
- The event are now editable in the Calendar directly.
- All the reports are now translated for the Deposit.
- There is now a note tab in the FamilyView.
- New note type : video, so you can include Youtube video in your notes with iframes.
- The report Directory is translated too.
- Search field for payement is now working correctly.
- Every DataTable in FamilyView are full responsive with + button, the Automatic Payments and the Pledges table and the are in Javascript rewritten, no more reload.
- New api pledges, donationfunds, payments.
- The Deposit is now refactored too.
- Now the Checkin.php has the possibility to add a note at the end and you can check everybody with one button.
- etc ...
Bugs correction
- Bug systemConfig now corrected.
- Bug in deposit is translated.
- Bug in the report corrected.
- Bug in the Event creator corrected.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- Many new propel update
- Many new db upgrade too.
Inner Coherence
- The code is refactor in the api to be the same in every parts
See full changelog here:
new version 3.2.1
Functionality Improvements
- Support of Text Message.
- add the date to the event of Sundayschool.
- add the group in the title of the sundayschool event creator.
- Solve a problem with lands without any state new SystemConfig local variable.
- Report are now right translated and are working.
- Deposit are working too, everything is now fully translated.
- New variable in the localisation part to add the currency.
- Search in deposit is now working right.
- etc ...
Bugs correction
- Bug with the sundayschool report solved.
- Bug in the Cartview SelectList and PersonView.
- Family bug resolution with the deposit
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
new version 3.2.0
Functionality Improvements
- New button in the SundayClassView for making attendance.
- New Checkin.php to check the attendes as easy as possible.
- Brand new calendar add event with attendees with dates etc ...
- Cosmetical Optimisation of the Event window in the calendar
- No more Add event menu item everything is inside the calendar.
- Cart view icon for FamilyView, PersonView and PersonView is now really fully live update and don't anymore the old way. Now we use brodacaster/listener system.
- You can now add the teacher or the Student to the cart separately from the SundaySchollView.
- New management of the events ListEvent,EditEventAttendees, EventEditor,
- New ListEvents.php (you have the real attendees). There's now a checkout button.
- New ListEvents.php statistics mean and sum for the events with attendees.
- ListEvent is brand new too the add event now goes to the calendar.
- Better management of the Attendees on the Main dashboard, when there no attendees the badge is no more visible.
- New Checkin.php you've directly the current user in the case of the you want to checkout.
- Search fields in EditEventAttendees, ListEvents, EditEventAttendees.
- EditEventAttendees has now tel link for the phone numbers.
- EditEventAttendees has now a lots of improvement responsive datable, add group select field and a add member select fiel too.
- EditEventAttendees has a checkout button too.
- UI update for EditEventAttendees, GroupList, ListEvents are now unified.
- No more CartToEvent everything is in JS, it's more flexible and easy to use.
- New buttons for the CKeditor for the Event Window in calendar
- translated EventEditor.
- New CKEditor function.
- New CRM variables.
- etc ... etc ...
Bugs correction
- Bug with the sundayschool report solved.
- bug with Attendees resolution (data constraint resolution).
- bug with register menu resolution.
- bug on the main dashboard resolution with Attendees, it's now reflected the good attendees.
- Bug with the menu Events resolution.
- Bug sundayschool report resolution.
- Bug in the help menu on smartphone.
- Bug correction for events in ListEvents.
- Bug correction in the checkin.php code.
- Bug in PersonEditor corrected.
- Bug with sunday school sub menu.
- Bug with the chart in the sundayschoolview corrected.
- etc ...
Inner Beauty
- optimisation of the JS code, goal : speed
- new way to manage the events with trigger no more loop to manage everything in the CRMSJSOM.js
- the JS code is split and I use trigger to post the update, so the code is real faster.
- The cart is completely rewritten, the code is real faster.
Inner Coherence
See full changelog here:
Happy new year 2018 !!!
Functionality Improvements
- sTimeEnglish for setting the time in event format.
