I needed a quick way of outputting XML from an associative array on a few projects -this was the end result. I created this repository for later reference and fellow devs. At the time, It served it's purpose, however I am not actively developing this project -see the Contributing section.
- Download XMLParser from GitHub
- Include into your source:
include 'XMLParser.class.php';
header('Content-type: text/xml');
require_once 'XMLParser.class.php';
use XMLParser\XMLParser;
$data = array(
'First Name'=>'John',
'Last Name'=>'Smith'
'Street'=>'123 Main Street',
$xml = XMLParser::encode( $data , 'response' );
echo $xml->asXML();
Will output:
<response status="success">
<person id="987654321">
<address geo-coded="TRUE" lat="0.0000" lon="-0.0000">
<street>123 Main Street</street>
SimpleXMLElement XMLParser::encode( mixed $data [, string $root] )
Returns: SimpleXMLElement
Array XMLParser::decode( mixed $string )
Returns: Array
Check out the issue tracker, if your issue or feature request has not addressed open a new issue. All pull requests are welcome.
XML parser is distributed under the MIT License -see LICENSE.md