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Stroppy is a framework for testing various types of databases. It allows you to deploy a cluster in the cloud, run load tests and simulate different failures, such as network unavailability of one of the nodes in the cluster.

To complicate the task for the DBMS, Stroppy may try to deliberately break the DB cluster, because in the real world failures happen much more often than we want. And for horizontally scalable databases this happens even more often, since a larger number of physical nodes gives more points of failure.

At the moment, we have implemented support for FoundationDB, MongoDB, CockroachDB and PostgreSQL (which we use a system-wide measure to compare everything else with). In addition, Stroppy makes it easier to analyze test results since it is integrated with Grafana. After each run it automatically collects an archive with the database metrics, which are scaled by the time of running. Also, you can collect even more statistics with the desired frequency. In particular, Stroppy collects the following data for FoundationDB and MongoDB: for FoundationDB it is the ‘status json’ console command output, and for MongoDB it is the ‘db.serverStatus()’ command output.

Note: This instruction is relevant for use on Ubuntu OS >=18.04 and has not yet been tested on other operating systems.

Main features

  • Deployment of a cluster of virtual machines in the selected cloud via Terraform. Supported options are Yandex.Cloud and Oracle.Cloud.
  • Deployment of a Kubernetes cluster inside a running cluster of virtual machines.
  • Deployment of the selected DBMS in a running cluster.
  • Collecting statistics from Grafana k8s cluster metrics and system metrics of virtual machines (CPU, RAM, storage, etc.).
  • Managing test parameters and the deployment in general - from the number of VMs to the supplied load and managed problems.
  • Running tests on demand from CLI.
  • Logging of the test progress - current and final latency, and RPS.
  • Deleting a cluster of virtual machines.
  • Deployment of multiple clusters from a single local machine with isolated monitoring and a startup console.

Start the Stroppy

For example, we want to check how much load a FoundationDB cluster consisting of 3 nodes with 1 core and 8 GB of RAM per node will withstand, while the cluster will be deployed by the corresponding k8s operator.

Startup options

To test the selected configuration with Stroppy we can go two different ways:

  • Run tests manually.
    • Deploy virtual machines.
    • Deploy k8s cluster and DBMS manually.
    • Build and run a Stroppy pod using the manifest.
    • Attach the database connection file to the pod (if required by the database).
    • Attach the test configuration file to the pod.
    • Start downloading accounts and then test transactions using the commands from Commands.
  • Run tests and deployment automatically.
    • Configure the infrastructure if necessary (or skip this step)
    • Configure test parameters, or pass them as CLI flags at startup.

Next, regardless of the option chosen you need to set the necessary startup options via appropriate command line flags. Also make sure you have prepared the following configuration files.

Terraform parameters

The file third_party/terraform/ is used by terraform to read script variables. Changing the variables in this file will increase or reduce the number of virtual machines, resources allocated to each virtual machine, number of control plane cluster nodes, settings service account, etc.

For example, this configuration will result in a cluster with three kubelet nodes each of which will have 2 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM.

variable "workers_count" {
    type = number
    description = "Yandex Cloud count of workers"
    default = 3

variable "workers_cpu" {
    type = number
    description = "Yandex Cloud cpu in cores per worker"
    default = 2

variable "workers_memory" {
    type = number
    description = "Yandex Cloud memory in GB per worker"
    default = 8

Also, it is not necessary to set parameters in, you can just set environment variables to be read by terraform.

export TF_VAR_workers_count=3
export TF_VAR_workers_cpu=2
export TF_VAR_workers_memory=8

Note: A list of variables can be found in tfvars

The file third_party/terraform/ is a script for creating infrastructure for terraform. Not required. Stroppy can create hcl scripts by itself. But! If during the deployment process, stroppy detects a script, then it will apply exactly it without changing anything in the structure of the script.

Note:: Please note that VMs in Oracle.Cloud, like similar ones, uses processors with multithreading, and k8s, in this case, when evaluating given limits and requests are guided by the number of virtual cores (threads), not physical ones. Therefore, by specifying cpu: 2, we actually got 4 virtual cores, 2 of which we will give to FoundationDB.

Kubespray files

If you wish, you can manage k8s deployment by modifying files for ansible located in the third_party/kubespray directory

Database and infrastructure manifests

The third_party/extra/manifests directory contains manifests for k8s which will be used in the deployment process. You can change them if you wish.

The manifests for deploying the databases under test are located in the directory third_party/extra/manifests/databases.