- iPersonAddressStyle to support the export address in foreign format.
- Update sunday school export for long addresses.
- Update PhotoBook for nice output too.
- The custom search is now updated with like sql statement, so You can search in a custom field with Capital or not letter, or the beginning of the text you want to search.
- Timeline localisation.
- New Query Menu with classifications.
- Localisation of the tooltip in system config.
- add the roles student/teacher when a group is changed to a sunday group.
- Many comestical updates (buttons, dropdown etc ...).
- etc ...
- send bug report.
- Event management corrected for french date and everything is written in ORM.
- many bug corrections inside ...
Inner Beauty
- New propel schema update.
- Add Event changes to get the code to work with php 7.1 + ORM (EventAttendQuery, EventNames.php, EditEventTypes.php).
- PersonEditor is now in full ORM code.
- SundaySchoolClassView translation problem + ORM
- So many new code in ORM.
- Update some sql code.
- sql update
Inner Coherence
- A propel schema is now good chosen for the future development.
See full changelog here:
Happy new year 2018 !!!
Functionality Improvements
- New Event Menu item which is a fusion of the calendar and the Events menu.
- New Sunday school menu improvement (now you can personnalise the menu in the group editor).
- GroupeEditor is now refactor too, with nice menu edition.
- Added button remove in the PersonView/GroupView too.
- The Popup search are now improved ...
- Refactor of the GroupView (the datatable, buttons etc ... follow the guide lines).
- PersonView is now fully translated (the datatable, buttons etc ... follow the guide lines).
- Add a new delete cart and CRM persons menuitem.
- A new query menu item : to find all the persons who aren't in a group before the year you mentioned).
- A new query menu item : to find all the persons who are in a group.
- Issue submission is now improved and can be used several times without reloading the page.
- the issue are now send to the new git repo.
- The help books is now available (but in construction).
- The event are now modernise and work in foreign languages.
- Many new files are now in ORM.
- Calendar event filters are reintroduced.
- New sunday school export to pdf.
- etc ...
- send bug report.
- many bug corrections inside.
Inner Beauty
- New propel schema update.
- and so many new things inside.
- No more PropertyAssign.php PropertyUnassign.php.
- brand new properties api.
- Refactor of the code more and more coherence in the code and in the propel code too.
- many things are now in Propel code.
Inner Coherence
- A propel schema is now good chosen for the future development.
See full changelog here:
- separate version number from the name of the CRM
- Menu.php date update localisation
- Add new buttons for the time line
- PrintView image to big is now solved
- Now the report issue on github is operational too with ecclesiacrm.
- Better installer and No more bug with cart status at the installation of ecclesiacrm.
- Automatic logout
- when you try to go back to the website after a logout you're redirected to the logout.
- new website in progress...
- Fix the upgrade from 2.10.3 to 2.10.5 and delete the ChurchCRM code.
- the horrible message at the installation disappear.
- add version number and version name in propel tool
- Support for states per country (US & CA for now)
- New class OutputUtils FormatDate, FormatBirthDate, BirthDate
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Functionality Improvements
- Locale Text updates
- Person timeline now shows when a member was added/removed from a group
- Event was added successfully.
- Better improvement with Firefox and JS
- Delete a member of a group now work perfectly
- the Delete button is now aligned in the PersonEditor
- The time line is now well translated
- Now the project has a new update center
- A new website too
- The project is now called : EcclesiaCRM
- new web site in progress
- new help ballon with the possibility
- I extend the search field I've develop in ChurchCRM : it has the work phone too.
- Now the student/teacher are now everywhere translated
- etc ...
- Fixed Delete Person Group Bug
- Fixed Invalid date when Entering new Family
- Fixed Can't delete Family
- Add Event via Calendar corrected
- Add All People to Cart is fully functional in JS code only
- CKEditor missing css
Inner Beauty
- APIs to Support Country List
- Support for states per country (US & CA for now)
- API Security updates
See full changelog here: