Start sass autocompile in resources/public/scss:
$ gulp sass:watch
- optimized build
- testing
- hierarchical facets
Log-driven architecture: split pure / impure and log pure
GraphQL / Datomic pull syntax / JSONGraph,Falcor for small-grained resources
REST is for large grained resources
static methods in protocols ?
datadriven endpoints
sourcemapped stacktraces don’t work in nashorn repl ? (stacktrace is not a vector but a list ?)
- fix bindings in repl for M-r (search backwards in history), these are now bound to paredit (rebound to C-S instead)
- weasel doesn’t resolve clojure / clojurescript symbols outside of the core namespace ? Something to do with it resetting loaded-libs (IN, needs compiler env and bootstrapped core lib, so compiler env is initialized with the cljs.core namespace)
- “loading: out/goog/undefined” when using js/goog.require from the repl IN: from double -setup invocation using piggieback (nashorn_load seems to work). Make a custom nashorn-repl which can load a setup file ?
- compile cljs.core from scratch (see cljs/repl/node.clj) IN
- figwheel for Nashorn / node (node is already done, Nashorn needs websocket client/server? bindings to JSR-356)
- translation library does not work outside of the DOM
- implement setTimeOut/setInterval using java.util libs (threading issues ?)
- WebSocket IN
- setTimeout / setInterval (partly works, problems with figwheel.client/load-plugins (hangs ?))
- Eventloop for the above to work properly: “engine.runLater(Runnable). ScriptEngine thread which reads runnables from an input channel and puts their results on an output channel. eval() is overloaded to put its Runnable on the input queue and read the output this it sees the result. runLater access this channel also.
var socket = new Websocket(uri, [protocols]);
socket.send socket.close
socket.onmesssage = function(msg) {…} socket.onopen … socket.onclose socket.onerror
- load-js-file should become part of repl-env api ? (use CLOSURE_LOAD_SCRIPT otherwise, reference in Davids code not correct (not js/goog.require…)
- remove output-to option
- give repl-env init example (with with-compiler-env enabled).
- silk “routes are data”, but not when introducing silk/*** matchers (become vectors with functions) ?
Presenteer met live repl, state changes etc. (zie chestnut). Rerender op javascript reload ? (figwheel)
(Zie Jeanine Adkissons, “variants are not unions”)
- autocomplete on solr words in dropdown ?
Add figwheel instructions in README.txt (IN) Add production mode Add i18n for facets. (IN)
- make dataflow structure more clear in code / modules: handlers manipulating state (business logic) => render from state.
- app state => render / do backend query using the same state (see staging func) seems kludgy. Render facets entirely from the solr response and render from that. Search using a derived map ? Detect currently selected facet.
- render from nested cursor / reference cursors / immutable map
- createClass(spec) => createFactory(class-or-html-element-string)
- props: immutable, passed down from parent (which might compute them from its own props or state). When they change, re-render the root (preferred) or use setProps.
- state: mutable by setState, local to component, encapsulate changens made by user interaction.
- Om builds the react component hierarchy, with om/build* at the center:
(build f cursor)
- (pure-spec is a react class spec which delegates to its children.)
- creates a new instance of (createFactory(createClass(pure-spec))
- adds the invocation of the f building function (which answers at least an IRender) to the children props of 1. (So Om adds an additional level to the React (but not the DOM) hierarchy). The (children) function sets this property lazily with the result of this invocation, because the react owner must be created first. This happens at the first invocation of the lifecycle methods.
- returns the result of 1., which is a ReactElement, to be used in React.render etc.
Cursors are part of the props of the underlying react components.
- only when a map / index access of a cursor gives a new map / vector do you get a new cursor, else a value.
- om/build now also takes values instead of a cursor into the appstate, to make read-only components
- looking up a key in a MapCursor does an automatic deref of the resulting derived cursor (because of the check macro), so when is the derived actually used ? No way to get at / create this intermediate cursor yourself ? Cursors are only available in the arg list of a build function, (when not destructured), or via get-props
- Because the build function is called on every render, the render method get new lexical bindings when the global
state changes, even if the state is de-structured in the build function arguments:
(build-fn [{a :a} owner opts] (om/component (dom/h1 nil a))) ; value of a is fixed (deref-ed using a derived map cursor into the cursor of the component) for every invocation of build-fn. the reified instance is thrown away after each render)
- facet lists with paging: how to update the child value list when the parent’s local state page changes without making the page part of the facet state. No way to get at the owner component of a child ?
- Making foundation reveal (modals) work with react, assumes a static page, doesn’t reattach handlers after the dom is modified ? (IN, see util.cljs)
- om/build answers the react descriptor (from createClass()) (which can be fed to renderComponent()). The “owner” which get passed to build function is the actual react component (or rather a proxy), supports the get-state/set-state protocol.
- om/refresh! does not work with the result of (om/build f …), needs the owner argument passed to f (e.g. the value of props.children)
- fix switch between short / long documents lists (at the end of pagination). Update dom problem ? (IN, un-escaped html in the highlighting)
- facets are re-rendered when selecting a document.
- IDidMount (invoked first time) / IDidUpdate (not invoked first time, which is not considered an update)
- react silently strips out nested forms (happens when embedding reveals into a form), goes wrong when nesting
happens using a reveal modal (which has a new component root
- accidently rendering a map cursor (not deref-ed) will cause a stack overflow in react while it traverses the component hierarchy.
- see
- :where clauses of the form [?e ?a ?v] (queries against facts) are special, only work agains DB
instances with Datoms.
- using custom functions: pass these via the :in clause and call with (?f
- query against Datascript transaction logs ?