Test configuration

The file third_party/tests/test_config.json contains parameters for database tests. An example file is below. The name and purpose of the parameters is the same as the parameters to run tests from the Commands section.

  "log_level": "info", 
  "banRangeMultiplier": 1.1,
  "database_type": [ 
  "cmd": [
      "pop": { // block with pop test configuration
        "count": 5000 
      "pay": { // block with pay test configuration
        "count": 100000, 
        "zipfian": false, 
        "oracle": false, 
        "check": true 

Note: The file is optional, and will only be used by Stroppy if some parameters differ from the default settings.

Run tests

After we (if necessary) set the configuration infrastructure, modified database manifests, edited test parameters, we need to choose how exactly we want to run Stroppy itself.

Stroppy in docker

  1. Run the ready-made docker image with the client Stroppy
docker run -it
  1. We set the necessary terraform for access to the cloud of our choice for creation of infrastructure.
  • yandex
  • oracle
  1. Run Stroppy with parameters for the database under test
stroppy deploy --cloud yandex --dbtype fdb

Build from source

  1. Clone our repository to the local machine:
git clone
  1. Install FoundationDB client
curl -fLO
sudo dpkg -i foundationdb-clients_7.1.25-1_amd64.deb
  1. Install Ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python ansible
  1. Install Terraform
  • Add Hashicorp GPG key
wget -O- | \
    gpg --dearmor | \
    sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
  • Add Hashicorp repo
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) main" | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
  • Update apt cache and install Terraform
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y terraform
  1. Go to the directory with Stroppy and install the dependencies for the correct work of Kubespray.
cd stroppy
python3 -m venv stroppy
source stroppy/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -f third_party/kubespray/requirements.txt
  1. Install kubectl.
curl -fsLO
sudo chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl
  1. Run Stroppy build.
sudo go build -o /usr/bin/stroppy ./cmd/stroppy
  1. Run Stroppy with testing database parameters.
stroppy deploy --cloud yandex --dbtype fdb

Stroppy deploy

Regardless of whether we run Stroppy in Docker or build locally from sources, the arguments that we can pass at startup are the same. For example:

stroppy deploy --cloud yandex --dbtype fdb
stroppy deploy --cloud oracle --dbtype fdb

Note: A description of the command keys can be found in the Commands section.

In order to deploy a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud infrastructure, we need the following files in the project root directory:


  • Private and public keys. Be sure to name them like id_rsa and to avoid problems. You can create keys with the ssh-keygen -b 4096 -f id_rsa command.
  • A file with credentials and attributes for accessing the cloud. It's better to name it, for guaranteed compatibility.

Oracle Cloud:

  • The private_key.pem provate key. This key must be obtained using the provider's web interface.

After filling the console with a certain amount of debugging information for about 10-20 minutes, the result of the command execution should looke like this:

Started ssh tunnel for kubernetes cluster and port-forward for monitoring.
To access Grafana use address localhost:3000.
To access to kubernetes cluster in cloud use address localhost:6443.
Enter "quit" or "exit" to exit Stroppy and destroy cluster.
Enter "pop" to start populating deployed DB with accounts.
Enter "pay" to start transfers test in deployed DB.
To use kubectl for access kubernetes cluster in another console
execute command for set environment variables KUBECONFIG before using:
"export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/config"

The > prompt string means that the deployment of infrastructure, monitoring and database was successful. Our cluster is ready for testing. Below the message you'll find a command prompt where you can inpout some commands. To start the accounts loading test, enter the pop command and wait for its execution to complete. The result of a successful run looks roughly like this:

[Nov 17 15:23:07.334] Done 10000 accounts, 0 errors, 16171 duplicates 
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] dummy chaos successfully stopped             
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Total time: 21.378s, 467 t/sec               
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Latency min/max/avg: 0.009s/0.612s/0.099s    
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Latency 95/99/99.9%: 0.187s/0.257s/0.258s    
[Nov 17 15:23:07.344] Calculating the total balance...             
[Nov 17 15:23:07.384] Persisting the total balance...              
[Nov 17 15:23:07.494] Total balance: 4990437743 

After pop is complete, we will return to the command prompt, which means that it's now time to enter the pay command and start the transaction test. The pay test will run using the parameters we set at the configuration stage in the test_config.json file, or with the arguments that were provided for the deploy command. The result of a successful run looks roughly like this:

