- Interesting characters: , ', ", @, #, !, |, \n, \r, $, `
- Content-type: text/xml, application/xml
- TODO: log unique dns traffic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNQg9mg4WNI 4'37
- 1: Recon
- 1.1: Features
- 1.2: Domains, Ips
- 1.3: Apps (Android, ios)
- 2: plz be optimistic 😢
Weird proxies:
XSS 20 chars: https://jlajara.gitlab.io/web/2019/11/30/XSS_20_characters.html
XSS sinks: https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-web/xss-cross-site-scripting/dom-xss
CRLF bypass: https://blog.innerht.ml/twitter-crlf-injection/
WAF bypass OS command: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/7IIcnFoZuGke8X
Web hardcore vulns (in case I forget): XSLeaks, SSTI, Web cache poison, Prototype pollution, Crypto
IDOR, autorize, autorepeater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K1-a7dnA60
HTTP leaks: https://github.com/cure53/HTTPLeaks
(Blind) SSRF cheatsheet: [email protected]:phvietan/bugbounty-cheatsheet.git
- Auto recon app Drozer: https://github.com/FSecureLABS/drozer
- Sinks: WebView.addJavascriptInterface, WebView.createWebMessageChannel, ... FlowDroid
- APK leak: https://github.com/dwisiswant0/apkleaks
- Recon for company info (slack/any platform invitation leak, opensource github API key leak, etc)
- Recon for DNS stuff
- Check for DOS issues: https://cpdos.org/
- Use money
- Recon for public assets (like hackathon-related assets): sometimes companies run hackathons and give attendees special access to certain API endpoints and/or temporary credentials
- CSRF change body to querystring because may uses @RequestParam
- Look for XSLeaks like window.length
- Look for clickjacking on sensitive content