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Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for Python


  • URL

    • RTMP推流地址: rtmp_publish_url(domain, hub, key, mac, expire_after_seconds)
    • RTMP直播地址: rtmp_play_url(domain, hub, key)
    • HLS直播地址: hls_play_url(domain, hub, key)
    • HDL直播地址: hdl_play_url(domain, hub, key)
    • 直播封面地址: snapshot_play_url(domain, hub, key)
  • Hub

    • 创建流: hub.create(key)
    • 获得流: hub.get(key)
    • 列出流: hub.list(prefix, limit, marker, liveonly)
    • 批量查询直播状态: hub.batch_live_status(streams)
  • Stream

    • 流信息: stream.refresh()
    • 禁用流: stream.disable(till)
    • 启用流: stream.enable()
    • 查询直播状态: stream.status()
    • 保存直播回放: stream.saveas(start, end, options)
    • 保存直播截图: stream.snapshot(options)
    • 更改流的实时转码规格: stream.update_converts(profiles)
    • 查询直播历史: stream.history(start, end)



before next step, install git.

# install latest version
$ pip install pili2



import pili

access_key = "<QINIU ACCESS KEY>" # 替换成自己 Qiniu 账号的 AccessKey
secret_key = "<QINIU SECRET KEY>" # 替换成自己 Qiniu 账号的 SecretKey
hub_name = "<PILI HUB NAME>" # Hub 必须事先存在

mac = pili.Mac(AccessKey, SecretKey)
client = pili.Client(mac)
# ...


Generate RTMP publish URL

print "RTMP publish URL:"
print pili.rtmp_publish_url("", hub_name, "streamtitle", mac, 60)
# rtmp://

Generate RTMP play URL

print "RTMP play URL:"
print pili.rtmp_play_url("", hub_name, "streamtitle")
# rtmp://

Generate HLS play URL

print "HLS live URL:"
print pili.hls_play_url("", hub_name, "streamtitle")

Generate HDL play URL

print "HDL live URL:"
print pili.hdl_play_url("", hub_name, "streamtitle")

Generate Snapshot play URL

print "snapshot URL:"
print pili.snapshot_play_url("", hub_name, "streamtitle")


Instantiate a Pili Hub object

mac = pili.Mac(AccessKey, SecretKey)
client = pili.Client(mac)
hub = client.hub("PiliSDKTest")

Create a new Stream

stream = hub.create(stream_title1)
print "create stream:"
print stream
# {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream29479963631_1"}

Get a Stream

print "get stream:"
stream = hub.get(stream_title1)
print stream
# {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream29479963631_1"}

List Streams

print "list streams:"
print hub.list(prefix=stream_pre, limit=2)
# {u'marker': u'2', u'items': [{u'key': u'stream23057608792_3'}, {u'key': u'stream23057608792_2'}]}

List live Streams

print "list live streams:"
print hub.list(liveonly=True)
# {u'marker': u'', u'items': [{u'key': u'test1'}]}

Batch query live status

print "batch query live streams:",
print hub.batch_live_status(["test1", "test2"])
# [{u'key': u'test1', u'clientIP': u'', u'startAt': 1488377320, u'bps': 662200, u'fps': {u'data': 0, u'audio': 47, u'video': 25}}]


Get Stream info

print "get stream info:"
stream = hub.get(stream_title1)
print stream.refresh()
# {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream23057608792_1"}

Disable a Stream

stream = hub.get(stream_title1)
print "before disable:", stream, stream.disabled()
stream.disable(int(time.time()) + 5)
print "after call disable:", stream.refresh(), stream.disabled()
print "after sleep 5 seconds:", stream.refresh(), stream.disabled()

# before disable: {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream23126041129_1"} False
# after call disable: {"disabledTill": 1488378022, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream23126041129_1"} True
# after sleep 5 seconds: {"disabledTill": 1488378022, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream23126041129_1"} False

Enable a Stream

stream = hub.get(stream_title1)
print "before enable:", stream.refresh(), stream.disabled()
print "after enable:", stream.refresh(), stream.disabled()
# before enable: {"disabledTill": -1, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream23126041129_1"} True
# after enable: {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream23126041129_1"} False

Get Stream live status

stream = hub.get("test1")
print "query stream live status:"
print stream.status()
# {u'clientIP': u'', u'startAt': 1488359924, u'bps': 672712, u'fps': {u'data': 0, u'audio': 47, u'video': 25}}

Save Stream live playback

now = int(time.time())
print "save stream playback:"
print stream.saveas(start_second=now-300, fname="test1.m3u8")
# {u'fname': u'test1.m3u8'}

Save Stream snapshot

print "save stream snapshot:"
print stream.snapshot(fname="test1.jpg")
# {u'fname': u'test1.jpg'}

Update Stream Converts

stream = hub.get(stream_title1)
print "before update converts:", stream.refresh()
stream.update_converts(["480p", "720p"])

print "after update converts:", stream.refresh()
# before update converts: {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": [], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream24038673998_1"}
# after update converts: {"disabledTill": 0, "converts": ["480p", "720p"], "hub": "PiliSDKTest", "key": "stream24038673998_1"}

Get Stream history activity

now = int(time.time())
print "get publish history:"
print stream.history(start_second=now-86400)
# [{u'start': 1488359927, u'end': 1488367483}, {u'start': 1488348110, u'end': 1488358759}, {u'start': 1488338678, u'end': 1488340383}, {u'start': 1488333270, u'end': 1488337953}, {u'start': 1488282646, u'end': 1488288321}]