[Nov 17 15:23:07.334] Done 10000 accounts, 0 errors, 16171 duplicates 
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] dummy chaos successfully stopped             
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Total time: 21.378s, 467 t/sec               
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Latency min/max/avg: 0.009s/0.612s/0.099s    
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Latency 95/99/99.9%: 0.187s/0.257s/0.258s    
[Nov 17 15:23:07.344] Calculating the total balance...             
[Nov 17 15:23:07.384] Persisting the total balance...              
[Nov 17 15:23:07.494] Total balance: 4990437743 

Note: The ports used in the interactive mode (the one where Stroppy is waiting for the next command) are the default ports to access monitoring (3000) and the k8s cluster API (6443). Because Stroppy supports deployment of multiple clusters on one local machine, then the ports for clusters launched after the first one will be incremented.

Note: For the FoundationDB test case that we planned to perform after successful deployment, you'll need to do a few manual manipulations as described in paragraph 2 of the "Special notice" section.

Test results

The commands that we mentioned above will generate several new files in the current directory, which is supposedly the root directory of our configuration set. Here is an example:

pop_test_run_2021-10-15T16:09:51+04:00.log - file with pop test logs. pay_test_run_2021-10-15T16:10:46+04:00.log - file with pay test logs.
fdb_pop_5000_1.1_zipfian_false_2021-10-15T16_10_46.tar.gz - archive with pop test metrics. fdb_pay_5000_1.1_zipfian_false_2021-10-15T16_10_46.tar.gz - archive with pay test metrics.

If you don't get dropped into the command promt but get an error, which does not go away after multiple (but no more than 3) restart attempts, then we encourage you to file an issue in and provide a detailed description of the error. You can always start the test once again by consequently executing pop and then pay.

A retry attempt is idempotent for VM cluster and K8S cluster, so that it will not create any new VMs or another Kubernetes cluster.

Note Stroppy is not yet guaranteed to be idempotent to a deployed DBMS. This behavior is explicitly preserved for fixing database configuration errors without redeploying the entire cluster.

Deploy Stroppy in Minikube

Stroppy supports running in Minikube, which is useful for local testing and trying out new features.

Environment preparation

  1. Install Minikube.
curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo install minikube /usr/local/bin/
minikube version
  1. Install kubectl
curl -fsLO
sudo chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl
  1. Configure Minikube.
minikube config set memory 6144
minikube config set cpus 4
  1. Run Minikube.
minikube start

Building Stroppy

  1. Clone Stroppy repository and build.
git clone && cd stroppy
make all
  1. Deploy Stroppy and Postgres.
kubectl apply -f third_party/extra/manifests/stroppy/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -r -f third_party/extra/manifests/databases/postgres
  1. Check how the cluster has running, whether all the pods have switched to the Running state.
minikube status && kubectl get pods && kubectl cluster-info

If everything is fine and the cluster works as it should, you will see something like this:

type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
acid-postgres-cluster-0             1/1     Running   0          15m
acid-postgres-cluster-1             1/1     Running   0          14m
acid-postgres-cluster-2             1/1     Running   0          14m
postgres-operator-c8d5c8649-jqlbf   1/1     Running   0          16m
stroppy-client                      1/1     Running   0          16m
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

Use the 'kubectl cluster-info dump' command for further debug and diagnostics.
  1. Connect to the Stroppy pod.
kubectl exec --stdin --tty stroppy-client -- /bin/bash
  1. Run tests.
stroppy pop --url postgres://stroppy:stroppy@acid-postgres-cluster/stroppy?sslmode=disable --count 5000 --run-type client --kube-master-addr=  --dir .
stroppy pay --url postgres://stroppy:stroppy@acid-postgres-cluster/stroppy?sslmode=disable --check --count=100000 --run-type client --kube-master-addr=  --dir .


We recommend exploring the available options and arguments in order to use Stroppy more efficiently.

Basic options

run-type - defines the Stroppy startup type. If you do not need to deploy an infrastructure, feel free to omit this option. Otherwise provide the client value to run Stroppy as a client, Provide local to run integration tests.

log-level - defines the logging level. Supported values are trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic.

dbtype - the type of the DB being tested. Supported values are postgres (PostgreSQL), fdb (FoundationDB), mongodb (MongoDB), cockroach (cockroach), ydb (YandexDB).

url - provide a connection string for the DB.

Deploy options

cloud - cloud provider name. So far the supported values are yandex and oracle.
dir - configuration files directory. By default it is the current directory.

Example of running a cluster deployment in the cloud:

stroppy deploy --cloud oracle --dir . --log-level debug

Basic pop and pay keys

count, n - number of loaded accounts, default is 100000;

workers, w - number of load workers (goroutine threads), by default is 4 * runtime.NumCPU();

banRangeMultiplier, r - the BIC/BAN ratio used during the generation proces (more below);

stat-interval, s - statistics collection interval, default is 10 seconds;

pool-size - the size of the database connection pool. Applies to PostgreSQL, MongoDB and CockroachDB. If the argument is not provided, then the pool size is equal to the number of workers. For PostgreSQL and CockroachDB, the pool size can also be set via the max_pool_size argument in the connection string. In such case, the pool-size argument is ignored.

Important note:

banRangeMultiplier (also reffered to as brm) is a number that determines the ratio of BAN (Bank Identification Number) to BIC (Bank Identification Code). The number of bits generated is approximately equal to the square root of the number of accounts (the count parameter). The number of BANs is calculated by the following formula: Nban = (Nbic *brm)/square(count). If Nban* Nbic > count, then we generate more combinations (BIC, BAN) than we saved during the database seeding process (this is achieved if brm > 1). The recommended range for brm is 1.01 to 1.1. Larger values reduce the number of not found occurrences during the transaction test, but also produce more duplicates at the accounts downloading stage. The default value for the banRangeMultiplier parameter is 1.1.

An example command to run an accounts download test:

stroppy pop --run-type client --url fdb.cluster --count 5000 --w 512 --dbtype=fdb

Additional options for the pop command: sharded - enables sharding when creating a data schema. Relevant only for MongoDB, the default is false.

An example command to run a transaction test:

stroppy pay --run-type client --url fdb.cluster --check --count=100000

Additional options for the pay command: zipfian - enables data distribution according to the Zipf law, the default is false. oracle - enables internal checking of transactions. Not used so far, but reserved for compatibility with oracle. check - enables checking test results. The check implies comparing the total account balance after the test with the saved total balance after the account loading test. The default is true.

Basic chaos test keys

kube-master-addr - internal IP address of the deployed master node in the Kubernetes cluster. chaos-parameter - filenames of chaos-mesh scripts located in folder deploy/databases/name of DBMS under test/chaos. Specified without the .yaml extension.

Test scenario

In order to be able to check how the correctness of the manager transactions and its performance, the load test simulates a series of bank money transfers between accounts. The key idea that makes this test is useful for checking data integrity without resorting to oracle (that is, without comparison with the canonical result), is that no money transfers can change the total balance of all accounts. Thus, the test consists of three main stages:

  1. Loading accounts. The total balance is calculated and saved separately as canonical/expected result.

To create records, a self-written generator is used, which over time can produce duplicates within the test. But inserting bills implemented in such a way that only unique records are stored in the database and the number of successfully loaded records matched the specified number.

  1. A series of money transfers between accounts. Transfers run in parallel and can use the same source or destination account.

  2. Calculation of the total balance of accounts and its comparison with the total balance, received at the stage of loading accounts.

Below are few examples of logs that indicate the successful completion of various tests.

Accounts loading test:

[Nov 17 15:23:07.334] Done 10000 accounts, 0 errors, 16171 duplicates 
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] dummy chaos successfully stopped             
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Total time: 21.378s, 467 t/sec               
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Latency min/max/avg: 0.009s/0.612s/0.099s    
[Nov 17 15:23:07.342] Latency 95/99/99.9%: 0.187s/0.257s/0.258s    
[Nov 17 15:23:07.344] Calculating the total balance...             
[Nov 17 15:23:07.384] Persisting the total balance...              
[Nov 17 15:23:07.494] Total balance: 4990437743 

Transaction test:

[Oct 15 16:11:12.872] Total time: 26.486s, 377 t/sec             
[Oct 15 16:11:12.872] Latency min/max/avg: 0.001s/6.442s/0.314s    
[Oct 15 16:11:12.872] Latency 95/99/99.9%: 0.575s/3.268s/6.407s    
[Oct 15 16:11:12.872] dummy chaos successfully stopped             
[Oct 15 16:11:12.872] Errors: 0, Retries: 0, Recoveries: 0, Not found: 1756, Overdraft: 49 
[Oct 15 16:11:12.872] Calculating the total balance...             
[Oct 15 16:11:12.922] Final balance: 4930494048 

Example of the final balance disrepancy:

Calculating the total balance...             
Check balance mismatch:
before: 748385757108.0000000000
after:  4999928088923.9300000000

While running tests, Stroppy workers may encounter various errors due to infrastructure problems or issues with the DBMS state. To retain the manageability of the test or debug run, Stroppy can handle certain errors provided they are listed and described in a special pool of errors. If so, Stroppy temporarily stops the faulty worker for a small period of time (up to 10 ms), increments the Retries (the number of repetitions) counter and repeats the operation with newly generated account. The pool of known errors consists of both general errors and errors specific to the DBMS being tested. Learn more about the error pool by referring to the payload package. If the worker receives an error that is not in the pool, it stops itself, outputs the fatal error to the log, and increments the Errors counter.

Also Stroppy has got some extra internal counters for 'logical' errors that are considered acceptable and treated as warnings. These errors are counted and stored apart from the general list of operations. Namely, they are:

duplicates - number of operations that received a data duplication error. Relevant for the accounts loading test.

Not found - number of operations finished with an error as the record with the transferred accounts was not found in the database. Relevant for the transaction test.

Overdraft - number of operations finished with an error as the balance of the source account is insufficient for the transfer with the transferred amount. That said, Stroppy will not perform a transfer that can render the source account balance negative.

The Data model

Using the example of PostgreSQL:

Table Column Value and data type
account bic account BIC, TEXT
ban account BAN, TEXT
balance account balance, DECIMAL
transfers transfer_id transfer id, UUID
src_bic source account BIC, TEXT
src_ban source account BAN, TEXT
dst_bic destination account BIC, TEXT
dst_ban destination account BAN, TEXT
amount transfer amount, DECIMAL
checksum name name for saving of total balance, TEXT
amount value of total balance, DECIMAL
settings key setting parameter name, TEXT
value setting parameter value, TEXT

The primary key of the accounts table is a pair of BIC and BAN values. The transfers table has transfer_id as its primary key (the value is generated by the package). A similar data model is used for other DBMS with applicable adjustments. Also it's worth noting that the transaction method used for PostgreSQL and MongoDB supports lock order management in order to exclude deadlocks. This mechanism implies lexicographic comparison of BIC and BAN pairs for source and recipient accounts.

Managed Faults

Managed faults in Stroppy are implemented with chaos-mesh, a Chaos test management solution, which emulates bugs at every layer of the Kubernetes system.

An example of running a test using the chaos-mesh script:

stroppy pay --run-type client --url fdb.cluster --check --count=100000 --kube-master-addr= --chaos-parameter=fdb-cont-kill-first

Special notice

  1. Below are some differences in launching between Oracle.Cloud and Yandex.Cloud:
  • to deploy three worker machines and one master to Yandex.Cloud, specify nodes=3, while with Oracle.Cloud it should be nodes=4. I.e. deploying to Oracle.Cloud means that the master is counted as a regular node, while is taken into account in the number of nodes created, in the case of Yandex.Cloud takes care of creating the master by default.

  • there is an additional step in the Oracle.Cloud deployment - mounting individual network storages using the iSCSI protocol. Yandex.Cloud uses local virtual machine disks.

Note: Oracle.Cloud has a quirk, ther origins of which hasn't been discovered yet: when manually deleting a cluster via the GUI, you must explicitly remove block volumes in the relevant section. They will NOT get removed automatically when deleting a cluster!

  1. To run FoundationDB tests, you must first copy the fdb.cluster file located in /var/dynamic-conf of the sample-cluster-client pod (the pod name may have an additional alphanumeric postfix) into the /root/ directory inside the Stroppy-client pod. This is required to access the cluster and, at the moment, not yet automated.

  2. An archive with monitoring graphs is created on the local machine in monitoring/grafana-on-premise inside the directory with configuration files. Average archive creation time is 30 minutes (more for Yandex, less for Oracle). The archive is created after the tests are completed.

  3. The status json statistics for FoundationDB are stored in a file inside the Stroppy pod in the k8s cluster, specifically in the /root/ directory. The name of the file is generated using the status_json_<statistics_collection_start_time>.json. Statistics collection starts before the test and ends when it is completed. So far the statistics collection is implemented only for FoundationDB, but we plan to support other DBMS in the future as well. The statistics files are stored inside the Stroppy pod, therefore you'll likely need to manually copy it to the host machine as that is not automated yet.

  4. To deploy multiple clusters in the cloud from one local machine, it is recommended that you make multiple copies of the Stroppy repository, each with its own directory for configuration files. This will avoid overlaps and maintain flexible cluster management.